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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51365415 No.51365415 [Reply] [Original]

You are missing out one of the largest wealth transfer in history If you don't own at least one ETH node

>> No.51365425

How much will 1 eth be worth?
>t. Has 1 eth

>> No.51365448

Exactly one half of a Bitcoin.

>> No.51365468
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According to whom lmao

>> No.51365492

Nonsense. 1 ETH will be enough to set you for life.

>> No.51365502

You only need 0.1eth to retire lmao

>> No.51365505


>> No.51365507


>> No.51365566

tfw I got super lucky when I first started investing and made 25k from $1200 and immediately bought 32 ethereum with it
tfw I sold the ethereum to long oil and lost it all

>> No.51365589

>unlimited supply

>> No.51365614
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the largest transfer of wealth in history is almost entirely over. if you haven't felt the effect of the last decade, you won't notice the next.

>> No.51365734

Do I look like a fucking mathematician over here holy shit

>> No.51366032

I've been running a validator for about a year. It's accrued about 1.8 eth so far. Feels comfy

>> No.51366035


where did you stake and how much did you stake?

>> No.51366061

take the market cap of every bank, all precious metals, and every financial derivative product in the world. that will be the ETH market cap in 2030 after the great reset.

>> No.51366067

I have a validator hosted through allnodes. 32 eth for that.
I also stake a bit on coinbase.

>> No.51366093


>> No.51366119

>there are 2500 billionaires
Shit, I would say there would only be a tenth of that.
Millionaires will be the working poors in 30 years at this pace.

>> No.51366128

Here we fucking go again with all the shit about MUH MILLION DOLLARS

This reminds me of Bitcoin maxi posters in 2021

>> No.51366154

>only be a tenth of that
there's probably more like 3,000+ now, that's a year out of date.
>Millionaires will be the working poors in 30 years
already are when you have to tie up your entire worth in property. traditional "millionaire" status probably starts at $3,000,000-5,000,000 these days.

>> No.51366170

C'mon man, pass the hopeioids

>> No.51366249

They are paper billionaires and millionaires.
How much cash do you think they have...

>> No.51366266

At ~15k eth the ethereum network becomes more valuable than the most valuable public company

>> No.51366280

ETH will be 15k but so will a tank of gas for your honda and the biggest public company will be worth tens of quadrillions

>> No.51366288

Yes. You need to compare ETHs potential market cap to USD, not something paltry like a company.

>> No.51366302

Cope faggot. 1 ETH will be enough to buy you a lambo and keep it gassed up and maintained for life.

>> No.51366303

cash is for the poor

>> No.51366313

ethereum is basically gunning to be the largest tech company/infrastructure provider. it's not money, and ultimately no amount of tweaking the protocol is going to make it money, so that's a comparison that's detached from reality.

>> No.51366316

U failed retard school, didn’t u

>> No.51366348

Cope. Ethereum is everything bitcoin is and more.
Oh no are you already priced out of a measly 1 ETH? Sad to say but you're ngmi anon.

>> No.51366350

Eth isn't a company and it isn't money. Ether is fuel for a decentralized worldwide virtual machine.

>> No.51366369

i'm betting you own very little (<200k) worth of eth, it's always those guys that actually buy this narrative that 1) ethereum is going to eat every vertical and 2) all that value is somehow going to flow into eth, despite that already not being the case for this cycle. it might have significant room to grow, but a fundamental shift is necessary for it to start accruing value based on on-chain value. oh, and by definition it's not "everything bitcoin is and more", that's just late adopter cope, because if that was actualy possible ethereum would have had it's lunch eaten by the next wave of new products.

>> No.51366388

You mean solana

>> No.51366393
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>> No.51366404

i accept your concession.

>> No.51366442

Start working on accepting the fact that you're never gonna make it. Get some kneepads now, you'll need them.

>> No.51366498

i'm already exceedingly wealthy though both, so i don't need to dream up stories about fantastical prices to sooth whatever anxiety you have. it always helps to stay in touch with reality, even if you're betting on one of the few valid cryptocurrencies instead of some joker like dogecoin.

>> No.51366532

>n-no I akshually have tons of ETH and I already gmi
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah we all believe you, faggot :^)

>> No.51366533

31250 USD. About 80k a year in staking profit

>> No.51366587

Isn't there a cap to the number of nodes? How do you get to be one of the lucky ones?

>> No.51366610

i don't really care if you do, but it's clear you don't, and that' the point i was making.

>> No.51366628

the cap is mostly irrelevant because the APY would drop below a point where it makes sense to stake, although that was before custodial staking turned out to be the de-facto way for most people. no luck, you just have to decide the APY is worth it and wait for your place in the queue, if there even is one anymore. only risk today is how long it is until you can get your deposit back, looking like 6-12 months minimum.

>> No.51366647

holy christ you're retarded, I'm impressed you manage to use a keyboard

>> No.51366653

nobody cares, go back to dreaming of 7 figure wealth or whatever you guys do.

>> No.51366694

>unintelligible seething
lmfao, consider killing yourself poorfaggot. nobody cares about the $400 you made outside of your street shitter village.

>> No.51366727


>> No.51366728


Anyone bragging about already having made it or being rich af or having a 7 figure portfolio and not knowing what to do with the money is by default a larping faggot around here. No one believes. Kill yourself. You will never be a woman.

>> No.51366745

i'm not the one dreaming about $1m eth :)
really gets the poors riled up knowing how far behind they really are, doesn't it?

>> No.51366763

keep dreaming about having a net worth over $1k usd retard :^)

>> No.51366795

like i've always said, you know you've made it when everyone thinks your NW is a larp.

>> No.51366803

lmfao take it easy on the little jeet
he's gonna seethe so hard he has an aneurysm

>> No.51366869

I don't think Ethereum is set up to reward increased decentralization or scalable validator sets. It seems more set on L2s, which don't require you to run your own node.

I think they just want a reasonable number of high quality Validators they can slash and tonnes of L2s running on top of them.