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51307869 No.51307869 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51307879

You didn’t actually not buy them, did you anon? You can’t be that fucking stupid can you anon?

>> No.51307916

I feel your pain, at this point I’d make more money writing a book on how to fade winners than I make in crypto

>> No.51307952

Spirql pampin hard while markets are damping

>> No.51307999

A simple archive search has yielded me already 8 threads detailing why Spiral/Polaris are going to explode.

Reading through them it seems like it has to do with alpha tokenomics that provide sustainable yield in a native token that’s dilutionary, I also see a lot of hatred and racism. Looks like a winning combo

>> No.51308011

That’s deflationary*

>> No.51308042

How is anyone still confused about why desu

>> No.51308080

Is 500polaris enough to make it?

>> No.51308100

There will literally never be more of the coin, only less, and it’s $2.5m mcap so, yes

>> No.51308101


Ahhh the trifecta strikes again

>> No.51308127
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kek you fucking faggot I bught the last big dip at 3m mc. Sucks to suck loser.

>> No.51308171

Was it autism?

>> No.51308188
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Don't know.

>> No.51308253

I am such a fader, one day I’ll learn lol

>> No.51308331

Good microcaps dont care what btc or eth does

>> No.51308462

Bought 9 eth of spiral yesterday and nobody dumped on me. So I bought 9 eth of Polaris today and again no one has dumped on me.

Lol, wtf ATTN: if anyone on this board besides me has actual money, these coins are whale friendly

>> No.51308484

Buy more polaris

>> No.51308854

I thought I was an idiot for buying at $3.6m, now I feel like a king

>> No.51308906

You are still an idiot

>> No.51309297

Feel like I’ve written why they’re going to pump before but I’ll try again.

Spiral/Polaris are the first coins in history to pay out sustainable high yield APY in tokens but without diluting their supply. They do this through a mechanism the developer invented called dipolar sub supply rebasing

Not only did the developer create it, but he also created a constant k= liquidity mechanism which has proven to work better than reflection auto-LP adds and is already being copied by shitfork devs

On top of that, there are 4 product use cases and lastly, the 2 coins are merging at any moment into Spiralv2

I have always maintained since the beginning that this will be the highest performing ecosystem of the next year or two. Read the docs, read the math, read the sentiment (70% of spiral staked, only .3% of Polaris uncharged)

Writing is, has been, and will continue to be on the wall

>> No.51309328

How fucking date you bring alpha to this board when we’re just trying to eat bugs

>> No.51309386

Where do I even buy these what the fuck I can’t find shit on them. Have looked on both Coinbase and binance and don’t see either

>> No.51309477

Took me about 10 seconds to find them

Spiral: https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x11a708ded0fe503bbbf43d2baf403120dc5e145c

Polaris - https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0xa4e054f73bf0bf8d2fee5e77a03cc019ab6d1039

If you’re buying on CEX’s you’re already a latefag, you need to buy on uniswap

>> No.51309591
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My Spiral go viral

>> No.51309872

Why do I ever listen to biz fudders it never plays out for me

>> No.51310091

poorfag here, got 1eth to throw at these shitcoins, which one should i get for some long hold ? spiral polaris or a bit of both ?

>> No.51310368

all in polaris
spiral have 6% buy tax

>> No.51310538

Spiral has more room to it’s ATH, Polaris is lower mcap.

Split 50/50 so you don’t need to wonder what if

>> No.51310555

but spiral go viral

>> No.51310644

All these spiral threads are inorganic as fuck. We already know a TG group is shilling them actively on Biz, so to EVERYONE else in this thread. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.51311263

Are they inorganic?

The price rise is real

70% of all Spiral is staked, that’s real
Only .3% (yea, that’s right) of Polaris is -charged, that’s real

You can sit and cry like a faggot bitch every day about these coins and whine about how poor your are, but the on chain metrics are bullish… learn to read the signs instead of a jeety board that’s years past it’s prime in spotting gems.

If you don’t buy before the merge that’s fine because you’ll buy it 10x higher and then shill it to your coworker who just asked you about Atom and Dot

>> No.51311294

This is based af

>> No.51311307

based and mergepilled

>> No.51311506


You make a good point. I have already missed out on a 100% gain since I told you guys to get fucked last time

>> No.51311540

I would like to see a 2x and then jeet it. What kind of timeframe are we looking at in regards to jeeting?

>> No.51311884

So you memed yourself?

>> No.51312334

It’s okay. At least you’re in now because the instant this launches on v2 you’ll actually catch a 5-10x in a bear market which isn’t all that bad

>> No.51312452

If my calculations are correct, this could hit a combined mcap of $10m PRE-merge.

If staked/charged amounts remain similar then the first candle on Spiralv2 could shatter biz for good and it’ll get shut down forever (booooolish)

>> No.51315810

Holy shit so when there will be some proper update
I do not want to be poor anymore

>> No.51315852

This entire thread is scam shills>>51312452

>> No.51316046

Fuck off BlackbirdDaddy, not gonna pump your bags

>> No.51316156

remain in poverty

>> No.51316346

Oh, this response. Again. What are you, a team of 5-6 on discord? Coordinated pumping? Fuck yourself. You say the same thing every time.

>> No.51316406

what the fuck are you talking about? there is no discord, no paid shill group, there is literally only people who believe in spiral that post in spiral threads. where do you think this discord is? can i get an invite?