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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51313074 No.51313074 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out about this any anons have any further thoughts?

>> No.51313139

Yes I bought Puts so the Shemitah crash is cancelled. Sorry fellas.

>> No.51313248
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SmartCon is right after Shemitah’s end

>> No.51313771


>> No.51313822

it was based on letting farm lands recoup and forgiving debts. do you really think this bullshit has a place in the modern world?

>> No.51313872

We’ll considering Jews run the world yeah

>> No.51313938

you know you're at the very end of the sheepish year right? Literally missed the entire thing.

>> No.51313986

Duh I said I just found out

>> No.51314137
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yea if this word keeps getting posted so often in this board the algorithms will fuck this shit up for everybody better to just keep your mouth shut

>> No.51314210

So they’ve completely automated it then? Do you think this will be the big kahuna my jew friend thinks so according to his grandpa

>> No.51314282

Tell us what other insider Jew knowledge his grandpa has

>> No.51314320

He just said told me that cash is my friend this year idk we just do shrooms together sometimes

>> No.51314368

and these jews are the forgive and forget type?

>> No.51314529

This Shemitah is almost over and 2022 itself is approaching its end and we've done almost nothing but dump. But I guess the idea is that there's one more gigadump right as Shemitah ends right

>> No.51314561

Yeah carnage until Purim in 2023

>> No.51314760

yeah for their own kind. In group preference for jews is a real thing goyim

>> No.51315118

Crash still coming this year confirmed

>> No.51315180 [DELETED] 
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>> No.51315216

i dont remember a 2015 crash

>> No.51315280

i dont get it, isnt it the end of shemitah? so shouldn't it pump after september? we already are in a recession, which occured during shemitah. i would've guessed the end of it would be the end of the overall decline in every fuckin market.

>> No.51315287

What’s the end game though fellow /x/non

>> No.51315335

>greece defaults
>SSE index dumps 43%
>DJIA loses 8.5% over 3 days
>oil hits 6 year low
>largest 1 day loss fo china, 8% drop on black monday auguat 25th
oy vey goyim, stop remembering!

>> No.51315369

It's going to giga crash on September 25th to September 28th. Then you have the real bottom.

>> No.51315371

Now why on Earth would jews intentionally crash the economy over and over again? Goyim tears can’t possibly be that delicious

>> No.51315396

world government

>> No.51315449

So what are you loading up for the 2023-2028 bull run?

>> No.51315495

Because that is how value is extracted from the goyim. People losing money just means that ((somebody)) else is gaining it.

>> No.51315500

ah ok, thanks nigger.

>> No.51316417

>until Purim in 2023
why until purim?

>> No.51316498

this poster is retarded

>> No.51316523


if it really crashes that hard on sept 28 then the recover might just lead to full bull

because 2 trillion left crypto and that money is likely waiting on the sidelines to buy back in. I could also see it crabbing at bottom for another year but I don't know why it would other than clown market

>> No.51316539


this has become the new asuka post, a selffullfilling prophecy that will lead to a micropump at the end of the month just to be the cataclysm to enter despair mode

>> No.51316567

I would say this is the original auksa post if you want to get techincal

>> No.51316675

>Goyim tears can’t possibly be that delicious
that's where you're wrong, goy. They are like vampires. They need goyim tears as sustenance

>> No.51316765

how? i cant get you anon explain pls

>> No.51316771

Happens every year. Every september they say it is shemitah and market will crash. They always change the dates too, to make it look it is some sort or prophecy, something "unavoidable". I've been seeing these posts since 2015. Every year.

>> No.51316821

warosu says ur lying

>> No.51316855

the bears are becoming increasingly desperate for a narrative they can use to keep deluding themselves i see

>> No.51316966

>mega crash alert!
this is a non-point. one could easily say "mega X alert" at any 7-year interval and put it on the ms paint chart

>> No.51316998

we already have world government

>> No.51317073

see >>51315335
GFC and american lehman moment
36% loss iver 546 days, precipitated by 9/11
american and japanese bond markets collapse
black monday, dow loses 22.6% in one session

draw enough points and you start to see a line. faggot.

>> No.51317119

It’s only once every 7 years you retarded fuck

>> No.51317157

Historically, the Jews would temporarily sell their farmland to the Arabs for the duration of Shmitah. Isn’t that interesting.

