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51306109 No.51306109 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bitcoin a failed experiment?

>> No.51306141

I hate to be that guy…. But zoom out the USD Vs BTC chart

>> No.51306142

It's a currency that plummeted against the USD just as other currencies did. It's literally serving its purpose

>> No.51306163

It's just dot com MK2

>> No.51306167

I hate btc, but this guy is a low IQ retard with a shit attention span
Gold is shitting
Stocks are shitting
Btc is shitting
Dxy is pumping

Fucking common sense, holy shit the midwits out there

>> No.51306242

Baby's first bear market

>> No.51306257

It's a speclative asset bitcoin is only unsful for thrid world countires to doge sactions the day I can pay taxes in bitcoin is when I will take it seriously.

>> No.51306267

Gold and stocks are speculative too, midwit

>> No.51306449

The more I see posts such as this claiming BTC's inevitable demise the less time I have to accumulate.

>> No.51307613

its because in a manufactured global dollar short squeeze things go down in dollar price temporarily. after the ensuing wave of currency collapses, and once the squeeze is over, there will be no dollar demand because the dollar has completely lost its credibility and the chinese arent trading commodities in it anymore with russia. Only down forever. This is when will be a good time to buy BTC

>> No.51307632

gold nad S&P500 are acting like buoys right now, btc a bit below the surface not sure why. its not digital gold, fine, but maybe it will go up again and faser and we'll make more money than everyone else.

>> No.51307665

No, as it's helping to force central banks to address inflation as was intended. It's also forcing normies to address frivolously using energy they buy with freely printed money.

>> No.51307683

The USD is a speculative asset, anon.

>> No.51307692

not false

>> No.51307694

sóy-flavored cryptoland-tier cope

>> No.51307706

>a strong dollar means it has no credibility
esl chink has no idea what he’s talking about.

>> No.51307708

bitcoin is cash

>> No.51307709

>Cope posting
Literal cope.

>> No.51307768

Are you guys fucking retarded? A deflationary pop in assets is the precursor to hyperinflation and capital controls. BTC is the only asset that can remain liquid (globally) in what is to come. That said dollars right now is the play and you should probably wait for another 10-20% off BTC before dipping in. Europe is the indicator you should be watching. They are about to print trillions to prop up businesses. Covid printing will look like a drop in the ocean. Timing the next piviot is crucial to your ability to survive what is coming as once dollar milkshake has played out and all Europe's wealth is in Dollars the hyperinflation in terms of assets starts and it will catch most by surprise as there will be a rush out of USD. The dollar is dead but is being propped up by the blood of the 3rd world and Europe, once this goes it's good night to the USA and it's empire. 1 btc = 1 house within the next 3 years as a low ball figure.

>> No.51307774

>no u

more sóy

>> No.51307789

tanker full of sóylent: the post

>> No.51307796

>needing fear tactics to bait retards into buying my bags

>> No.51307805

I accept your concession.

>> No.51307809

It’s another example of how they paper the derivative (futures Bitcoin, futures gold, gold etf) and debase the paper.

>> No.51307830

Explain how Europe survives without money printing? Explain how the US keeps global influence without debasing it's currency. Explain how this won't cause hyperinflation. Explain USA's path out of this situation with debt to gdp at 1.25x in a way that doesn't result in a complete societal collapse.

I'll take any post not addressing these points as you admitting that you're fucking clueless.

>> No.51307837
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>> No.51308008

this, the mechanism was posted about in pol mlroe then a decade ago
all of the financial obligations in usd are now margin called but after that is done the usa will have killed all its trade partners and non vassal states will default on usd obligations and trade in the new brics system
you are seeing the destruction of the reserve currency play out and you are buying the top right before the rugpull

>> No.51308124

first of all
>digital gold
>store of value
>inflation hedge
>stock to flow
all midwittery spouted by retards
none of that shit is on the code, none of that shit is ever discussed on dev chat (libera, formerly on freenode), it was never something on the mind of anyone working on bitcoin

with that said

zoom the fuck out, retard
also, the DXY is a index relative to other fiat currencies, comparing it with any non-fiat asset is retarded, almost brain dead levels of stupid fucking nigger

your thread is shit
apologize or your mother dies in her sleep tonight

>> No.51308153

Is bitcoin really a hard asset though? You need functioning electronics, electricity and the internet to use it and it is completely tracable. It seems fragile to me. Especially if you lived in europe or something.

