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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 112 KB, 681x961, Screenshot (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
513458 No.513458 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make a CV improvement thread.

I'm currently thinking about removing the "CV" in the title (after my name) and writing my title there (BSc) - or should that go somewhere else?

>> No.513491

Rearrange your sections. Your education section is really long and doesnt tell me anything of interest. Put skills at the top, then experience. Flesh out experience so it describes what you actually did at your jobs. Remove the interests section unless it's some euro thing to include it.

>> No.513507

I disagree. OP's is pretty much as good as it can get. You want the most relevant and recent things first, which means that it's either education and work experience. In OP's case, education is definitely the more relevant one because he hasn't had full-time career jobs yet, and is a student fresh out of the uni.

>> No.513607

Change your dates from -today to -present.

>> No.513614


magyar vagy?

a faszom az ojan kurva nagy hogy be kapat a grand canyon-ba

>> No.513622

seriously though,

remove the interests section (no one gives a fuck), find a way to condense the education, and provide more details for work experience (a few lines detailing your responsibilities)

>> No.513640

>remove the interests section (no one gives a fuck)


"Chess" and "sailing" say many things about the man; whereas nothing at all says... nothing at all.

>> No.513645

Putting education first is a mistake a lot of college students and recent grads do because they think their degree is the most important part but it's not. Everybody who applies to the position is going to have the same or similar education. Skills and experience is what differentiates you. If you have ever had to look at a bunch of resumes you start to spend very little time looking at each. In OPs case his education section is way too long, I dont care about his million degrees. He already wasted my resume scan attention span with just his super long education section at the top. I care about how quickly he will be able to start being productive if I hire him, the sooner the better. Skills and experience tell me that.

>> No.513686

Wrong. OP has just 2 lines regarding any sort of experience and skills. It's nice listing a bunch of hobbies and programming languages you've used, but he needs more space to EXPLAIN impressive projects he's worked on, extracurriculars, and so on.

Dual Masters from 2 different schools is very peculiar, OP. Why not both from one school? Is it a joint program or are you literally doing 2 full Masters simultaneously? Bad idea, Physics isn't of much use... Statistics or Math would be infinitely more useful 2nd majors.

Anyway, 1/3 of your resume being education just looks silly. One line per, when you have so much shit. Extra lines to mention awards and so forth.

Also OP, don't just list everything. What did you do at the internship?

TL;DR They don't want a list, they want a brag sheet. "Saved Company X $50,000 by automating X, reducing 1,000 man-hours a year of labor". Something of the sort. HR loves seeing dollar signs and what makes you valuable.

>> No.513705

yeah, i'm doing to 2 full masters simultaneously. i know that physics isn't all that great - that's the reason why i picked up computer science.

az apám magyar. en csak fél magyar vagyok.

interests is an euro thing to do. i also heard that e.g. sailing really helps to get in some positions.


the thing is - i spent the last 5 years at my university and it's more or less the only real thing i've done in my life. of course in the future other stuff will be more relevant but currently i dont have that much work experience.

>> No.513719

Makes sense. I must emphasize the importance of listing major accomplishments (or making them sound more impressive than actual), from internships. At least for a couple. Otherwise they'll assume you were the guy fetching coffee and printing reports.

>> No.513730
File: 104 KB, 658x935, CV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the current progress.
i didn't really do impressive stuff in my internships. painted some skilifts and organized the stock. in the engineering dept. i did exactly what i described. how could i make that more impressive?

>> No.513736

Looks better. What was the significance of the calculations?

Audited engineering calculations? Ensured accuracy of engineering equations prior to implementation? Assisted professor with engineering blah blah. You can stretch the truth ever so slightly.

Improved documentation with the goal of improving learning experience. I'm not exactly sure? It's all about presentation to make it seem more impressive.

>> No.513760



>not using LaTeX for a technical resume

Second, you should probably put work experience before education unless you're looking for an academic job.

>> No.513781

better...but you still need to expand on your job responsibilities. like "reviewed calculations" and "improved documentation" doesn't say much.

instead try

>assisted chief engineer with daily tasks including calculation review, workshop maintenance, and whatever the fuck else engineers do.

full disclosure, i am 100% NEET and talking out of my ass but this is what I would like to see on a resume :^)

>> No.513815

>Six years of Latin study
Way to tell prospective employees you spent over half a decade wasting your goddamn time

>> No.513821


>hating on Latin

Way to tell the world you spend your entire life being a goddamn philistine.

>> No.513835

goddamnit this is latex.
and as you can see in my resume my main qualifications currently are of academic nature. i sure as fuck won't list my 1 month internship in a storage higher than 2 master degrees.

>> No.513838


If it's in latex, why the fuck did you pick a non-Computer Modern font?

>> No.513840

what is a non-computer modern font?

what font should i pick? i just went with the default font.

>> No.513870
File: 201 KB, 3007x1725, computer modern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Computern modern is LaTeX's default font. It looks like this.