>> No.51317186

They will sacrifice children to pump the market

>> No.51317220

Think monsters inc

>> No.51317319

HAHAHAHAHA ARetard $2trillion in market cap was wiped out. Learn the difference.

>> No.51317340

It's not bearish, is bullish
At least after the 26th that is
Shemitah has been going on for a year now and we've been in a bear market for about that time

Doesn't mean markets will shoot up directly after September but the worst is almost over
It's like people forget that we've already retraced the entire COVID run in stocks

>> No.51317651
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It's hard to believe because anyone who puts any stock into the use of "magic" is going to get laughed at and disregarded by any sane, rational adult.
And that's by design. At the highest levels of finance and political elitism, jews are practicing magic in the form of kabbalah, sefer yetzirah, merkavah, sefer raziel, dybbuk, etc. (and their shabbos goy are engaging in stuff like palo mayombe) - and the kinds of people that are into this stuff want to keep a lid on it as they see it as having some kind of advantage.
Technically the shemitah year started last year at sunset on Sept 6 (2021), and ends on sunset Sept 25, this year (2022). This particular "jubilee" is called a, "super shemitah," (I swear I'm not making this up kek) and is supposed to cause destruction and a great reset. Or rather The Great Reset.
I realize that a lot of this sounds silly and childish on the surface, but the people that actually believe in this stuff take it very seriously, so, I don't know...hopefully we're not all crying in our beers on Halloween.
Knock on wood, anons!

>> No.51317703

Aren't you in a 31 trillion debt now?

>> No.51317767
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Who read this here?

>> No.51317788

You're all three retards
Shemitah is the sabbath year just like the sabbath day
You can't sow your fields or cultivate them in any way so as to encourage growth (like say, trimming weeds along a hedgerow) and interest cannot be collected, all debts are to be remitted (except to foreigners)

>> No.51317892

in the shadows for now, but they want it out in the open

>> No.51318351

You fuckheads do this every fucking year. You do not skip them or think logically about them.

>> No.51318712

Stock market closed so it’ll be a catastrophic Crypto Crash

>> No.51318856

>every fucking year
Already said this in the thread… Shemitah happens once every 7 years you absolute retard

>> No.51318864

Buying silver as it usually does well in a shmitah year

>> No.51318893
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>> No.51318915

it is in the open and has been for almost 3 decades.

>> No.51318930

I see 3 men

>> No.51319051
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>> No.51321951

I’m scared anons what’s gonna happen is this it the great reset

>> No.51321985

Pray, read, spend time in nature and with your family. Ritual purification is painful.

>> No.51322132

Shemitah ends around September this year correct?

>> No.51322141
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>> No.51322166

Shut up, kike

>> No.51322386

Ooooohhhhh shit

Midterms are gonna be interesting to watch. Great Depression 2.0 here we fucking go.

>> No.51322892

This guy is onto it but is a cringe larger instead of explaining

The shemitah is every 7th year, what anon calls "super shemitah" or jubilee is every 7th shemitah, or 49th year

According to the Bible jews are supposed to forgive debts and release slaves after shemitah, so slavery becomes essentially an indentured service contract.
But in jubilee, all lands that have been leased or sold are supposed to return to their original owners, and all debts are to be wiped clean.

As you can see it's the Jewish year 5782, this is divisible by 49 which means this year is not just shemitah but the jubilee

Do the jews who control the world actually believe in this? Probably not lol but if it happens I'll be convinced

>> No.51323279
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So the last jubilee year was when Nixon Closed the Gold window in 1972?

>> No.51324024

5733 was "super shemita" -- starts September 1972. One month after the gold window closes.

>> No.51324095
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Fuck you nigger faggots; where the fuck have you biztards been.I've been bringing this topic up for the passed month only to be drowned out by bulgarian shills and tourists FUDers. In your defense I've been bringing it up in threads about Smartcon and how it coincides with the end of this super shemitah, and everytime the discussion stops in the thread and its gets sent to page 15. Better late than never I guess.

Also, it's going to be a reversal. Everyones in short positions because of the expectation of a crash but it will reverse the expectations and liquidate all short positions essential causing financial chaos anyway locking out people from buying cheap. Retail would have a difficult time trying to catch it as they get priced out. It's the 7th 7 year cycle, yes it's a jubilee, to have end as expected of the passed shemitah(financial downturn, negative news) it will do the opposite. Set your longs now.

>> No.51324168

When I posted trannies banned me.

