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51282830 No.51282830 [Reply] [Original]

>graduating at 29 years old

>> No.51282852
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>not having a degree at 29 years old

>> No.51282863

>being 29 years old

>> No.51282890
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I have one degree and am starting a new one at 26

>> No.51283223

pathetic, no offense

>> No.51283239

Congratulations. It only took you until 29 to figure out what you really wanted to do and take a major step to achieve it. Most people fuck that up for decades.

>> No.51283256

Doesn't matter, you graduated.

That puts you above 2/3rds of the population. Well done.

>> No.51283258

good job, hopefully you studied the right thing and not a worthless degree.

>> No.51283286

just finished my AA. what degree should i pursue?
i want to do as little work as possible while making a lot of money

>> No.51283352
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there are actually people who are older than 25? like, seriously? dont you, like, achieve your hopes and dreams in your early 20s then curve into, like, a ball outside your house for the wind to take you away?

what do you even do being that old? there are no girls left. there are no teachers and parents left. all your friends are dead. your pet is dead. your childhood house is demolished. your local park is now an apartment complex. theres just nothing left

>> No.51283370

Welcome to the nothingness club faggot.

Adulthood is a bitch and it's coming for you

>> No.51283396

Unironically learn to code and get a Comp Sci. Any other degree you will have to enjoy because it won't pay as well

>> No.51283465

He might not have had the money before hand. Your judgement is very misplaced and quite frankly makes you sound very ignorant

>> No.51283485

Yes that's called being an adult.

>> No.51283523

I'm going to graduate at 31.

>> No.51283524
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>Imagine the mental prison you have to be in to think you need to set aside YEARS of your life because you feel you need a piece of paper to literally virtue signal to some HR Tranny that you are even worth considering being allowed to make a the gigachad they work for richer

This is literally what you do.

>> No.51283610


>> No.51283634

Still a Project Manager tho

>> No.51283636

>he bought into the college is a scam psyop

>> No.51283645

>dont you, like, achieve your hopes and dreams in your early 20s then curve into, like, a ball outside your house for the wind to take you away?
Be honest with yourself for a second. How many people do you know that live like this at ANY age, let alone their fucking 20s?

>> No.51283651

honestly you don't. just get a government job with a pension when you're like 20, retire at 40.

>> No.51283655

mark zuckerberg had a company valued at 1 billion dollars at 21

>> No.51283678

I remember being 25, feels like yesterday, now I'm 40. I do the same stuff I did when I was 25.

>> No.51283695
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I hire for my project teams

I actively avoid fresh graduates. They are walking lobotomy warnings. The best hires are consistently the people who flunked out, didn't make it to uni and worked their way up for a few years.

It certainly doesn't help that Universities seem to be actively retarding their students these days.

>> No.51283738

Damn, by 29 I'd already made my first million. Maybe by 40 if you're lucky?

>> No.51283750

do you feel like a boomer? whats it like anon. give us some insight into whats coming. do you feel the same?

>> No.51283762

Hey retard, honest question. How many of your superiors do you think have a degree? How many of the 1% has a degree?

I got my first one at 21 thanks to crypto but I admit that I was lucky enough to be of this age during the crypto boom.

>> No.51283763

Ah. Yeah. If you're sifting for gold based on resumes and interviews that actually makes sense even if it seems counterintuitive. I don't couple education with academics, but your way of doing things does make sense.

>> No.51283770

This. I don't need no piece of paper to do surgery

>> No.51283793


Hey peon,

Great to meet you.

The 1%? I'd imagine very few. Most people actually in the top 1% of society don't need to jump through the same little hoops they set up for good little doggies like you.

>> No.51283806


Great strawman redditor.

>> No.51283821

Hey mr. manager I founded a company with 2 friends I met in uni and 3 months ago we raised 4 million dollars. If anything you're the peon by being a manager.

>I'd imagine very few
It was a rhetorical question retard, you can look the number up.

