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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51282265 No.51282265 [Reply] [Original]


...bros we actually might make it :')

>> No.51282304

Why do zirp fags think this has anything to do with xrp? Last I heard they were “replacing” swift kek

>> No.51282345

b-b-bros first LUNA now this/ are the schizos uronically right? should I buy xrp just in case?

>> No.51282360

pretty sure this has something to do with LINK but its probably another nothing burger
t. Cultist from the 77th Legion of Truth

>> No.51282459



Whatever choices you make, that's on you

>> No.51282483
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See >>51282459 and all off twitter. Kek. Xrp is the most obvious scam in crypto

>> No.51282492

Xrp vs Link, who will win? We find out very soon. The losing group is going to seethe like never before

>> No.51282495


>> No.51282520
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In god we trust

>> No.51282535
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oh and don't worry, i saved you for the compilation KEK

>> No.51282568

That’s actually concerning information. Not that I think XRP will be adopted, at all, but maybe the LINK breadcrumbs were literally nothing all along just like the XRP crumbs

t. Linkie

>> No.51282617

Kek Volpay is a private network with api endpoints any network can plug into. Nothing to do with xrp, except that xrp can use it. Top kek.

Why can’t I ever find information about the actual math behind the xrpl consensus mechanism. Endless marketing is all you get. Kek

>> No.51282620

the partner showcase has a bunch of different projects in it, none of them are special for being in there

>> No.51282624

gaslit hopium huffster 77th Legion of Truth here I am concerned about the future of my financial wellbeing coz kikes gonan kike

>> No.51282629

You are no schizo
Every real schizo knows ISO20022 is XRP

>> No.51282653

Kek iso20022 is literally xml

>> No.51282654

xrp's entire usecase is to prevent midwits from buying link before the singularity

>> No.51282692

I told you I was a Cultist from the 77th Legion of Truth not a schizo, schizo
this poster speaks the truth

>> No.51282711

You guys are all morons.
It's BSV, Bitcoin

>> No.51282714
File: 158 KB, 1940x708, Screen Shot 2022-09-05 at 10.51.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have around 3 months to capitalize on a 100-1000x from the switch to the new system. We know the cbdc's are going to be a basket of commodities. What is the highest roi, no idea. But also why wouldn't you have a basket of all the potential outcomes, xrp, link, xlm (just in case out jewed), silver/gold, food, guns....pic is the amount of days until the silver vault officially empty

>> No.51282851

This has nothing to do with any crypto (including XRP and LINK) you fucking schizo baggies. It's literally just a messaging standard. Shows how far /biz/ has fallen when every second day there's a new thread full of newfags creaming themselves over a long-debunked "breadcrumb".

>> No.51282881

I don’t remember the iso20222 connection ever being debunked. People just kinda quit posting about it

>> No.51282900

xrptards are literally braindead
linktards meanwhile will own the cattle

>> No.51282918

Thank you for your concern about my financial wellbeing I just messaged Swift and invested 100k with them direct just like I DM'd Ed Felten a few months ago to invest in the secret VC only $Arbitrum L2 coin

>> No.51282925
File: 335 KB, 1242x1553, 761FB442-0979-4205-84B5-0D596F2E1DA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, "discussed" by a bunch of hyped up moonboys. The burden of proof is on you to show that this has anything to do with crypto. And just because certain cryptocurrencies may be ISO20022 compliant, doesn't mean that they will be used by SWIFT.

>> No.51282953

>The burden of proof is on you to show that this has anything to do with crypto

>> No.51282967

>And just because certain cryptocurrencies may be ISO20022 compliant, doesn't mean that they will be used by SWIFT

>> No.51282988

>Yeah, "discussed" by a bunch of hyped up moonboys.

>> No.51282997

>And just because

>> No.51283002

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can go all in on a bet that this doesn't 'make' link or xrp?
Shorting is no good really since they'll just move with macro/the greater market. Plus them not making it doesn't necessarily mean they drop a ton in price. But for example I'd be willing to take long odds on their meme predictions not becoming true, 1k eoy and whatever bs numbers xrp schizzies make up etc.
What is there? Options?
Is it simply so obvious that even if one had tens of millions liquid ready to bet that there's not any realistic way to capitalize on their delusions short of actually setting up individual bets with them?(I might explore this)

>> No.51283023

You're not doing yourself any favors by acting like a retard. Honestly no one in this thread has managed to convince me so far to buy their shitcoin.

