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File: 460 KB, 1242x691, 5FB829C6-294B-4F42-8B97-E700EBB421F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51347097 No.51347097 [Reply] [Original]

I held through 11 months of HORSESHIT and the ONE fucking time I sell your nigger ass decides to retardedly pump it like 13% without any fucking pullbacks? You decide to make it the bottom of all time?

FUCK YOU, BITCH. This is why I'm an anti-christian
Praise Satan
Fuck god

Pic rel. It's what I'll do to god after I die. Stupid fucking dumbass monkey fucker

>> No.51347145

that's how markets work anon, you are dumb money

have fun buying my bags when you inevitably fomo at the top as well

>> No.51347173

No, I am smart. Problem is god counter trades me. If I had held, I swear to god it would have dumped 50%. It's not that I'm bad. It's that god literally targets me specifically

>> No.51347185

For instance if I buy now, I guarantee you it will marge and then crash 50%. If I don't buy, it will keep on pumping even if it means reversing from a bear market to a bull market. That's how petty faggot god is

>> No.51347277

Fucking christ

Suck my cock, faggot god
fucking retard
Stupid retarded bitch.

>> No.51347298

Don’t you EVER call god (fren) the n word again!

>> No.51347313

>blaming made up guy in the sky for his own decisions because he is too pathetic to own up to his own behavior.

>> No.51347330

It's thanks to dumb faggots like you that I make money. Keep blaming God.

>> No.51347333

Nope. I'm targeted specifically. Also I'll see you in hell, smoothbrain.
>b-but hell isn't real!

>> No.51347348

You're poor though, stupid larping fuck

>> No.51347432

lmao, even

t. god

>> No.51347520

>Buy high, sell low

It's so simple to make money, yet the majority like OP do the complete opposite

>> No.51347541

Because jews have cameras in my room. I'm done with this shit. I will either buy a reversal or wait. I'm not fomoing into this jewish scam pump bullshit. If I do, it will fake out.

>> No.51347583


All you need to do is hold bitcoin, and when you make a significant amount of money, sell

I bought at 2000. I sold portions at 10k, 20k, 30k, 50k. I recently bought more at 20k. The next times I sell will be 75, 100k, 150k

>> No.51347647

Look my biggest mistake since 2018 was ignoring macro shit because I was expecting a blowoff top. I know what to look for on the macro, but I kept ignoring bearish shit. I'm horrible with smaller time frames because jews are unpredictable. Problem with macro shit is they only give a chance like 5 times a year at best. In 2022, what I look at gave 2 chances to exist. Only 2. I took one, then rebought too early without any confirmations.

>> No.51347667


>> No.51347672

If I was god, i would make it a point to fuck whiners over. which is antisemitic

>> No.51347722

Yeah, I have a swing stack I fucked up royally on. Fortunately I have a long stick that I never touch. But it hurts.

The MMs are pulling some big jew trickery. I thought they'd pull a fomo move but I didn't think they'd go this far. We've been riding above 70 RSI for far too long. Anyone with an active brain is suspicious. Who knows how long this will go on for before the rug pull

>> No.51347770

Ya I don't touch my alts just in case of moments like these. This whole year has really made me hate btc in particular. It's nothing more than a tool jews use to fuck retail with. Alts at least come woth life changing opportunities. Btc on the other hand has meager gains considering all the bullshit that comes with it. Btc can't even give life changing money without leverage which is a trap anyways most of the time.

>> No.51347908

Personally I was swinging my trade stack to accumulate LINK. I was doing quite well, but got completely BTFO on this last pump. Now I'm afraid to buy. Who knows, maybe it found it's new home at 90 RSI and will just stay there til 2025

>> No.51348188

I sold months ago and was waiting to buy back in. Fucking weeks of crabbing and fake outs and weak faggot dumps and it surges in a few hours in the middle of the night on a fucking Thursday and shatters several resistance levels like it hasn't been fucking choking to death on its own bullshit for days on end.

No one even knows why.

