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51320184 No.51320184 [Reply] [Original]

When CBCD will emerge, what currency will replace the fiat to pay for services outside of taxes.
Gold? Seems to expensive for daily traded.
Silver, same thing.
Crypto? At this pace, will probably be illegal..

>> No.51321125

The e-USD initially in 2030, but other countries will get pissed so the final CBDC will be IMF's XDR currency for central banks, but will be adapted for normal people, independent of any given country's XDR reserves.

>> No.51321312

They can't just abolish paper and metal fiat. People will revolt and the metals market would do a somersault. The dollar as it exists in digital form basically already is an old-fashioned cryptocurrency.

>> No.51322830

You're really underestimate just how much of a pushover everyone is these days. Nobody has the balls to stand up for what's theirs anymore. Most people are too complaint and afraid these days. Just look at China. Absolutely Orwellian.

>> No.51322915

i wonder what marx thought about prostitution.

>> No.51322931

I wonder what chain is infinitely scalable with high TPS hmmm I wonder

>> No.51322933

Funny enough, Marx and other communist leaders throughout history loathed homosexuals. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Marx himself branded Homosexuality a perversion of capitalism.

>> No.51323106

All three would be my guess. Not sure what you mean by too expensive. Unlike credit or crypto, it doesn't cost anything to hand somebody a piece of gold or silver. I'm pretty sure crypto will be illegal, probably as well as gold and maybe even silver. But I can't help but hope it finds some way to survive anyway.

>> No.51323188

CBDC's will be the greatest thing ever for crypto.
>it will finally break normalfags of any qualms about the idea of digital currency
>it will put fiat head to head against BTC, which is real money
I truly believe CBDC's will be the beginning of the end for fiat.

>> No.51323463
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Bullets, pussy, silver coins, gold jewelry, water, cans of food, lighters, bottles of booze, medicine, drugs of all kinds, gasoline, batteries, services, small children
Not necessarily in that order

>> No.51323828
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>tfw welder by day, amateur brewer by night
At least I know I won't die in the apocalypse, i'll be too valuable.

>> No.51324289
File: 880 KB, 1215x1071, 1662562549623173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cbdc is literally the mark of the beast and if any of you anons use it then you WILL go to hell.
>C = 3rd letter of alphabet
>B = 2nd letter
>3 X 2 = 6
>D is the 4th letter
>The last C is the third letter too
>4 - 3 = 1
>Now we have 6 and 1.
>"central bank digital currency" has 9 syllables.
>9 upside down is a 6
>this brings us to 616, the true mark of the beast
Well it is. Look at pride month and all the gay products that companies produce. Like that stonetoss comic with the faggot burger.
>silver coins
>gold chains
What about silver bars and gold coins? Hmmm?

>> No.51328149

We'll get paid in CBCD...

>> No.51330737

I believe it anon. Jesus is King and we will triumph through out Christ!