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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51306032 No.51306032 [Reply] [Original]

Every week or two, food is twice as expensive.
Electricity prices at its peak.
Populism is on it's peak. Money are printed and given for free.
People are desperate, therefore lots of extremism.
Unemployment increases, business collapse, inflation 20%+
Heating capped at 15°C else penalty.

>> No.51306046

No of course not. No politicians will be harmed.

>> No.51306048

Nothing ever happens and energy prices is a nothingburger

>> No.51306049

short the shitcoin on the screen

>> No.51306054

Europe is going to enter a Great Depression within the next few months. USA might be able to stay out of it but we'll probably at least be in a recession though. Europe is utterly fucked. Russia might even decide to cut off all gas to Europe. You might see a situation where Euros are paying literally $3,000 to $4,000 per month for normal heating and energy costs, if they're even allowed to use that much.

Small businesses in Europe are going to go under en masse. It's gonna be a bloodbath. Ironically, Spain and Portugal have tons of natural gas and even import some from Africa, while they have languished in recent years, they're gonna come out ahead in this crisis. If these high energy costs remain permanent, you might see Euros move to Spain en masse instead of the usual exodus from Spain for better jobs

>> No.51306055

>Every week or two, food is twice as expensive.
That's not true

>> No.51306066

>You might see a situation where Euros are paying literally $3,000 to $4,000 per month for normal heating and energy cost
The thing is most of western europe doesn't even really need to "heat their homes" fucking use a blanket and a sweater and you Are fine

>> No.51306095

All ok here. 65€ last electricity invoice.

>> No.51306098

>Russia might even decide to cut off all gas to Europe
Do you not read something call 'news'?

>> No.51306129

Apart from populism and high energy prices it's some totally delusional bullshit.

>> No.51306143

Is this prediction real? 20% of population in Europe will end up as homeless or has the CEO lost his mind and is prepping inside his nuclear bunker (datacenter)?


>> No.51306156

Schizo post. Its not great here, but nowhere as bad.

>> No.51306158

>Populism is on it's peak
>People are desperate, therefore lots of extremism

Why do i think you're just some random normie?

>> No.51306175


Post your passport. No excuses.

>> No.51306208

It will no longer be enough that we have paid tens of millions annually in taxes, but it is still necessary to increase them now, because we will have to help those who are irresponsible and industrious. So we will punish the responsible and hardworking ones. Sad story. I cheated the kids out of time with my father and devoted myself to the business. People don't want to work. I still haven't heard that anyone wants a part-time job or that someone wants to work more hours or that someone is looking for a second job... On the contrary, I hear that the state will help.

People go on vacation, spend money, and at the same time wait with outstretched hands. Instead of going to work. The government is figuring out how it will make new taxes, how it will favor the self-employed and how it will contribute to mortgages and similar nonsense. So actually a responsible person who didn't take out loans and senseless mortgages for senselessly expensive real estate will now pay it all. For all the irresponsibles who approached it all absolutely irresponsibly and are still dancing on board now that the Titanic is sinking. Insanely.

People will be hungry. They will not have support in the government. Promises won't feed them. People will take to the streets. They have nothing else left.

>> No.51306215

>20% of population in Europe will end up as homeless
I wish, that would fix housing prices nicely

>> No.51306239
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I'm bugging out to South-East Asia for six months. Keep it real eurobros, you'll be om my thoughts and prayers

>> No.51306277
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2 more weeks znigger

>> No.51306306

I don’t think it is. The standards of living are already pretty low across almost all social classes over here. It will be even less noticeable for us «young» people because unless supported by parents we live like third worlders.

>> No.51306307

you first

>> No.51306328
File: 77 KB, 1024x567, pepe prepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Europe is soon to become huge communism. Soon only digital euro too. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy.

Maybe. World War 3 is going to happen. If not already.


>> No.51306335
File: 168 KB, 512x512, pepe UniformSoldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare for armed soldiers walking down the streets all day and night. And tanks.

>> No.51306389
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>Every week or two, food is twice as expensive.
100 % fucking wrong and this shows that you are just a low iq uninformed mutt. Food "only" got around 30 % more expensive.
Meanwhile also in muttland: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-10/food-prices-rise-most-since-1979-keeping-us-cost-of-living-high
>Electricity prices at its peak.
True but everyone with a little bit iq has a contract with a fixed price for at least 2 years. I only pay €60 for power per month.
Meanwhile in muttstan: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-23/can-t-pay-utility-bills-20-million-us-homes-behind-on-payments-facing-shutoffs
>Populism is on it's peak. Money are printed and given for free.
True but same for muttland kek. But a few million or billion to the population is nothing to the trillions companies get for every single year. So just a drop on a hot stone.
>Unemployment increases, business collapse, inflation 20%+
Same for muttstan.
>Heating capped at 15°C else penalty.
Made up again like your typical mutt who gets his information from mr.shekebergstein-rightwing.com.
So you wasted an entire thread just to so you could seethe about europe again mutt, rent free like always.