>> No.51348424

The Jews are up to something. It looks like a trap and smells like a trap. Proper fomo, fomo for the seasoned pessimists. But if they're targeting holdouts, how long can it go on for? We're overbought on all timeframes but the daily and werkly

>> No.51349303
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Don't be mean to froggos.

>> No.51349326

>That butthurt
The absolute state of bearmarket

>> No.51349353


>> No.51349409
File: 76 KB, 515x505, 1638174283384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't buy in ever so all of us getting massive rich on the never ending green candle. you'd be a saint.
or you could buy now and ride all of us to 0 and ruin the entire financial system.

you have the power

>> No.51349442

This sentiment is precisely why God counter trades you.

>> No.51349456
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>> No.51349461

maybe anon, and it's a crazy thought, maybe if you got good with God you could trade on His side and wagmi finally make it?

>> No.51350384

11 months is nothing. Go back to school.

>> No.51350527

He is a complete retard and an unfavor degen with a bad omen. I don't want him to buy, or he will ruin the system for us.

>> No.51350551


>> No.51350609

You’re the bottom bitch now

>> No.51350613

Fugging kek. God's a nigger and he robbed yo cracka ass. Reparations!

>> No.51350660

don't be a fucking atheist subhuman then. you are envious and angry towards God when in reality it is YOU making the wrong decisions with your free will.

>> No.51350917
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Let his atheistic beliefs doom him. The mind is so corrupt with shit. I'd say this: everything is still on sale, so if he doesn't have the balls for low caps, he should settle for the high caps. There is no way he would go wrong.

>> No.51350952

You're the poor one now, bitch

>> No.51350984

get fucked nigger

>> No.51350990

Imagine blaming God for willingly being a retarded subhuman indulgence meat slab.

>> No.51351080

Just buy low caps

>> No.51351101

Bitch crap

>> No.51351151
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Then don't buy faggot and let the rest of us make it

>> No.51351480

Low caps are shit.

>> No.51351536

>bad omen
If anon buys, btc will head down to 10k.

>> No.51351603

You must be new to the system, Fag. Well, you have a choice to make. However, I prefer diversification with high expectations of good ROI from low-cap alts like Xpress, Dydx, and a few others which I'm betting heavily.

>> No.51351660
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He's such a schmuck to have such belief instilled in him. That sucks. I hope he comes off it and sticks to positive mindsets. There is so much to be made in the space, and I'm not stopping.

>> No.51351697

Dont blame god you literally have one job which is to buy and hold and you still managed to fuck something that simple up. You cant blame god for your stupidity imagine if you had literally did nothing you would be enjoying this pump with the rest of us thanking god.

>> No.51351711

happened to me but with Stocks... 1 hour after I sold, it pumped 70% in 2 days :)

>> No.51351991

11 months woth no mini bull markets is a lot for btc, scrub

>> No.51352006

I never touch my alts, faggot. Btc is what fucks me the most
Such a nigger coin

>> No.51352027

So are you, faggot. I bet you're a newfag
Yep because nigger targets me
Just for that I'll buy back in sk it can marge and ruin your day
fuck god

>> No.51352065

Yeah sure retard lol

>> No.51352178
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If you ain't selling, then don't count it as a loss yet, Jeet. You still have hope. Wait for it in the next two years + and stop blaming God for your careless decision to buy at the top.

>> No.51352181
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For a safer investment, you can stake stables on Freeway as they won't get affected by the market's volatility. Also, do your own research before investing in low or huge caps.

>> No.51352259

You don't know shit about me. Been here since 2018
Since 2018 the only coin to rape me is btc. Alts have always been kind

>> No.51352303

Enjoy Hell, reprobate. You were never gonna make it (to Heaven).

>> No.51352320
File: 28 KB, 420x420, reterd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then crash xrp
do it faggot !
at least for the fun we will get from xrp schizos

>> No.51352856

I feel your pain anon. I was waiting to buy until today since it's when I get paid. Lo and behold I go to bed and wake up to a 2k pump, unbelievable

>> No.51352896

>I'm not a bad trader
>Nigger God just counter trades me
Unfathomably and undeniably based.

