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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 1080x709, Screenshot_20220909-145434_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51342466 No.51342466 [Reply] [Original]

Boomers in the denial phase lel.

>> No.51342510

its funny to see it happening in real time. houses used to be gone in a weekend in my town
but suddenly one house stayed unsold
then another and another. and they're staying unsold for a few months now.

>> No.51342536
File: 271 KB, 1080x1317, Screenshot_20220909-115633_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, now it's like this.

>> No.51342585

Can someone post the obligatory aus property midwit graph thanks

>> No.51342656

I get a sick pleasure looking at that image. my one fear is I won't have the capital to pounce on the market when it hits cheapie zone, being a 21 y'old zoomer trying to get an entry level webdev job. I was able to convince my parents to lock in their interest rate, I'm pretty sure it's roughly 1.5% for the next three years

>> No.51342669

post moar boomer tears

>> No.51342743

he's right though. prices have dipped but the market is still hot. faggot

>> No.51342757

Just hold on to the property and rent it out, stupid boomer roastie

>> No.51342780

oh no

>> No.51342787


>> No.51342815

Rent is dropping for that reason, people can't sell so eventually they put it up for rent which is flooding the market.

Dropping rents and rising interest rates is not good for landlords.

>> No.51342837
File: 1.15 MB, 1080x1955, housing crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry sweetums there will be no crash
after all, it would be bad for everyone

>> No.51342854

Hodl the line zestimate sisters

>> No.51342858
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>> No.51342923


Where can I go to farm this content?

>> No.51342934

I love it when midwit property holders get fucked in the ass be they Amerimutt or Chink. Fuck them.

>> No.51342990
File: 651 KB, 680x573, 1661475540987062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we sold now it would be a $150k loss.

>> No.51343014

this is how many family's generational wealth was destroyed in 2008

going from rich to poor as a 12 year old... it uh... gives you some hard to address angst for a really long time

>> No.51343065

normies will never learn
>lets be super levered to housing, my only asset
>housing market declines

>> No.51343080

Boomer fags are starting to sound like Celcius LeRedditors.

>> No.51343093

If he thinks he can move it he should start high and come down.

No sense in holding through a crash unless you don’t need the money or intend to stay in the house til the market rebounds.

>> No.51343113

Normies live in cattle goyim la la land, I understand why they get looked on that way by tribes and gangs who control and prey on them.

>> No.51343150

canadians are learning this lesson right now lol
i begged my boomer parents to sell since last november, they were sitting on over 1 million in gains but they were too greedy

>> No.51343170

where is the rest of this boomer salt OP quit blueballing

>> No.51343174
File: 614 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220908-230235_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baed permabull parents. Line only go up. Sell never ever!

>> No.51343190

they already lost 500k since feb
i'm gonna have to support these boomers

>> No.51343253
File: 333 KB, 1080x1898, somuchpotential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the market crashes.

>> No.51343276
File: 16 KB, 236x248, a8c52db91dc98c30c99715de33e49e71--frog-meme-the-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it is hard to swallow losing what you've worked so hard for for so many years in just a matter of months.

Thanks for playing!

>> No.51343510
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>> No.51343604


>> No.51343694

Who are these people suddenly so desperate to sell? To people really get paper hands over their primary residence? It's not like there are mass layoffs (yet)

>> No.51343713

How? Were they overleveraged? Then they were probably never rich to begin with.

>> No.51343755
File: 461 KB, 1080x2048, 1655992981768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look at this from boomer perspective. They are looking into the abyss. Most will not live long enough to capitalize on the next bull run. This was their last chance.

>> No.51343770

People bought a new house using leverag and held onto their old one hoping prices were going up forever.

>> No.51343781

its not their primary residence, they are speculators and deserve what is coming

>> No.51343783

they probably can't realistically afford the payments were stretching into savings to just quickly flip it

>> No.51343807

A lot of these sales aren't primary resources. Often times the past few years homeowners with a lot of equity bought new primary homes with the intention of moving out and then selling their old home. The sellers are fucked now as they are in their new home, are floating two mortages and can't sell their old home at stupid prices to cover their new purchase. They are over leveraged and inflation is bighting them in the ass too.

>> No.51343828

compounded by the fact that they moved out of areas they ruined with their homosexual politics, so the old residence is in a decaying lawless shithole city that no one wants to live in

>> No.51343835

If they ARE primary residences it's often because they're boomers who were trying to sell the family home to pay for retirement facilities rather than be cared for at home and bequeathing it to the kids. These are the absolute worst sort of boomer scum and I hope they take 90% haircuts.

