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51343050 No.51343050 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51343076

That could be seen as a potentially bullish event. The community is going to force CZ to tax trading. We will be millionaires want it or not. It's just fair.

>> No.51343078

oof. lunc is dead. this shit is being artificially pumped one last time to squeeze all remaining capital out.
you have retards talking about muh $1.
the end is close

>> No.51343081

how the fuck is this supposed to work?
if binance implements a 1.2% burn tax on CEX transactions completely out of their ass in the database, it will immediatly be profitable to use another exchange that doesn't and it's impossible to enforce.

lunafags are a bunch of dumb shitskins

>> No.51343090

This is so fucking bullish holy shit

>> No.51343096

god i wish that were me

>> No.51343110

The Binance announcement was such a clear shake out, it's obvious 90% of the posters in that image were part of the dump right after the announcement. Normies will never make it.

>> No.51343124

Are you really surprised that the people who formed a cult around a dead ponzi scheme are not the brightest?

>> No.51343139
File: 29 KB, 587x139, dumb_wop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol
johnny isn't doing this dumb shit either; i'm trading LUNC right now kucoin tax free

>> No.51343154

If Binance can manipulate events to pump their own bags, why wouldn't they? Its common sense they would want to recoup their losses on a sensational LUNC moonpump.

>> No.51343271

Why would you intentionally move your coins to an exchange that's going to pretend to they're burning them when they're just stuffing their own pockets

>> No.51343746

Lol at the retards seething because they can't comprehend a simple announcements. Paper handed bitches can fuck off while LUNChads rise.

>> No.51343778

the burn tax was never about modifying protocols on CEXs. If the on chain burn doesn't cause problems, then exchanges implementing a tax + higher fees is likely, as its what people are asking for. This can only be done on an exchange by exchange basis, but each new exchange on board means more pumping.
Now, if the TR team could somehow get Dumb Kwon to burn part most of his x trillion stack and airdrop the rest to old luna holders as tokenistic reparations, that would be monumentally bullish.

>> No.51343992

Do Kwon doesn't have trillions. Maybe he had, but the trillions belongs to Binance now.

>> No.51344029

Not a single CEX is doing the off chain thing, except maybe MEXC for a time limited event.*

Normies are double stupid to believe that the tax burn was for trading and to believe that it's Binance fault.

>> No.51344054

buy Statera if you want a proper burn token that does something faggots

>> No.51344192

>Normies are double stupid to believe that the tax burn was for trading
none of the cex's have ever implemented any of the retarded forcing the chart reflection / burn / 30% tax to "dev" wallet nonsense.

why would they ever think this would happen in the first place.

the entire point of CEX is to bring traders together on to a common platform for reduced fees and spreads. instead of going and buying 50 physical barrels of oil and then pay for storing the oil and transporting the oil everytime I want to sell it; I can go to a nice convenient CEX and just buy some database numbers for a reasonable 0.2% fee

>> No.51344204

Also Defi: CEX why aren't you saving me?

>> No.51344324

Why did anyone expect Binance to burn 1.2% from transactions on their exchange? Exchange transactions are off-chain so the governance vote that approved the LUNC burn can't and doesn't apply to centralized exchanges. This whole issue is stupid.

>> No.51344599

>being a kike and a glownigger, for free
>wishful thinking
stop it

>> No.51344625

the delusion of luna holders is honestly terrifying

>> No.51344699

The best part would be if 'le burn tax' is actually implemented. "Hurray, now whoever buys will get less, but make the rest of us richer!" "Wtf happened to the volume?" Like do these niggers not see the shrinkflation memes? Nobody likes paying full price to get less.

>> No.51344718

>seething tranny
this coping nigger missed out on the easiest gains of 2022 and calls other people stupid

>> No.51344741

It's an asset that becomes scarce due to burn. Making people fomo & dogpile in during a time when QT is shredding other gains accross the spectrum. Ironically LUNC is a symbolic hivemind lifeboat hail mary hedge for the upcoming clownworld winter.

>> No.51344804

best way of saying
>i'm a retarded redditor that missed out on the easiest 5x while holding meme coins like ICP and chainlink that did a -40% in the meantime
just butthurt cope, nothing more. lunc keeps rising and you keep being poor

>> No.51346395
File: 105 KB, 1915x778, ICP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will KYS

>> No.51346454
File: 427 KB, 1928x1224, 1662707329871521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all going to be fine. Fret not frens

>> No.51346465
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>> No.51346618

what about cex wash trading? Lots of volume is made by cex bots not user

>> No.51346665
File: 242 KB, 1282x904, 9503140A-7C38-45A3-BE83-FF1A929DFF06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]