>> No.51283024

>can I make a bet the jews will jew goys
no that would be cheating just buy tokens and pray with the other cultists
i recommend chanting repeating digits like seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seventy seven times then prostrate yourself before an effigy of your preferred token

>> No.51283025


>> No.51283028

*and by long odds I mean some pretty extreme ones like 7 figs to win 6 would be godly, and probably 7 figs to win 5 and such dependent on specifics

>> No.51283039

>he thinks im here to sell tokens
Stop buying tokens and let the dream die schizo the kikes have once again won

>> No.51283067

It's not even that, although I mean in the end that's part of why I'd go all in.
I really just wish there were more ways to inverse a lot of this stuff other than just shorting(since that often is not a great strategy even with the shittiest of coins).

>> No.51283166

"I think one of the first or second POC's that we did together back in 2017" wtf chainlink might actually get used by swift one day? is this why you fags spam this coin 24/7

>> No.51283224

The funniest part about it is that even their best case scenario doesn't even come close to producing the economics for them to make it now, or anything close to any of the meme numbers(outside of hyperinflation unrelated to link).
It's possible that crypto itself pumps shit back up as a group and pulls lagging, underperforming assets like link and xrp up with it though. I mean I guess that's some kind of hopium...obviously irrational though to hold them based on that if you know anything about crypto though.

>> No.51283227

this is a link board

>> No.51283247

don't post again for three months
just read

>> No.51283274

You're a midwit, inversing it would mean inversing the odds as well, meaning you'd have to bet millions to make anything substantial.

>> No.51283284

That would be a nice holiday, but if you look at the stats even the cost of living in BG is skyrocketing due to inflation. So unless you have a better offer for me, three months is probably not a realistic amount of time for me not to post.

>> No.51283290

Just wanted to let all the schizo fags of each shitcoin community know they're going to use a wide variety of shitcoin networks to power the FedNow service. All your shitcoins will pump 10% max

>> No.51283312

>meaning you'd have to bet millions to make anything substantial.
Yes, I know. Exactly...thus I posted this:
I would not expect huge gains. It would be "high risk"/low reward but I think the expected value would still be huge so it would be low risk(high capital output though)/low reward .

>> No.51283318

the digital ninja guy is vaxxed btw

>> No.51283342

You're still a midwit because you'd make more gains investing in safe assets, there's a billion easier ways to make money if you already had that sort of capital. You're just trying to appear smart by saying "le crypto le bad" when the markets down.

>> No.51283531

>trying to appear smart by saying "le crypto le bad" when the markets down
Definitely not saying this at all, as I mentioned before I totally expect these things to get pulled up with crypto. I just also expect them to continue to greatly under perform.
Ideally I'd want the collateral to be in something I think would outperform them like eth so I'd still have exposure.
Can do this to some extent already with the right combination of longing and shorting, but there are lots of caveats and funding rates and such can easily ruin it.
I mean yeah, it's so close to a sure thing that I don't realistically expect some kind of magic gift on a silver platter...but it's worth looking into. I don't know much about options, and I doubt they'd have a liquid market for these in crypto but if they did I can at least imagine people convinced in the meme numbers and such would be willing to put up a relatively small amount to gain even more(especially when they could leverage their own stack as collateral maybe).
I'd put a lot more into, and probably even borrow a lot to be able to take such positions. Would offset a lot of the risk since any upside on link or whatever is also dependent on eth(imo).

>> No.51283644

>words words words
Nigger it was a stupid idea and you should just leave it at that, if you could place bets on unlikely outcomes and make lots of money everyone would be doing it already, and there's a lot of better bets out there than link or xrp being duds.

>> No.51283814
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I like your style

>> No.51283873

It's not a stupid idea at all. And the more I think about the more I'm thinking it's actually an amazing idea in general, but complicated and would ironically be something that would probably rely on chainlink itself to work well.
Do you know how hard it is to get any kind of decent yield on certain assets? Like WBTC for example? And also actually presenting say linkies for example a way to put their money where their mouth is with their meme numbers, like 1k eoy, but for 1 link you get the same 1k if it hits only 900, or 500 eoy(of course there being downside if it doesn't).
There's actually a ton of capital doing fuck all generating shit returns that would probably happily be taking the other side of delusional bagholder cult memes(which also sort of force them to face reality as they're actually being offered better odds than what they believe to be true).
The bridging of unproductive capital and the untapped resource of cultists is probably a billion dollar idea easily...
Powered by Chainlink(tm) of course(that's the best part).

>> No.51284191

>Any input any output off chain data

>> No.51284296

Can't believe those xrp crazy people were right.... jesus.

>> No.51284355

for fuck's sake it's a messaging standard.

>> No.51284373

Xrp is not needed.