>> No.513872
File: 102 KB, 670x952, CVaustriafag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would make it like this, kind of more organized/less cluttered with lines.

also remove some stuff (military/latin). Nobody really cares about that

>> No.513877

moderncv uses the font i used or times new roman.

those terms are german because the groups are called that way. like "The Beatles" or "Rammstein".
i've made it more compact (see here >>513730) - i thought the military could be relevant so they know i don't have to do it after studying. also there would be a gap otherwise.

also i removed the personal details section completely. it seemed useless.

the lines are nice though. i want to keep those.

>> No.514054
File: 172 KB, 735x946, Screen Shot 2014-10-12 at 5.50.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this look?

>> No.514239

Not sure if this is a popular opinion but OP, you see that white ass space between your details and date/period information? How I structure my resume is using a 3 column table with the title on the first column, details in the second, and finally the period/time. Hope you can visualise that and it helps me cramp more without the titles taking up so much space. Besides I personally find it easier to read. Secondly it may be helpful to customise your resume according to the position you are applying for. However from the looks of it, you resume is really boring and lacking alot in expanding on the bullet points. Probably need to expand on your accomplishments or detail the projects you were involved in as others have suggested.

>> No.514254

>written in of the original language.
>has no 'z'

what a shitty test xDD

>> No.514286
File: 150 KB, 1060x1288, ezyangresume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw this on /g/
>tfw I am a first year student thinking of doing computer science at a mid level school
g-guess I'll just switch to finance/business now

>> No.514307

>switch to finance/business
remember anon, there are also people with very impressive resumes doing business and finance. I wouldn't be so quick to switch just because one guy is doing well

>> No.514320

A good ideal anyway.

>> No.514476
File: 116 KB, 906x1244, 4ccv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Anons,

Could you check my CV? I'm still at university applying for part-time jobs besides my studies. Please focus on the layout (and probably the language, as English isn't my first language), any C&C is appreciated.

>> No.514495

ugly as fuck

>> No.514530


>mfw before looking in this thread I wanted to go to university and do a double Bachelor in Commerce and Law and then try and break into IB
>mfw now

I feel like a major dumbfag. I should just give the fuck up and continue working in retail for the rest of my life, I don't have skills that could hold a candle to the calibre of what I'm seeing in this thread.

>> No.514557


GPA: 5.0/5.0

Impressive... but did you even have fun in college, bro?

>> No.514599
File: 357 KB, 2480x3508, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How employable am I, America-kun?

>> No.514618

>French: Mothertongue
sounds weird. change 'mothertongue' to 'first language'

>> No.514629

will do

>> No.514646

Nothing wrong with that. Save every penny you can at home and work more. So when you do move out you'll have some residual income going on and you can break free of the retail life one day.

>> No.514666
File: 170 KB, 335x335, alpha_shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add anime to your interest we all know you like your chinese cartoons.

>> No.514675

Don't listen to this retard
Change it to "Native" or "Native tongue"

"First Language" sounds just as bad

>> No.514681

I genuinely don't tho. In fact I shocked a whole theatre room by showing Tetsuo the Iron Man when they were expecting some uguu~ shit.

>> No.514692

I've always been a fan of STAR statements, as run-on as they sound sometimes.

I'd put in what your points resulted in. For example, you redesigned the scheduling methods for management. Did that reduce costs? Increased efficiency? If you can put a quantative number behind your actions, that'd be good.

I think a lot of the points in Qualifications is questionable, as your experience should already explain your problem solving and shit. At the same time, they're good keywords that would pick up on their scanners.

Otherwise, decent

>> No.514707
File: 68 KB, 1344x731, Resudurrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 2 pages

>> No.514721
File: 9 KB, 335x311, 1402896213549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point?
Why would the employer give a shit?

>> No.514724

List all of your programming/scripting/markup languages on one line instead of having a big gay wall of text.

>> No.514732

It's 2 pages. Make it 1 if you want any halfway decent job.

>> No.514733

Quality of life. In the end you have to get along with other people, because no work gets done alone.
Also, showing that you're a balanced person, and not some compulsive guy who'll do nothing but work, browse 4chan and sleep, and then go into a nervous breakdown 1 year down the line.

>> No.514744

The resume isn't going to tell anyone that. The interview which tests you to see if you're a bro, or some sperglord is going to inform me of the kind of person you are.

>> No.514749

>The resume isn't going to tell anyone that.
The resume is meant to filter. If you have no interests in it, the HR guy might as well trash it now and go with one of the other 50 CVs which actually have one.
Most applicants don't get an interview, the CV is meant to get you there.

>> No.514756

That's the point of the interview.
Nothing you can say on your resume is going to clarify that, because you could just be a total autist pretending to have a life, or you could be a normal person with an actual complete work history and not mention it because you don't even think of the possibility that you aren't a normalfag.

>> No.514757

I'm a hiring manager (not HR) and I review a fair share of resumes. If you decide to list a bunch of interests instead of using that valuable space listing applicable education or experience, you're getting trashed even faster.

>> No.514764

Hey ya'll. I've got a question.

Right now I'm a college senior. I spent most of my college career as a part-time manager for a small business that operates in an industry that's unrelated to my intended career path (Finance). My one internship experience (long internship, going on 6 months now) is at a boutique management consulting firm.