>> No.51306396

I dont think we are "collapsing".
This is only a natural correction for the frivolous spending and consooming we have been doing since the boomer bubble.
Just take a look around your room right now and count the things that should have never been bought or even produced.
The only good thing is that I can hoard them now.
I will probably never buy paper again.
Captcha: XXX000

>> No.51306432

redpill: yurop collapsed after ww2 and never recovered, it was on purpose btw

>> No.51306452

Fixations are for now. But then? You are done.
>Made up again like your typical mutt who gets his information from mr.shekebergstein-rightwing.com.

I'm not OP, but here we have proposal to make it 18°C
https://www.seznamzpravy.cz/clanek/ekonomika-firmy-otazky-a-odpovedi-jak-stat-zkontroluje-18-degc-v-obyvaku-a-jake-hrozi-pokuty-211420 ( I recommend you translate it)

My mother works in retail complex and the whole shopping complex wants it to be 15°C during winter season.

We'll see.

>> No.51306534

Wow shops decide to lower cost by heating less in the usual overheated shops during winter.
This won't affect the average citizen, you can still blast up to 30°C if you want. Or do you honestly think we will get a eu wide "heat police" or that they will instal something to cap the maximum heating kek delusional.

>> No.51306552
File: 263 KB, 1200x900, Nurembased Rally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Populism is on it's peak
Oh no, no no.
Populism is nowhere near it's peak.
Zoom out.

>> No.51306560

You don't really leave the house do you? It's bloody cold inside the shopping centers because the people come in and out all the time.

And the article says 18°C inside living room. That is your house. That is proposal from the government itself. It doesn't matter if it's 18°C or 25°C. Still wrong.

>> No.51306569

t. European
I legit haven't noticed anything yet. Maybe in the winter

>> No.51306570

>Every week or two, food is twice as expensive.

Food hasn't gone up 2x from even before covid lol

>> No.51306575

Literally unenforceable.

>> No.51306591

Also what you need to keep in mind that when you talk about Europe it's a lot of very different countries, South Europe doesn't even get that cold in the winter and the gas problem is mostly a Germany problem, some countries in Europe barely even use natural gas

>> No.51306597

Don't you have wireless measurements on your radiator? This is how they measure the usage in many houses here.

>> No.51306598

>That is proposal from the government itself
Will never happen just like mandatory vaccination was never a thing even though /pol/tards told us for 2 years it would happen, I am still unvaxxed. Also this is from the czech goverment and I don't live in czechia so I don't care. Will never happen eu wide and they can never enforce it. This is just a way to keep npc occupied with something and to distract from other things, like usual.

>> No.51306603

What the fuck? No.

>> No.51306616

absolutely true, "back in the day" when we had -15 celcius winters (which we don't even have anymore) it was not a disaster if your heating broke. warm clothes, good blankets and you're fine, people acting like it's a necessity

>> No.51306619

We'll see. The Ursula is kneeling down on everyone with their crazy regulations.

>> No.51306626

That is not really the point.

>> No.51306643

Clearly already brainwashed or live in Australia, The Netherlands or Scandinavia, I'm sure you are no more than 18. The fact that this is normalized in your brain, that is wrong.

Same shit, freedom of speech. No censorship should exist, because who decides what is wrong and right?


>> No.51306649

>We'll see.
>2 more weeks
The usual /pol/tard cope when he has no more made up argument. Fucktards like you should all go back to >>>/pol/ and stop shitting up the board with your useless off-topic threads every single day.

>> No.51306651

I literally never had the heating on in my apartment except when it was less than -20 celsius and even then it's not REALLY needed if I'm being honest. People are just used to living in like 25 celsius constantly for some reason, never made any sense to me.

>> No.51306665
File: 226 KB, 800x387, pepe copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even visit pol. Only /biz/ and /int/ and /adv/, far from /pol/, or innit? Right.

Cope more, you are in denial buddy.

>> No.51306669

Take a pic of your passport with timestamp, no excuses. I'm saving your ID kid.

>> No.51306683

You are the only one who is coping with his pipe dream of a world end, in 2 weeks ofc j-just wait.

