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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51316336 No.51316336 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make money online as a man without
>hardcore porn/any fag shit

Is starting a YouTube channel still viable?

>> No.51316879

>Is starting a YouTube channel still viable?
you can... but it is still not easy. I hope you enjoy editing and shoting and reshoting and re-reshoting videos.

>> No.51316950

how come manlet skeltals with no editing like Styx and the WoW dude became famous?

>> No.51317095

early adopters just like btc my guy and like most things these days you're probably too late

>> No.51317191

twitch or even tiktok is probably a better chance of being e-famous now

then you need to also make yourself a personality on discord and other places and whore your name and videos around to get early friends and followers

also an option is to spend a few hundred dollars and buy a bunch of subscribers and views with some good comments and viewtime

it's not simple and ven if you do all the work it could just be for nothing but just making shitty 2010s videos dont cut it now, new youtubers need modern talent since only the older ones can get by on the older style due to their older fanbase

>> No.51317322

Early adoption and does other un faggy non YouTube stuff

>> No.51317327

>actual responses on /biz/
unironically wasn't expecting that, but thanks for the insight bros.

I don't think I'm cut for this shit. Maybe I'll advertise romantic videos to single middle-aged Japanese women, kek