>> No.51283856 [DELETED] 
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Oh wow, I never thought I'd meet the CEO of Tumblr here.

>> No.51283889

I'll give you 0.5 eth if you guess which is our company first try. Maybe you could use it to buy a leadership book or something to be a better manager.

>> No.51283915

can you dropouts stop coping so much and shitting up the boards? Lmao no one gives a fuck about you broke niggas, majority of high earners have degrees, keep coping

>> No.51283918

>Hey mr. manager I founded a company with 2 friends I met in uni and 3 months ago we raised 4 million dollars. If anything you're the peon by being a manager.

Cool, see you on skid row bro

>It was a rhetorical question retard, you can look the number up.

>he actually thinks the kardashians have anything other than honorary degrees

>> No.51283954
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I absolutely have more money than you

1. Cope
2. Seethe
3. Dilate
4. Accept

>> No.51283960

Does that mean you were a very mature 25 year old or are a very immature 40 year old?

>> No.51283970

>Dude this well connected jew did this thing

>> No.51283973

What do you expect from uneducated people. They can't even look things up. They cherry pick, they ignore arguments, etc. That's how they are.

>> No.51283977

36 year old boomer here
I went back to school for my phd and sometimes I'll sleep with the 18 year old college girls because it makes me feel younger
zoomer girls all go for older men and idk why, but I'll roll with it

>> No.51283990
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>> No.51284029

You're the faggot that backtracked and deleted his stupid post lol. No need to cope. Our mates and I plan to raise over 10MM in the series B and we plan to sell the company a few years later to retire from that. If it goes really well maybe we won't sell it and we'll hire some managers like you. Could you give me any pointers on what makes a good manager?

>> No.51284064
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Yeah, if peel your ass from your redditmod throne and hit the gym and actually start to take those benzos you might one day own some of your own time.

>> No.51284166
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>31 drop out, never had a job or a gf

>> No.51284270

Me too, I graduate in December. What PhD program did you go with? I'm finishing mine in mechanical engineering with my dissertation over analysis of wave propagations across composite laminates.

>> No.51284498

What’s everyone’s opinion on forging a degree? I’ve heard some success stories of people doing this.

>> No.51284830

>what is being a socialized well adjusted human
>what is improving your overall intelligence and discipline
>what is making money

>> No.51284905

What major?
How much student loans do you owe?

>> No.51284947
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>still thinking in terms of "earning" or "per hour"
College dropout "brainlet" here. Owning two wallets worth 7 figures because I "wasted" my time trading shitcoins instead of slaving myself away for Mr.Shekelberg.
Congrats for your degree, but don't bring money topics on the table and let the big boys discuss.

>> No.51285036

I graduated at 27, im making 118k a year now. I am 30. Get over yourself bro.

>> No.51285042

congrats anon!

>> No.51285054

i have 3 degrees and i can't bring myself to ever go back lol

>> No.51285191

i've been thinking about going back for a law degree. idk what to do. i can't find a job doing anything but i feel old as shit already. not gonna start 'til i'm 30, not gonna graduate till i'm 33.

>> No.51286824

There's no difference being 25 or being 100 other than how wrinkled you are.
I'm completely serious, this is you.

>> No.51286995

Graduating after 23 or 24 is suicide and you will never make it.

>> No.51287004

He meant high-school, you idiots.

>> No.51287017

Congratulations, anon

>> No.51287053

not op but ima take a guess, Measure Labs

>> No.51287073

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.51287075

>demoralization thread #7599

>> No.51287109

Biden literally just forgave u and yet there you are finding a new thing to feel bad about. This new wave of kids in the work force is gonna be retarded as shut. EOTIO. Edgy on the internet only. They’re gonna have a safe space for you guys to cry on your 5 15 min breaks and 2 hour lunch.

>> No.51287114

so THIS is the power of a dropout’s superior intellect….fascinating….