>> No.51306687

I'm in Portugal so I've never needed to heat my home but I when I went to Norway I almost died from the cold and it was April. I'm glad I don't live there, they will have a tough winter.

>> No.51306704

thank you

>> No.51306725

Try not being a stay-at-home NEET, faggot

>> No.51307011

I went to Spain last winter and I didn't use heating and swam in the sea while spanjards were wearing thick coats portunigs and spanianigs are just not used to "cold" it's relative. I am perfectlt happy with a 10 degrees in my home and a blanket

>> No.51307034

Europe's self destruction over Russia is so fucking suicidal it almost seems like it was done on purpose, and possibly planned

>> No.51307047
File: 283 KB, 1760x1663, FX8sAP3WAAASdJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you vil be happy

>> No.51307088


They’re literally paying jeets and sending bots to come on 4CHAN and say not having heat in sub freezing weather is totally fine and not a big deal.

Holy fuck Bongs are finished.

>> No.51307680
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Cant wait for city fags to suffer

>> No.51308342


>> No.51308428

The meds(aka the south) are the only ones that can survive winters without heat every other part of europe is fucked. Fucking wef bots gas yourselves

>> No.51308438
File: 53 KB, 1077x794, 1650279456593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the great LORD says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go, I will plague your whole country with frogs. The Nile will teem with frogs. They will come up into your palace and your bedroom and onto your bed, into the houses of your officials and on your people, and into your ovens and kneading troughs. The frogs will go up on you and your people and all your officials.

>> No.51308457

>mandatory vaxx
>never happened
Explain the tens of thousands who got jabbed or else theyd get fired then you niggerfag

>> No.51308509

The US military has discharged tens of thousands of reservists and soldiers who refused to get the coofshot on religious grounds.

>> No.51308562
File: 137 KB, 890x1066, 1658618429775288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol not my fault if you are a worthless wagie, you always had the choice to just say no. No wagie job is it worth it to take some experimental vax and potenaily fuck your health.

>> No.51308577
File: 902 KB, 2838x1629, 1645890719808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutts are not humans and zog mercenaries even less.

>> No.51308578

yes we have these, but not everyone they were being rolled out in new construction and the schizos have warned for years they can take over you home remotely with this
and yes they will cap your heating to x degrees if they want to and max your watt usage so balance between the lights and the microwave, causing gas cooking is already reseted

>> No.51308581

>People are desperate, therefore lots of extremism.
What extremism are we seeing from Europeans? They are all cucked and spreading their cheeks.

>> No.51308632

>gets proven wrong on his bullshit
>reeeeee not my fault its yours YOUUURSSS
Kek gas yourself braindead shitskin

>> No.51308707

kike detected

>> No.51308722
File: 157 KB, 1242x856, 1644588032010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek fucking wagie slaves are not even humans. You can always look for another job but you can't get your health back
>inb4 b-but I am so worthless I c-can't even find another job
Your fault lol. Now dance for me wagie and smile.

>> No.51308736
File: 67 KB, 640x494, 1637578012857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kike detected
Seethe mutt seethe.

>> No.51308738

Ah yes my health, the zero consequences of the jab, 2 more weeks untill i randomly die.

>> No.51308800

>copes by telling others to seethe

>> No.51308802

>is forced to get the vax otherwise have his life ruined thus making it MANDATORY VAXXING
You’re legitimately braindead i feel bad for you

>> No.51308807

Never said this, I am not a low iq /pol/tard. But there was and is no reason to take something that has never been really tested (vaccinations usually need at least 20 years of trial tests) for a cough. You are probably fine if you took it but there are definitely some cases of damages caused the by vax. I am just saying that you can always say not it.

>> No.51308841

Nobody forced me and you sorry if think you had to take it. Like I have said you could have just said no at any time. The only thing that could have happened is that you would have lost your job.

>> No.51308984
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>> No.51309311
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Explain your reasoning?

>> No.51311115

>lose job
>no income
>no food
You really need to stop sniffing glue and touch grass

>> No.51311763

How about you learn some valuable skills to increase your chance to get a job instead of shitposting 10 hours per day on 4chan?

>> No.51311781

>Every week or two, food is twice as expensive.
not happening
>Electricity prices at its peak
not yet happening
>Populism is on it's peak
not yet happening
>Money are printed and given for free.
not happening
>People are desperate, therefore lots of extremism
not yet happening
>Unemployment increases, business collapse, inflation 20%+
happening, but more like 10%
>Heating capped at 15°C else penalty
not happening

>> No.51311934

The mass death of Europeans fuck yea this is thrilling

>> No.51311953

But what if those poor immigrants niggers starts dying the most due to cold