>> No.51343849

this is depressing, but justification to play shittokens / 1m chart

>> No.51343851

Dont forget all the "value add" garbage that dosen't actually add value while also neglecting needed renovations that inspectors will find and buys will not over look anymore.

>> No.51343960

yup, it's a sliver of justice

>> No.51344351


>> No.51344384

It is your duty to say I told you so.

>> No.51344747
File: 78 KB, 183x270, 1661724852694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is genuinely convinced he can make it getting into shitty house stuff, I keep looking for shit on dextool and buying bags of everything and I make more than him without even having a job

>> No.51345032


Fuck boomers so much

>> No.51345111

Niqqa how many bull runs does one generation need? They've had a nonstop line-go-up since '71. All they had to do was buy something, anything, then live within their means.

>> No.51345132
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>> No.51345167


Whats even more fascinating is that people starting putting more houses on the market after it was clear what shitstorm is coming (europoor), of course they still ask prices of the last year even with the increased rates, you can smell the fear and them wanting to try to exit the market before it crashes, little did they know its already way to late and they missed the top, none of the houses is selling, its very satisfying to watch and even more so when they will decrease prices slowly throughout the next months

>> No.51345205

Well yeah the investors or people that planned to dump their house to live in an apartment on the coast in Spain are realizing they missed the top so they're running to the exits. A house near me was listed at $500k in July and it just showed as sold when I checked a few days ago for $400k. Pretty nice house too. The fire rises.

>> No.51345230
File: 142 KB, 1080x1779, Screenshot_20220909-091612~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you check Chainlinks TRUFLATION dashboard you can see that housing is cooling off but far from crashing

I want it to crash too but you guys are jumping the gun

>> No.51345252

arent boomers nearly dead? everything they have goes to the millenials

>> No.51345270

a lot of the "boomers" are actually gen x theyve still got 10+ years left and they all pulled out lines of credits on their homes to pay for vacations and motorcycles and campers etc so unless they have a really generous life insurance policy you'll probably get fucked

>> No.51345314

>everything they have goes to the millenials
They literally bankrupt themselves on the 'medical'/luxury end of life systems they created. They will reverse mortgage to do so.

>> No.51345384

>reverse mortgage

>> No.51345430

what's the problem here exactly that you chimped out?

>> No.51345444

has it ever occured to you that they still have a mortgage and need the money? that maybe their kids cannot or will not care for them? that they discussed it and decided it was the best option? you dont know what peoples situation is yet you make these dumb grandious proclamations.

>> No.51345539

cant wait to buy their homes for $50,000 next year

>> No.51345577

these faggots have spent the last 10 years playing homeflipper watching HGTV 24/7. they deserve losing evertyhing for their kikery

>> No.51345586

>d buying bags of everything
like what? what was your most recent successful bag

>> No.51345591

I just sold my old apartment 10% above estimate.

>> No.51345852

millenials arent getting shit dude

>> No.51345906

You say that now but your parents are probably pretty young and healthy and/or poor. I am set to inherit a lot of shit.

>> No.51345916

>Why no one wants to pay 200 years worth of average wage for our shitty house we bought for 30000$?

>> No.51345962

>entire thesis for wealth management is greater's fool theory
>"how could we run out of suckers to flip to?"
normalfags are so childish it's maddening

>> No.51345986

>trusting chainlink for truth
it's unironically a meme, man. chainlink is not a serious project

>> No.51345994




>> No.51345995

sounds like a (You) problem
most people have kids in their 30s at the latest, and live until their 90s
so the average person wouldn't inherit until their 60s. thankfully

>> No.51346028
File: 545 KB, 966x900, 1628579521599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the top

>> No.51346029

That's not exactly true though. I put my extra townhouse on the market 3 weeks ago and it got an offer over ask in 2 days

>> No.51346076

your mom didn't see you as a serious project either

>> No.51346097

The amount of seething in this thread is laughable. I hope the housing market booms significantly this winter just to watch all of you fucking freak out more.

>> No.51346141

>this winter
Its just gone autumn. You put about the longest timeframe on that possible. in Australia, where the OP resides, spring is the busiest time of the year for real estate

>> No.51346241

>just gone autumn
Spring rather

>> No.51346262

It won't. Nobody has any faith in the market right now. Just one little push and it will all crumble.

>> No.51346276

This thread is the ultimate buy signal

>> No.51346288

it's just getting started. both ecb and fed only recently raised rates. they will probably do so again. more pain incoming.

>> No.51346312

>that maybe their kids cannot or will not care for them?
gee i wonder why
they will get what's coming to them one way or another

>> No.51346370
File: 31 KB, 300x338, american dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you guys know, boomers are not leaving their great wealth to their kids or offspring, instead they're taking lavish vacations, renting out absurd senior living apartments and blowing all of their money before they die.