>> No.51352907
File: 550 KB, 2560x1809, C7485DB5-95AF-41E1-9B12-0D3A1ACB76B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New lows on the horizon

>> No.51353604
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>it went down after posting this
You wanker

>> No.51353767
File: 37 KB, 292x280, 208-2083719_wojak-brainlet-hd-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine blaming God if you do not even know what are doing and basically betting.
You got what you deserve.
I think you are some burger flipper or something like that.. just comes from your words.
Leave investing and money for someone that has at least triple digit IQ and do your work.

>> No.51353788

Shup up, shitskin third worlder

>> No.51353806

Its not god its igor and grichka how new are you? I have the curse as well anon, it means you are a truly conscious being. Congratulations

>> No.51354057
File: 35 KB, 324x428, biz-investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why you have your bags and only losses to your "trader career" account while jews make money effortlessly (even controlling your position in the biz) because they have brain, so you see it can be done easy but you can not do it.
Know your place, really is showing it to you directly.

>> No.51354091

Post your gains :)
Pussy shitskin

>> No.51354142

Look up John Templeton, became a billionaire because of his diamond hands. Avg hodl length was 4 years.

>> No.51354162

taxes are for you not me ;)
but you will never see such a sum in your life

>> No.51354163

I've been here since 2018 and that hodling meme CRAP costed me 6figs

>> No.51354177

So in other words you have no money. KEK :) Big talk for someone with a few rupees

>> No.51354230

I will alway smite you and ALL OF YOUR FUTILE EFFORTS!!!

>> No.51354257
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He also had the wisdom to sell when the market was hot. You're not supposed to hodl forever, just until you make the profit you desire. Best time to sell is when everyone is telling you to buy.

>> No.51354342

This. Like he wants to help you after that wall if shit OP. Here’s some advice: we’re in a shit market right now with no direction. Just pick coins you know will survive and check back in after a year or so, maybe every other month or so. Outside of that, go enjoy life. There’s more to it than whatever your bags of PBUTT are doing at the time.

>> No.51354425

cope seethe and dilate niggerfaggot bitcoin IS the market, you little altcoin niggers should put some respect on grandpa shitcoin's name because you live and die by its success

>> No.51354487

>You don't know shit about me. Been here since 2018

And you are fucking broke and poor.
Gosh, just leave the space for good.
Reevaluate your life or just fucking kys.

>> No.51354573


>> No.51354838

>>blaming god
You're not making it in this life, or the next. Sorry bozo

>> No.51355474


>> No.51355596

Join the club; if only you knew how many times I sold the bottom of link on the monthly chart in 2019...

>> No.51355817

Conducting research will be more beneficial, and I've been staking on the freeway for months. I can say that everything is working well, and I might extend participating in those extra activities to earn extra rewards kek.
Trade the USDT pair, not the BTC. Use your brain fuck.

>> No.51355867

Post your gains

>> No.51355882

Ya ik. Since 2018 I saw the big crashes coming based on some indicators I look at, but I was too much of a permabull to ever sell. Never ignoring that shit again

>> No.51355894

What you refer to as god is really just that the bogs are up in heaven now

>> No.51355912

> No, I am smart

t.every low iq normie NPC

>> No.51355970


>> No.51356004

Thank you for your sacrifice. Let me know when you decide to buy back in.

>> No.51356025

Mkay. Thread will probably die by then though. I refuse to buy back in a september and during the month of shemitah.

>> No.51356090

>bears are screaming at God now
You know, the world isn't normally just but times like these make me smile.

>> No.51356138

So that really was the bottom then. Great to know.

>> No.51356148

I was literally a bull high on hopium until this month, faggot
If this barts down in a day or two, I'm laughing my ass off

>> No.51356238

>t average Satanist

>> No.51357983

It’s okay, god hates me too. I don’t know what I did wrong but I’ve been nothing but punished and shit on my entire life
I hate everyone and everything in existence and I want to die. I pray for death