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51310705 No.51310705 [Reply] [Original]

my romanian wife is trying to divorce me now that she has her citizenship, I bought a home for both of us and I'm scared now, what can I do

>> No.51310734

Being a retard has consequences. I hope she takes every dime you have.

>> No.51310748

Find a better woman next time

>> No.51310788

Try to work out a deal while you’re still on good terms before the divorce, start talking to a divorce attorney now

>> No.51310911

sell her to a prostitution ring

>> No.51310937

In retrospect, marriage was a mistake.

>> No.51310973
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I love pancakes.

>> No.51311008

another beta american played by the based gypsy fiddler gg

>> No.51311023

the home is in a trust and you pay rent on it right?

>> No.51311043

get another.

>> No.51311081

tell her "dute in pizda matii"

>> No.51311133

you get a mail order bride or something? or you moved to romania, picked her up and moved back to US?
please elaborate on how you got in this mess in the first place.

>> No.51311180

Damn good larp desu

>> No.51311200

Kill her. Simple as. That is the ultimate justice, but be prepared to face the consequences.

>> No.51311206

half me half her

>> No.51311235


>> No.51311285

>marrying a Romanian mail order whore

>> No.51311331
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If you aren't larping, contact a lawyer and have the marriage annulled due to fraud. An annulment is better than a divorce because an annulment treats the marriage like it never happened. This is used in special cases like incest or fraud, and marrying someone just to get a citizenship is fraud. It worked for Rich Piana

>> No.51311486

Would she lose her green card if the marriage is annulled?

>> No.51311534
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Not if she got it before she met you, but she would lose any benefits she got by marrying you and she would not be able to get child support, alimony, and would not get any of your assets, it would be like you were never married in the first place. you need to stop talking to her and go to a lawyer right away, he will tell you what to do. If you have one that's worth his shit, he will have seen Marriage-Visa fraud before and may help you build a case to have a judge grant you an annulment. Good luck anon-san

>> No.51311578

>being scared over a woman's actions

I bet she was the one who proposed to you too faggot.

>> No.51311582

based thanks

>> No.51311689

Feels sad, bro.

Have few friends, who moved some time ago to Germany with wifes. As soon as women found some job and could legalise separately from husbands (working visa), then left them.

Why are women like this?

>> No.51311717

Be on good terms with her parents.
Larp as a good honest son in law, bring coffee, hard liquor and chocolates and such things when you go meet them.
Sneak in a couple grand to them when she isn't looking.
Say it's some money for them to have it a bit easier but that she doesn't need to know.

Then you'll be safe. Occasionally wire them like $500 when it's like some holiday like Christmas or like when they are gonna need to buy firewood, or to renew the car licence and insurance.
Her mother will beat the crap out of her at any mention of leaving you and she will be more obedient than the most loyal housenigger ever was to his slave master.

>> No.51311778

Because someone don’t feel like they need men (even though they do)
They see us as tickets to a better life, and therefore once she has used all of your value she will find a more promising ticket. This is why you never give marriage your 100%, because she will take that and split
Anyone who says I’m wrong has never been married

>> No.51312007

You married a gypsy whore anon

>> No.51312032

Post wife tits or you're larping

>> No.51312041

You get exactly what you deserve for falling for the marriage meme you stupid fucking retard. Enjoy getting fucked over for the rest of your life by some old hag scumfuck you once thought you "loved".

>> No.51312317
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