>> No.51284645

Its a Payment system. Which entails Messaging and then Settlement.

>> No.51284656

Ur not gonna make it

>> No.51285561

You're fucking retarded and I'm convinced you hold link.

>> No.51285668

Everyone with half a brain knows they'll be using XTC

>> No.51285831

>even their best case scenario doesn't even come close to producing the economics for them to make it
Are you retarded?
The US bond market alone is $4.6 trillion.
If Chainlink handles 1/10th of the bond market in the US alone ($4.6 trillion), and about 10% of that valuation is staked as collateral ($460 billion), that means the Link token has to have a market cap of $460 billion; and since there are a billion tokens that means each token has to be worth $460.

And this is assuming that
1) Chainlink only handles one single financial instrument (bonds)
2) only in one single country (the US)
3) that ALL tokens are in circulation
4) that ALL tokens are used exclusively for staking
5) only 10% collateral is required (which is an extremely conservative estimate)
etc. etc.

So this is FAR from the "best case scenario", but already it commands a huge valuation for the token.

>> No.51285897

This plain cope such unrealism! No Chainlink not handle any US Bond market to think of this such is very cope!

>> No.51285923

Very very NOT cope basterd bich

>> No.51285951

This not seem right, this seem very wrong, someone check and see if this guy paid by chainlink

>> No.51286003

Is this ironic pajeet-bulgarian fudding? What the fuck is with the broken english?

>> No.51286028
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All international payments are aligning with ISO2022. Utrust is a great platform for web3 payments, so I'm pretty sure they are gonna make it.
What happened to Ripple replacing SWIFT?

>> No.51286041

>The US bond market alone is $4.6 trillion.
This should be $46 trillion lol.

The rest of the calculation is right on.

>> No.51286054

No one mentioned XRP, nigger.
But XRP will win :)

>> No.51286106

>The burden of proof is on you to show that this has anything to do with crypto
Ripple is now part of the ISO 20022 Standards Body—the first member focused on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).

Kek seethe more

>> No.51286237

Xlm isn't really iso20022, it's an equity token

>> No.51286574
File: 37 KB, 532x576, 1644942609578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Layer 1 blockchains are mostly ISO compliant. This include EGLD XRPL QANX ETH

>> No.51286876

Dont read sibos agenda specially the payment infrastrucure slot

>> No.51286953
File: 41 KB, 265x251, Screenshot 2022-09-06 183229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros? What did the Chainlink team mean by this?

>> No.51286969

Nigger he said xml coding language not your fucking shitcoin

>> No.51287084

So #happy to be part of the #4channel community of investors providing #deepvalue.

>> No.51287155

stopped reading right there

>> No.51287162

no because one of these two groups is mostly bots/shills

>> No.51287338

they meant that they owe us niggers nothing unironically

>> No.51287453

You do realize Chainlink did a proof of concept for Swift specifically about Bonds, right?

>> No.51287632

>close to producing the economics for them to make it now
please explain these 'economics' you refer too in your own words
the tokenomics isnt in question if there is any doubt its about adoption not token not needed

>> No.51287668

explain me this, you goddamn ape morons

if XRP is allegedly the next big ''treasury backed currency'' then how are you expecting to make money off of it?

literally no one will want to touch this coin if its evaluation is like 10x or 100x a regular dollar, but with the added value of being volatile as fuck?

i would understand if ripple, the company, made a fuckton of bank on this but why should you? arent you just an advanced bagholder at that point?

this isn't FUD but i would like to see why the rich wouldnt pull the rug under everyone else like they normally would and it would be nice to see someone reflect on this for a change, even if im talking to literal schizos here

>> No.51288000

The price will be stabilized. Even bank of china suggested it should be backed by commodities and currencies. That's enough spoonfeeding for now

>> No.51288353

If you worked at some large corporation you'd understand that the teams Swift, Oracle, MS and whatnot are sending are just some fringe "innovation" teams that don't mean anything serious. Just because Sergey presented a slide show to said teams doesn't mean that anyone important will be conned into going along with it.

>> No.51288398
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>> No.51288647

Kek nice try. Everyone everywhere has hinted at Chainlink's involvement. Kristalina Georgieva of the IMF constantly banging on about 'interoperability'.
Go on, tell me how she's just some old woman they put up there for a laugh while the serious people are in the back wanking over XRP.

>> No.51288696

Link to that utility?

>> No.51289171
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XRP is the standard. Non-XRP holders on suicide watch :D

>> No.51290928

>enjoy memes
>connect dots
>just wait
who knew making it was really that easy?

>> No.51291059
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E Z P Z Lemon squeezy