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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51294084 No.51294084 [Reply] [Original]

>B.S, Chemistry

>> No.51294143

>BA English lit
>94k / year

>> No.51294192

what do you do
t. fellow BA moron

>> No.51294225

>BS, Neet
>$ 0k/yr

>> No.51294233

>b.eng robotics engineering
>work in crypto

>> No.51294248

IT audit

>> No.51294280

>va check
>42K tax free

>> No.51294291

>B.S., Computer Systems Engineering
>$270k TC
why the fuck would you major in chemistry instead of just becoming a SWE?

>> No.51294321

some people want to play with cool chemicals in a lab and not write gay dating web "apps" in javascript or further empower the big brother jewgle botnet.

>> No.51294327

>B.S Chemistry

What mistakes did you make, OP?
Analysts that work under me make 60k.

>> No.51294361

Feel like the problem is many people just go to uni because they think they have to and then half ass it. You guys blame the major when its really just you. The top achievers of those majors were probably pulling weight in and out of the classroom and studying a lot more than you. There's the student that plays WoW in his free time and then there's the scholar that keeps pushing studies and opportunity.

>> No.51294403

Lmfao, you could have just done software for a few years and then retired and played with all the chemicals you wanted. How's it feel to be a shortsighted midwit?

>> No.51294411

If only there was a place you could research jobs before spending years of your life studying and tens of thousands of dollars on an education.... if only

>> No.51294493
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based CS chad

>> No.51294560

>B.S Civil Engineering

>> No.51294592

>B.S. in Finance
>85k with end of year bonus (5k)

>> No.51294604

>you could have just done software for a few years and then retired
time to be honest with yourself. literally no one does this, including you.

>> No.51294615


Kek, why did you even go to college

>> No.51294625

>B.S. in Biology
>entry level biotech postion
>$90k+ a year

>> No.51294640

>B.A. Applied and Computational Mathematics
>0 job offers

>> No.51294659

>Bro everyone just retires after 4 years of making $800k/year WFH 2 hours per month duh

>> No.51294710

All of these salaries are meaningless if you don't say where you live.

>> No.51294730


Should have went with Stats

>> No.51294735

you dont retire in a few years waging as a code monkey unless you do quant with insane bonuses

>> No.51294791

my university only offers it as a MS

>> No.51294796

>B.S Chemistry
you dumb niggers should have taken the Data Science pill. Didn't you have learn to code for Linear Algebra, Quantum Mechanics and QChem??

>> No.51294834

I'm trying but nobody responds to my application

>> No.51295015

No bachelor's or math with concentration on stats? That's weird

>> No.51295033

5 year experienced DevOps engineer in Belgium : 30k/year

>> No.51295070

My degree was focused on statistics and machine learning, also took some programming and computer science courses

>> No.51295172


Then you should be gunning for data analyst jobs. They're getting paid right now

>> No.51295231

Everyone here lives in California or New York by default

>> No.51295242
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>employed as a legal assistant

>> No.51295408
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>> No.51295573

>PhD sex
>5 roasties/week

>> No.51295631

>PhD physics
You people are dumb

>> No.51295641

He probably thought simply doing well and school and not making himself competitive against his peers would be enough for financial success.

>> No.51295691

>Lawyer, JD
>$ 380k before taxes

>> No.51295705


Why don't you assholes just go into construction or the trades? You'll make twice that starting out.

>> No.51295792

The trades are even worse with nepotism

>> No.51295990

If only that software degree and job had any inherent meaning then I would. Or value beyond monetary.

>> No.51296039

stop the larp, nobody has this pay. Maybe Head of Development / Directors, that's it.
You probably a code monkey learning on youtube and making yourself feel better
>t. actual SWE, tech lead $150k

>> No.51296075
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>t. knows nothing about the outsourcing of skilled chemfag work

>> No.51296103

>BSC Computer science (informatics)
>$55k/year (~35% tax)

high taxes, huge living costs, cold climate. kind of want to move

>> No.51296186

Lol BA Political Science

60k before taxes

Don't worry I spend half of it on memestocks so you can discount

>> No.51296209

I live in France


60k here is like 90k in usa

>> No.51296235

Don't even. Norway is ok. Come to Paris and see the real jungle

>> No.51296268

>change to psych
>change to business
>make $500k net per year selling Chinese shit online

>> No.51296319


>> No.51297724
File: 49 KB, 680x675, Ej0Zl1gUcAAe-xR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$118k/yr, HS diploma

Would almost rather an hero than go to work tomorrow.

