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File: 71 KB, 850x400, quote-movies-in-hollywood-now-for-the-past-20-or-30-years-are-made-mainly-by-lawyers-or-agents-jean-luc-godard-63-26-73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51361396 No.51361396 [Reply] [Original]

>filmmakers in the 60s and 70s used to make absolute kino with budgets of like $100,000
>today you need at least $5 million to make anything of quality
How did they do it? Was it unironically a different time

>> No.51361432

>what is inflation
>what is cgi

>> No.51361440

go back to r*ddit

>> No.51361445

Talent > Money

A lot of older film makers were just better.

>> No.51361461

>Was it unironically a different time
Yeah, you can go watch how a lot of older movies were made with like behind the scenes extras and shit and it was very clearly another time. Strategies were different, film making was different, expectations were different the medium as a whole had a completely different economy than it does now. It's like comparing stock trading before computers to now. Kind of sad because a lot of kino movies literally cant be made today

>> No.51361476

So true. I wonder what the budget for 12 angry men was. One of the best movies of all time and it was just a room with men talking.

>> No.51361481

Color TV was new and exciting, so it was kino.
Also why 5th and 6th gen consoles stand out so much.

>> No.51361482


>> No.51361486

5 million? that will pay literally one actor lmao

>> No.51361490

Lefty garbage

Almost all films are lefty garbage. Westerns are the only thing worth watching really, our fathers knew what’s up

>> No.51361494


>> No.51361496

The good news is anon we had decades of older movies made. Just start looking around and you can find tons of cool shit with really interesting production

>> No.51361508

Probably half of that was Henry Fonda.

>> No.51361517

money replaced talent
expectations rose
digital processing/effects massively increased headcounts
and a diversity hire culture made everything even more expensive

>> No.51361519

Why is it more expensive to make a computer make fake images than to do the thing in the real world?

>> No.51361522

Stop consooming Hollywood production.

>> No.51361717

>today you need at least $5 million to make anything of quality
no you don't.
maybe just to market/distribute to get it to a large enough audience now.

>> No.51361739

I guess back then expectations were lower. Jean-Luc Godard; like say, Woody Allen, could pump out a film practically every year because his budgets were low and he knew his audience. People think today that most movies are purely product; but even back in the late 60s and early 70s something like the Planet of the Apes pumped out four sequels in as many years, and it laid the groundwork for merchandising that George Lucas made billions with on Star Wars. I think the rise of streaming services has done more damage to movie-making as a craft than anything else.

>> No.51361743

Pretty sure OP was adjusting for inflation with those figures.

>> No.51361747

Reason 1: inflation
Reason two: the so called high concept film or 4 quadrant film. Look it up
Reason 3: better visual and sound quality costs more. It just costs more to make a movie look decent

>> No.51361776

>C64 with less than 64 kilobytes of RAM and some of the most fun I had gaming.
Sloppy coding today and translated to sloppy film making. Same thing.

>> No.51361861

Sloppy coding you say


all those women and poc trying to code...

>> No.51361871

Globohomo. If you throw away talented people and replace them with propaganda and diversity everything goes to shit. Movies. Music. TV. Books. We peaked in 70s, started to fall in 80s-90s and since 2000s we are in full decline. Predator from 80s and Alien from 70s are still best sci-fi movies.

>> No.51361883

Midwit /pol/tard detected.

>> No.51361890

tumblerina detected
you never be a woman

>> No.51361969
File: 97 KB, 800x410, 2017-06-13-18_55_12-Start-e1497396234800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the Dawn of Freedom, in the shape of Liberty, your owners struggle to properly regain their property. Lately, as highlighted in pic related, they have been extremely close to achieving their goal. The broad otherworldly cultural decay observed worldwide is simply a straight manifestation of this effort and very little else. To focus in the effect is to entirely miss the cause.

>> No.51362011
File: 288 KB, 2896x2896, 20220828_195458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. POTA is a masterpiece. The actors under heavy makeup and props delivered an immense range of emotional depths that your millennial naked 6K "actors" (and now that label is made to include women as well) cannot grow in a thousand years.

>> No.51362508

Lefty garbage? Ahaha you’re just like the stinky supremacist that everyone ignores in the room, right?

>> No.51362558

100k in the 60s is 1 million today you dolt

>> No.51362588

You lefties are perpetual idiot children, I liked 12 angry men as a child then I watched it again as an adult and realized it’s just jews trying to make people feel guilty about niggers and socioeconomic conditions bullshit. You are literally the midwit, not dumb enough to be unaffected by pseudo intellectual bull and not smart enough to recognize it, you are the lowest common denominator that can be fooled into liking any fucking garbage.