There will be nothing left and millenials and generation z will be literal slaves in boxes eating bugs.

>> No.51346405

live for today

>> No.51346433

I just bought a 400k house for 295k, there are deals out there right now anon

>> No.51346453

>I just bought a 400k house for 295k
so it wasn't a 400k house, it was a 295k house.

>> No.51346477

what. if you own a house, the paper price of it going down doesnt really affect you at all.

>> No.51346478

You mean 100k house, the rest of the valuation is land / location

>> No.51346498

Well in this case there was a boomer elderly couple who lived here, the husband died and the home went into neglect for years. The pool is now a spawning vat for gay frogs. After I clean it up proper the place should be worth more than 400k actually

>> No.51346595
File: 50 KB, 518x854, 1662723179844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in Europe and Latin America housing prices are going up
What's the catch?

>> No.51346640

"Boomer" means anyone over 30 these days

>> No.51346762
File: 2.10 MB, 1024x1024, F0682A2F-9CF4-4FC4-B8D9-289686F1B522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to be a bear tbqh lads but I've ran into a bit of an issue. Apparently banks won't lend any amount to a professional shitcoiner like myself so looks like it might be back to the wage cage for a year to build up some good goy points. Is it really going to be worth it?

>> No.51346777

most boomers/gen x throw away most or all of their accumulated wealth during retirement. the bank takes the house when they die and their kids inherit next to nothing

>> No.51346780

I know a boomer whose favorite channel is hgtv, but all she owns is a trailer.

>> No.51346827

boomers were born up until 1964. the youngest boomers are in their 50s, not that old

>> No.51346878

Cash is tied to currency inflating faster than the US's.

>> No.51346894

>contractor's special
>bring your toolbelt!
>great for the handyman!
>diamond in the rough
>has good bones
>needs some "sweat equity"
>desirable neighborhood
>won't last long
>make an offer today
You got fucked. Its worth nothing. Enjoy losing money fixing someone elses problems.
>yah but it was a great deal because of this pool that will need more repairs than its worth

>> No.51346932

Please teach me your ways of dextool. I will pay you. I am going to rope. I can't take it any more living with war trauma dad, in denial push-over mom, and non-responsive brother.

>> No.51346966

Boomers grew up without the internet.
That’s all I really need to say.
Looking at my grandparents is like looking at two neanderthals.
They should be considered mentally handicapped and shouldn’t be allowed to make financial decisions.

>> No.51347090

still not buying your boomer shack that was built 80+ years ago and has tons of hidden maintence problems, no central air, $500/month utility bills, and a yard that requires $1000s a year in upkeep.

>> No.51347152

focus on volume retard

>> No.51347350

The very oldest ones are in their mid 70s. According to google it's between 58 and 76.
And not for nothing but it's not just boomers doing this, they get all the hate but there's just as many if not more gen xer/xims and millennials doing this too.
They unironically fell for the 'this time it's different' meme.
A few people who I know and follow on social media work in real estate as agents and it's funny watching them try to spin this as the market is still moving and blah blah so that means it's not a crash. Like yeah, no shit, people still buy/sell in downtrends that market doesn't just freeze. Real estate takes a long time to do things so the unwind will likely last well into next year, at least.
>the housing market will boom as the fed purposely creates a recession to tame inflation
Being a contrarian doesn't make you smart, denying the obvious when it's obvious just makes you a retard.
Oh so you bought a shitbox that you have to put another $100k into.

>> No.51347381

>Boomers grew up without the internet.
>That’s all I really need to say.
>Looking at my grandparents is like looking at two neanderthals.
>They should be considered mentally handicapped and shouldn’t be allowed to make financial decisions.
meanwhile, in reality, internet brainwashed generations are the lowest IQ retards in history with their minds mushed by tiktok and instagram

>> No.51347538

Im selling my 200k app and buying btc when it drops over the next year

Being a single unit landlord is some real npc bullshit

>> No.51347644

She has the hairstyle of an absolutely insane person

>> No.51347850

Instead of a rental yield forever you’d rather own 10 digital tokens lmao

>> No.51348023

>the fed won’t raise rates
>ok the fed raised rates, but will reverse.
>fed raises rates again and again
>housing prices won’t decrease
>there won’t be mass layoffs
>ok houses prices may decrease slightly
(You are here)
>housing prices won’t crash
>Hoomers won’t default on their loans
>you vill live in ze pod

>> No.51348039

>Ha ha look at these retards
>Ha ha they are so retarded
>Noooooooo you are seething
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of

>> No.51348079

They dont know. Just acting like a typical redditor

>> No.51348103

>be boomer
>sell home for 800k
>spend 800k to buy a different home built in the same era

That 50 year investment really paid off!

