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51274228 No.51274228 [Reply] [Original]

The whole global financial system rigged for boomers for 50 years and this is all they could do!??!

>> No.51274305

Boomers grew up in a time of unprecedented wealth and thought it would never end.
My aunt and uncle sold my aunt's old family farm held by her family for generations so they could pay for a vacation in Europe.
They barely have anything for retirement except for social security.

>> No.51274322

Embarrassing. Lucky for most of them they're probably sitting on $500k-1mil houses they can liquidate when their 401k's run out.

>> No.51274371

most boomers didnt invest in the market. they were told to get a job with a pension and any time they heard news about the market it was about the market crashing, which scared them off

>> No.51274569 [DELETED] 

>My aunt and uncle sold my aunt's old family farm held by her family for generations so they could pay for a vacation in Europe.
I hope you're joking.
Lmao at all the kids who think they're going to get anything in retirement and boomers wont do one last fuck you.

>> No.51274620

We’ll have the last laugh when the boomers are sent to retirement homes with big fat abusive black nurses

>> No.51275883

I work in farm auctions in the Midwest. It's unreal how many boomers sold their homestead 160 acre farms over the last 10 years as soon as mom dies. Usually for 1-2 million. Divided between 3-5 kids. Then you got cap gains taxes. Lol. Usually one of the kids who still lives in the area want to keep it but they can't because "my sister wants me to buy her out". Fucking hilarious. And then they act as if they earned the money. Blowing it on 80k trucks and boomer boxes (particle board houses) in the suburbs of Minneapolis or some other retarded place
>oh its been in the family 150 years? Better sell it for peanuts because I'm a smart businessman, land prices have never been higher!

>> No.51275949

Yes, because you'd havedone things differently if you had been around back then
>No! I don't want this cheap house! Take more money, I beg you!
Deluded idiot.

>> No.51276075
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>Whites spend thousands of years trying to make nations that are nice to live in
>They finally achieve this, it's all gifted to boomers
>They proceed to sell off all of it and cannibalize 4-5 other generations
>West is now irreversibly gone, all in the lifespan of just one generation

Holy shit imagine being this much of a fuckup. All they had to do was maintain what they had and then pass it down. I hope history remembers boomers as the indisputably worst gen, but with the way things are going there probably won't even be anyone left to record history at all.

>> No.51276100

Kill yourself Chang. Boomers are based

>> No.51276111

As a person in a similar position I understand why you would do it. You need a shit load of land unless you want to go organic and that has a lot of it's own headaches. Also its stupidly cut throat out in the country like Game of Thrones. Large farming families maneuver and scheme to acquire more land and will play all sorts of games to get an edge. A lot of them are shameless. Had farmers approach me at my Dads wake and asked if we'd sell the farms right in front of his corpse. I dont blame people wanting to wash their hands of that and take some cash.

>> No.51276213

Boomers thought that the money fountains would never turn off. They'll sell out our generation to cash out pennies on the dollar because they are "entitled to it". It's prisoner's dilemma shit, and they sold us out before most of us were ever born.

>> No.51276245

you actually think "boomers" had fuckall to do with fed reserve or govt fiscal/financial, monetary policy?
or that boomers had any deep insider knowledge or understanding of things as theh were happening mi ute to minute, d
ay to day, paycheck to paycheck, year to year? all while everything was just as manipulated as it is today?

looking back in hindsight from where we are today, its easy to armchair quarterback and say ah you boomers had it easy, or you boomers fucked us all over.

its fed reserve policy, govt policy, media influence and megacorp influence, if anything, that had any control over what might have happened ir what didnt happen.

any random boomer had fuck all to do with anything and were just as clueless as the average npc today

>> No.51277646

>you actually think "boomers" had fuckall to do with fed reserve or govt fiscal/financial, monetary policy?
They allowed it all to happen. They lived through decades when elections unironically could have stopped it. They settled on allowing it in exchange for a meager cut of the take instead.

>> No.51277718

>Capital gains
You get a step-up in basis when the owner dies though.

>> No.51277733

Boomers are still the majority voter (apart from presidential election). Politicians will appeal to their voter.. these fuckers have been winning their entire life, there is no reason for this to change any time soon.

>> No.51278107

Bro they literally had as much control as you had control over what policies Obama signed.

>> No.51278153

I understand. Usually when sold at auction its higher than the appraisal value(unless you grease the wheels) Point is your selling your legacy and heritage
Anyone who commercial farms is a part of the problem. We should be getting back to old school farms. Few of each animals. And crops rotating.