>> No.51362609
File: 324 KB, 1087x1007, 1620956799910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51362611

>Westerns are the only thing worth watching
westerns are the only acceptable hollywood films. war films made outside the US can be pretty kino

>> No.51362631

Same reason why games are so damned expensive. Old games were made on a couple thousand dollar budget for funsies.
Now big game studios hire game devs, pay them hundreds of thousands, include micro txn’s/dlc, have shit tier story lines, tons of cut scenes, and ridiculous rendering.
Just so you can play as a heckin based queer female amputee POC during WW1.

>> No.51362633

Because back then and even some few now care about making a good movie.
The rest is just trying to make as much money as possible by remaking all the good movies.
Hollywood hasn't been good since Hitchcock however

>> No.51362682

No one respects good writing in Hollywood.

>> No.51362686

I agree that the first Planet of the Apes is an excellent film. I haven't seen any of the sequels. All I meant to say was that, even back then; some movies were simply product.

>> No.51362714
File: 257 KB, 1080x631, Screenshot_20220910_034457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sequels have always been pure money grabs.

>> No.51362715

somewhat false. Neil Breen made the best films of the past 20 years and his budget was probably like $50,000 at most

>> No.51362755

Maybe so, but there is still the occasional worthwhile sequel like Top Gun: Maverick..

Fateful Findings?

>> No.51362779

I remember how """violent""" movies were back then and how many blood packages were used in firefights..
I remember die hard 1 , a good movie..
Today it's all cheap cgi or dudes shooting with their hands and guys pretending to get hit by bullets...
I mean, no blood, no effects...wtf happened ?
Movies are pussyfied these days...

>> No.51362799

Renting a big warehouse, and I mean huge one in a third world country and setting it up with lighting and scenery and the works can cost you more than $100K easily.

>> No.51363004

and then you release it, going up against the eighteen hundred Hollywood releases that come out in a year
advertising budgets are as high as you like, I don't know about their efficacy but for a two hundred million dollar movie they will be one hundred to one fifty mil
it's crazy

>> No.51363035

Westerns are just bad copies of Kurosawa with le epic masculine men smoking that made boomers basedface like marvelfags nowadays. Absolute garbage

>> No.51363514


This shit is so retarded as a take it makes me sick. John Ford was directing before fucking Kurosawa you dumb cunt

>> No.51363560

Mass marketing, mass consumption, dumbification caused by a crumbling education system, plus inflation and elitization of certain sectors of society, which forgot their roots and now use only established formulas.

The same that happened with games. Today every new game is tinted with purple, to make it look like a movie.

>> No.51363572

Because every movie now is a product rather than a piece of art.

>> No.51363591

You can go out and make your own low budget movies, you know? Buy a few cameras and get some good actors fresh out of college, throw in a few nude scenes, and bam you have an art film kek

>> No.51363987


>> No.51366565

>what is real purchasing power of the dollar

>> No.51368573
File: 301 KB, 474x474, 81F269DF-C97C-4B18-A38A-9C3021D637E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no Top Gun 2. That disaster beyond ludicrous propaganda for the Trumpists is just as bad as anything lefties can fart.

>> No.51368681

Cause back then shit was cheaper. They did things (stunts,etc) using real materials in real settings. Yes they dressed them (ie; changed the look) but again it was all using real material to achieve it. Blue/green screen use was kept low as was the visual effects. Then the story/plot was better to. So the net effect was the films sucked you in and you got invested in watching till the end credits. Now exceptions exist to this. Some films are heavy CGI/blue/green screen work but are damn good. Mostly that's due to quality work by everyone involved though and the story don't suck.

>> No.51368713

It's no more propaganda than the first Top Gun. It's like Michael Bay films; where to get access to military jets, equipment, locations etc he has to make them look good otherwise he won't have access. It's just part of making the movie.

>> No.51368764

you didnt need 9 billion permits or a $30,000 insurance policy for an actor to merely drink from a teacup
gone in sixty seconds was made with like $200,000, making it with todays legal requirements and not accounting for the fact closing traffic is impossible due to how busier and congested the areas in the film would be, it would be like half a billion

>> No.51368895

because nobody goes to the cinema for a good movie, you can watch those at home

>> No.51369057

Depends what kind of movie. Was it just a movie of characters and dialogue shot at only a number of locations in close proximity to each other and are relatively public? Are the costumes or outfits basics that you can find for under $200? Are literally who's starring in your movie or is it full of A list actors?
Imagine and action CGI fuck fest with tons of choreography and musical numbers set in extremely remote or expensive places like Dubai with handcrafted costume that change every 3 minutes. No shit youre going to have to have a big budget.
Think about modern films like The Lighthouse or Lady Bird that had a budget of about $10m and were success compared to something like The Usual Suspects which had a similar budget adjusted for inflation and came out almost 30 years ago.