Now I'm applying to financial services firms and (no surprise here) I'm finding it difficult to find someone to hire me with no finance experience.

Anyway, my question is this: This one application I'm filling out is asking me "Who are you favorite asset managers and why? What are your 10 favorite investment-related publications and why?"

I can't answer these questions honestly. I have a few fund managers who I like, but only because they've been regarded as "amazing, awesome, etc." by some of my professors. My reading of financial publications doesn't go too far beyond the Wall Street Journal.

Should I lie and try and get the interview anyway or is this kind of thing one best left to those who actually "live" it?

>> No.514765

>That's the point of the interview.
You don't get a guaranteed interview.

Everyone's different I suppose. All the HR I talked with insist that you should have one, if possible with verifiable factual statement in it.

>> No.514767

My interests are all listed on one line (I only listed 4). Is that cool?

>> No.514772

That's fine whether it's 1 line or 4, just as long as you list applicable education and experience. When we get into the interview, I'm going to ask you about your past experiences and what you've done / learned, not about your extra circulars. Of course, I'm not HR either, so I don't really know what they might ask about - I care about how you're going to perform on the job.

>> No.514773

>You don't get a guaranteed interview.
No but you get purged prior to that for inexperience or lack of skills, not for being an aspie. There are a metric fuckton more unskilled normalfags applying to most jobs than fully skilled and knowledgeable aspies and as such it is economical to test knowledge first and bullshit soft considerations like fitting in second on the interview phase.

>All the HR I talked with insist that you should have one, if possible with verifiable factual statement in it.
That's just completely ridiculous, I don't have a properly complete resume myself and I don't have anywhere near enough space to add a bunch of lines about what I do in my free time with specific examples, I wouldn't include it if I did because fuck telling some HR cunt that shit.

>> No.514777

>Of course, I'm not HR either, so I don't really know what they might ask about
Well, one HR who expanded on the subject used those lines as the basis for some questions during the interviews. According to him they are the best ones to spot a bullshitter.

>> No.514783

>it is economical to test knowledge first and bullshit soft considerations like fitting in second on the interview phase.
You can fit both in your CV. Presenting information in a synthetic manner is a skill too.

>> No.514786
File: 463 KB, 1497x935, Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 10.43.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I've already posted my resume here, but someone mentioned to another resume to switch the work experience and education.

I tried it, but I'm not sure which one I like better.

Which do you prefer?

>> No.514827

>You can fit both in your CV
But as I explained above there is no reason for you to include it in your resume as including it in your resume does not actually mean you are a normal person and you need to be interviewed to verify this anyway. Adding an extra requirement to your purge algorithm for personal skills is not likely to result in eliminating very many bad candidates who would not already be purged.

As for your latter comment, anyone with a complete resume has well over a page full of information they can potentially include and is forced to make decisions, adding in a section about what you like to do in your free time means you can include less actual relevant information about your experience, it doesn't matter whether or not you manage to do so in a clear and aesthetically pleasing way, you're still weakening your resume.

>> No.514848

Sure, do whatever you want, a CV is a personal thing anyway.
Just know it goes against common best practices.

>> No.514854

No, it doesn't. It goes against the assertion of some moron on 4chan who is from Europe anyway. Every source I've heard from says personal bullshit has no place on a resume which includes both multiple university career centers and my actual supervisors. Maybe if you've got a multiple page CV going there is room for it but not on a standard format US resume.

>> No.514880

I'm fairly certain you're talking about senior CVs, in which case of course interests are unwelcome.
Otherwise, I have a hard time believing you, considering even the US universities websites advise their students to use an interest section.

>> No.514921

I asked this in another thread but I guess its more applicible here so ill c+p it

So if your throwing your resume around while your still working would you include your current employer and the full company name on it? and for the time range would you have something like july 2014-present on it?(yes ive only been working since july)

>> No.514935

>I'm fairly certain you're talking about senior CVs, in which case of course interests are unwelcome.
I dunno what the fuck the difference between a senior CV and a regular CV is. I'm not even entirely sure what a CV is other than a yuropoor version of a resume. And personal interests do not belong on a resume.

Yes of course why the actual fuck would you not? If you don't want your boss to know then don't give them his contact info, they will probably understand.

>> No.514940

ITT faggots who need a resume because they don't own a business

>> No.514946

>I'm not even entirely sure what a CV is other than a yuropoor version of a resume.
You sure you went to uni?

>> No.514958

> If you don't want your boss to know then don't give them his contact info

With the internet they can get his contact info in 2 seconds if they want too

>> No.515008

is it always necessary to write a cover letter with the CV?

and what the fuck do you put in it?

>> No.515023

>is it always necessary to write a cover letter with the CV?
Almost always. IBM doesn't allow you to submit one for example.
If you can submit one, obviously do it.

>and what the fuck do you put in it?
Keep it short. The "classic" layout is "you, me, us":
>why I'm interested in your company and it's not just a random choice
>why I'm the guy for the job
>pls gieb interview, k?