>> No.51308156

they are shills fren dont worry about them, you recognize them from real anons by their short ad hominem posts and using mostly pol tier slurs and memes that arent native to biz, the dumbfucks are too slow to figure out each board has its own culture

but everything you said is playing out right now, the eu is in full collapse and will print trillions come this winter and capital controls/ rationing booklets to follow
i disagree with staying in the dollar right now, they can pull the plug on coinbase in advance and steal all your corn, there is only cold storage in your own control right now

ask yourself this if the hyperinflationary deathspiral is soon coming do you want to risk your one ticket to safety on another 50% dumb to get slightly richer or get safe right the fuck now
especially if you arent a us resident capital controls come hard and fast cyprus style
and all the money in the bank is gone
but it is undeniably like you said in the end only btc will have global liquidity

>> No.51308162

it's fake strength , retard
rather than calling it 'strength, it's more like exporting countries debase their own currency to siphon the value out of the dollar
your dollar demand is only real on euro side, where a lot of dollar denominated debt has been incurred
but that's about to be a default, since EU is fucked beyond any sense

>> No.51308183

>answer all my questions or you're wrong goy

>> No.51308196

The day you can pay Yates with botcoin is the day it will be worth 500k+ with no earning potential left retard

>> No.51308204

>reddit spacing
>they're not REAL anon goyim!

>> No.51308226

europe can barely contain the real criminal druglords that ship their wares using real ships and tradfi usd flows
no they dont have any capability to track crypto at scale, let alone after this winter when all budgets die, lets see how many cryptoliterate people the fiscal services can employ when their expected monthly wage can just cover the heating bill and nothing more

>> No.51308236

doesnt know what reddit spacing is, accuses people of using it
you have to go back

anyways this is the example of 6 word ad hominems that ignore any content i was referring too

>> No.51308242

>no they dont have any capability to track crypto at scale
are you fucking dense nigger? when it comes to tracking money owed to them that is the one thing the government kikes excel at. also it doesn't take a rocket scientist to track a transaction when it's tracking itself lmao

>> No.51308254

>anyways this is the example of 6 word ad hominems that ignore any content i was referring too
you aren't fooling anyone nigger, your reddit onions exudes from your post

>> No.51308258

your bitcoins don't get erased from the blockchain if your internet goes out

>> No.51308454

irs yes they hardcore, i specifically mentioned europe there lol no
if you think crypto transactions always track themselves you really are a newfag or glowie
either you have to go back

>> No.51308486

accept deez nuts on your chin

>> No.51308601

Retards have no ability to see long term. Bitcoin pumped massively to almost $70,000, and you have gambling idiots paying thousands of dollars for stupid jpegs, downies pumping doggy shit coins to 11 figure market caps, We were in a hype cycle. Of course it came down, the fact that the dollar liquidity crunch might have triggered it doesn't mean the dollar controls bitcoin long term.

The DXY is just a measure of USD against other fiat, but retards think it means the dollar is so strong as fuck or something. The dollar's supply inflation is still >10%, the dollar is the just least shittiest fiat currency right now. There is a big correction in all assets right now after the ridiculousness of 2021. But when either inflation trends down, let alone reaches 2-4%, or interest rates starts skyrocketing then the fed will be forced to back off.

All fiat currencies are designed to go down over time. Its like you morons suddenly forget this during the brief period of time the fed is temporarily hawkish. Once the risk of total currency collapse is over the printing will continue, and retarded short sellers are sitting in cash losing 10%+ in dilution every year because muh dollar stronk.

>> No.51309319

When the big guys sell that's when you know it's over.

>> No.51309388
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>You need functioning electronics, electricity and the internet to use it
You think traditional banking systems and stock exchanges don't need these things? Gold and precious metals technically don't but most precious metals traders will probably rely on the internet to find places to buy and sell also

>> No.51310191

>But if I don't pick an arbitrary time point that fits my argument then it will be wrong!

>> No.51310411

>tradfi usd flows

>> No.51311470

Dare I say buy signal?

>> No.51312217

Far from it. The blockchain is going to make a lot of sense once users get comfortable interacting with the opportunities on it. This is why protocols facilitating easy usability of the technology for both developers and individuals are vital to the next phase of things.

>> No.51312301

bitcoin is the experiment. as long as altcoins exist, bitcoin will command significant value, and i don't see people giving up on the easy money altcoins are anytime soon.

>> No.51312309
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There is a lot of reasons to be optimistic.
>Crypto being considered as payment options.
>Cross-chain functionalities driving adoption rate
>More sophisticated blockchain designs coming up in web3 development.

>> No.51313579

Plus one on this. Although the rate of development on on-chain and off-chain applications, thanks to ORE network by making keys and identity management easy.

>> No.51314119

BTC is.

>> No.51314189

S&P is being forcibly held up, not the other way around. Big kikes are trying to keep the market from looking like it's actually as shitty as it truly is so normalfags don't panic, even though literally nothing has improved and more dumps are on the way.

>> No.51314268

>linear chart of BTC/USD price
absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.51314276

No it's true.

>> No.51314335
