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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51357415 No.51357415 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey used and abused you like the pathetic sheep you are. In before

>muhhhhh link team owes you nothing

Then why take One BILLION USD from dumping on retail last year. Theres a karmic debt, and watching it be repaid will be glorious

>> No.51357445

Stop shitting up the board, youve been doing it for years now

>> No.51357480
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No need to project on me. Let it out at the people doing it to you, but its not me man

>> No.51357590

token not staked

>> No.51357639

These are definitely the same people that FUD link here. I can tell by the writing style. Lol (((they))) really don’t want us owning it.

>> No.51357661

Go back you fucking faggot holy shit.

>> No.51357775

Doesnt sergeys incentive to give a shit about this project approach zero as he approaches owning zero link?

>> No.51357788

Fuck off and kill yourself you disgusting gypsy third worlder nigger, we can see you one mile away. Tell your manager you aren’t filling the FUD quota this month.

>> No.51357804

What the fuck are you fudders even talking about now lmao

>> No.51357811

Classic xrp hodler schizo paranoia. Loser

>> No.51357824

Suck my dick you stockholm pussy ass bitch. Go suck off another russian scammer, faggot

>> No.51357836
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Serious question
Why are you seething?

>> No.51357840

I know this might be hard for you to understand, you insufferable delusional faggot, but im a regular american dude…with a big ass dick

>> No.51357854

>duuuuude you are the mad one, not me!!!

Im a mirror bro. You come at me w aggression, I return it. And for people who scam people (link team/holders), I call it out

>> No.51357860

Hey OP you should post in your own thread a few more times, it's going great.

>> No.51357906

>karmic debt
Lmfao you speak of nonsense. God I hate when people talk of karma like it's some magical force that punishes people who do bad things.

>> No.51357921

Go back shizo and take your life

>> No.51357932

Remember when you guys said link was a bear market coin? Hahahahahah you fucking cuck faggot.

>pumps the least
>dumps the most

>> No.51357945

You literally just described yourself. XRP 2.0. Loser

>> No.51358024

The way i understand it , staking is meant to add security and reduce cost and is a scaling tool that permits the network to become permisionless (i think) . So basically perhaps the current operators have reached a thresholdand in order to scale more without giving up security staking is needed . SO if they say theyre releasing staking this year it means they are probably expecting a sudden growth? Im also not sure about the part where nodes compete against each other for Future fees opportunity , is it going to be in play for 0.1? or v.1?

>> No.51358094
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if you're wondering why this thread was made, see pic related

>> No.51358107

You’re obviously lying. No one talks like this kek. Real question though is it good pay to FUD link? Find out who hired your boss it’s probably some high level mother fuckers.

>> No.51358113

and their script tells them to start with ad hominem attacks once that gets posted

>> No.51358133

we aren't in a bear market yet

>> No.51358136
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>> No.51358149

>down 90% is a good thing

This is your brain in a cult

>> No.51358162

whoever is making the reddit posts, please do continue your fine work thanks

>> No.51358169

>duuuuuude theres no way an american could be against losing 90% of their investment to a russian scammer. It HAS to be a paid fud group

The delusion is incredible

>> No.51358235

You’re trying too hard. Now that I think of the level of effort you’re using you’re likely a LINK holder trying to bait

>> No.51358261

he's literally posting effort FUD on reddit, of course he does. you should actually thank him

>> No.51358263

I’m surprised people haven’t picked up on that yet, 90% of the time reddit screencap threads are just anons themselves capping their own shitposts for (you)s. The people screeching about bulgarians and paid fudders obviously haven’t been here that long.

>> No.51358296

just like the rest of crypto retard apart from btc and eth (though they're still down 60-70%)
also i was trying to fud there

>> No.51358304


>> No.51358307

also wow of the "top" coins, bnb is one with the smallest decline
what a joke

>> No.51358343

Oh its not the shizo, its the bot. Either way, go back and kill yourself. Amazing the mods haven't perma banned you yet

>> No.51358372

Glad reddit is catching on to this farce. Because we all know Reddit is smart. The dorks on this board just huff sergeys farts.

