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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51298082 No.51298082 [Reply] [Original]

When do bankers pay for all the pain they have inflicted on the world?

>> No.51298105

the thing about bankers is they use other people's wealth to pay for their debts

>> No.51298152
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>> No.51298178
File: 41 KB, 460x268, BMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. Because they're convinced you to fight culture war puppet show bullshit instead.

Capital will take any form it needs to keep you domesticated and consuming.

>> No.51298190

So the bankers will pay with other peoples' pain for what they have done?

>> No.51298191

Do you mean they pain in the ass when dealing with debtors?

>> No.51298208


>> No.51298249

They're exactly the same

>> No.51298270

Soon friendo...soon they all pay lol.

>> No.51298307

No need to worry. Their entire "religion" is just pissing off God and attempting to defile Jesus.
They know thst the only pleasure they will ever receive is in this life and never the next.

>> No.51298308

The irony of a 4chan parasite calling for protest is palpable. You parasites have spent the last 15 years straight up deepthroating the boot not just licking it ans fighting tooth and nail for the capitalist and fascist staus quo. Now you will reap what you sowed and you will all die alone sad hated and in pain as the submissive obedient compliant and productive modern day slaves that you so desperately wanted to become.

Do yourselves a favor and kill yourselves. Nobody likes you nobody cares about you you are disgusting putrid vile and cancerous. Death is relief for you

>> No.51298396

thanks for revealing yet again that you have no goals and are a mindless automaton waiting to die

>> No.51298446

Truth is they pay for it everyday.

>> No.51298468
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>> No.51298526


How can a 4channer call anyone else an NPC? How are you this braindead? You fucking parasites literally WORSHIP authority. You FUCKING LOVE IT. That is literlaly all you spam 24/7. Are you pretending right now?

I am the one waiting to die? I am the one who will bury each and every single one of the parasites. I will be the last one standing on a scorched Earth.

I will fucking euthanize you you understand? Killing parasites like you like nazis like financiers like racists IT IS NOT MURDER. IT IS SELF DEFENCE OR AT WORSE A EUTHANASIA/MERCY KILL.

You have to die deep down you too must known this. You must know you have cancer right? You can feel it no? Tell me where you live i can offer you the relief you so desperately need

>> No.51299016

How many redd*t words can you fit in one rant?

>> No.51299028

End of Kali Yuga the bankers get BTFO by the space aryans

>> No.51299440

>Be the change you want to see.

>> No.51299525

Big, bad toughy projecting his little dick energy on 4channers. You display such low iq "us vs them" rhetoric that one might almost think you glow.

>> No.51299528
File: 308 KB, 1534x1536, 17onpolitics-biden-meme-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kyle Rittenhouse was found NOT GUILTY. Careful what you say, tough guy. Things might not be the way they seem.

>> No.51299568

You wouldn't recognize fascism if it signed your paycheck. Get a real job.

>> No.51299792

thread theme

>> No.51299810

After their dead


>> No.51299851

>When do bankers pay for all the pain they have inflicted on the world?
Are you some sort of simple minded retard commie halfwit? Banking has done huge good for mankind in parallel with other technologies and systems. Get back to your mud patch and plant a vegetable moron.

>> No.51299867

Well done you are the NPC

>> No.51299908
File: 32 KB, 408x612, gettyimages-536214034-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm recording you guys on my $600 tablet
>now pay off my student loans for me

>> No.51300001

>t. newfag who doesn't understand board culture and a near universal website tradition of rebelling against authority

>> No.51300143

>fighting tooth and nail for the capitalist and fascist staus quo
Half the people here think Trump is a kike and a compromise. Ideally hitler would reincarnate and rise to power. If you think that’s “status quo” this is bait or you’re really brainwashed to think your side is still oppressed or on the fringe. Billion dollar corporations promote your ideology and donate to your political candidates.

>> No.51300172

this is their weakness because bankers are tied to the people theyre fucking over. a billionaire banker cant just liquidate and jump ship to another society without friction. when their slave society fails, theyre stuck with equity in the society they destroyed.

>> No.51300192

>You fucking parasites literally WORSHIP authority. You FUCKING LOVE IT.
That’s why we post on 4chan and hate mods and jannies? That’s why you post on Reddit where your right to speech is repeatedly infringed when it goes against accepted thought?

>> No.51300203

never in this plane of hell, my fren

>> No.51300421

you are here forever dummy. welcome

>> No.51301442

This is not 'board culture' this is transplanted 2011 plebbit socialism mixed with vatnik anti western zero hedge bullshit