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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51326690 No.51326690 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51326730

Yeah, the burn will happen much slower than people expect. And if the coin doesn't develop utility the people aren't gonna be in for the long haul. The biggest thing in LUNCs favor is that a second crash will look bad for crypto as a whole.

>> No.51326738

Called it since the beginning. 1.2% is huge, no one is going to use that POS coin and send their tax to the Kwonnard.

>> No.51326744

im going to short the fak out of this the day before the burn right before the retards realize its all on onchain.

> CEX announce they will support the burn to satisfy the masses
> Its on withdrawals and deposits only
> retards are to stupid to realize that on chain deposits are out of CEX influence anyways
> CEX can play dumb
> ??? profit

>> No.51326761

thanks for the liquidity

>> No.51326776

and thank you for the opportunity.
if there ever was a buy the rumor sell the news event its this one

>> No.51326778

you two brown skins mud bloods are pathetic, we just hit .00054 cope and seethe wagies. you could have bought a bag for fucking less than a pair of shoes.
But instead you are pathetic niggers who slurp liquor and cigarets and then troll /biz because you are worthless and retarded. LunaC is going to melt faces, just accept it because there is still time for street shitters like yourselves. Buy a bag and you will be able to afford curry and rice for the whole year.
if not fucking rope yourselves

>> No.51326785

If you don’t understand that burns only affect floor price then you are ngmi, should quit crypto and possibly just kys.

Obviously such a minuscule burn + insanely low floor price which LUNC is trading multiple 10x’s above - means you have all just self bogged by being dumb fucks. LUNC baggies official rekt.

>> No.51326797

>we didnt actually wanted
I stopped reading there

>> No.51326808

We will laugh about you like the other retarded nigger who got liquidated.
Make sure you post the screen shots so you can be forever immortalised on /biz as the nigger lover you are.
Btw, the burn doesn't work how you think it does, but you work at Starbucks so I wouldn't expect you to understand what is going on.

>> No.51326818

This is why I have filters on for this coin. Look at the state of the average holder and they all talk like this, literal retards.

>> No.51326824

you are actually retarded right. The burn has already taken billions out of circulation, how are you this stupid and broke anon.

>> No.51326830

Don't thank us, thanks your own stupidity.
Next time pick the proper opportunities before you do shorting

>> No.51326842

I've been saying that this won't end well since it started pumping the other day. And I still own a bag of this, but the recent news are devastating. This burn is not what people are expecting.

>> No.51326841

Holy fucking kek. I saw it too the the terrible grammer and other signs haha

>> No.51326849

Haha small cawwk id

>> No.51326860

Yet here you are

>> No.51326861
File: 232 KB, 1281x2056, 1A7A0F6D-6A44-4B17-93FA-8BB9990C20AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was last Wednesday, check the total supply and in circulation

>> No.51326866

>Open Terra station
>Check my bag
>5x up

Official rekt

You must be retarded beyond imaginable

>> No.51326876

said the wagecuck who can't afford a bag. Ghetto nigs have more brains than you neckbeard.

>> No.51326878

Post bag please

>> No.51326883
File: 231 KB, 1284x1940, 23E63B11-5378-4082-A8A5-341A3723B44F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is today, “hurr durr burn bad”
Yea for yall since you cant afford to buy in and make any real gains. Stay poor and go to sleep you have school tomorrow

>> No.51326887

>Btw, the burn doesn't work how you think it does
Then how does it work Einstein, listen up dumdum i will explain the burn will only be onchain which is a fraction of its volume and its effect will be like trying to piss on a forest fire, off chain burns cannot be enforced and multiple exchanges like kraken and gateio already said this. Besides burning wont increase the available liquidity so all it does is make the asset more volatile both ways making the new outcome the same

>> No.51326889

Yeah I dunno whats worse, LUNC hypebeasts, or pathetic turds who are irresistibly drawn to the threads they filtered away

>> No.51326890

>im going to short the fak out of this the day before the burn
Please do.

>> No.51326905

It's like you guys are all new and have never lived through a "buy the rumor - sell the news" event before.

>> No.51326909

you are beyond retarded pleb, Kraken is supporting the burn.
Gate.io means nothing and doesn't even let US customers on the platform anymore.
How fucking stupid are you? Really Kucoin is having a carnival about this shit, and Binance is supporting this 100 percent. It's ok shitskin, stay poor and stupid. The world needs ditch diggers two

>> No.51326927


>> No.51326950

You are to dumb to realize that supporting a upgrade is not the same as implementing off chain burns. Its on withdrawals and deposits only dummie which is onchain only.

the absolute state of lunc investors

>> No.51326977

And you're twisting their words even more than journalists on aussie media.

>> No.51326980

Lol fudders aren’t even trying anymore

>> No.51327002

Dont worry, he is just a wanna be psycho loser thinking he has power over anyone
Point, mock and move on

>> No.51327017

Small exchange implements off chain burn for free publicity and knows moonboys will spread their exchange name everywhere in exchange for losing some lunc volume.