>> No.515040

Do all of you put interests in your resume/CVs?
I don't see the point

>> No.515045

thanks for that

so half a page of text is ok? i know it's about the content but it's best not to make it look too wordy right?

>> No.515058

fuck man, looking at all these CVs im wondering why im even trying. im 27 already, long term student, havent even finished my bachelors in fucking business administration, no work experience. whats the point? might aswell just drop out and work some shitty office job, right?

>> No.515064

>might aswell just drop out and work some shitty office job, right?

>> No.515067

im also wondering something else. i have heard that many companies nowadays automate the application process and basically have you apply online, then they use SAP to compare your qualifications with the job requirements and if you dont meet them your application just goes straight into the virtual trash. is that accurate?

>> No.515071

i just dont see why anyone would want to hire me when they can either have guys who are 5+ years younger than me straight off uni with better degrees or guys who already have 5+ years of work experience. i mean i can imagine how id try to sell myself to them to get the job, but just looking at the facts i look like a loser on paper.

>> No.515074

Everybody has to start somewhere.
Employers aren't supposed to discriminate based on age.
They want to know whether or not you'll fit the job, not how old you are. In any even, you're 27, not 67.

>> No.515090

Yeah, basically consider HR guys have dozens of applications to plow through.
The general idea is they spend around 30 seconds per cover letter.
So yes, short and straight to the point is good.

>> No.515091

okay, i get that. just one more thing. lets say ive done some vocational training in IT some years ago and learned things like html, css, php, java, javascript and sql. do i still list those in my CV, even if i have pretty much forgotten all of it again?

>> No.515100

I wouldn't personally. If those things are required for the job, then it's going to become pretty apparent that you don't actually know those things. Your employer won't be happy. Then again, I've forgotten 90% of the shit I learned in college, so...

>> No.515151

I didn't go to "uni", I went to college. At universities in the US they mainly focus on resumes because that is all you will need.

>> No.515712

Wow, you nailed it on the head.

>> No.516044

it's a way for the recruiters to get you talking about something you're passionate about. Kind of a way to assess your personality

>> No.516076

>ITT: weebos that are 24/7 on 4chan but don't know how to use publisher. 0 design creativity

>> No.516081

>doing wacky shit on your CV
>for anything other than an artistic job

>> No.516087

>not atleast giving a plain colour background to your CV to stick out from the other peeps.

enjoy the trash can mate

>> No.516088

>plain colour background
>HR rep prints it in black and white
>turns into muddy shit

>> No.516093


They print your shit in black and white off of fucking word pad, dude.

They ain't gonna notice anything more advanced than Times New Roman.

>> No.516094

>not sending it via post with a neat covering letter

>> No.516095

>HR rep copies it in black and white
>turns into muddy shit

>> No.516114

would stock trading be a bad thing to put in the hobbies and interests section?

>> No.516121

Obviously good, unless you're applying to Greenpeace.

>> No.516172

> publisher
> not adobe indesign

>> No.517258

Hey /biz. Is it bad if a CV is over 2 pages? Im trying to condense mine now but just wondering. Im working on mine and will post soon x

>> No.517263
File: 332 KB, 1239x1754, cv-en-fake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'll bite

Probably some English errors as I'm not native speaker

One thing I need to add is that's I've got a bachelor, and currently working toward MsC + another diploma

>> No.517266

that depends, do you actually trade stocks and make a profit and know what you are doing well enough to answer a few questions on your trading strategy while sounding knowledgeable and professional, or did you buy a bitcoin and come to /biz/ to learn stuff? because if its the latter, no, you will just fuck yourself over

>> No.517268

You could try and add some of your interests? Depends what youre applying for, but employers tend to like to see a human being rather than a list of grades..

Just my opinion anyway, people above are arguing whether employers give a shit or not, but just my opinion

>> No.517276

condense the lines on the technical skills.
everything under sw development as 1 bulletpoint, etc.

use the space for an interests section

>> No.517307

>picture on your resume
please please please say this is a troll

>seriously suggesting he adds an interest section
is /biz/ trolling the fuck out of me right now?

>> No.517311

Hobbies is a better thing to add than interests.. but yeah it is a good thing to put. (Depending on what you are going for).

Put yours up then big time CV writer

>> No.517317

>Hobbies is a better thing to add than interests
Oh God no, don't do that.
You don't have hobbies, you have interests.

>> No.517319


So yeah, I'm not sure about the interests/hobby section because it is all related to the computer field in general (I have no other real hobby). I think putting hobbies and only listing computer related things might hurt more

So if I understand correctly, one line per category, everything separated by commas like C, C+, Jave, ... ?

Thanks for the help, I'm keeping the thread open, after some more recommendation I'll modify and repost

>> No.517320

Why remove CV?
If I was skimming through a pile of shit in my In tray, I'd toss that shit in the bin.

>> No.517346
File: 130 KB, 616x865, CV University October Pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that my CV is pretty empty. I'd like to add an interest section, but I don't want to take it into two pages, and dont see how I could save more space?

