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File: 40 KB, 880x920, eth-logo-clipart-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51286180 No.51286180 [Reply] [Original]

this needs to be addressed as I see piles and piles of newfags talking about Ethereum with no idea of what they are actually talking about! this has reached the worst level in history in the last couple weeks, I cannot remember a time where the mindless following was this uninformed. I miss the old eth before the etc fork, where the investors knew what they had and voted for the changes they wanted to see, now it's Jimbo and Chad from TikTok who are mindlessly sinking their funds into an outdated platform! It's crazy!

Think what you like but this is something to be aware of. Never seen anything like it in my 8 years in this space. is this how a project dies? it will take the entire market down with it?? scary scary times

>> No.51286205
File: 1.02 MB, 2800x1575, 7B01DAFE-5965-4D3C-AA15-F79CC73B1D13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well.. it’s as they say: America runs on dunkin.

>> No.51286213

ETH is normie tier now anon. What are you holding? You sound based

>> No.51286222

Eth holders back in the days opened my eyes to so much of the potential future of smart contracts etc in our industries and financial world, and they taught me so much in the most beautifully put ways. What happened to this community?? truly all of the real holders have completely moved on and have been replaced by extremely dumb money. makes me want to cry, that this space has collapsed into a shit heap where not a single thought is put into discussions or research. I have not learned anything of or any value from interesting people on these boards in a long time now, nothing this cycle. truly a sad time

>> No.51286256
File: 3.13 MB, 1163x2048, ETHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down nigger! I am here for you! This is waht happens when globohomo is shilling its green coin to the npcs.
pic retarded!

>> No.51286275

So what is it gramps? You here to enlighten the masses or just wax poetic? What a worthless post.

>> No.51286287

apart from the obvious ones, I'm seriously enjoying researching quant. I think this is moving the industry forward in another elegant and necessary way like btc did. The community is likely the best informed out of any and I love their conversations and insights. reminds me the most of the young eth community even if not quite the same

>> No.51286295

no I'm not here to enlighten anyone! just curious to see what any other people who remember the early days thinks

>> No.51286305

So you are just the same retard like the ones you are talking about :D

>> No.51286314

Whatever helps you sleep at night!

>> No.51286330

I am good, you came here opened a thread and pussying left and right about nothing :D
Sell all your eth and move along!

>> No.51286638


agreed, eth is now the domain of libtard faggots and web3 whores who are happy to hand over all their users' info to government bodies with no questions asked. There's only 1 end for eth and its not pretty.

>> No.51286758

the problem is the stables and daos and multiple other projects that rely on eth collateralizations to continue functioning. this will no doubt dump every coin on the market along with it.

>> No.51286767

eth has become such a large and critical player in the industry it cannot afford to become more centralized than it already is. very scary

>> No.51286795

what an incredible amount of cringe we get from Bitcoin maxis larping as ETH buyers or ETH holders
you are fucked, nothing will save you except buying ETH

>> No.51286809
File: 407 KB, 1440x1572, 20220609_150628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cryptocurrencies are a mere bait so zoomers adopt government's global obedience digital credits and nothing more. You've been bamboozled like all your predecessors.

>> No.51286828

>he thinks ETH isn't the most cypherpunk community in the industry
wake up retard

>> No.51286853

it sure used to be. where is the community now??

>> No.51286862


lmao, yeah maybe 2+ years ago. Not anymore, just a VC cash grab chain nowadays. I was here for the emergence of actual DeFi, and it's gone way downhill since then, web3 bullshit, gamefi bullshit, etc, most new stuff is pure vaporware crap designed to benefit VCs who have taken over the chain. cope and seethe.

>> No.51286878

first go to a bitcoin event, then go to an eth event
if you are still holding bitcoin after that, you are legitimately 80 IQ
this can be done online too but seems estimating truths isn't a strong suit for you shitwits, so go in person to really drive the point home

>> No.51286897

>muh app layer
and even if I go along with your apps being bad, all the non-bad apps are on ETH too
its permissionless, there will be dogshit

>> No.51286912


oh for sure I never said BTC is any better. Just can't stand the self-righteous eth maxis when the last innovation that happened on their chain was in 2020. PoS is basically the final nail in the coffin confirming that it's just a goyim-fleecing chain nowadays.

>> No.51286929

>POS bad
>only thing that happened
delusional, rollup research was receiving EF grants in 2018, and now its paying off
it doesn't really matter that its slow as long as its the frontier, which it is