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51290438 No.51290438 [Reply] [Original]

>B.S.,Mechanical Engineering
>Salary: $63,000

>> No.51290468

>Salary $ 200k starting + bonus + tip

>> No.51290485

Seems like CSChads really did win the STEM lottery

This stupid site had me doubting my choices way back when

>> No.51290510

This thread AGAIN, SAGE

>> No.51290522

>executive assistant
>must work on location (NYC)

>> No.51290528
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>BS Electrical Engineering
>salary: billions

>CSChads really did win the STEM lottery
only in the united states, everywhere else the pay is more grounded in reality. And everyone can see the writing on the wall that the entire industry is hilariously overdue for a correction. I know women who never opened command prompt in their life dropping $20k for bootcamps to be frontend devs

>> No.51290537

bro just learn to code i taught myself in 3 weeks and now i have a $200k/year job with each of the FAGMAN and i make $1.2M/year

>> No.51290552

$63,000 is good, I've never made that much in my life.

>> No.51290595

I make 61k EUR as a filthy overtaxed europoor and life is pure suffering. Next year im aiming for 70k but inflation is fucking me in the ass harder than I can handle.

>> No.51290642


It's not going to affect me if shitty diversity hires stop finding jobs lol. Seems that software is the future and I'm in.

>> No.51290897

I'm in basically the exact same situation. Can't believe I let the boomers trick me. All we had to do was study computer science...
Is is too late? I've gotten decent at coding but it seems so trivial and retarded. Who will take a chance on a self taught dev? I don't want to go to a fucking webdev bootcamp

>> No.51290918

i will be mad for the rest of my life that people pushed me into engineering and away from computer science
i'm mad at myself too but at least now i know to never ever listen to anyone over 40 about anything

>> No.51291162

yeah i mean solid devs with high IQ and actual skills should be fine. But now a lot of (non-software) companies are starting to outsource everything to europe and india


You guys could try moving into automation or robotics first and use that as leverage in interviews. That's what I did. It would make your resume more recession proof too

>> No.51291185

>roofing sales first year no education

>> No.51291191

I thought engineering pays well?

>> No.51291232

>engineering pays well?
it can but the average iq of a mech E is like 125, so imagine how many mouth breathers slip by and complain that their CAD job in ohio doesn't pay $150k a year like entry level SWEs in california

>> No.51291381

It does if you're not retarded. Unfortunately MechE is oversaturated. The money is now in aerospace, electrical, and computer.
>t. computer engineer working in systems test, $104k salary in low COL area

>> No.51291428
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>OP didn't play one (1) round of golf with his dad's friends and get a well paying job that expects him do do nothing all day for 150k United States Dollars a year
Just take a two week programming course and get a job as a coder for 200k a year. Whatever the fuck you're doing isn't working out OP.

>> No.51291443
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>Analog/full-custom IC layout specialist
>salary $1.000.000+
There are some people that have near infinite value I guess

>> No.51291617

I would spend years to create an IC that looked like a cock and balls that was somehow more efficient than anything before.

>> No.51291632

Too many engineers, not enough jobs, and people don't retire. You've got to really battle to land a good position unless nepotism can carry you. Most engineers make mediocre salaries compared to similarly difficult professions. Well, difficult to obtain because the degree is far harder than the work.

>> No.51291921
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>mechanical engineer
What the fuck did you say? I will have you know I made 600k TC last year working in cutting edge javascript frameworks. My work is so mission critical that if I make a few bugs I fail to detect the entirety of netflix will go down. I have bootcamp programmers working on my team that spend more on starbucks then your entire salary last year. You know what I do? I make my software require more resources cause I can, I do not need "math" I can abstract data structures and algorithms. I just charge it to the company credit card and government pays for it. Its not my job to care about energy or power usage of the cloud. That is your job you filthy grease monkey. Go bang that gas turbine with a hammer some more. What the fuck kind of moron studies "mechanical engineering"? Did you grow up on some redneck farm playing with diesel engines taught to you by your alcoholic brain damaged uncle? Do you have your calendar set to 1840? You are like those crayon eating civil engineers that spend their free time making sand castles and building sheds like a bunch of smellyass construction workers. You are pathetic. You cannot abstract. You cannot understand technology past 1900. You call yourself STEM, you should call yourself medieval larper. You dont belong in a thinking job like computer science you belong in renaissance fairs playing with trebuchets and drawing castles.

>> No.51291974

every uninspired loser who did get with their spoon fed education chose to be an engineer

>> No.51291978


They aren't starting to. There were huge outsourcing (and in-sourcing H1B) waves in the 2000's. And it was disastrous, which is why there was a return to normal where they preferred to hire American grads and only went with outsource teams where feasible.