Advice / Crit / Complements welcome

>> No.517375

well it's kinda obvious what it is. do your write "book" on every book you own to not get confused and eat some of it while you're hungry?

>> No.517388
File: 92 KB, 614x869, CV University October Pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUMP with better version :

>> No.517399

Are you asking I put "Paper" on every piece of paper I get?
Your analogy is shit, you have no point to argue.

>> No.517402

>Hobbies is a better thing to add than interests
pretty sure im being trolled at this point

but yeah i am planning to upload mine once i get home later, it is pretty bad as i dont have much experience but still better than half the shitters ITT with their picture and 5 lines about their restaurant job

>> No.517461


>> No.517467

pretty sure you can leave out the MS Office stuff.

Go look at wall street oasis and see what they say. I'd take out the photo too

>> No.517483

You really should ask /gd/ for help.

>> No.517502

that "applying for" section is pretty useless, put that on a cover letter instead

>> No.517583

Actual HR here I´ve worked in the public and private sectors. I also enjoy working with universities to better prepare their candidates for job interviews, resume, first contacts and whatnot.
Some o the advice here is quit good, like >>517317
For good general Cv guidelines, I recommend you to use this
here you will find great guidelines fr the CV and the Cover Letter

>> No.517593

I don't think "Personal Data" is needed, nor the separator line. It's really awkward.

>> No.517602

This is completely correct. When you write your Cover Letter, you also write the name of the position/vacancy you are int3rested in. NOT IN YOUR CV/RESUME.
Remember this always, the Cover Letter is what draws attention to your profile and motivates the recruiter to read your Resume/Cv, since in the Cover Letter you explain/address why are you a great/the best candidate for X position or job opening.

>> No.517642

Thanks :)

>> No.517709
File: 67 KB, 555x689, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone give me some tips on my resume?
I am starting to apply to bulge bracket and boutique investment banks in NYC. My college obviously doesnt help me at all, so any help/ ideas/ advice would be greatly appreciated

>> No.517720

why is everyone president and similar of 5 different clubs except me?

>> No.517724

You have some good internships, but the only way to get into bulge bracket is to know somebody on the inside

>> No.517727

yeah thats why my college sucks so much, no recruiting at all, and no real alumni in the field

>> No.517728

Wouldn't hire
Go to jail
do not pass start

>> No.517742

Probably because You werent interested in extracurricular activities and didnt get involved in clubs, student societies, sports or whatever

>> No.517752

I would love to see more about your achievents in merrill Lynch, how they impacted and percentages or quantities if you can.
The format, try to use some of the guidelines in
This board is quite slow, but Any doubts I can help i will gladly

>> No.517757

Its not bad per se, just not ideal for simplicity of Reading and presenting. Unless you have over 5 years experience, then it is understandable to have a 1.5 - 2 page CV. care to post it?

>> No.517762

This is true, stop arguing.
This also.

Plan for simplicity in your resume, it is the image that the potential recruiter will get from you, and he will base his decisions on the general impression he recieves form it, sometimes without Reading it first.

>> No.517764

Also, have you tailored it for the position you wanna apply to? Or is it just a general resume?

>> No.517815

General resume, not really sure how I would change it for different positions. For the ML internship, I am working on getting the values of the portfolios which I think would look quite good.

>> No.517843
File: 176 KB, 1196x841, for chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have posted mine before, managed to get a job, now just trying to get something better paid while I learn coding

>> No.518064

You need to go into detail with regard to your studies/focus.

Your employment section needs more description of your achievements at each job.

Ditch the Interests section.

>> No.518066

Spend the time and effort to write up resume in LaTeX. Company requests I submit my resume in msword... fml.

>> No.518069

Remove date of birth irrelevant and kind of creepy
Remove place of birth see above

>Various tasks in order to support the daily work of the....

Is too long and wordy. Instead get to the point. Lead with what you did and why, not a long list of pointless adjectives.

Under education you should have the end date for you BDMSc as "current" not blank. Unless you did drop out, then you should have an end date there.

>> No.518080
File: 68 KB, 708x875, wutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me nerds

>> No.518081

whoops, forgot to put dates for the research assistant position lol, im pretty stoned atm

>> No.518321

>>>> times new roman

>> No.518336

Honnan tudtad hogy magyar?

>> No.518351

I'm seeing here nobody has 'profile' sections like 'highly motivated, aspirational individual etc etc.'. Why is that?

>> No.518352


Are you fucking blind or what

>> No.518370

It's risky.
Better to keep that stuff for the cover letter.

>> No.518379


Could you elaborate a bit on why it's risky? I'm improving my CV now so it'd be a great help

Thanks in advance

>> No.518382

The problem with personal statements (as a junior) is they tend to be very bland.
If you're looking for a first real job, you probably don't have anything really interesting to say in just a couple of lines.

Every fresh graduate is "organized, hard-working, open-minded and friendly".

Though you should add one if you're applying without a cover letter (like some companies let you upload a CV without a specific job, just to say you're available).