>> No.51348179

>Finally got my dream house and I'm only in my 60's!
>Now its time to finally start living!
>I'll buy [insert thing here] and finally start enjoying life!

>> No.51348191


>> No.51348584

So I keep up with my city's nicer districts. Here during the peak homes were getting offers within hours and over asking. Talking dozens of homes a week.
Now? This same top end area sees premium homes slide 10-20% before a sale, and the amount going up for sale has dwindled to like one a week.

>> No.51348679

low volume? high volume?

>> No.51348716

Literally biz

>> No.51348722

My realtor keeps sending me messages telling me prices won't go much lower and the time to buy is now! Kek, I'm sitting on half a million in cash, I think I'll buy 5 homes

>> No.51348922

Not surprised at all, agents are scrambling to get ANY business in this market

>> No.51348949

Fuck house flipping boomers. Get a real job, you freeloading scum.

>> No.51348995


>> No.51349091

Worst take against boomers. Boomers are guilty of so much shit. Growing up without internet might be the only based thing about them.

>> No.51349193

just buy a house outright and don't pay 20-30% goy tax by getting a mortgage?
if you can't then you haven't made it yet

>> No.51349240

Woof. Glad I’m not looking to buy/sell in the near future

>> No.51349424

Even if I had the money I'd buy on leverage. With interest rates still way below inflation you'd be fucked in the head not to

>> No.51349662

Slavery is worth it, to the owner.

>> No.51349702


>> No.51349792

They are nowhere near as healthy or strong as their parent's generation. Lots of boomers are already dropping dead in their 60s and 70s from living unhealthy lifestyles. They won't live as long as their parents, trust me.

>> No.51350016

This my fucking retard of a grandfather took a reverse mortgage and lost the home he & his wife lived in for 16 years. They trusted the company bc Tom Selick was the one doing the commercial and I wish I was fucking kidding about that.

>> No.51350230
File: 91 KB, 1312x904, Screenshot 2022-09-09 at 17.43.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... my house lost 0.8% this month after gaining only 120% in 7 years....
its over

>> No.51350345


>> No.51350503

Is this Dutch? Looks like German and Welsh fucked then Serbia raised it

>> No.51350552

I plan to just sit it out this winter, see what happens. If it really crashes I should have enough to slurp other people's cheap houses. Depends what's going to happen with energy prices and ECB rates, I think one winter should be enough to get an idea of it, real crash in 1 year IMO but who knows.

Yes it is

>> No.51350559

Very organic thread, definitely not a Chinese internet brigrade

>> No.51350621
File: 401 KB, 2008x1033, 1662154780911525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Measuring wealth in nominal value over 7 years period.

>> No.51350791

she unironically has a more masculine hairline than I do

>> No.51350796

sadly the boomer remover didn't work the way we expected it to

>> No.51350820

i love this video. perfect metaphor for boomer behavior in general.

>> No.51350895

>t.boomer in denial

>> No.51350962

Is this the best the DoD can do with $300m?

>> No.51351016

Literally me, my Dad was one of the guys involved with defrauding banks though so it’s not surprise they took our house (probably worth 900k now).

>> No.51351083

Boomers literally believe everything the tv has told them all their lives

>> No.51351132

>some hard to address angst for a really long time
walk it off, pantywaist

>> No.51351154

Anne-Heche-tier nutjob

>> No.51351216

>of course I want to pay 8% interest on an asset I am €250k underwater on

>> No.51351228

Same here

>> No.51351236

Why do people invest in real estate when crypto is a much better investment?

>> No.51351245

>my realtor is trying to make me lose money
Why is he still your realtor?

>> No.51351772

This looks to be snow mexico.
I am very happy for them. Fuck the investors(Chinks, poos and kiks) who destroyed their market.

>> No.51351780
File: 88 KB, 820x885, B8A1F599-5AAD-4217-A9C2-9B3F9ABCF5DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy pardner, mind telling me where the mine you got all them juicy slat nuggets from!? I would like to take a swing at the salt myself!

>> No.51352042
File: 158 KB, 767x742, 1650705055888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything they had went to overseas investment lmao millennials won't see a dime of that money.

>> No.51352088

>it's just a gulley, that's all. just nerves.

>> No.51352111


>> No.51352140

uh bro, your image is 50kb ???

>> No.51352144
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>> No.51352187

New Jersey is still at all time highs. I wish I was born in a better state. I look over at Pennsylvania and see houses twice as nice for half the price.

