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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51319540 No.51319540 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51319565

Who cares?

>> No.51319569

To be treated like the objects they are
They know they are sexual objects
There bodies tell them so yet they refuse to accept it

>> No.51319571

Attention, food, sex

>> No.51319578

To have fun.

>> No.51319592

Offer hamburger even.

>> No.51319598

you mean like children ?

>> No.51319622

Yes because men bred this gender to be nothing but glorified fuck holes are you surprised they only know how to be this way

>> No.51319627

and this
they definitely do NOT want you to be directly kind to them. the only people who do that are thirsty men and conniving women.

>> No.51319649


>> No.51319661


>> No.51319686


>> No.51319690

Big Black Budget Books.

>> No.51319691

To be denied what they want by a powerful man

>> No.51319695

They're not sure

>> No.51319697

cum in tummy, from the best they can get

>> No.51319735
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A man whom trades not just btc and alts, but shitcoins. I tell a babe I'm holding 30k $shinja, she gets wet instantly and begs me for my D. That ez.

>> No.51319736


>> No.51319748

>yeah i bought Cumrocket *loud fake laugh* its really a good investment though because *5 minute long explanation*

>> No.51319764

They want a man who can protect them but is also sweet and nice to them
It's really that simple

>> No.51319766

Why can't normies understand this factual truth? Kek. Oh noo i dont want people to know I hold X thing. It shows you are man enough to understand the laws of trading and man enough to be open about your assets.

>> No.51319776


>> No.51319777
File: 565 KB, 514x566, Screenshot 2022-08-04 151245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck kinda question is that op? MONEY, retard. money.

>> No.51319787


>> No.51319800

50% of your stuff

>> No.51319803

Everything else is a derivative

For men it's sex
Everything else is in pursuit

>> No.51319807

I tend to like guys who are independent thinkers and dominant.

>> No.51319814

>A man him trades
You can replace whom with "him" or "them" to see if it's in the right place in a sentence
Who trades?
He trades.
Who trades with whom?
He trades with him.

>> No.51319819

You were bred to like that

>> No.51319826

You sound like a major simp

>> No.51319834

Your soul

>> No.51319835

That's girls. Women want material possessions, passionate sex and someone who can handle any situation without breaking a sweat.

>> No.51319841

You're the one who thinks everything is about sex, my guy

>> No.51319867

Hahaha this confirms

>> No.51319874

Is this water poisoned if it's what women want?

>> No.51319876

>someone who can handle any situation without breaking a sweat.
So superman

>> No.51319881

Do you also go to feminist marches???

>> No.51319906
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>mfw women don’t really want feminist men
>they want ripped guys to choke them and spit on them
>nice guys biologically make their ovaries dry up

>> No.51319932


then when they get that more of it.
then money.
then more money.
then to trap you with children.
then to divorce you and start the cycle again, only this time she has your money, and your children, and your house that you are still making payments on. think real hard and decide ahead of time where you are going to stop this cycle before you get involved with any woman

>> No.51319948
File: 56 KB, 576x857, 247238522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women want CHADS who have BIG BAGS on hiroki
> busd rewards & bnb rewards for nft holders
> sold out 260 nfts at .3 in just 12h
> own dex
> a mini game and a p2e game on works
> made a contract with an energy drink company to sell with their own brand

>> No.51319999

As a tranny, I don't think my opinion counts. I just want to rot in bed all day and get dicked down.

>> No.51320102

Social elevation and security.

The reason for so many incels is real or perceived low social status. When you elevate women or lgbt in society you devalue men's status.

It's not everything but it's a big big part of it. That's why the money grubbing here is part of it real or perceived.

>> No.51320121

It was a joke, anon.
>le pretending to le be le retard

>> No.51320151

If this wasn't the first post I'd have finally left this place

>> No.51320152

this anon knows

>> No.51320239

This. They are reminded of it every month too. And when it dries out they get the hot flashes to further remind then they are useless then.
What a sad existence

>> No.51320249
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To become mothers. Few of them know that, though.

>> No.51320272 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51320283

Ding ding ding

The right answer was way too far down

>> No.51320330

6 feet
6 pack
6 figure job
8 inches

>> No.51320382

You’re asking the biggest rejects in society this question.. good luck

I’m a reject too btw

>> No.51320493
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>> No.51320591

Not me

>> No.51320624
File: 60 KB, 481x600, 1652461718423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m a reject too btw
I accept you, so you're no longer a reject.