>> No.51358408

Reddit is deader than /biz/. Only larper and astro turfing. You wont sell any ponzis anymore. The game is over, the main legitimization hubs for scams are dead, nobody gets his "information" from them and twitter, discord and tg are shit for reach. Sergey won

>> No.51358422

The karmic debt is called WEF.

>> No.51358437

You need to go back and kill yourself pedo

>> No.51358448

You dont know what this word means.
Confirmed for tourist.

>> No.51358491

Are you upset that after 5 years, almost 6 in a few days, that ChainLink hasn’t been able to do anything for its most fanatic supporters? I mean let’s be real here, 5 years, breadcrumb after breadcrumb, talk after talk, conference after conference, what have they actually done for YOU, the holder? Sure their technology is being used, yes, the network is operational, yes the secure billions of dollars in value and yes people do use the link token to pay for services. But how did you, the holder, benefit? It’s almost like you funded this entire endeavor but you yielded nothing. I hate to break it to you, but promises are just that promises. There hasn’t been any action. Just sell your link and move on with your life. Or don’t. It’s your money.

>> No.51358504

Do you expect anyone to read your drivel after the first three words?

>> No.51358527

>ad hominem
Just as I thought. You’re so fucking deluded that you can’t even see yourself being swindled. If I didn’t tell you someone was taking your candy, you would’ve never known. Enjoy the imaginary riches, 1keoy amirite?

>> No.51358562

>Ad hom ad hom
First, a look over your paragraph and the selective cap says YoUr text is not worth reading, second you ad hom in the first three words. Dude. I am not reading your shit but shitting on the stereotypical strawman you ArE

>> No.51358721

>selective cap
My fucking ass you sniveling idiot. Picrel for reference.
Refute this; What has Chainlink labs, smartcontract ltd, Chainlink foundation etc. done for you, the sorry bagholder?

>> No.51358734
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Forgot the image.

>> No.51358750

Just telling you again. Not reading a word you write because it's so easy to filter your thoughts and interpretations by simply glancing over your text, noticing the micro meme you cant stop using and not even taking the time to read what you write

>> No.51358845

why does ari have some kind of symbol looking like a cross next to his name?

>> No.51358869

Thanks OP. I don’t know what I’d do if random internet strangers didn’t care so much. I just bought another 1k stack. Appreciate it.

>> No.51358889

It means he's a vampire slayer

>> No.51359001

And what is the micro meme? Does the micro meme offend you? Feel free to elaborate. And according to WPv1, it’s been over 6 years.
Don’t read into it too much, it’s a simple disclosure.

>> No.51359012

Why do you keep replying knowing I read non of the words you type?

>> No.51359046

Then don’t respond and let the thread die. No contribution, no payout. Enjoy that “micro meme” faggot.

>> No.51359049

Genuine question why do people like yourself waste so much time with this banal low effort fud? How much link do you own? Can't you do better than this? It should either be funny (sibos toilets cayman islands etc) or thought provoking (super linear staking is actually bearish, having an expensive link token means nobody will use the network) but you're not even trying. Faggot.

>> No.51359107

Is it fud or am I asking a genuine question? How did you benefit from holding the token? For example, by holding ETH, I benefited by being able to pay gas fees to use AAVE to borrow ETH and use Uniswap to buy Shiba Inu. Again, I’m not saying the Chainlink Network doesn’t work. Otherwise I wouldn’t trust AAVE with my ETH.

>> No.51359118

go back

>> No.51359125

Bought in at 25 cents sold all on the run up to 50, no regerts. Rolled my gains into GME LRC IMX.

>> No.51359131
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chain lik is gey cc token lol niggers btfo big baggies big mad

>> No.51359153

wait you have exactly the same trade as me wtff

>> No.51359167

I mean it was free money anon. I’m glad you made a good decision and used that money properly.

>> No.51359181

Look Chainlink is gay retarded bullshit, but I didn't need fucking reddit to tell me that in 2022. Please just go back you nigger.

>> No.51359196

cant you just admit youre just lacking attention holy fuck being a bagholder really turned you into a despicable prick

>> No.51359204

:( just want it to go down more so I can go back in. Please $4 almighty Big Mac SergBurger

>> No.51359934

Just (my name) these threads, dont give them feedback. They get paid more if you engage them

>> No.51360056

And yet we both know you read it word for word, and it hit home. And thats why you even bothered to respond.

