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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 66 KB, 1600x900, BitDAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51328920 No.51328920 [Reply] [Original]

>Treasury Growth:

Currently BitDAO has the largest treasury in the crypto worth around $1.55 billion
The treasury is constantly being replenished from multiple sources including, but not limited to:

1- pledged contributions from Bybit (around 75 million each month)
2- token swaps and venture deals
3- yield strategies

>ETH dominance:

BitDAO is one of the largest ETH whales right now ranking 29th on Etherscan. Their treasury currently holds around 260,000 ETH and they’re planning on keeping up this pace as they keep buying around 380 ETH daily on average.

>Treasury diversity:

Aside from being the largest and most valuable in the crypto market, BitDAO’s treasury is also the most diverse in its holdings. The BitDAO treasury currently consists of:

- 1,015,539,391 BIT (40.98%)
- 257,893 ETH (27.26%)
- 238,643,890 USDC (15.4%)
- 129,318,989 USDT (8.37%)
- 3,362,316 FTT (5.71%)
- 7,803 Univ3 LP WETH (0.83%)
- 10,000 PEEPS (0.42%)
- 2,132,235 xSUSHI (0.23%)

It is very rare to see treasuries that are this diverse in this market. 40% native tokens is a very low number especially when you consider than other huge treasuries like Uniswap’s consists of 99% native tokens.

>BIT Purchase Program:

BitDAO’s treasury growth will be related to BIT price via the dynamic BIT Purchase Program, see: proposal BIP-9.

>L1 Proposal:

The BitDAO community is in the process of voting on creating their own L1


BitDAO is governed by BIT token holders. It is permissionless to submit soft proposals on the BitDAO forum, and official proposals on the BitDAO Governance Module (Snapshot). It is permissionless to hold BIT, delegate BIT, and vote to approve or reject proposals.

>> No.51329029

i still have no idea what their purpose is in life
like i get it, they legit have liquidity but what are they doing with it? are they just... hoarding it?

>> No.51329062

they use their treasury to fund multiple other projects
Plus they naturally have to hoard a certain amount since BIT is backed by the treausry
the more liquid the treasury is the less likely their token is to be affected by flash dumps

>> No.51329069

yet price still tanked kek

>> No.51329085

not really
compare them to other coins ad you'll see that they actually held up pretty well

>> No.51329099

theyre fucking ETH maxis how are they liquid

>> No.51329118
File: 610 KB, 1988x1356, bitDAO treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfucker, they have a shit ton of stablecoins

>> No.51329169

holy mother of god

>> No.51329184

Price didnt tank
The entire market did

>> No.51329282

despite the annoying shills i sometimes see, bitdao is actually more than decent as both a project and investment
this is why i like general posts, theyre actually informative

>> No.51329322
File: 28 KB, 780x438, moni plz?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wen L1?
i wan moni

>> No.51329332

L1 still being voted on
>you VILL veit for ze monies

>> No.51329471

massive bitdao shill campaign going on. you know we can look at charts right? coins that preform the best in the next bull don't even exist yet.

sorry you didn't sell the top. not buying your bags

>> No.51329506

Nah, its just that their bag holders are annoying as fuck
I personally know a bitdao baggie and he's toxic as fuck

>> No.51329539

you dont even know what youre talking about. they hold a lot of ETH mean. when the merge drops BIT price will fucking sore along with ETH

this is not even mentioning the fact that theyre launching their own L1
that alone is a guaranteed 20x

>> No.51329570

>reddit spacing
go back cockroach

>> No.51330069
File: 127 KB, 1394x194, etherscan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30th largest holder on the market
this is fucking insane

>> No.51330104
File: 6 KB, 195x256, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im selling 25% after the new L1 launches.
will keep the rest

>> No.51330254

no it won't retard. people will sell the merge. why would it sore? this doesn't even make eth fast or cheap yet. that's like 2 years away

>> No.51330299

>fuding ETH merge cause its cool
i can tell you had no friends at school. always following the wave

>> No.51330311

issuance will go down by a huge margin so rice of ETH will definitely go up whether you like it or not bizfag

>> No.51330423

>youre fudding my shitcoin ponzi in a bear, you must not have friends!!!