>> No.518474
File: 253 KB, 659x888, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never browse this board, but i do miss /sci/ and /g/ resume threads. This board is shit btw

Here is mine , experienced resume written latex.
I dont think the layout will get any better than this .

most previous resume in this thread should take model on the desriptions of tasks in mine such as : precise description of task (focus on leadership/management roles) + quantitative info on the result/ name of 1-2 companies that you work with or that became clients

>> No.518484
File: 85 KB, 712x954, a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending on your skills it can be more appropriate to write them at the top, above work experience

your skills (languages) are pretty tame and i dont know what else youd write in your sector

but someone with a more technical resume could list software or systems they are familiar with

>> No.518496

Stupid question, but what font is that?

>> No.518497

not who you're asking, but its the default latex font which is usually

Computer Modern Roman

>> No.518501

>Damn, I wish I knew how to use latex.

>> No.518502

Didn't mean to greentext.

>> No.518503

Why am I the only one that has a reference section? I thought that it was a standard thing..

Is it a UK thing? >explain plz

>> No.518507

It's become more implied I believe. And plus here in the USA I think I read somewhere that they need your consent to contact the people, they won't just call them.

>> No.518511

consent isnt needed by law but its considered good manners to ask someone beforehand for references

not that difficult

i dont know how to write in latex either really, i just google what i dont know and go from there

here is a simple template i wrote that you can use to get started if you want


>> No.518513

Remove those bullet points below your bachelors degree. They were seriously cringeworthy.

Move education section to the bottom.

Your gardening job is missing dates

>> No.518516

Thanks man, I appreciate it!

>> No.518576
File: 205 KB, 736x951, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what the stylistic differences are between a CV and a resume, but I'm looking for a job soon. Could I get a critique?

>> No.518614

Your work experience is much more relevant, so it should go before your education. Also, add a 2-3 line "summary" at the top.

>> No.518644

back when i made this thread i also had a /g/ thread going. it 404d yesterday i think.

>> No.518650


Thanks. Any other suggestions? What about the content? Is it a decent resume?

>> No.518654

- Don't split your resume into two columns, makes it hard to read.
- Different format for "Honors"
- Right-align your dates
- Unbold your position titles - bolding both the company and title makes them hard to read.
- More detail for your bullet points ("Created educational software"?)
- Switch the bold thick line for thin double-lines
- Increast font size of section headers
- Center your personal information

>Also, add a 2-3 line "summary" at the top.
Don't do this

>> No.518661


What a bizarre, almost juvenile-looking design

>> No.518663

> What about the content? Is it a decent resume?
>president and plant manager of a company
Are you kidding us? You're the one who should be giving lessons here.

>> No.518666


Yes, but I own the company and very rarely deal with HR stuff (never before had to interview for a job in my life), so I'm not very confident when it comes to interviewing, resumes, and all that.

>> No.518674

>ITT NEETs mentally masturbating about advice for other NEETs

>> No.518677

If you dont have your degree yet and are applying to internships. Do you just say 'on track to a 2:1' and get a reference from the acedemic tutor to back it up or do you just not mention it all.

>> No.518695

Do you have a GPA? I'm not too familiar with UK systems

>> No.518704

We have modules. I got a 2.2 in the first year by literally 0.01% so just under a 2.1 because of 2 politics modules and a maths one that went to shit.

I'd rather not mention the 2.2 i was wondering just to say on track to a 2.1 and mention my better economics and statistics modules.

>> No.518776

You would say "I am on course to graduate with a 2:1 degree in June 2015 (65% current average)"

>> No.518778

but since you got a 2:2 in your first year you're fucked, zero chance of a internship m8, don't bother applying

>> No.518791

I graduate in 2016, I'm a second year at a Russel Group.

Better to apply then not to at all.
I already had an internship at BP. I just need a part time job and something for next summer.

I averaged at 59.49%, it doesn't get more 'just under 2.1' then that.

I reckon my academic adviser would vouch for me on this and if I cover my Econ and Statistics modules i might be Ok.

>> No.518806
File: 13 KB, 400x318, oak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of your 'qualifications' are qualifications

a degree is a qualification
a diploma in plumbing is a qualification
a level 8 musician is a qualification

strong interpersonal skills is not a qualification
ability to program in C is not a qualification

Is English even your first language?

>> No.518821


Jesus Christ OP, I remember us discussing your CV in /g/ like half a year ago. It's still shit.

>> No.518856

Wow, thanks for the constructive advice! I'm planning to remake the cv on the weekend, you had pretty good points, I'll definitely keep them in mind.

Yeah I thought it would be a good idea to make it outstanding just by the looks, but recently I felt that it is indeed a bit too much especially for a boring business field job. Also, whenever I saw it printed at interviews, I thought they would hate me for wasting their printer ink for the blue background. Guess I'll keep the whole background white and come up with a better idea this weekend.

>> No.518858

No, English is not my first language. What do you call it then? Should I say 'skills' instead of qualifications?

>> No.518859

Second paragraph is a reply to >>518661 of course.

>> No.518887

>putting your photo on your CV

>> No.518917

>What do you call it then?
You don't.
Don't tell me you have strong communication and presentation and leadership, show it in your CV.