>> No.51360066

>sherlock holmes over here

>> No.51360115

Im thinking its the opposite bucko. You got scammed and youre taking it out on guys like me for calling it out. Stockholm bro. You outta be thanking me. Im in the process of getting sec to fuck up CL’s world. You’ll prob get your money back bc of people like me instead of losing it all like like the celsisus folks

>> No.51360131


Well said brother. This is literally my main argument. The tech is great, no doubt about it. But how THE FUCK does that make me money? And these delusional fucks are so loyal to a team that so clearly gives ZERO fucks about them. Its insane. I almost have to pinch myself to believe it…

>> No.51360152

Did you really buy more though? Why? You could literally buy any crypto right now including dog coins and have a better return in next few years

>> No.51360178

I gotta say all of your posts are off base and also really gay. I can smell the low T. And using a “username” on biz is gay. Dont be so gay.

>> No.51360814

kek, go back you disgusting third world nigger

>> No.51360861

>six posts in a row
Please don't pay this retard for his shift, holy shit.

>> No.51362821

bump just to make the holders seethe

>> No.51362979

I hate linkies but love Sergay, only because of the obvious dump he does every week on them, and the cognitive dissonance they have to justify it.

>> No.51364194

>one such tactic would aim at gradually making these boards less interesting for their users
i unironically believe chainlink *shill* threads started for this purpose
in 2017 /biz/ was a source of elite alpha. we all shared a love for smart contracts and a hate for niggers and kikes
the jews couldn't let people like that get rich. so they started shilling link to disgust everyone from participating
which worked, the board went from 90% white to 90% brown from 2018 to 2021

>> No.51364251

Also his use of the language is clumsy as fuck, my ESL senses are tingling. Read what he wrote with a jeet accent.

>Its not me man. pls sirs, believe me sirs, do not redeem the chainlink coin sirs.

>> No.51364538
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>> No.51364539

Street shitter detected

>> No.51364570

>random opinion of two faggots as a screenshot
>72 posts and 6 image replies omitted


>> No.51364712
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Uh oh link marines. I don’t feel so good. I guess we just hold strong together and go down with the ship.

>> No.51366257

Ah yeas, multiple garbage sources to secure billions. I hope you secure with the right API! LOL

>> No.51366903

Ive been dunking on link schizos this whole thread but damn dude youre even more pathetic. Fuck outta here with your gay ass tech fantasy. You will never make money off ICP you fucking faggot. Eat shit

>> No.51366911
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Far from it, dude

>> No.51366920

Youre grasping at straws buddy. No ones buyin it

>> No.51366968

When chain faggies say this… where do they think chainlink’s gets its external data? God? The last cope of the midwit faggy link baggie is the ‘well, muh external data will be better!’ Just take the L you faggots

>> No.51366977

wow, after carefully reading and considering all the arguments in this thread i've decided to market sell my entire stack of chainlink (ticker link) two weeks before smartcon. I'm convinced that is the correct course of action to secure my economic well being.

>> No.51367237

>not understanding his "username"
unironically bullish, I'm never selling my 1000 LINK.

>> No.51367293


>> No.51367350
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>owning chainlink

>> No.51367383
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The FUD exposed just how stinky the Chainlink operation was. Now their masters have pulled out most of the DARPA bots and shills and moved on to their own globohomo platforms like Twitter and others where they get no backslash and can shill without impunity.

>> No.51367466

You’re literally kicking and screaming, furious at people for not selling their long term investment because of a Reddit screenshot. You sound fucking mental bro

>> No.51368059

people knew they were getting dumped on, why do you think there are threads that say "Sirgay is about to betray"

>> No.51368182

>a few normies with twitter profiles buy chainlink
>it's a darpa scam
>you should sell
you should take your meds.

>> No.51368357

>pussy ass shaming language

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking weakling. I can smell the fat. You literally disgust me

>> No.51368439

>Leeeeeee inside hodlers joke


>> No.51368448

I cant imagine how big of a faggot you must be to post shit like this.

>> No.51368545

hehe I'm so smart holding a shitcoin that has underperformed everything because of le secret plan only I know about and le cringe redditors don't.