I used to be worried about the Poojeed coder meme like 10 years ago but that ship has sailed. We're saved by the fact that India refuses to have any standards for their grads and that they've already nuked the hopes and dreams of so many kiked companies looking for cheap labor.

>> No.51292032

i'm already drunk and it isnt even noon yet
and ive already amade 2500 suck my fucking chad beautiful dick like i could get every female in your entire lineage to do at a whim you pathetic sack of average shit

>> No.51292223

Some diversity hire at my company was making 90k/year and was bragging about never having used git, leetcode and how he got some Asian guy to program his projects in college. KEK
Engineering is fucking terrible right now, basically you need to be brown or black and/or have a shitton of internship experience before graduating, if you don't good luck. My buddy did civil-engineering and his first job was in the middle of fucking nowhere for 55k/year, but that's because he just went to school, went home and played games. My sister did civil-engineering and landed a job at a great company with 2.7 GPA, w/ 1 shitty internship post-college, she barely passed calc 1 and 2. She won the job over 30 other guys needless to say.

>> No.51292321

>Some diversity hire at my company was making 90k/year and was bragging about never having used git, leetcode and how he got some Asian guy to program his projects in college. KEK

t. I made it up

>> No.51292676

Aren't all web devs usually considered "self-taught"? As far as I know they don't teach web dev or JS in CS. You'll be coding in C++ or Java for the most part

>> No.51292824

I don't know if SWE is really in a bubble but would it be smart to transition into something like data science since it requires more analytical thinking? It might be less susceptible to outsourcing because of advanced math reqs

>> No.51294471

>he doesn't know this happens
go outside NEETboi

>> No.51294945


>> No.51295593

What about Civil?

>> No.51296820

i had a couple of classes for webdev in software engineering

>> No.51298458

>B.S Mechanical Engineering

>> No.51298905

I only know two civil engineers and they both make less than me but they have stable jobs making a comfortable salary. I live in Florida.

>> No.51299663

I trained myself in NodeJS, I'm planning to be a Dev, I heard it pays freaking well.
I prefer this new quantum-resistant blockchain Qanplatform since it allows devs to code in any programming Lang

>> No.51299726

Bruh come to eastern europe for the sweet 11k p.a. salary
Freezing in the winter included

>> No.51299737

I'll settle for stable job desu

>> No.51299807

Can't say I feel much sympathy. I remember over a decade ago when STEMcels were super smug about how much better they were than other workers and pretty much stated that anyone who didn't go to college and major in their little specific line of work deserved to be underpaid and unemployed. But now these low empathy, megalomaniacal autists are learning that shitting all over your fellow wagies as being personally at fault for the problems of societal wide economic policies made to impoverish people on purpose, would eventually get around to affecting them as well. And that they weren't inherently better or more deserviing than anyone else that didn't share their career interests.

>> No.51300171

Web3 Dev earns an average 80K annually, that's a good start.
It is interesting seeing blockchains now support NodeJS, I will give it a try

>> No.51300195


Kek I remember anons in 2015 telling me I wouldn’t make it CS now 7 years later making 300k/yr, fuck em

>> No.51300351

I feel personally attacked. Fuck you anon

>> No.51300434

>B.S., Industrial Engineering
>Salary: $92k

> have a shitton of internship experience before graduating, if you don't good luck
This is correct, but frankly internships are more fun than going to class ever was anyway.

>> No.51300458

every single Amazon SWE I know is some autistic indian guy making 190k/year.

>> No.51300550

If you're a MechE in 2022 and you haven't taken the mechatronics pill, you're ngmi. Mechatronics CHADS who code can go work for hot autonomous vehicle and robotics startups like Waymo and Nuro or big tech like AMZN or Google. CS jeets aren't the only ones who can make big TC, you're just lazy if you can't get up off your ass and compete for it while you still can.

>> No.51300591

Civil is always in demand. It's not rocket science but it's engineering. You need to have a lot of common sense to be a civil engineer, compared to something like computer engineering. You need to be able to shake hands, communicate, manage projects, etc if you want to make real money. It's not hard but it's a skill.

>> No.51300897

>I know women who never opened command prompt in their life dropping $20k for bootcamps to be frontend devs
Same. I guess that’s the top signal along with the overemployment meme of having 3 remote SWE jobs.
What’s going to be the next thing then?

>> No.51301010
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, 532753AE-6801-4E62-9476-79D7B25211F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical Engineering in the US is going to have an enormous melt up thanks to the deglobalization coming in the 2020s and 2030s, physical goods and commodities will become more valuable as financial services collapse and software gets oversaturated due to VC funds drying up

Mech E’s and EE’s will experience unprecedented demand. Mechanical Engineer Anon is currently experiencing despair, his field is at the bottom and will start trending up again soon.

>> No.51301046
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>Salary 0.00

>> No.51301327