>> No.518937


Thanks. Duly noted.

Anything else I should be doing? If you saw this (>>518576), would you consider it a strong resume?

>> No.518999
File: 275 KB, 1275x1650, resumeanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think? On top is my name/info, blurred out my HS because don't want to get /b/ed. As you can see I'm a sophomore in HS

>> No.519013

- Reduce margins and space things out - everything is too cramp right now.
- Align your schools and employers left.
- Drop your SAT scores, employers don't care now.
- This is gonna sound dumb, but even for your marketing intern post, put the items in past tense. Makes your resume consistent.
- Your job dates have inconsistent spacing, I think (see "June 2013- August 2013")
- Align your dates to the right, and on the same row, put your position.
- A line of spacing between sections
- Don't put English under your language.
- Under technical skills, use proper capitalization. I would do something like
>Proficient in Javascript, working knowledge in C++, Photoshop and Microsoft Office. Experience with data entry and processing.
You can also consider splitting that into 2 lines.

Mostly minor and easy edits - the meat of your resume is mostly there, for a sophomore resume. Maybe work with your career office to refine and beef up the working of the bullet points.

>> No.519019


are you sure about spacing? for inconsistent spacing, should I put June-August 2013?

>> No.519022

My personal preference is "Jun. 2013 - Aug. 2013"

>> No.519058
File: 1.44 MB, 320x240, super-puke-o[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.519063


>fluent in english and hebrew

you're a shoe-in

>> No.519065
File: 293 KB, 1275x1650, anonresumeedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck you neet fgt, how about now?

>> No.519067


shit, spacing at end is fucked up, but apart from that how else can I improve it

>> No.519212

HR here. Many of the CV/REsumes here could improve by being modified according to the guidelines in here
You will find HARVARD approved guidelines to make your CV, and it will make it look more profesional
>>517843 reduce space after and before your bulletpoints, be more detailed and write what you achieved in your duties. Add "to" in your profile "Able take responsibility". Also, be precise, you dont have that much experience to use 2 whole pages.
>>518080 remove bullet points and do as >>518513 suggest.
>>518474 this one is nice, his advice is spot on about using this >precise description of task (focus on leadership/management roles) + quantitative info on the result/ name of 1-2 companies that you work with or that became clients

>> No.519229


Any tips for >>518576 ?

>> No.519232

In business lingo, if you want to keep them, you can list from "strong communixation" to " time mangement" under "Executive Skills", but don't make them into a list. Your lnguages should go in a "Languages" section. Your free online courses in a section of "executive education" or something like that. Also, the second one looks better but u have to improve it

>> No.519233


That's fucking terrible, you piece of shit.

>> No.519249

Also, i' ve seen that a lot you put languages as fluent or intermediate or wahtever, and it tends to be a Little vague. In languages, its waaay better if you can also give a score for a particular language test, ex. French DELF xxx, English TOEFL xxxx, Chinese, whatever the test, please, consider investing into a language test so you can include a consistent and accepted rating of your proficiency in said language. Makes things way more profesional for you and easier for HR..

>> No.519264

Also, pls guise, pls...
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE goes first and in order from the most recent/actual to first job.
AFTER THAT you write about your EDUCATION/school, even if your education is more recent than your profesional experience.
It is in thar order because what will qualify you for the job is your professional experience and achievements, your "profesional profile", and your education will tell about "academic profile" and it doesn' tend to be as relevant.
Also, HR tends to get a lot of CVs for any given position, and you'll shoot yourself in the foot from the start by doing things backwards.

>> No.519266


even if you're a university student?

>> No.519268

Why does that harvard template have education first? Which is right?

>> No.519278

First, do what >>518654 said, all are very good points. Summary is optional, but it gives HR a quick idea about you, your strengths and qualities. It can help HR to get interested/excited about you and read your full CV.
Professional Experience before Education.
Be more detailed on what you achieved o your internship, not just what you did but what did you accomplish diong that task, like >>518474 did on his resume

Also, go with my previously posted general and Harvard guidelines

>> No.519286

There are examples with profesional experience first also, that is the format you want to use. It is the one that HR is used to see and expects tomrecieve. You don't want your CV to look "weird".

>> No.519294

Yes, you should have some kind of professional experience, be it part time Jobs, internships, academic projects like consulting, software development or sometjing like that. If not, if you really don't have any profesional experience, then just put your education.

>> No.519308
File: 86 KB, 728x654, Screenshot 2014-10-16 at 10.50.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright, so how is this? Removed the part with all my personal info- how can I further improve this?

>> No.519309

First profesional expereience then your education. Use quantities or % to show improvement. Ex "targeted audiences of... and gained a larger following of viewers" -> "... and achieved an increase of X number-% of viewers/readers"
Space between your places of profesional experience, it looks crowded.
Other tan that seems nice.

>> No.519315

I've been thinking about this myself.
I tested out through my university of 3 semester equivalent. Don't really want to pay for an exam. You think an estimate from the testing organization's practice test would be better than simply saying the equivalent number of classes?

