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51358244 No.51358244 [Reply] [Original]

BTC became completely unusable once 0.0003% of the world started using it.

ETH is broken out of the box and switching to PoS only enhances it.

Monero at least works as advertised. It scales, transactions are cheap and private. It doesn't do smart contracts, but at least it fucking works.

Bitcoin could have done smart contracts, but it's shit now. L2 isn't blockchain btw.

>> No.51358355
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>> No.51358500

If this is the official monero thread can someone explain to me how is it untraceable?

You need a fucking mug shot to buy crypto, then you buy monero?

And boom its untraceable? what

>> No.51358659

Beat it. It's over. You cant sell the blockchain = currency anymore.

>> No.51360612


Monero thread.

The amounts being transferred are hidden in two ways, one way makes it so that only the sender and the receiver know the amount, the other creates a bunch of spoof transactions at the same time.

As far as "it's untraceable", well, lets say you buy bitcoin from coinbase and send it to your wallet. That's traceable. Then lets say you send it to fixedfloat and they give you Monero. The fact that you sent it to fixedfloat is visible, and if someone asks fixedfloat, they'll tell you what Monero they sent and to which address.

But that's as far as it goes- they can't look at your wallet and see the balance, or see that you spent or gained from other sources.

>> No.51360798


>> No.51361044

he aint wrong tho. oil is more valuable than gold

better tokenomics

>> No.51361090

>no smart contracts
Does it have a DEX?

>> No.51361210

The ethereum narratives graph is wrong, because each item is being replaced by the next, but that's not the case. The graph should be cumulative, all those chart items are use cases that is still valid and relevant. Anything new simply adds another use case on top, it doesn't diminish existing use cases.

>> No.51362530

Monero is getting outdated if you ask me, it has got no updates recently unlike some other protocols like Railgun that recently launched a mobile version and also do smart contracts

>> No.51362574

it's a time series of relative frequency you absolute mongoloid

>> No.51362600

https://kycnot.me - don't use exchanges that demand ID, there is no justification for them to demand ID from you, so just don't use them.

>> No.51362652

monero scales worse that bitcoin
also imagine giving your blockchain that's fully dependent on high transaction fees for privacy an expanding blocksize to keep fees low
monero is for midwits

>> No.51362661

ethereum's narrative has changed significantly more than bitcoin's. l2 scaling has been a talking point in bitcoin since 2010, while ethereum has gone through waves of failed base layer scaling, failed attempts at getting sharding working, to ultimately settle at just copying the paradigm bitcoin worked out was necessary over a decade earlier

>> No.51362819
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Spinner cash will replace it.

>> No.51363225

That's precisely why I'm saying that it's a meaningless, misleading way to represent the data you absolute mongoloid

>> No.51363237

Stay in your containment threads. Non base layer privacy is retarded.

>> No.51363401

I completely agree with you, I think Monero is overhyped, it's been redundant for a long while.

>> No.51363409

Cope. No, ETH’s ever-worsening identity crisis is not a cumulative value add, and yes, each new fad idea with it very much displaces the ones before it. It’s a fucking laugh to assert otherwise when the network literally gas-price-gouges all but the most short-term profitable hyped FOTM activity to a halt whenever activity on it spikes. The network simply lacks the bandwidth to accommodate anything but the most recent handful of speculative fads.

>> No.51364558
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>I think Monero is overhyped, it's been redundant for a long while.
That could be said about most coins.
There have been several cycles/waves of new privacy coins. Where are they now?