>> No.51324244

Buying what cheap though?

>> No.51324265

It's a good time to invest in whites.

>> No.51324417

Damn two trillion dollars ready to go straight into Chainlink when staking comes out. SWIFT, DTCC weren’t messing around.

>> No.51324505

How is LINK correlated with DTCC?

>> No.51324618
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Ok now it just hit me the next big shemitah crash is for Europe, they will announce the release of some cbdc instrument and then chainlink will announce that their network will be used to facilitate it. Check em.

>> No.51324664

shemitah is almost over idiot. it ends at the end of sept. everyone try to mudddy the waters is a jew trying to confuse the goyim

>> No.51324689

Last September everything dumped on Yom Kippur, around the 20th of September

>> No.51324718

Doesn't mean sense to crab for a year if the ISO20022 SWIFT migration is happening in November

>> No.51324735

>Everyones in short positions because of the expectation of a crash
yeah I saw that chart. the big jews are in on puts 8:1

I'll admit, I've been afraid to hold a long position on my trading stack. which is unusual for me. I just have a bad feeling. like doom is lingering around the corner.

Not sure if it's just the logical conclusion, or if I'm tapping into the collective unconscious. There's just something nagging at my core, telling me not to be long. Which is unusual for me because I'm normally a balls out roll the dice kind of guy.


Anyways, I don't know if I'm going to regret my decisions but my newfound cowardice has been fucking me up the past couple weeks.

>> No.51324873

Figure it the fuck out

>> No.51325224

Why is this? I am just starting to get into PM

>> No.51325489

I didn't say It wasn't almost over. Historically the crash comes after it ends so what the fuck are you going off about?

>> No.51325544

Are you trying to say there won't be a crash after shemitah ends?

>> No.51325620

that's the point, forgiven debt means lower economic output (as the modern economy is based on debt). That's why shmita always makes the market collapses.
That shows how much ((they)) control the worlds economy.

>> No.51325624

>Do the jews who control the world actually believe in this
assuming there are jews in control of the world, I would imagine they do believe. their success and wealth were graced upon them because they are jewish after all. why would they not fully embrace

>> No.51325661
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2008 stock market crash happened on last day of shmita.

>> No.51325699

your an idiot. the crash happens before shemitah and the markets are down until the shemitah ends then the kiles buy back in

>> No.51325719

if you unironically believe this youre retarded

>> No.51325720

XRP is the standard. WAGMI

>> No.51325735

I'm not an idiot I didn't sell, stop being such a mean kike, what's wrong with you? You ever talked to me like that in person I'd try to murder you.

>> No.51325870
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be greedy when everyone is fearful. Just be primed for a facemelting run up or total collapse. You people are looking at it from a US markets only perspective. There's many things in play, such as the collapse of the EU or China. The Shemitah in sense is letting the land rest from a prosperous harvest. The EU is the definitive factor for the shemitah blood bath. All farming/manufacturing in the EU is going to collapse; either because of policy(nitrogen restriction) or energy deficit(Russian natural gas/oil). The EU has be prospering for quite some time often boasting about social safety nets that first world countries should have, it's time to let the land rest(EU collapse). If I am right, EU citizens are in for a massive wake up call to the drastic change in their docile life style. Having new NATO memberships in the EU is just PR to distract. EU will be harvested. Also China.

You guys are to primarily focused on USA when it comes to shemitah antics, any skeptics will always refer to how the US is doing when it comes to disproving the shemitah without recognizing that the rest world is effected as well. I also think it will be a reversal because everyone and their grandma are having put options in place, think about that, it's like the shoeshine boy giving advice to short the market because it's going to crash, meaning retail stands to make a lot of money shorting. Face melting run up will liquidate retail. I say this because Semetic mysticism indicates this is the 7th 7 year cycle. 49 years.

>> No.51325905

So hold?

>> No.51326006

hold is my advice, unless you'll be on your terminal all day for the final weeks of september and first week of october to monitor and adapt to the situation. Don't be that wojack meme where set's a stop loss only to wake up to a face melting pump because he was asleep. Having longs OR shorts is a big gamble at this point.

>> No.51326136

So how do I profit from this? Does this mean the bottom is next September?

>> No.51326209
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No. Bottom is THIS month after the shemitah crash.

>> No.51326232
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Also btc typically has one horrid year and then trends upwards for a few years. 2022 is the shit year.