>> No.519322

I personally don't like the font. Change that. I also know a kid who went to that school. Mo Leon, maybe you know him?

>> No.519324

Dont list high school, it isnt relevant unless you acquired a technical degree or soemtjing similar and it is rlevant for the position you are trying to apply to.
More space between work places, looks crowded.
Consider adding an "Executive skills' section with tjings like leadership, teamwork, results oriented, etc. To gain a Little mpre space and five you a "rounder" look

>> No.519332

Could be, but a practice test isnt considered an "oficial" test, and some companies will ask your for copies of your test results, oficial tests of course.
You could see if there is a 'University test' of the language and use it as a reference point, but the best is still to invest in an actual test. It will separate you from anyone else that says "i know x language" by having an oficial evaluation/qualification.

>> No.519333

agree with this anon. use Segoe UI font, it's so hot right now.

>> No.519341

Also, tailor your CV for the position you are applying to. Different positions require different skills, and you should tailor your CV in order to show said requird skills.
If you are a BBA and apply for an HR or Marketing positions, the skills and habilities you will need to shpw in your profesional experience are different, so don't use a "one size fits all" CV please, it will impact you negatively, invest the time to tailor your CV, it will pay back.

>> No.519345

An additional point to this, but don't make actually make a different resume for each individual application. Cover letters, yes. Resumes, have one for each broad position-type you're applying for. E.g. one for sales positions, one for research analyst positions etc.

>> No.519352

Boom headshot!
Nailed it, totally right.

>> No.519367

I'll go to b for a while, will return to thread later, if doubts orvwhatever, post and will help if i can

>> No.519598
File: 103 KB, 893x1244, 4ccv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I slightly updated the content, and radically the layout what do you guys think?

>> No.519802

The only case your education goes first is if you're applying to a PhD or a post doc.
Anywhere other than that, professional experience goes first. Even if all you have are internships and small jobs.

>> No.519808

layout looks nice, i have no idea what you're good at though. Also, use bullet points and be specific about your skills and previous responsibilities

>> No.519812

>Jew hospital
Fucking untermenschen

>> No.519815

when applying to jobs outside my city.

should I put my friend's address in said city?

>> No.519819

do you live with said friend?

>> No.519823

no I live in waterloo an hour outside toronto.

My address is on my cover letter/resume. just wondering if employees see it and just toss it aside.

>> No.519984

Not necessarely, a good candidate can be interviewed by phone or Skype, and you could always travel to thd city for tests ans whatnot. In any case, you could use two addresses in your cv, and later discuss it on any interview, but it could be confusing for HR at thebeginning

>> No.519986

Do what >>519808 recommends about using bulletpoints for your responsibilities/achievements, it woul draw attention in an orderly way.

>> No.519988

Also tailor it, what is your target position/branch? Descrobe your activities/ achievements wmphazising the required skills for your target position

>> No.520164

>using anything but LaTeX to edit your CV

Holy fuck you guys are plebs.

>> No.520175

>that guy who doesn't see LaTeX when it's right under his nose, just because the font isn't Computer Modern

>> No.520780
File: 29 KB, 703x685, 4chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on filling the empty space at the bottom with another job in the Work Experience section. Red text is just me reminding myself where to make changes later.
Sorry it's hard to read, I've got a small ass screen and was lucky to even get a picture of it. Assume that it's easy to read normally.

Any suggestions /biz/raelis?

>> No.520798
File: 756 KB, 1275x1650, Updated Resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>514786 here.

I've taken the best things from the resumes from here and other resources. Added in work from other internships, I needed to get confirmation from my references.

I think for a 22 year old, this resume should help me land some good positions.

What do you think, any critiques?

Pretty good, however, I would recommend changing the font.

>> No.520802

Why are you guys still using Times New Roman? Fuck, just use Calibri, Arial or some other Sans Serif font already. Times is good if you want to look like an unemployed 50 year old COBOL programmer.

>> No.520809

It's actually Georgia font, but I'll make the change and see what I think.

>> No.520887


The amount of fun you can have in college pales in comparison to the amount of fun you can have as rich cocaine snorting code monkey

>> No.520922

you two add where you're from

if either of you is from murrika and the other a europoor then you're probably both right

>> No.521088


You can work up in retail if you have the ability to deal with a large amount of bullshit.

>get hired as a stocker
>volunteer on every extra project that comes along I.E seasonal resets
>due to high retail turnover, eventually you'll become the next one due for a promotion by default(assuming you aren't a shithead)
>become department manager or zone manager or whatever the fuck your company calls it.

And within 2 years, you'll have skills in people management, inventory management, merchandise ordering, working with vendors, merchandise resets, customer service, etc. And then you can look for less shitty work.

>> No.521212

>implying that i cant find out your info from your dissertation

>> No.521217

None of you BA's in econ are proficient in stata just because you can regress 2 variables. yall niggas are about to get called out one day

>> No.521264


>>520798 here.

B-b-but I took Mathematical Economics, Econometrics I and II, Industrial Organization, and Game Theory.

Does that amount to anything even for a B.A.?

>> No.521457

Who gives a fuck about stata