>> No.51327047


fellow indian here sir
where can i get a job as a fudder in bombay
i want to be like you sirs
please do the needful
only rupees not peanuts please sir

>> No.51327053

hello sir please gib job

>> No.51327060
File: 277 KB, 1080x874, IMG_20220901_151114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Much longer
People are coming in believing this shit is going to be doge. Might just be, but idk considering macro. Where the fuck is the buying coming from if retail is strapped for cash atm?

>> No.51327082

They sold and were waiting for the bottom, like most of us.

>> No.51327085

Why is nobody pointing out the English?

>> No.51327097

We are literally in the hands of CZ. Our financial future depends completely on what he decides to do.

>> No.51327141

>no new investors buy into this ponzi
>nothing happens
>baggies capitulate
>price actually goes to 0 with no chance of le epic mean reversion

>> No.51327266

Even the price get QUADS!
We'll breach the 6 today!

>> No.51327267

No im just pointing out that trading volume will not be burned which was obvious since its all off chain and cannot be enforced in a centralized matter.
power over anyone ? i just shared that burning will not happen offchain. but whatever you say champ

Gate io is the only one that didn't announce it in a vague matter like kraken but their basically saying the same thing

>> No.51327313

what people are missing is that burning alone wont make everyone magically rich, the liquidity needs to increase aswell to be able to sustain higher prices else all it does is make lunc more volatile and make less people be able to take profit at higher pricepoints making the net outcome the same.

>> No.51327315

just remember to stream it when you 41%

>> No.51327344

End of week will be 0.001+

Verification not required. Screencap this.

My name is Marc. Hold me accountable. I know things.

>> No.51327354


>> No.51327364


>> No.51327407

Actually it is the staking taking them out of circulation. Burn hasn't even started.

>> No.51327453

I just sold my bag to the normies gg.
Lunc is over

>> No.51327529
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You could buy a bag and enjoy yourself with the rest of us, but instead you choose to stay poor. Many such cases. Now try to FUD pic related.

>> No.51327544

Not even close. The reddit fomo is starting. They see us.

>> No.51327545

they will just tax deposits and withdrawals

>> No.51327565
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>> No.51327574

>destroys your pic
>you retaliate with koala being punched when I'm not an aussie
That was easy

>> No.51327584

> to avoid the potential increase of the deposit fee cost we suggest users to deposit before September 12

Aka its saying they wont do offchain burns ya buffoon

>> No.51327593

No you just deserve to get punched in the face. "Kuckoin will support the 1.2% tax burn proposal" it's right there, first thing you read in to of the page.

>> No.51327637

This whole thing is confusing to me. As has been said, they don't actually have a choice as to whether or not to support the on chain burn so why the fuck would they make a post saying they support it unless they mean to follow the community's wishes and match it on the exchange? But at the same time if they were actually doing that then why would they not just state that very clearly? Saying they "support" it is extremely vague.

>> No.51327668

Catty crypto is going to interview whoever is in charge to figure it out tonight

>> No.51327694

Because the tax mechanism will get implemented the 12th of September, but will be set at 0 on launch. The 1.2% needs to get voted and implemented later, probably the 20th. Kucoin says it that way to avoid legal liabilities.

>> No.51327765
File: 15 KB, 400x321, AreYouSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are actually retarded right
Yes, you are. Burn isn't even implemented yet you dumb fucking cunt, you don't even know the reason behind the drop in circulating supply. You have no hope of grasping how many billions are in 6 trillion.

>> No.51327813

>1.2% is huge, no one is going to use that POS coin and send their tax to the Kwonnard.
Nooooo! I just lost 1.2% on my X1000 gain!!! I'm ruined!!!

>> No.51327865
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 1598956662669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao! Go back to your shitting street small cow. What will you do when binance comes out in support of this.

>> No.51327883

>61 posts ITT
it's mindblowing we're a week ahead from the merge, an event most organic /biz/anons waited for the last 5 years, that will decrease sell pressure by 90% and potentially turn the most legitimate cryptocurrency deflationary
and the most popular threads are about some random shitcoin from a failed ponzi that's mostly trading on centralized exchanges
this board is just shades of brown at this point. the information asymmetry has grown larger than it ever was

>> No.51327899

Kucoin is a small exchange? How fucking stupid are you.
Really kys, Binance just announced Lunac/USDT pairs you dumb nigger fuck. stop posting and drink bleach, seriously kid.
Post your short or stfu pleb

>> No.51327950

No but MEXC is, read the fucking thread. Besides Kucoin will not do the offchain burn.
> to avoid the potential increase of the deposit fee cost we suggest users to deposit before September 12.
Aka Kucoin is vaguely saying they wont do offchain burns, like gateio has done.

Cock gobbler

>> No.51328621

Iam sorry Sir but you need to be at least 5'2 to join the shill team 6 but you can still apply for the regional streetposting force if you want to serve your coin&country.

>> No.51328819

But if CEX's don't implement some type of off-chain burning the majority of transacted LUTC will sidestep the tax entirely the same way neiter of us would get taxed if we traded handwritten LUTC IOUs amongst each-other.

>> No.51328892

who fucking cares? This is clown world. All I care about is # going up.

>> No.51328930

Shut up you fag