>> No.51352236

>Just hold on to the property and rent it out, stupid boomer roastie
You know what happens when suddenly a lot more of something appears on the market, right?

>> No.51352272

>this is how many family's generational wealth was destroyed in 2008
If it was destroyed in 2008 it was never true wealth, idiot. You can't exactly liquidate a part of a house.

>> No.51352326
File: 83 KB, 325x257, ohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single MLM wine aunt suburbanoid is exactly the same. Trying to live the high life without working a real job, "own" everything on credit, constantly looking for a cheap win without building something small but stable that they actually OWN on the side. Every middle-aged woman in my family is the same, and they all have NOTHING put aside for retirement and are up to the gills with hundreds of thousands in debt - in their fucking FIFTIES.
I sure hope they don't expect my generation to support them because we won't. Fuck boomers.

>> No.51352366

>but all she owns is a trailer.
Hey if she owns it, that's more than most people have in this country.

>> No.51352402

>I hope the housing market booms significantly this winter just to watch all of you fucking freak out more.
Why would we freak out more, things would just stay the same. Are you retarded?
I'm building a mobile home on my land and will have it paid off in under 5 years. I will own everything and will be happy.

>> No.51352439


>> No.51352442

>agents are scrambling to get ANY business in this market
My agent keeps sending me absolute dogshit and pushing me to offer more and more. They know their time is limited and the cash cow is nearly gone. Anybody that thinks realtors being pushier than ever to get a big payday isn't a sign of things to come is coping hard.

>> No.51352594



>> No.51353225

You want to hear something funny? My friend's parents bought a house in 2004 or 2005 for $350k. Huge house, 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, finished walkout basement with kitchen in basement as well. 3 car garage, all in all somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 sq ft

My friend's dad just came to him with an offer. He still owes 240k on the house, and will sell it to my friend. He wants to buy a new house, and he'll use the equity from the existing house, once sold to my buddy, to finance the new house, which my friend will live in til his parents decide to move and downside.

These are business owners who always had nice cars and stuff, my friend thinks his dad may have borrowed from his home's equity to prop up his business. These aren't even boomers, they are old GenX in their 50s

>> No.51354145

Bro you friend's parents have managed to only pay off ~30% of that loan in ~20 years? Something fucky is definitely happening here.

>> No.51354328
File: 266 KB, 1284x1547, cadillacman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TV is worse. Except social media.
Interesting you talk like an old man.

>> No.51354350

The mortgage is what makes real estate attractive in the first place. You are essentially getting exposure to 100% of the value for 20% upfront. IT doesn't have to be on a SFH either, you can do it on <5 unit deals too. The kind of financing you get in large multi unit real estate is pretty bad. 30 year term, single digit interest rate, 80% LTV on an appreciating asset that is tax deductible, and can cash flow? Real estate is a great asset class and banks love it because it lets them generate tons of loans aka print more money. The problem is that when lending is too good aka low digit interest rates everyone and their mother starts jumping on the bandwagon. After a point there's no where left to go and you have to reload which means bringing the interest rates up, removing the liquidity, basically just making money more expensive which has a ripple effect across all markets, and anyone who thinks otherwise has no clue what they're talking about. It's literally as simple as anything that benefited from massive money printing will suffer from rate hikes. Real estate took off, the stock market took off, crypto took off, the fake and gay economy took off to the point there were so many jobs that you couldn't get quality people because everyone was growing, everyone was killing it. All that has already started to change and will continue to reverse course until we go below equilibrium and then bounce back up to it. It takes more than 10 months of stocks in the shitter. Doesn't matter to me though. I'm chilling in cash and have been since January.

>> No.51354415

"They bought it for 680, they'd sell it for that"

>> No.51354507

>certified pre-owned
Is this phrase are retarded as it sounds?
>yes folks, we guarantee that someone else owned this car before you!

>> No.51354588

Holy fucking shit american cars look like utter garbage. EU really can't challenged

>> No.51354766

its going to gen x, retard. its already been happening for a decade.

>> No.51354785

Can a first worlder chime in here. Where I live housing is more or less cheap but interest rates have always been relatively high. As a result the insane first world housing greed is less pronounced here.
So how are these people loosing their wealth? do they have multiple homes and mortgages that they suddenly can't pay? What's the deal? Property value going down doesn't mean that you have no property.

>> No.51354797
File: 8 KB, 508x314, South Africa-Interest_Rate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost forgot. Pic related

>> No.51356407
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Low interest rates make for cheap debt. Cheap debt drives up prices because its effectively money printing through fractional reserve banking. Prices going up give people a lot more equity when they get the value of their house re-assessed. This opens up leveraging the equity to get more cheap debt and buy more property. But as with the stock market this also makes you venerable to economic down turns and you can quickly become upside down on you loans.

