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51293744 No.51293744 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain to me please why the Aussie dollar seems to be falling against the US dollar but the euro and pound have been stable for about a day or so? I thought the latter two would keep falling until one went below 0.8 and the other hit parity

>> No.51293816

Austria isn't even a real country. That's like asking why the Malaysian riggit is moving. Who gives a shit?

>> No.51293855

All currencies are falling against the dollar because we are headed into a massive fucking storm and the US is the biggest and most advanced ship with the highest likelihood of survival. Simple as

>> No.51293860

Did you mean to say austrailia? Or are you actually referring to Austria cus if it’s the latter then I agree

>> No.51293904

So essentially the US is fucking everyone else to preserve itself? I mean, is america gonna help the others or no?

>> No.51294036
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America isn't even fucking everyone else unless you were stupid enough to bitch and moan over Ukraine, keep the COVID bullshit charade going (AUS, JAP, INDO, SRI LANKA, ETC), elect retarded leftists, etc.

I mean it's like, the US is sitting there smoking a joint while these retard countries shoot themselves with the gun the US threw at their feet while laughing with bloodshot eyes.

If Biden weren't such a leftist green blackmail'd WEF fuck-up then the situation would be even better for the USD relatively speaking.

>> No.51294127

>US is fucking everyone else to preserve itself?
No... The US is the best looking girl at a weight watcher meeting. She still bitch and complains but she doesn't smell like shit and she knows how to cook ever once in a while.

>> No.51294256

No I meant Austria. Austria is a county and Australia is a continent. How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.51294545

No, the jews who run the FED are fucking everyone to maintain power. USA has no voice in the matter.

>> No.51294973

I just thought you got fucked by autocorrect cus I wasn’t talking about austrailia

>> No.51295180

simply bogans get what they deserve for what they did to bali

>> No.51296484

>is america gonna help the others or no?

we've been sending trillions in foreign aide to you shitskins for fuckin decades, time to get off the teat.

>> No.51296540

Australia's economy is just house flipping and resource harvesting. Worry if you're falling against extraction colonies like Canada.

>> No.51296548
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Underneath all the merchant games and kike tricks, the australian dollar is fundamentally backed by iron ore and coal.

go have a peek at how 62% iron ore fines contracts are looking and get back to me.

>> No.51296553
File: 6 KB, 304x306, amerimutt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is america gonna help the others

>> No.51296567

looks like a shitcoin chart when you zoom out

>> No.51296582
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>But if I don't tank it, someone else is gonna tank it