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51302946 No.51302946 [Reply] [Original]

My Grandpa passed away recently rip. But before he died I was very close with him and would be the only one spending hours with him on weekends. I had NO idea he's rich or hell, that he'd give me any inheritance. Yesterday the attorney called me and told me he left me $6 mill... Wtffff bros, have I made it? 20 yo cs student, what do I invest in before shtf

>> No.51303068

what? call a advisor immediately.

>> No.51303106

Hello it’s me your cousin

>> No.51303155

So they can shill some bullshit project? I don't have the know how, where do I go anon?

Hi how are ya

>> No.51303171

Just keep it in the bank. Use it for grocery and gas money.

>> No.51303190

this seriously take a year off it’s sudden wealth

>> No.51303341

Just pretend the money isnt there. Take your time. Use 2m to invest wisely though, the other 4 million should stay in the bank until you know what to do with it. Finish your degree.

>> No.51303392

First off, sorry about you loss anon.
Secondly I sincerely hope you don't make rash decisions and end up poorer than you were. Keep your expenses as they were before you had this wad of cash. Try not to brag or talk about the money too much with people irl.
Not a financial advisor here so definitely not even gonna try to tell you how to responsibly use it.

>> No.51303397

Invest in my shitcoin please my bastard sir

>> No.51303401

Damn that cat is fucking cool as heck

>> No.51303443

Don't tell anyone
Don't change your lifestyle

Take a year off of your degree and study stoicisim, governance of estate, and investing.

Then and only then do you plant the seeds your grandfather left to you, slowly.
Go back to school. Invest. Do not tell anyone. Stay middle class.

You can do anything you dream of

>> No.51303446

All in DOGE

>> No.51303454

I'd buy a house just to have a place to live. Yes the market is bearish for real estate right now and you'll probably lose some equity but at the end of the day you'll have a roof over your head.

>> No.51303498

See a financial advisor to manage at least a portion of your wealth.

>> No.51303593

Sorry to hear about your grandfather. I just lost my grandmother a few months ago. She lives in a different country and we couldn't make it because of muh covid.
Anyways lawyer the fuck up and shut the fuck up. First there might be taxes you have to get out of the way first. Gay, but that's part of the experience.
Take what you have left and invest half. Stocks, IRAs, bonds, whatever. Find the most jewish motherfucker to manage your assets and investments. Be friendly and they will take care of your money.
Put away enough money to live off of for two years.
Use half of remaining to pay off any debts and/or interest on those debts before they grow anymore. Fix your car/house or buy a new one. Get some new clothing.
And then at the very end if you have any money left, get yourself something nice.
Be the eternal grey man, a boring middle class suburban person. You are not rich. You have a normal amount of money in the bank. You drive a clean corolla and occasionally go out to eat. Stay quiet so no one tries to leech. This money does not exist outside of tax forms and your bank account. I've seen normal people turn into pitbulls the moment they hear that you've got some extra cash. Not even your family can be trusted. Say nothing.

>> No.51303628

Cocaine, hookers and lambos

>> No.51303689

Put 1 million into Shiba Inu coin. Keep the rest.

>> No.51303695

all in BBBY

>> No.51304015


Dont believe you because they dont tell you that you inherited 6mil over the phone… but put a mil in gold and burry it in some acreage you will buy. Finish your degree, and then figure out how to start a business. Youll have all the time now that you dont have to worry about sucking dick for ramen anymore

>> No.51304055

BND VYM GLD + 5% cash/bitcoin
anyone that tells you different is trying to fuck you. all you have to do is maintain the wealth. you're already rich. bonds and divvies for your income, gold and bitcoin as "cash reserves"
you're already rich. don't. gamble.

>> No.51304161

6 million in the S&P 500, live off the dividends while it gains 10% annually.

