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51294869 No.51294869 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me why I should go all out on Spiral.

Hard mode: No schizo takes

>> No.51296168

Honestly it's got good tokenomics, it has a huge liquidity pool that's about to grow to over $1 million when it merges with Polaris, there's more tokens to launch on the launchpad which require buying and burning Spiral, and there's multiple other utilities other than the Launchpad still to come that will also require buying and burning Spiral. It's got a way to go yet.

>> No.51298203

Literally because it is the single most innovative project of the year if not longer. Simply on that fact alone.

#1 - The k constant auto-LP
#2 - Dipolar sub supply rebasing

Even JUST those 2 innovations alone (not counting what else he’s done and is doing) is enough to put it in the 8-9 fig mcap range.

It’s undervalued, straight up

>> No.51298228

How about this, convince me of anything better that’s sub $5m mcap that I should go all in… because I can’t find anything

>> No.51298239

I feel like $Spiral v2 will go on a run like $OHM. Mixing the new rebase and reflections tokenomics into one token is genius. Starting to see all the new shitcoins adopting Spiral's revolutionary Auto LP mechanics already. V2 will be earth shifting

>> No.51298267

Total liquidity:
24h volume:

kek what its all about that polaris? it is honeypot as you can not sell it right?

>> No.51298313

Nope, you can sell Polaris easily, just why would you if you understand the tokenomics. That’s why you only see .23% circulating because nobody wants to sell it.

Even Spiral has less than 30% circulating.

The v2 merge is probably going to look a lot like that first Polaris dildo if you consider the mechanics and situation

>> No.51298316

The merge between SPiral V1 and Polaris will create the father of ALL TOKENS. A pure beast with great liquidity and tokenomics never seen before

Buy now or stay poor, last warning

>> No.51298359

I bought about $16k worth of Spiral and hour ago and nobody has used me as exit liquidity yet so take that for what it’s worth lol

>> No.51298375

erm you literally can not as you have to wait 8h after -merge wnd while this 8h you will lose most of your money.
how is it not honeypot?

>> No.51298434

Hey sorry I don’t think you have any fundamental understand of the project at all… when v2 comes you should probably stake and not charge

>> No.51298459

Haha I see what you did there anon

Yes, please, everyone stake instead of charge ;)

>> No.51298715
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>> No.51298757

It is taxless good ser, he did implement a 5% uncharge tax for the low volume period on Polaris after the merge was announced but that’s all. You can follow all updates at @ImSpiraETH

>> No.51298775

100x up from launch and this nigga sad lmao no cap that some bussin frfr

>> No.51298822

The dev actually delivers what he says he will do and does it within days. I've never seen another project do that. It's always "coming soon!" And then you're let down months later.

>> No.51298860

So its taxless except you have 5%haircut and will lose half of your money in next 8h of -charge?

And yeah I saw tweets but seems like polaris have no updates at all. Liquidity is huge for 5k volume desu

>> No.51298891

What was delivered? Low effort website, no documentation, no exchanges and its literally non existed anywhere as I did not see it to he covered somewhere else.

>> No.51298937

The things that actually matter, like a working product, massive gains, and interesting contracts.

nO eXcHanGeS wEn mArKetInG

>> No.51298945

The dev has been messing with the unlock time to see what works best. It was at 1 hour a little while ago. Luckily all the tax's/unlock stuff is being removed when transferring it over to spiral v2 so you won't lose anything. And with v2 you are automatically + charged when you buy it and can go back and forth between + and staking without incurring - charge fees.

He's delivered products. Spiral works. Polaris works. The merge is happening within like a week. There's no false promises here, he just states what he's going to do and he does it. If you don't like his products then whatever that's on you, don't buy it.

>> No.51298966

Wen infloooencer ser

>> No.51299067

But dev promise buy contest ser I enter meme contest for village ser

>> No.51299072

but this all polaris thing is strange. It was launched and after like 5 days everyone who bought is not able to sell without a big haircut and it was announced that there will be merge and noone know at what rate. it should be at least in some fixed ratio and no based on MC. What prevent him or someone else to pump/dump polaris price minute before snapshot?

>> No.51299177

Huh? Lol… it’s at a fixed ratio. Do you any of you bizraelis have the ability to read anything hahahahaha

>> No.51299196

fixed ratio of marketcap for "somewhen in the future"
what a bullshit it should be something like X polaris for Y spiral

>> No.51299351

What? Bro.

If you have $500 of Spiral and $500 of Polrs you get $1000 of

>> No.51299373
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buy pic related instead

>> No.51299456

The merge is very simple addition (hard for biz I know)

$$ of Spiral holdings + $$ of Polaris holdings = Spiralv2 holdings.

Not only the least complex math he’s every done, but the least complex math their is in the entirety of mathematics

>> No.51299719
File: 231 KB, 1125x1365, C9DECF5B-7103-4A60-A8BA-174CF2E777AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spiralv2 is literally happening at any moment and if you are not in pre-merge, than just like Polaris and Spiralv1 you’re just going to moan and cry like a bitch

>> No.51299790

I just tried this out, bought $11k and haven’t been used as exit liquidity either. Something definitely behind this one whales…. Staking now for the 60%, very cool that this is all completely non dilutionary too

>> No.51300402

Imagine being the guy replying to himself a million times in this thread to get 5 cents

>> No.51300584

Hello anon, I faded as well. Could I have made 6 figures if I had just listened on day 1? Or even day 10? Yes. At least I’m starting to listen now

>> No.51300692

I think even the tiniest Spiral staker makes more than .05c a day. You could be earning this whole time

>> No.51300792

PIC related is pretty much schizo.

>> No.51301381

Tossed in $10k fuck it I’m spiral senpai now

>> No.51301394

why is this obvious shilling/scamming allowed?

>> No.51301694

How dare people take interest in a new token. we need more lunc threads.

>> No.51302643

Go back

>> No.51302719

Oh please, the only people up 100x burned thousands of dollars worth of sprial and we're limited on how many tokens the could buy...no one actually profited that much yet.

Wait...am I shilling or fudding....

>> No.51303249

>The k constant auto-LP
Woah, how does this work?

>> No.51303315


>> No.51303322
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this all seems very Jeety but dev team has this jew who's followed by jack dorsey on twitter but im still sus

>> No.51304457

Wow $SPIRAL is running now leading up to the merge. Did you fade Anon?

>> No.51304489

stupid idea... shill posters. biz beware of this one . nobody is "testing it" by buying 11,000 USD worth especially with the bear market. people dont have extra gains lying around like last year

>> No.51304729

been here since before /biz/ even existed nigger

>> No.51305076

get necked poorfag

>> No.51305093

i have that kind of liquidity and would never test something with 11k retard. failed shill scam