Basically a lot of Americans speculatively invest in real-estate and that's why it can be more volatile over here. It ends up hurting everyone else too because just like with stocks the price of homes are set in the margins.

>> No.51356454
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Paid for my house with cash last year, regardless of what it's worth it's still my house and I own it outright.
Moving away from the city (London) was the best move I ever made, everyone who is tired of niggers is moving to the coast and the myriad of schools in the local area are a sea of white faces.

>> No.51356494
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Mfw i might be able to slurp a house in the next bullrun

>> No.51356526

Thank you for that explanation. I’m obviously not as financially literate as I ought to be.
How is that allowed though? How can you use an unpaid house as collateral for another home loan? There’s no way that should be allowed

>> No.51356644

millennial here, 32yo, my parents would be considered boomers, in their early 60s, still very healthy and alive, and 3 of my grandparents are still alive (1 got hit by a car), all in their 80s, still relatively healthy
by the time i inherit something i will be like 70 years old, so no point in waiting for that

>> No.51356950
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It just is, for now. You're borrowing on the equity. So if you still have a lean on the house they subtract what you own to the bank and give you a HELC valued at what is leftover. When you take that credit out its effectively cash so you can go and make a down payment or be a cash buyer for a new property. Then you refinance, rinse repeat. But its a risky game. You are making the assumption that a lender will want to refinance the property. I know people that got burned and had to take losses in 2008 because no bank would not refinance their properties.

>> No.51357075

>if you check Chainlinks TRUFLATION dashboard you can see that housing is cooling off but far from crashing
this is how it starts you fucking retard. housing markets take 2-3 years MINIMUM from peak to troth

>> No.51357418

god dammit

>> No.51357456

Anecdotally, my parents bought a house for 800k in 2008 and sold for 650k in 2011. It only reached 800k again in 2018, a full decade later.
If we do see a crash (which is a big if, I don't expect another 2008), it'll take years to recover from.

>> No.51357626

Anecdotally, my parents bought a house for 450k in 2008.
Some neighboring houses have sold for 800, 900, and 1000k in 2020-2022.
Just live in California lmao easy.

>> No.51357664
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why would someone go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.51357927

They didn't bother to learn anything. That's the real issue.

The internet is the greatest modern tool, but most retards don't even use it for it's intended purpose;
Instant Encyclopedia / how to / learning

Its all ass cracks and titties to be bussin for Likes and Hearts no cappin

>> No.51357955

Same literally makes my dick hard

>> No.51357963

That's most people dummy. They're called NPC's, and you'd know this with the INTERNET.

Too many bussin to appreciate what we what never had. Fr Fr

>> No.51357982

Cryptos worthless Mumu, you're better off learning to sow your own clothes and farm indoors then buying digital money.

Hell you're better off converting it all into Cash and keeping it IRL (cash is the true bitcoin / freedom bux)

>> No.51358014
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>I don't expect another 2008
You should probably prepare for it anyway.

>> No.51358103

Tell me some stories.

t. Was always poor growing up.

>> No.51358214

bros is she balding or is my lappy top just garb

>> No.51358269

Peak cope from this man

>> No.51358289
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I just closed on a house

>> No.51358292

I treat calls about buying my house with the same level of hostility.

>> No.51358340

kek bro, you are buying the pico top of a multi year housing bubble

>> No.51358399

Housing will never crash. Boomers will literally import a trillion niggers from Africa and have the federal reserve print each of them a million dollars to prop this shit up. Open borders is just another weapon from rent seeking parasites to prop up asset prices.

>> No.51358419

>canadians are learning this lesson right now lol
Are you retarded? Property in Canada has always been expensive since harper left.
The fuck are you spewing?

>> No.51358457

im a euro and i like cadillac stylewise

>> No.51358459

That's exactly right, old man, now back to Facebook.

>> No.51358462

Prices in the GTA are down like 30% from ATH.

>> No.51358482

post the one with the scooter

>> No.51358506

There will be no immigration if there are no jobs for them which will be the case soon.

There will net emigration and nobody to buy Boomers housing bags, and house prices will look like a shitcoin rugging.

>> No.51358510

in my city it seems like housing is cooling but rent is skyrocketing... wierd combo

>> No.51358530
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Less people buying, more people wanting to rent. Simple supply and demand. Same in my mid-size city on California's Central Coast

>> No.51358541

Wait 6 months for sellers to realize there are no buyers and then put their properties on the rental market.

