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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51276189 No.51276189 [Reply] [Original]

Besides from investing/trading/gambling

What are relatively safe ways to make money as a criminal. (low chance getting caught, relatively low penalty)

I have a few ideas, but feel free to write your ideas how to make some money.

Growing Weed
+Low penalty (my country), high yield, farm construction is easy
-Where to sell large amounts, where do you get large amounts of electric power without the police getting suspicious

+Low penatly (my country), low chance getting caught (10%-15% chance of successful investigation), sometimes high yield
-Takes effort and great knowledge, if caught youre known to the police, hard for beginners

>> No.51276237

Try burgling in (my country) I will blow your mind out

>> No.51276299


seethe, i will break in when youre at work breaking your back goy!

if i break in (my country) somebody's house and they shoot me - i will walk free and the other guy will spend 10 years in prison.

Top kek

>> No.51276323

post address pls

>> No.51276372

Wear black face and rob old asian women.

>> No.51276391
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I steal grapes when I'm doing my groceries

>> No.51276398

>walk free
Kek you aren't gonna walk anywhere dumb nigger
you're gonna be rotting in the dirt

>> No.51276443

>What are relatively safe ways to make money as a criminal.
become a u.s. politician.
or get a job working for one of the u.s alphabet agencys, or the fed reserve.
literally the most powerful crime syndicate in the world

>> No.51276583

Kek, come burglar. I‘m awaiting you.
Robberies and thefts are maybe poorly solved from police investigation standpoint, however you take an otherworldly risk. Even in gun banning countries like germany you play with your life. Even there self defense laws cover the inhabitant doing absolute harm to you. Here‘s even a law called self-defence excess which basically prevents someone who overreacted and killed in a self defense situation from getting penalty. Thieves and burglars lose their lifes easily and no one even would pity that at all.

>> No.51276679
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Get into politics

>> No.51276701


Turn to Christ and be forgiven anon, there is still time.