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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51321175 No.51321175 [Reply] [Original]

>As an exchange, the trading of LUNC and USTC are not on-chain activities and will not be charged the tax.
Now cope, sete and dilate.


>> No.51321209
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see you at $5

>> No.51321221

> fudnigger tries to fud using gate.io lmao
You have been credited with 10 peas!

>> No.51321225

And this is basically how it ends.

>> No.51321248

Can you read? Gate.io says trading is not an onchain activity therefore can't be taxed. KuCoin and Binance will do exactly the same. They're exchanges. Do you know how an exchange works? Do you know the difference between onchain activity and CEX trading? If you do, you should be worried.

>> No.51321257
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>literal who exchange hits a stutter step
But who was KuCoin?

>> No.51321274

Read my post:

>Can you read? Gate.io says trading is not an onchain activity therefore can't be taxed. KuCoin and Binance will do exactly the same. They're exchanges. Do you know how an exchange works? Do you know the difference between onchain activity and CEX trading? If you do, you should be worried.

>> No.51321276

see >>51321257

>> No.51321288

fuck your post. read what KuCoin said

>> No.51321354

>fuck your post. read what KuCoin said
I've read it, but it seems that you did not. They don't mention they're going to burn trading. They say they will support the proposal. If you read the proposal, it's about a 1.2% tax on onchain transactions. Basically KuCoin is doing exactly the same as gate.io and proving me right.

>> No.51321375

I'm ridding this to $1 or an absolute 0
Your gay post changes nothing, so why the fuck bother? WHY?

>> No.51321406


>> No.51321410

Never heard of gate.io before you posted this FUD multiple times.
Binance and KuCoin which accounts for 90% of the volume will burn off-chain. Simple as.

>> No.51321421
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>> No.51321443

Didn't gate and kucoin just post on Twitter saying they WILL support the tax on both deposits and withdrawals?

>> No.51321472
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let's see it

>> No.51321479

>Binance and KuCoin which accounts for 90% of the volume will burn off-chain
I hate to disappoint you, but it's very likely they will not. And for the same reasons as Gate.

>> No.51321510

99% of the volume is off chain CEX trading. Deposits and withdrawals are inconsequential already and arbitrage bots will simply stop doing either with a tax in place.

>> No.51321512

Welp, don't keep it on exchanges. It helps out with the burn and helps stop exchanges from "losing" your crypto.

>> No.51321571
File: 54 KB, 576x365, KuCoinBurnRetardZoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it again. If it's just on chain and doesn't affect trading on exchanges, then why even address it? I'm sorry your comprehension skills are so bad.

>> No.51321635

read it again
services ON Kucoin will not change if it's not implemented. that means if it IS implemented services (trading) ON Kucoin will CHANGE

>> No.51321643

It's okay, mate. You should ask that to KuCoin. Ask them. It is very unlikely that exchanges will burn volume, but hey, a man can hope.

At this point we all can agree that if exchanges decide to not burn volume then the coin is over. And that's the most likely scenario at this point. Gate.io has been the first one to make it clear.

>> No.51321660

>if it's not implemented
it's also pretty cool how your ID keeps changing from samefagging other threads with a vpn.

>> No.51321668

I would say as long as Binance and another big exchange like Kraken agree then it's on. We just need a significant majority in terms of market share. But yeah, if they don't implement the burn, then the coin value will drop off faster than anyone can recover investment.

>> No.51321707
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Didn't read your thread, just letting you know I will not be selling my LUNC today.

>> No.51321708

Reminder exchanges like MexC and CoinInn have already implemented volume burning. If FUDers want to cite gate.io as an authority, then LUNChads have our own random CEXs we can point to. The KuCoin announcement is ambiguous but the fact they chose not to include language distinguishing on-chain/off-chain transactions (like gate.io did) is bullish.

>> No.51321713
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also, why do you care? just another gOoD sAmArItAn trying to warn all your friends on /biz/? top kek desu

>> No.51321721

can you source this please. source, yes, I'm asking for a source. a source to back up your claims, and I'm being serious. a source please.

>> No.51321731

This fud is pants on head retarded. You should feel bad for even spouting it. I know the pandemic is over and you lost your mask making job but is this really how you want to spend your time? Getting called retard by white chads all day?

>> No.51321744

Type it in your search bar my guy

>> No.51321765

go to the exchanges and look for yourself. stop waiting to be spoonfed.

>> No.51321823

>make retarded claim
>demand to see evidence
>claim evidence is not evidence
>shit on street
What is your end game here?

>> No.51321861

Never sussin. If cexys burn off chain they can do it it lump sums to lower transaction fees, honoring the burn.

>> No.51321901

i bought some so that it would finally go down and it worked

>> No.51322131
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Just emailed all the exchanges and DEMANDED the implement on trading

>> No.51322209
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Everybody asks me, "what the fuck is LUNC about, what the fuck is up with those videos, cunt? You're fucking up yourself cunt" It's a fucking act, there is no LUNC. You SLURPIN', brah? Well I'll give you more reason to SLURP now bro. It's fucking LUNC, brah. Everyone has a little bit of LUNC in them. Every fucking cunt out there, you're a fuckng LUNC cunt if you wanna be, brah. Stop being a fucking STINKY LINKY cunt, alright? Go out, get TOKENS.