>> No.51326839

its happened twice.

>> No.51326900

You'll get a 50% dump from here. Don't get retardedly euphoric.
Recessions on average end after 11 months and it was confirmed in August meaning chances are it will officially end by early 2023 (about January going by history). Btc is just following other risk on assets. Btc isn't going to 0 because nasdaw and s&p aren't going to 0. Btc has been tamed to be treated as stocks on steroids. When they trend up again, so will btc and the rest of crypto. Post recessions are also when mega bullruns happen aka the recovery stages of an economy

>> No.51327062

My gut feel exactly. However, my gut also tells me that every time the majority of goys believe something, the jew instinctly knows when to manipulate the sentiment to try to profit from it.

>> No.51327779
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I'm going to bump this thread one time; since apparently talk of shemitah will kill threads. It says a lot when shill and FUDers avoid this thread topic while bumping shitty threads.

>> No.51328193

Oy vey it's just a holiday.
Now tell me, what did you think of the new lord of the rings trailer?
Some pretty racy stuff amiright

>> No.51328236

Recessions are priced into the market by the time they come in full force. Why be disingenuous? Everyone is capable of verifying this on a chart, just look at the time frame of 2008 for instance. Risk assets already crashed by the time the housing and labor markets started feeling pain.

>> No.51328280

The vast majority of goyim are scared shitless and won't touch the markets at all. Mindless boomers investing on a monthly basis are not part of the equation, take a look at what the zoomers are saying. They are unanimously and greedily sitting out on a great buying opportunity

>> No.51328433

I'm sorry, but you're not making much sense. We are still a globalized economy with financial connections running through every continent. Europe and China crashing literally cannot not have a huge effect on the US, I don't know what Americans are smoking. So just one thing, if the price of LNG skyrockets due to Putin shutting down everything for Europe, do you really believe that won't have an effect on US natural gas prices? Like how delusional can you be? This crash is going to be global, it's gonna be civilization-ending Bronze Age collapse type real life doomsday shit. In 2030 there's not gonna be many of the currently existing countries standing. Don't expect the US turning out on the other side with just a few scratches and don't expect a bull market in 2023. Even Jews cannot turn all this clusterfuck upside down to liquidate the shorters. I'd don't know what are basing this reversal on, Europe is going to starvefreeze to death with it's industry annihilated, Chinese real estate market, one of the largest asset class Iof the whole world market is about to meltdown taking down the entire financial system with it, US is in the brink of civil war, sovereign debt crisis looming all over the Western bloc and don't forget the whole world was injected with mystery juice because of the coif and the excess mortality has just started rising.
But the markets will melt up and US is gonna be fine, according to you, because Jews want to liquidate shorters. Right.

>> No.51328462

Not exactly, shemita just dictates that the bottom won't happen before September, not exactly at Sept.
Personally I just see shemita ends as the time to start DCA again

>> No.51328644

WW3 will happen in 2030ish, it was suppose to happen when Clinton won in 2016 as she would instigate it. Instead global financial downturn via COVID19 which was suppose to happen in 2030 with all the new ID monitoring and tyrannical policies that would have been implemented in WW3

>> No.51328753

that's true however token is not needed, not at all

>> No.51329031

I thought the jubilee was for forgiving debts.

>> No.51329324

Hm. Good points, it all seems very fucked. But take the energy crisis for example: It's a manufactured crisis, merely by politics. It could change at a moments notice.

>> No.51329971

>But take the energy crisis for example: It's a manufactured crisis, merely by politics.
I don't disagree with that although one part of it is money printing. We have to stay vigilant to notice the first signs of a FED pivot. But everything they've been signaling lately says they aren't planning to stop even in 2023. Unless something major breaks ofc.

>> No.51330631

He's not wrong, it's all theatre. Zelensky could capitulate and agree to negotiations with Putin. Probably will do it after the Queen of England dies for extra despair, and when things are at the lowest, it happens. Zelensky and Putin compromise, gas starts flowing even with sanctions still in place. Switch to CBDC end of year to offset inflation. Miracle of 2022 they will call it.

>> No.51331562

Absolutely they believe it, if they didn't then they wouldn't keep ensuring that it happens over and over like clockwork.
The biggest problem is that the elites have convinced normies to be atheists while they keep their strict religious beliefs behind closed doors, many of them have effectively replaced the word of God among the masses with their own word.

>> No.51332130
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The absolute state