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File: 192 KB, 736x918, 9A63A345-10DC-43CD-975B-0A88F312E3AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51351406 No.51351406 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51351422

an iphone cable, now that's gangsta

>> No.51351453

Niggers were a mistake
>t. god

>> No.51351646

Why are they like this?

>> No.51351684

Nigs were created by Satan to mock God according to the prophet Joseph Smith

>> No.51351703

Lol dude with a Mosin just barely in frame.

>> No.51351706
File: 260 KB, 929x1175, 1631918043165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have Effereums you fucking NIGGER, I have AVAX!

>> No.51351732

i think that's an sks. must be canadian

>> No.51351735

>not so fast
*resheathes private keys*
>best me in a DnD then we'll talk

>> No.51352057

Alli gots is this chainlankz niqqa

>> No.51352214

they're the relics of human evolution. whites were too busy creating civilization, industry, and culture to go back to africa and eradicate their pre-evolved ancestry.

>> No.51352780
File: 580 KB, 720x406, 1632524959320.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51352928

if it wasn't for niggers we would have been in globohomo distopia years ago
we should all be kneeling to niggers for saving us via their lack of respect for any type of civilization

globohomo can make all the retarded laws they want and negro's just won't comply.
they can jail the non-compliance negros but thanks to supreme negro banning abortion; they reproduce faster than you can jail them.

it's the perfect anti-globohomo defense

>> No.51353102

Never letting go of my bag of ETH and MATIC unless im dead.
Good luck knowing what my seed phrase is retard.

>> No.51353143

Please kys

>> No.51353166

I hate niggers

>> No.51353204

What are these OP?

>> No.51353304

Niggers are a virus that ultimately will degrade the intellectual capabilities of humanity as a whole. Race mixing is inevitable and soon every human on earth with have traces of nigger in their DNA

>> No.51353322

Hello Moshe sucked any baby dicks lately you god damn kike

>> No.51353347

>t. american
americans will literally look for any and all reasons to kneel to darkies
I bet you pray to st. floyd every night too

>> No.51353420

Do blacks even still use the phrase "white boy" nowadays when trying to talk to a white guy in a derogatory manner? That phrase seems so 1990s to me

>> No.51353455

I would rather die than help a nigger

>> No.51353515

Everything is tracked on the blockchain. They cant buy anything without getting caught.

>> No.51353562
File: 38 KB, 300x803, uzi_w_flashlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these negros have kino weapons choices

>> No.51353670

That's not a uzi dumbass, don't even pretend you know what kino is when it comes to guns

>> No.51353725
