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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5134379 No.5134379 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5134427

get the fuck in dummies

>> No.5134438

Got 15k right now.

How much should I be expecting this sunday?

This is going to be easy money after the new ui comes out. 30% rise minimum before year end.

>> No.5134582

>How much should I be expecting this sunday?
not much desu

we gotta be doing some millions for you to make good staking returns.
Just enjoy the rising coin price for now.

>> No.5134653
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>whales trade their own COSS
>thus increasing the volume
>thus making people fomo, subsequently increasing the price of COSS

>> No.5134693

Now you're getting it

Singapore bitch

>> No.5134816

but that's a ponzi scheme by definition, it's profitable for whales to artifically inflate the volume and then dump on future bagholders

>> No.5134957
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>but that's a ponzi scheme by definition
Good, don't buy.
A++ on that paper, wew lad you're fucking retarted

>> No.5134989

>but that's a ponzi scheme by definition
Damn it people. Learn what the real definition of "Ponzi Scheme" is for fuck's sake.

>> No.5135005

this coping

fucking lmaoing at your life faggot.

>> No.5135024

I bought the bottom and sold at 20k. No ragrets, since then I outperformed COSS several times over.
>A Ponzi scheme (/ˈpɒn.zi/; also a Ponzi game) is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator generates returns for older investors through revenue paid by new investors, rather than from legitimate business activities or profit of financial trading.
Yeah, sounds about right.

>> No.5135119

what makes you think you can't do this with any coin?

There is a good reason shitcoins will just randomly moon.

Coss and Kucoin have both shown consistent and organic growth.

>> No.5135195

>I sold early so everyone else is in on a ponzi scheme

nice one faggot

>> No.5135257

>what makes you think you can't do this with any coin?
Because the value of COSS is directly tied to volume on coss.io, brainlet.
Most of the volume on COSS coming from whales trading into their walls is not "organic growth". Not to mention that current dividends are barely above 1% p.a., so the coin is fundamentally overvalued by a factor of 3 at least, even accounting for the speculative value.
>inb4 hurr durr fud
I honestly don't give a fuck, I just enjoy making fun of COSS shills.

>> No.5135348


>> No.5135401

The only shilling happened at $.06 and now it is $.19, so it was just anons giving good advice.

Check the buy sell charts. This is not consistent with a pnd. Of course you are probably not intelligent enough to realize that, you probably couldn't tell a pnd from a chart anyway.

>> No.5135743


In crypto, everything is overvalued
COSS is astronomically undervalued, relative to the rest of the shit projects with hundred million dollar marketcaps.

>> No.5135785

went all in on COSS in late october

thank you based shill, my days of fucking up on alts are over

>> No.5135809

Coss, Kucoin, and Binance are working products.

If you invested in any of themearly on you did good.

>> No.5135950

how do I dump money into this shit?

do I really have to go through an exchange?

>> No.5136031

I was that shill my son

And I've posted every day up to this day.

Tonight we dine in Lambos

>> No.5136448

>Owning 20% of a company granting the owner 20% of the profit is a Ponzi Scheme
Fuck off

>> No.5136564

11k COSS
Bought most at .07. Feeling pretty comfy rn.

>> No.5136814

Remember they have FIAT gateway soon! COSS will moon like crazy when they change to new trading platform Q1 2018. Top 20 at least just by the supporters

>> No.5136860

why cant i hodl all these shitcoin threads

>> No.5136887

so I need to buy ethereum and then trade into coss, lame

>> No.5136944

Shitcoins dont have working products.

People here are shilling Req because of a test of a single system in a non-working product. That is the definition of a shitcoin.

>> No.5137026
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too le loon my bois

>> No.5137107

won't have any COSS till the 27th... fug