>> No.51358543
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>everything they have goes to the millenials
oh my sweet summer child

>> No.51358579

Boomers grew up without internet and the TV being God and now they're geriatric asses have moved onto the internet where they've replaced the God television with facebook posts and other boomer shit. My mother is so fucking ill equipped to be on the internet but she's just barely managed enough ability to learn how. It's the worst combination because she believes EVERYTHING she reads online.

>> No.51358592

my metro also building like crazy for the past few decades, multiple cookie cutter developemnts every year, when i was a kid the population was 60k and now its 250k
it doesnt stop growing but weve been importing TONS of africans to work the low skilled jobs and keep the wheels turning, all debt based of course

>> No.51358774

Certified pre owned extends factory warranties which makes it worth it IMO especially for european 'luxury' brand cars. My car went through 2 catastrophic mechanical failures that required the car to be towed to the dealer, and I would have had to pay out the ass for repairs if I didnt have certified pre owned coverage

>> No.51358903

That’s what we get for buying Chinese

>> No.51358911
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>comments are turned off
that was the most predatory ad I think I’ve ever seen.

>> No.51358962

This is an accurate description of dutch. Portuguese sounds like Russian plus Spanish divided by two to me.

>> No.51358963

I 100% believe that boomers will be in full political control for atleast another 30 years.

>> No.51359008

> EU really can't challenged
nice ESL there

>> No.51359037

>how’s my house flipper momerino going?

>> No.51359060

You can still get this loan if you’re not spic or nig, they can’t discriminate based on race so if you’re white (or “white”) you still have access.

>> No.51359072

>welcome mom and pops in crypto I 1000% held through a coin I made over 15k on and never sold and now I’m here

>> No.51359080

Tom Selleck wouldn't lie to me. He's a cultural icon from my glory years. We've grown old together, we stand together, and now he's here to advise me.

>> No.51359132

>My car went through 2 catastrophic mechanical failures
didnt buy japanese eh? deserved.

>> No.51359265

You’re wrong though. 80% of the wealth transfer is private business anyway. So maybe the boomers sell their ownership in the business, but everyone has the opportunity to get in on this historic transfer of wealth. This is an opportunity and you’re just mad because your grandad thinks you are a weak chinned dissapointment for an offspring. The world is transitioning. It’s the best time for changes of fortune. Go be a winner and stop feeling bad for yourself.

>> No.51359290

I feel you. I grew up dirt poor, then my parents started their own company, did well enough to start buying rental properties, and we were solidly on track for upper middle or even upper class when everything imploded. I think I was 14-15 when we all realized how bad things were about to get.

Back to being poor.

>> No.51359339

Oh addendum: We had to move into what became a multi-generational home with my grandparents. Who reverse-mortgaged the now only house we all have to live in. One of them died years ago and the last one is in the hospital as we speak and it's not looking super good.

From a small family empire scratched out of the earth with blood sweat and tears to probably destined to become rentoids.

>> No.51359356

You have an obligation to learn from both their successes and their mistakes. You can make it anon

>> No.51359377

I have, but I am severely physically disabled with a ton of other health issues and am burning myself down to the bone just to WFH in a literal hospital bed.

I need a crypto moonshot like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.51359393

Bro me too, but from my own self inflicted pains. It’s Algo or bust for me (and I wouldn’t recommend this coin to my enemy)

>> No.51359420

I feel you. I'm bagholding hard on XRP and related coins. (That big lawsuit is supposed to see a turning point on the 19th so cross your fingers for me.) Best of luck on Algo; I don't really know anything about it.

>> No.51359439

This is going to happen to many people this cycle.

14 years of leveraging debt based on property prices. When leverage starts working in reverse poof there goes your net worth.

>> No.51359440
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>My parents speculated on real estate, trying to larp as petty nobles with landleeching
>They wound up losing everything.

>> No.51359473

>There will net emigration and nobody to buy Boomers housing bags, and house prices will look like a shitcoin rugging.
Don't you dare fill me with hope again

>> No.51359497

That just makes it worse.

>> No.51359540

>mere speculation
We put in a fuckload of backbreaking work to rennovate run down properties for rental. We never had a single contractor lift a finger to fix anything for us. A lot of my teen memories are of being at a strange house at 3am on Saturday night pulling up tile with a steel spade so we could put down new flooring 12 hours later.

I hear a lot of nightmare stories about landlords, but we were always putting in the work ourselves and were glad to let tenants slide on rent when things were tough if they were genuine.

>> No.51359558

The bank will only give out those loans to properties in historically black and Hispanic areas, that’s how it’s tailored to minorities. Until white people buy it up and gentrify, like pottery

>> No.51359560

I would happily trade 20-40 years of my life to 'fix' this man's haircut if you catch my drift...

>> No.51359571

Why would they be paying 8% interest? It's been around 5% or lower for most of the last 10 years.