>> No.51287171

>from high school

>> No.51287184
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>graduating a virgin

>> No.51287219

I thought exactly the same when I was 16, I couldn't comprehend how someone at like 25 didn't almost complete the game of life.
At 33 I realise how fucking stupid young me and comments like yours truly are.

>> No.51287223

age is meaningless you live in a simulation
college doesn't even exist until I go there

>> No.51287379

Baffles me why anyone would waste money on "learning" useless shit

When you can get a security job and get paid to sleep


>> No.51287380

proud of you cunt

>> No.51287538

>there are no girls left.
Kek nobody tell him.

>> No.51287620

>has millions
>none in USD

>> No.51287816
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Bro, if you're not fat at 29 in the current year, you're a success. Every single FIAT backed system and metric of success is a fraud and a based on a lie.
Realistically, if you own Monero, have a healthy physique and an above average IQ and some skill = YOU ARE AN UBERMENSCH

Most "successful" people currently are SPIRITUALLY ENSLAVED wagies who have no will of their own.

>> No.51289583

buy a nice property innawoods with a lot of land. buy a bunch of gold/silver and bury it on your property. like a million worth. get a bunch of crypto too. wait for real estate to go down and invest to buy property. live off the rental income. if you so choose, you can deal with the risk of getting married(ie divorce rape) now because if you get divorce raped you can just dig up your gold/silver and live off that + the crypto if you are smart with how you hide it

>> No.51289597

fuck i meant to post that in another thread. the thread with the anon who has a bunch of money now to be specific.

>> No.51290200
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31 Years old with no degree. Thinking about going back in the spring on 23' and giving it one last shot. Maybe a CS degree in cybersecurity since coding seems boring? I have a wife and 2 kids and bring home 50k/year for the entire household to live on in the midwest doing help desk. I fell into the "dude weed" meme in my 20s and mostly worked dead end jobs to make just enough money to get buy and buy weed. I'm struggling with some attention span problems since I grew up playing vidya, smoking, and redditing/4channing, but I feel like I've been making some improvements and am hopefully getting a networking certification next week. At any rate - the point of my post is that everyone goes at their own pace, I work with a dude in his 50s working help desk with me.

>> No.51291016

Graduating after 22 is for failures. Graduating with a masters after 24 is for failures unless you've worked fulltime in between or started a startup

>> No.51291060

>just give up on your dreams if you get delayed by a year for whatever reason, your life is over

>> No.51291124

Being depressed, dropping out, jerking off, watching anime and taking estrogen aren't valid reasons to not have a bachelor's by 22 or a masters by 24*

*Can be delayed by working 2-3 years after getting your bachelor's

>> No.51291190

cope, if you didn't go to college early and graduate by 18 you're a failure.

>> No.51291350

This is also true but universities gatekeep you with highschool diploma requirements which are gatekept by not letting most people skip. So graduating at 18 isn't possible for most.
Graduating at 21 is possible

>> No.51291373

Kek loser

>> No.51291453


I only have one degree.

I don't even list it on my resume when applying to jobs.


Because I'm smart enough to know that any organization that wouldn't give me an interview because I don't have a degree isn't an organization worth working for.

>> No.51291589

I knew this one dumb foreign bitch that graduated HS at 23, literally a 23-year-old taking classes with teens

>> No.51291714

She liked underage chads

>> No.51291878
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That's fine. I'm taking life at my own pace and I have 2 healthy boys and a beautiful wife to keep me striving. My few moments of prolonged unemployment have thrusted me back into straight NEET mode staying up till 3 watching anime and sleeping all day. Giving myself reachable goals keeps me moving. I don't care if I don't get a degree until I'm 35. If I don't do this - I'll be 35 without one.

>> No.51291905
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>> No.51291942
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>being a virgin at 34

>> No.51292502

I got a degree on the side at 29 while working at my current job that I got with a community college diploma at 25.

As long as you studied something useful, aren't drowning in student debt, and got a decent job you're still doing better than most.