>> No.51305050

Buy index funds and forget about the money

>> No.51305131

Invest in crypto obviously

>> No.51305184

>and just like that btc will never go below 50k ever again
obviously the most retarded thing to do right now

>> No.51305211

go all in on LUNC unironically

>> No.51305307
File: 243 KB, 1125x577, 04302677-C4B5-4C92-9834-206C7093F47B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the opportunity comes then use some of it to make your life better. Cash will be the best place to sit during the collapse but at some point that cash will be in danger from an economic collapse or a cyber attack. Not doing anything with it is also risky.

>> No.51305480

Why the fuck do I even try when I'm competing against niggers like this.

>> No.51305487

Pretty doubtful from the information given. Sounds more like $150000 to me at the very most

>> No.51305498

Your other relatives are coming for that money. Focus on that first.

>> No.51305517

You should definitely go and have sex

>> No.51305521

>posting this old b8
>every newfag responds unironically

>> No.51306027


Listen to this man >>51303443. If you really want to invest right now while everything is down, don't do anything material. You could invest $100k in mutual funds, like Vanguard, or something and just leave it to grow over time. That still leaves your inheritance safe until you learn how to properly use it. In the meantime you can watch what happens to that $100k over the next year or two and learn from it firsthand.

I'm a newbie, but that's what I'd do.

>> No.51306130


>> No.51306199

how is it retarded bizfag? Market is down at the moment which makes it the best time to throw in some cash. I would personally suggest to put some parts in blue chips like BTC and ETH, get some large caps like AVAX, BNB, FTT, DOT and then put some in low caps like UNQ, JUNO, SYLO, and CSPR.
Dont buy shit that has no utility.

>> No.51306207

Feel free to take out a $70K yearly salary but no more than that. Stay in school, use of that salary to invest and live your life. In other words, don't blow it on expensive vacations and gaudy cars, you still have bills to pay. Start slowly and build your wealth up and only use your inheritance as an emergency.

Do note that you're living during the time of the next revolution of the internet and even better, you're a CS student. So start learning about web3 to see how you can find a job in blockchain development since it's the next generation of web development. And I'd recommend seeing if you can sign up for Chainlink's Smartcon Summit (I don't know if you can still get a free ticket to stream) otherwise you'll have to follow the topics on here.

>> No.51306255

Buy a new wardrobe and focus on looking good and smelling good when you go out. Keep focusing on school and programming and be lowkey with your money. I personally would just buy a nice house in a good area right away and live in it and keep the rest of the money in the bank for now. Once you graduate and start making money you can put every single penny of your paychecks into investments and live off of your inheritance in your house. If you do this you should have many millions by 60

>> No.51306292

Different anon here but I'm interested in cs. I'm an average computer user. Blockchain stuff interests me. What can you tell us about it? Can someone like me do it too?

>> No.51306325
File: 110 KB, 799x448, 11C287A0-A1C3-49D7-AC39-108B41307853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stake it anonchan

>> No.51306363

Preserve the wealth through diversification. At 20 you are still a child even though you dont think you are, so seek out some guidance from financial advisors. If any of them try to get you to take on risk to double the money or something like that, move on to someone else who understands that your main goal is to preserve the wealth and not gamble your way into billionaire status

>> No.51306471

If you go the financial advisor route (i don’t recommend it)
1) make sure they’re a fiduciary
2) don’t buy the bullshit life insurance they’ll shill you, and especially not if it’s whole life rather than a cheaper term life.
3) don’t buy the bullshit “special” private investments they’ll shill you
3) don’t buy the bullshit annuity they shill you.

Id suggest learning about the FIRE/Fat FIRE philosophies. And don’t spend money like an asshole. Niggers lose money by buying dumb shit like sports cars and vacations. Smart people lose money through bad investments. Both can be avoided. Good luck on your journeys.

>> No.51306494

Make 10-15% of your fortune metal. Gold, silver...