That's what we do in this shit, brah. You wanna be a fucking little JEET cunt? Fuck that shit, bro. Every little FUDDERS gonna FUD, bro. You'll never be like LUNC, brah, cause I'm a fucking LUNC cunt, mate. Every one of us has a little bit of LUNC in us, you just don't know it yet. You're sitting here going, "who the fuck is this fucking LUNC CHAD?", well, you're probably right. But I'm fucking shredded brah, ye cunt. Cuz at the end of the day bro, you gotta listen to this...

If you're a fucking shredded LUNC cunt, you get away with anything bro. You make fun of some JEET cunt making a shit and people will be like "Aw yeah, LUNC bro, yeah". No one'll give a fuck, man.

In life, if you wanna be noticed, you gotta be a fuckin' LUNC CHAD. You gotta be a LUNC cunt. You gotta go to the gym and be a LUNC cunt. You gotta fuck bitches, you know and not give a fuck cuz that's what we do, bro. That's what the LUNC CHADS do. That's what the revolution is, bro. None of these fuckin' STINKY LINKY cunts. We're all gonna fuckin' make it bro, that's it.

>> No.51322250

Didn't know all the exchanges took their marching orders from them. Really though all this fud is a waste of time.

>> No.51323104

what is happening with Wluna and why is it getting fudded so hard but youtubers got a hardon for it

>> No.51324030

Why is this a concern? This means that 1.2% of any LUNC sent to or from an exchange gets burned. That's a huge number over time as people withdraw and deposit LUNC to exchanges.

>> No.51324051


>> No.51324064
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>According to the Terra Classic’s Proposal for the 1.2% Tax Parameter Change, on-chain transactions on the Terra Classic(including LUNC and USTC)may be charged a 1.2% tax starting on about
>on chain transactions
OP I believe you're truly retarded.
On chain transactions are deposit and withdraw, not trading.

>> No.51324076

We're gonna make so much money off being racist retards lol. Sucks to suck, as my ex-latina-gf used to say.

>> No.51324094

She sure hated niggers, I'll giver that much.

>> No.51324114

Gate.Io will eventually add the tax off chain like KuCoin. Mark my words. They’re just waiting for others to test the waters

>> No.51324130
File: 24 KB, 300x310, VAXPD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here at LUNC Corp, we accept racism from every race, in fact we encourage it! If you aren't advocating for your people, what the fuck exactly are you doing?

>> No.51324199



>> No.51324216

Neither Kucoin applied any tax burn on trading, can you fucking read?
They're suggesting users to deposit before September 12th to avoid getting the deposit reduced because of the on chain transaction. They'e not saying trade before September 12th because after that date you'll lose money back and forth if you buy and sell for less than a 1.2% profit.

>> No.51325586

Lunc defi transactions will also be taxed since they're on-chain by definition

>> No.51325617

you cope, seat and dielate

>> No.51325702

Kucoin is leaving it ambiguous on purpose, they haven't said anywhere that they will burn on spot trading and for sure they won't burn on futures.

>> No.51325915

t. Priced out MATIC baggie

>> No.51325968

*hits pipe*

>> No.51326005

Your fud is getting desperate.

>> No.51326022

Three things to consider

1) Clown World

2) CZ is sitting on half the supply so he has incentive to support anything that makes this token more valuable and obviously the hype is there

3) asians can hold a grudge like no other and this is CZ's way to fuck over Do Kwon in such a monumental way epic prose will be written about it

>> No.51326066

they're probably be double-nigger-taxed where faggot FBI chief Garfinkle is toungling our anusii personallyii.

>> No.51326170

Who pumps lunc? Retail doesn’t have this kind of money.

>> No.51326201

i just bought

>> No.51326211
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>> No.51326240
File: 3.04 MB, 2900x2900, EVERDDY SINGLE TIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These numbers are beautiful. WAGMI

>> No.51326242

Unemployment checks, LUNC is state funded now.

>> No.51326249

NO cap FR FR CZ is based and we all bought to blast off

>> No.51326257

you r u tellin me dis chink bout to finna blast off skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr???? frfr no cap?

>> No.51326282

imagine the wait for the bathroom

>> No.51326283

>KuCoin will support the 1.2% tax burn
What are they supporting then if not off-chain burn? A burn on-chain that's completely out of their control?

>> No.51326302

>literal who exchange

arent they like top 10?

>> No.51326338
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arent you like top 41?

>> No.51326366

CZ knows the jew

>> No.51326377

He keeps funds safu, not mine, but he the funds safu

>> No.51328075

>fiendishly reminder
stopped reading

>> No.51329752

the proposal, I guess. I've got 50 bucks in this so it'll be great if it goes anywhere but no real loss if it doesn't.

>> No.51329803
File: 534 KB, 800x966, gay.io.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay.io insider here, it's not looking good. i've been trying to warn you, and at the moment reflects my warnings 100%. this is your last warning.

get. out. of MY DESIGNATED STREET ASAP. i dont have much time, the Popos here are already suspicious of me. they know how i shit. Please post bob and vagene.

>> No.51329907

Top kek.
Please, next time use zyzz meme pic with this. Reading this sure make me miss him

>> No.51329943

chinamancoin back to 0.0000001 where it belongs

>> No.51330011

What a joke.
>We'll support the community's vote,
>Exchanges are 99% of the community

>> No.51332161
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Whatever the case, I know for a fact that CZ is playing 4D chess with LUNC, he's not holding 6 trillion for fun and games and memes, that's for sure. He will make us LUNChads rich one way or another.

>> No.51332193

I hope you paper hands were able to hold.