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51310428 No.51310428 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since I took Cialis and experienced my full potential I feel like I can't go back to how it was. It was so easy to get fully torqued. Literally, just had to think about it and I got a boner that lasted for as long as I wanted. You guys really gotta try it even if you don't need it

>> No.51310506

>Be yourself, a real human bean.
>Happiness and life satisfaction level at baseline.
>Try substance X, which raises happiness and life satisfaction level while you use it.
>Effects wear off
>Happiness and life satisfaction level now below baseline unless chemically stimulated
Your sex life is now a subscription service.
Enjoy the rest of your lie lmao.

>> No.51311054

now try heroin

>> No.51311310

same with sildenafil,
you don't even know your true dick size and the brutal rigidness unless you try one of these

>> No.51311386

One perk of being a pharmacist is I can steal boner pills without getting caught. I have a nice stash of tadalafil and sildenafil but I rarely use them. They give me headaches and can make it impossible for me to ejaculate. It's much better every once in a while when I drink alcohol or take ecstasy with my gf.

>> No.51311980

No shit, you are taking the full dose for old fucks. Cut it up in fourths.

>> No.51312021

I do split the tablets, dummy.

>> No.51312034

>You guys really gotta try it
>I can't go back to how it was.
yea your really selling it lmao

>> No.51312046

I get headaches from it. But since I took it my boners have been getting harder without it too. I think its the psychological barrier that it broke

>> No.51312109

This, it's like being a Twingo and taking a drug to become a Ferrari. You'll become addicted to it.

>> No.51312124

Too large dose, take 1/3 for the same effects without headache.
I take like 1/5th or less of a standard Cialis pill when i fuck a new girl.
Just little extra power

>> No.51312156

I recommended several guys that had trouble with erection, to take it.
Few good fucks with their GF and they dix not need it anymore

>> No.51312302

What dosage and how can I profit from this?

>> No.51312350

>/bizlet/ tries to tell a pharmacist about the dosage
Never change /biz/...never change

>> No.51312621

I buy bottles of generic Viagra and Cialis for $100 with 100 tablets and sell them for $5 to friends and co workers. Easy fucking money, once they try them they keep coming back for more, I heard the real shit is like $20 a pill

>> No.51312668

marijuana gives me rock hard bonners

>> No.51312702

Should I buy boner pills from the internet financially speaking? This sounds pretty tight.

>> No.51312845

I did that for a while a few years ago but then I started feeling inadequate like I couldn't perform without it.

then I went without it and started relaxing and just enjoying sex.
it's important not to worry about your potential or your performance much. if you worry about it you'll probably do worse.

>> No.51312876

kek same, I go on an ego trip too which makes it harder

>> No.51312961
File: 76 KB, 604x788, rhino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt take the rhino 69 for 7 day erections

>> No.51313001

This stuff can literally make your dick fall off

>> No.51313105


>> No.51313172

Psych barrier is a bitch. Was dealing wjtb some issues...
I took some weed and horny goat weed fucked 6 times in two days and i think i knocked up my gf lol