>> No.51306507

nice op

the number one rule is dont lose it. learn about investing by reading and maybe put like 30k in account and make small plays for 500 at a time to learn the ropes. do this a year or two as learning experience.
you got so much money you could put some of it in dividend stocks and get big dividends from it. but the current market is very fragile so i dont think its a good time for it since stocks could lose a lot of value within a year or two.

id buy a house for 300k or something like that. be careful with investing if you addictive personality. also hide your wealth so you dont get gold diggers male or female around you. stay in school. you can do what you want in life now. some kind of schedule is healthy and seeing people daily.

congrats op

>> No.51308426

.t born rich fag
they just take 1% of your money every year

The best investment advice i can give you (as you are in undergad) is to take linear algebra and then a stochastic systems class. This will change the way you think about investing / money I assure you (you are already in CS) so you clearly value the right kind of education.
Spend an extra year in undergrad having fun.. get a masters with the 5th year or something. or a double major in math.
Have fun and enjoy it, your grandpa would want that
fun does not imply being irresponsible, respect your grandfather gifting you with this wealth

>> No.51308579
File: 131 KB, 490x899, chainlink-solution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely speaking every thread you see on this board about Link, you read it. It's simply the internet of blockchains. Every project that wants to be worth a damn has to use Chainlink in this space. And the reason why you want to follow Chainlink threads is because they generally have the higher levels of technical discussion that gets you up to speed with the problems going on in the blockchain industry and they're usually creating industry standard solutions.

If you're interested as a developer, one of the Chainlink developer Advocates created a kickass Freecoding camp video to get you up to speed in learning Solidity, the language people develop smartcontracts on ETH.


>> No.51308717

Depending on where you live, make sure you don't owe taxes on it.

>> No.51308828


its not that hard

buy some land and a good house for yourself and make sure you make it self sustainable and as comfy as possible. $1 million is enough. put $1 million in crypto and $1 million in gold that you stash somewhere on your land. keep the other 3million in the bank and just use that for food and gas money

>> No.51309114
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If you're going to invest into crypto. DYOR and find bluechip assets (BTC, ETH, MATIC). Don't invest in shitcoins. Also don't listen to gorillas on 4chan. That kind of money is best handled with an actual financial advisor. Just invest, make the money work for you. Don't spend on dumb shit and you'll be fine anon.

>> No.51309333

Yeah in the post covid world they really do. Lawyers are remote AF right now

>> No.51309354

With population decline and interest rates going up, is this even a good idea?

>> No.51311743

Owning companies is never a bad idea, the government will just bail them out if worse comes to worst

>> No.51311862

Throw maybe 100k in gold just in case some fuck shit happens, but otherwise listen to the other anons telling you to step back breath for a year year

>> No.51311928

Buy monthly income with real estate and dividend paying stocks.

>> No.51311936
File: 41 KB, 504x540, D5FD4AB8-BCB4-4D69-B381-EEC910466CCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

master Shiro left this mortal coil for the cat star on my birthday RIP king

>> No.51312114
File: 92 KB, 750x709, 71DF10DF-5060-4EBB-B115-CC70A84FDD12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this one. I need to get a cat

>> No.51312416
File: 191 KB, 750x1333, 7FF28AD3-4894-4A3D-82DB-5C3FF99BFA43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that’s also Shiro fren
you should get a nice cat who has a loud purr and a friendly disposition
this IS financial advice

>> No.51312553

>before shtf
You already know shit is going to hit the fan so why would you invest now? The only thing to invest in is shorts.

>> No.51312670
File: 75 KB, 750x677, 799E97C9-EF14-4368-8F34-F186BEE268B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will heed this advice ser. Loved my childhood cat, she was the nicest lil cuddle bug

>> No.51313039

Sorry about your loss anon I'm glad you got to know your grandpa I never knew either since they died when I was young
This is what you do anon. This is my personal plan.
Buy 2 houses
1 in an expensive major city in your area (preferably near a college for rich white kids)
1 in an area you'd want to live with cheaper and bigger houses
Rent them both out while living in one of them so rent and bills are paid off
Put half of what's LEFTOVER in large stocks after you hear about mass suicides over crashes
Then put half of what's left over from that into seed money for a company
What left should be split in between precious metals, SHTF supplies, and enjoying life.
Maybe put some in USDC staking but remember with all this CEX rugging going on you might be better off staying the hell away from crypto until the bullrun starts again