>> No.51297840

>high school drop out
>70k+ a year depending on overtime
>Retirement includes pension
I'm fine with it

>> No.51297901
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>Business degree and welder's certification

>> No.51297909
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>Mechanical engineer
>60k € before taxes

>> No.51298019

$150k where? you live in rural alabama or europe? i'm actually on the low range for my experience, but FAANGs rarely pay below $200k

>> No.51298039

>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.51298093

B.S. Nursing

I can make more by getting a masters or just switching hospitals. Idk if I want to go back to school. I'm 28

>> No.51298099

FAANGs are in their own category. there's a few other companies around their level that also pay that much like stripe, but that's it. everyone else is in the lower bracket where the salary ceiling for a dev is in the high 100s

>> No.51298284

B.S. IT, 75k starting doing IT security compliance shit

>> No.51298324

Organized Crime

>> No.51298487
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>High school diploma
>Making 55k/yr and not even licensed yet

>> No.51298511
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>B.S, History
>job: gravedigger and stock speculator
>working my way through law school
>expected pay upon taking the BAR exam: six figures

>> No.51298544
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>no degree

>> No.51298582 [DELETED] 

>BS History
>Family business/equipment sales
>sole employee, $108k per year before taxes

>> No.51298599

based history major
did you have a minor

>> No.51298720
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>Community college certificate in Geographic Information Systems only 18 credit hours

>> No.51298834

Bs electrical engineering
3 yrs exp
75k/yr pre tax

>> No.51298896
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>entry-level driller
>high school diploma
>three day weekend
>wife pregnant
>23 years old

>> No.51300938

True. I make like 85k in the Bay area California and it’s basically like making 40k - 50k anywhere else. I can barely afford a 1 bedroom apartment. A 2 bedroom apartment would be completely out of the question.

>> No.51300976

My friend has a 2 year degree and is a RN making more than that. Just switch hospitals, dude. You didn’t even need a BS in the first place.

>> No.51301026

>B.A. Political Science

>> No.51301086

>Data related profession
>80k/y with 6 months experience and WFH

>> No.51301140

>PhD, chemistry
Get out

>> No.51302029
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>VINU investor
>$350k y/r

>> No.51302243

I did this. Worked for about 6 years and retired to a Caribbean island.

>> No.51302322

>GED painter
>23k / year
I'll end myself one of these days

>> No.51302942

>4th year CS
>Make 8 figures trading options instead of studying or doing problem sets
>Still pass exams
>Fuck a co-op
>Drop out
>Average 838k after tax trading 4 yrs
>Crypto just makes me lol
If you have the unfair advantage degrees are meaningless

>> No.51303566

>Fake degree in Material Science
>125,000 a year, plus annual bonuses
Should have learned how to lie I guess.

>> No.51303601

Lexington, MI

>> No.51303922

Start making drugs and sell them on the dark web retard

>> No.51303975

Checked and can confirm

>> No.51304590

>B.S. Computer Science
>80k after tax + benefits + 401k + pension
I keep thinking about getting a higher paying job but i only work 6 hours a day and get every other Friday off, plus a pension. I've got golden handcuffs.

>> No.51304782

What do you do?

>> No.51306125

>B.S. Neuroscience
>roughly 0k

>> No.51307572

I doubt it. The type of people who regularly post here are the same type to half ass their way to easily graduating with a good gpa; at least from what I've seen over the years. Honestly you just sound like a new graduate as people typically stop giving a shit once you actually have a professional resume.

>> No.51307601

B.Sc., Geography
$6k/yr+free housing+free electricity+free heating

>> No.51307621

Getting comfortable is a professional death sentence.

>> No.51307631

being a money searching wagecager is a life death sentance