>> No.51368845

Genuinely would like someone to present a logical fact based rebuttal to the Bulgarian's fud post tho....

t. OG link and lpl holder

>> No.51368911

Le du weeks

>> No.51369348

That's the truth and the reason for the delays.
There is something even worse.
The network can work without staking if the node operators are selected by the Chainlink team and this has been proved to work well for years already.
Staking is really not needed and only increases the costs of running a node in every case.

The only way to make staking tolerable for node operators is if their income explodes exponentially after its release so that they don't feel the loss and keep being profitable.
There is a complete mismatch between the way the Chainlink network runs and the way a L1 layer runs.
The L1 layer just prints more tokens with inflation and rewards you for staking on the protocol.

Chainlink doesn't have the ability to print more tokens with inflation, and doesn't require protocol staking.
They only need node operators with a stake in the network through implicit staking of their reputation and doing a background check on those who are allowed to become node operators.

Staking makes only sense in the case when there is an exponential curve of adoption with millions of node operators completely outside of the ability of the Chainlink team to manage without an AI.
In this case staking with collateral would allow them to ignore the KYC process for the introduction of new node operators because the collateral would prevent scammers.
But is this situation possible?
A node operator can run the same amount of operations as a high throughput L2 layer, he could even run more servers with the same identity for more capacity.
Technically you could run the complete space with 20 nodes.
The only exception would be because of the available data of those nodes.
If every private company with special data decides to run their own node then the number of nodes would increase.

But I still haven't seen anything proving this vision.
We need either a very high adoption rate with new nodes or a mega pump in the network income.

>> No.51369360

In the case of LPL the staking allowance should add 50% of 100% to the current income and the speculation to obtain staking privilege could pump the token price.

>> No.51369482

FUD annoys me here, but I really like it on Reddit.
Fuck them, those vaxxed-up cattle don't deserve to get rich.

>> No.51369847

after collateral requirements for a contract are covered fewer tokens would need to be locked in individual nodes. risk tolerance for individual contracts becomes a factor here. individual nodes unstake tokens for staking to cover other newer contracts poss. due to hype? newer node operators can then stake their tokens to cover the unstaked tokens from the other node and provide coverage similar to how people set up bots to inform them of bancor yield pools availability. as new contracts become available there might be incentives provided by the contract creators to node operators so that they are enticed to provide the necessary collateral in LINK right at day zero as the feed launches. This leads to optimal decentralization as dictated by the market. contract creators have the ability to expect a certain collateral and do not have to wait and premine their contract as per a layer one

I want to see what private dons the institutions have been testing behind the scenes. I hope staking reveals some of what has been hidden beyond etherscan

>Technically you could run the complete space with 20 nodes.
disagree. if the ftse and dtcc speakers are anything to go by there will need to be more nodes than twenty kek. but to consider
>what are the max feeds a node can comfortably service?
>how many feeds can a node service before latency becomes a factor?

>> No.51371664

Thanks for actually being a person and defaulting to the fingers in ears “dude its bulgarian etc etc” bullshit. Its really a sad era on biz where everything is a cult now. JUST LIKE FUCKING REDDIT which you faggots hate, which is the most hilarious/unbelievable part.

>> No.51371703

dude in case you havent noticed, they are richer than you. On WSB there are regularly people posting 5 figure bets on complete bullshit option plays. Play money dog…Meanwhile you faggots have a few grand total to your name, all of which depends on scamming people out of their hard earned wage income. Fucking coward.

>> No.51371731

Complete pseudo tech babble. Literally unreadable. No one and I mean NO ONE knows what THE FUCK youre talking about. The only thing that is certain is that ZERO businesses in the real world need any of that bullshit

>> No.51371849

Not defaulting I mean*…must be muhhh bulgarian esl (cringe)

>> No.51371928


Somebody hasn't been reading published docs. FTSE does not use Chainlink data for their Digital Asset data. As an autist, I did 5 hours of research on FTSE the day they got announced as speakers, and it turns out they use a separate system/setup for data sourcing. Their documents are published on the FTSE Russell Digital Asset website. They are most likely speaking at SmartCon because they are "in the space" but they aren't working with Chainlink.

>> No.51371937
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>> No.51371951

Yeah and I've heard SWIFT are only there because they like plaid shirts.