>> No.51313562

Put a million into an annuity for you to start at age 60. That way you got a guaranteed cushion 10k+ a month in your old age to fall back on.
Otherwise this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdfeXqHFmPI
PS after the tax jew takes his bite you'll have more like 4 million or slightly less

>> No.51313831
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I recommend you keep them on stables and I allow the dust to settle. Stake them if you want for passive income and spare a few bucks and organize a game night with your buddies on GameStar+ to cool off. There is an amazing opportunity lurking around in this space for you to invest in ahead of the next bull run. But for now, take a chill pill and thank your stars.

>> No.51313947

Lawyer up and get a financial planner

>> No.51314004

>So they can shill some bullshit project?

As opposed to biz who will shill your their garbage shitcoins? Just throw the money into an index fund and forget about it while living off a portion of it and some dividends.

>> No.51314855

Where the fuck did all these retards come from
> talk to an advisor!!!
> go to college and get a degree
> work
Kek. It's 6 million dollars. If you're too retarded to know what to do with that money you don't deserve it. Apparently there's a lot of normies here who just don't get it

>> No.51314901

you need a cat.
I'm you cat.
>>call me

>> No.51315363

Enjoy the money anon. Don't invest before you enjoy. Don't squander it in luxury cars but don't try to save everything just to never get to enjoy them in your youth. Trust me, I've been there.

>> No.51315373

All in jnug

>> No.51315453

Here's what you do OP
1 mil in real estate that you rent out
1 mil in dividend stocks
1 mil in index funds
2mil in the bank to buy in when shtf
1 mil in LUNC before it moons (you have one week)

>> No.51315534

this desu.
sad the ops grandfather passed but wtf is that 6m, I'm sitting here looking at the spare few hundred bucks in my paycheck trying to figure out how to invest it like its the last money on earth and my life depends on it

>> No.51316271

thats a lot of money, you could essentially retire on that.

im about 2 years older than you

i'd probably put 800k into a house, another 800k into rental properties (you can buy a lot of property with 800k spread across a few rentals)

this is going to give you a few M in equity as you rent these places over the lifetime of the mortgage

congrats now you have a few mills to look forward in the future

take the other 4.5m, put 1-2 in low risk stock options. not a big trader but i'd go with something safe that pays dividends. you can cover basic living costs with the returns here.

now you have

a few million in properties
2M in safe stocks

take the other 2M and invest in a small business (restaurant, bar, convenient store whatever).

now you're generating enough cashflow from the rentals, business and portfolio to cover atleast 100k in yearly expenses

thats a lot of money to live off of. and you still have 2M to play with. i'd straight up buy some luxury shit with it but thats me. 2m goes a long way, do what you want with the leftover

>> No.51316561

Hey OP. Sry about your grandfather. Something similar happened to me. You have two goals:
>Growing the money
>Reducing Tax Liability
and a third goal, which is the product of the first two:
>Tell NO ONE
Now that we've got that out of the way, let me tell you what I did.
>Hire an accountant
>Hire a transactional lawyer
>Buy a 2mil umbrella liability insurance policy NOW; it's very cheap at your age and in your bracket or roll this into your homeowner's policy
>Speaking of which, buy a primary residence with land.
> Keep at least 1 mil of that liquid at all times
> Leverage one rental and/or multifamily property purchase through an LLC and see how you like real estate. Keep a separate LLC for every project. Make sure that you have adequate insurance on everything
> Keep a certain amount of physical metal distributed across safety deposit boxes
> Use a certain amount of your money for table funding/flash loans
> Also consider franchises and holding companies
> Buy an index fund... in a few months after the impending energy crash
> Convert a certain amount of money into different currencies for arbitrage; look at what is doing well right now versus what is not
> Invest in your physical fitness
> Invest in your education
> Do not fall for conspicuous consumption shit, spend your money like you're poor. Possibly even save every penny until you graduate

