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File: 53 KB, 945x523, Russia kills itself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51322100 No.51322100 [Reply] [Original]

>50% of Russia's GDP is from oil and gas
>80% of Russia's gas go to Europe (and can't be re-routed to Asia because it's pipe based)
>Lower demand on Russia's gas from Europe has already been killing the industry
>They pull the plug themselves to appear as if it was a choice to be tough on Europe
>Sanctions wont be lifted
This is how a country dies.

>> No.51322128

i hope putin reads this

>> No.51322142

He's too busy having a meltdown knowing he fucked up

>> No.51322151

Don't worry Russia seems very determined to sell china the gas on infrastructure that isn't there

>> No.51322159
File: 988 KB, 879x720, 1646078650742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here comes the seethe

>> No.51322162

In 5 years Russia will be poorer than most African nations. Putin is a moron. He literally tried to up against the entire West and got bitch slapped. What a fucking moron.

>> No.51322224

There's a big scramble in the west to start developing LNG projects right now. It'll take maybe 3 years to engineer and build the bulk of it at best, but if Putin waits that long it's game over for him. A few freezing Germans won't matter.

>> No.51322245
File: 354 KB, 1440x1660, 1662441038319214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putler made a blunder here
another win for democracy

>> No.51322246

wtf i love israel now.
thanks for thread op

>> No.51322263

What happens to Western Europe when they don’t get their energy this winter?

>> No.51322270

God I hope Russia Nukes us, or China... Someone please just Nuke us already

>> No.51322288

Imagine thinking Putin is based, you'd all get bashed and bullied and youd probably an hero if you lived in Russia, unironically, you low status loser geeks are as much of a "protected class" as trannies

>> No.51322290


>> No.51322305
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>> No.51322317

Putin is forced to continue to sell gas to Europe or else he won't be able to pay his soldiers. Lets see how loyal his soldiers stay when they stop getting salaries or death benefits to their relatives. Second Russia goes bankrupt the military will coup and Putin is dead.

Russian gas business infrastructure is completely tied to Europe. Putin overplayed his hand. He had to take Kiev in first 2 weeks now he's dead. No way Putin gets out of this alive.

>> No.51322319
File: 1.28 MB, 654x480, 1662294421962905.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God I love Israel
And so does Russia. In fact saying otherwise get's you sent to prison in Russia

>> No.51322332

>Sure Russias economy is collapsing as we speak b-but you can't mention it or else you are Jewish despite the fact Putin loves jews and does everything in his power to protect jews

>> No.51322360

>(and can't be re-routed to Asia because it's pipe based)
Gas can be placed in tankers and transported that way.

>> No.51322361

It's not a thing he can be forced to do. Russia shut down the gas because they can't sell gas anymore. The companies that make and run the equipment are all western and left Russia. When gas pipes aren't used for a period of time they literally break since flowing gas is required to keep the pipe stable. By turning off the pipe the pipe becomes useable and can't just be turned back on. Nord Stream 1 is basically dead forever unless it get's turned back on immediately but that would require Russia to fix it's shit internally.

>> No.51322366

Jannies do your fucking job please

>> No.51322379

At extreme cost and huge gas losses.
Technically America has enough excess natural gas to supply all of Western Europe and still have enough for itself. Yet it isn't because that is beyond current western tech and far beyond Russia's tech.

>> No.51322414

>not trading assets for worthless paper destroys a nation
Lol, lmao even

How anyone can think the worlds biggest country is fucked in anyway is beyond me, but then again clownworlds unpaid supporters don’t think