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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51293384 No.51293384 [Reply] [Original]

Just baghold for 30 years bro

>> No.51293485

unironically anyone with a 401 or IRA is literally the dumbest human on the planet waging for the rest of their life

>> No.51293504
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Invest in China they said. You'll outperform and make lots of money they said. It's the future they said.

>> No.51293597

Literally likely to happen to western stock markets. The reason it happened in Japan was a plateauing economy due to a declining and aging population. And that's exactly what is happening in the west too.

>> No.51293634

is imports millions of subhumans per year. japan does not

>> No.51293645

1) jap stocks typically all have 3% divies, so you would actually be up alot if you compounded.

2) obviously money chases the best returns, hence why S&P 500 is so good performance and sub-tier markets suffer from lack of investment (japan)

dont be a brainlet anon

>> No.51293663

yep, I pulled my 401k and IRA funds in March this year I knew full well what happened when we topped 4800 and said I wasn't about to end up getting hard fucked into this country's corrupt bullshit. shits over and done with 10years of stagflation, probably world War 3, then the new age of the fifth turning

>> No.51293939

>t. retard

>> No.51294092

you can literally convert it to some "safe retirement" fund without withdrawing it if you want to time the market

>> No.51294132

nah, I work in medicine which won't ever get automated, bought myself an RV and have been traveling for about 2 months now with wife and kid
>t. baggie

>> No.51294299

>not knowing how an IRA actually works
>not knowing you can keep cash in an IRA
holy shit you zoomers are ngmi

>> No.51294319

I literally can make it back in my field and then some catching the bottom lol I wanted to pull everything out you stupid old fuck
I don't care actually I'm young, fit, rich, and have a wife and kid. you? have nothing.

>> No.51294563

>tryhard writing a comically fake LARP
you get what you fucking deserve, you broccoli hair genetic dead end

>> No.51294641

>The reason it happened in Japan was a plateauing economy due to a declining and aging population.
They also fucked their economy when they got rid of their fascist window guidance system in favor of their modern American based system.