>> No.51316878

we are in an inflationary bear market

your shitty reddit tier wannabe advisor portfolio would lose OP a lot of fucking money. bonds and stocks go down in this environment, also gold isnt looking good either

op doesnt really have much choice other than sitting in cash for a year and loading up on some bitcoin

energy is going to be increasingly traded in currencies other than the USD. it's all an energy trade now and countries like Iran have recently announced that it's possible to trade energy with them in bitcoin. pay attention, there is a reason for this.

>> No.51316939

Hey I took linear algebra, could you explain a bit more how it retains to investing? I understand DCA-ing and compound interest already. Also good point about what his grandpa would have wanted, I agree.

>> No.51316990

Real talk buy assets before the dollar is worthless

>> No.51317134

First, speak to the lawyers and accountants. The government will probably take about a million from you, the first three million are tax free iirc and they take a third of the rest. Get that squared away so you don't get fucked.

Second, your family and friends are coming for your ass to get that money. It's hard to believe, but they will. Especially if he left it all to you and none to them, or much less to them. They will concoct some reason to resent you and cook up some logic that entitles them to your inheritance. They'll pull every dirty trick that they know. Don't let them do it to you.

Thirdly, a part of you will want to go nuts with the money. Take about 100,000 to go nuts with. Mark when you do on the calendar. Also mark on the same calendar when you blow through that 100,000. Congratulations. You just learned how quickly you can blow it all. Hope you had fun, and take it as a lesson.

Fourth, don't invest that shit in crypto. Crypto is speculation and speculation is gambling. Buy a decent house. When you think that the market is relatively normalish then buy a nice, diverse portfolio. Maybe invest in a few small businesses. Keep enough liquid that you could live a while without working in case your investments go down and your enterprises aren't doing well.

Best of luck to you OP. Remember, the old man wanted you to have it for a reason. He didn't give it to those other people, he left it to you.

>> No.51317266

This is by far the only advice you should listen to.

>> No.51317298

> Find the most jewish motherfucker to manage your assets and investments
This is the worst advice in this thread
OP the absolute last thing I would ever do is give a dime to a jew to manage.
This thread is wholesome and some good advice but you’re too young to be wise enough to sift through the garbage. Put it away with something that has an APY and go back to what you were doing. Experiment with investing with ~100k until you get it right, THEN start pulling funds to invest properly.
Wait till US housing crash and buy a cool house for yourself.

>> No.51317485

>So they can shill some bullshit project?
Sorry anon but you will never make it because you're obviously totally retarded

>> No.51317502

>the other 4 million should stay in the bank until you know what to do with it
unironically gonna lose money doing this

>> No.51317534

How exactly are you competing you imbecile? Were you his other grandson?

>> No.51318222

1 Million in Bitcoin
Move to Latinamerica, like Uruguay or something, and live like a king.

>> No.51318233

Or SHIBA INU too, or BONE if u dont like BTC. Both are good short-medium term bets.

>> No.51318738

under any circumstances do NOT invest in shitcoins like DOGE or rugs like LUNC
they have zero utility and no backing whatsoever
invest in stocks or if you choose crypto then invest in thinks like LINK with actual utility or things like BitDAO backed by billions of dollars

>> No.51319084

rip bozo
but yeah anon you’re basically set for life, congrats. put your money in a virgin fund or invest in gold. money depreciates in the bank

>> No.51319121

put it all on black

>> No.51319240

>If price go down it le bad :(

>> No.51319267

Buy a billion Lunc and become the richest man on the planet

>> No.51320229


>> No.51321525

Most market crashes happen in Sept or Oct so wait until November.

>> No.51321558

Go all in on khamzat beating Diaz thus weekend.

>> No.51321670

dont invest.
just travel around in the world for a year.