>> No.51359621

Oh so it's only 1.5 mil for a cuckshed instead of 2 mil, wow it's over! 100 mill Canadians by 2100. Where are they gonna live?

>> No.51359630

>all the news says "Don't buy, rates are high and will come down in a year"
>everyone sells and rushes into rentals
Guess what happens when rates go down again

>> No.51359656

Ah shit here we go again

>> No.51359665
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Oh right, I forgot you folk are God's gift to Earth because you can swing a hammer and pick out bargain bin tiles and floor panels at Home Depot. So grateful that people like you are around to do mediocre fixup jobs and then try to flip your corner-cutting work for a fat markup on rent and resale.

Yeah, thanks but no thanks, nigger. I'll be perfectly content to do my own fixup job after the most recent wave of you HGTV larping parasites get blown the fuck out (again). Play Jewish games, win Jewish prizes.

>> No.51359719

Sounds like you aren't our clientele, friendo.

I for one would never rent either if I can afford it, but to say there's no cause for the service to exist is commie shit.

>> No.51359874

>because we won't
lol yes we will. they will tax us to death for it.

>> No.51361407

>Back to being poor.
You were never not poor. You were owned by your mortgages. What, you were planning on renting for the next 20-30 years to pay them off? That's not almost upper middle class you spastic. Your parents didn't even bother paying off one property over the others so you end up with something. You are just as deluded add they are if you think you had almost made it

>> No.51361903
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>boomer neighbors list house at $450K
>I tell them to rent it out so their kids get something
>they laugh
>no buyers
>lower price to $425K
Hopefully those boomer fucks get stuck without a buyer

>> No.51361924

>sea of white faces.
that's good to hear anon.
few things make me more happy than being around other white people.

>> No.51361936

>>I tell them to rent it out so their kids get something
I mean really the right choice would've been to sell earlier then buy later in this scenario.

>> No.51362015

>everyone says they're gonna buy houses and shit to protect their wealth when they make it in every shitcoin pump thread
>never understood the concept of treating residential property as investments
Why do people keep seeing homes as investments? You even read so often about rich fucks who buy multi million dollar mansions or luxury apartments sell them at a loss when shit hits the fan.

>> No.51362037

Why on Earth did your Gramps reverse-mortgaged the house?

>> No.51362460

>fuck boomers
They do it because they’re females. They literally can’t plan on one hand and think they’re heroes of the story so everything will be alright like in the movies.

>> No.51362486

Everything they had went to jews. Why do you think jews were busy setting this system where you’re conned by thousand things at once including your own government?

>> No.51362496

>newfags think it’s original post
>act like r*dditor
kek go back

>> No.51362504

imagine being this greedy to not lock sub 2% when inflation has been over 2% for ever...thats asking for trouble

>> No.51362513

And zoomers literally believe everything they see on social media except it’s 1000x more retarded than what boomers believed
>men are women
>flu is pandemic
list goes on and on

>> No.51362545

They can and they do

>> No.51363539
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Friendly reminder

>> No.51364188

IMO a lot of people buy a house because they simply don't know what else to do with their money.
Yeah and bitcoin can't mathematically go below $40k either
>people like you refuse to do anything
>look at me I put senile boomers in a nursing home I'm so based
Easy money makes assets go up, rate hikes kill easy money. The fed wants to kill easy money. That's all you really need to know.

>> No.51364629

Our country is run by Jews, that's how

>> No.51364684

this is not how you do it
if you want to send them seething with rage you need to send them really low bids
it makes them suicidal

>> No.51364711

where the fuck are the cheap houses? and no, I don't want to live in stealmyass village or murder city

>> No.51365226

Can I get one in my 20's?

>> No.51365471

>hard to address angst
lmao aww the poor lil rich kid now has to live like the rest of us and has poor trauma because of it :(

>> No.51366413

It’s crazy how people believe this shit like OP posted.
>hey anon I bought this really sweet house way under what it was worth. Got it for 215k
>so if it was worth more why wouldn’t he sell it for more?
>I think he just wanted to sell it faster, it had been on the market for a few months

>> No.51366464

My family went through foreclosure in 2004.
I’ve been angry about it for a long time because I seen dumb fucks get rescued when my parents weren’t. But I learned a lot from it. I managed to get the debt resolved last year. And when it came time to buy my place during the corn teen, I made sure my payment was low, the price of my place low and interest rate was fixed. I honestly think regulators ought to outlaw variable rate mortgages for primary home mortgages.

>> No.51367548

I've got news for you, they'll be around for the next 40 years

>> No.51367677

I came

>> No.51367686

I would lickay pussy