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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51273255 No.51273255 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51273349

Coastal pop centers stopped sourcing consumer goods from flyover states.

>> No.51273374


>> No.51273375

Centralization works.
Who said capitalism is small business?

>> No.51273493

globhomo corporations become so intertwined with the state they become indistinguishable from it

>> No.51275266


>> No.51275375

Nothing. All is going exactly as expected.

>> No.51275388

= euphemism for capitalism

>> No.51275453

Large enough capital will always create a state to enforce rules favourable to them and a centralised enough state will always create a capital owning class to empower it. One can't exist without the other for long. That's why both communists and ancaps are brain-dead retarts

>> No.51275473
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>> No.51275490
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Minimum wage wagies fell for the "rising tide floats all boats" meme and vote against their best interests every chance they get. Remember: if you vote against something that's good for you just because someone called it "commie", you are a moron.

>> No.51275517


>> No.51275651

money = power

>> No.51275738
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We live in a world where DOGE and QOM are allowed to exist.

>> No.51275741


>> No.51275762
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what's wrong with those?

>> No.51275788

funny internet coins with little to no real world usage are allowed to exist in the first place

late stage capitalism at its finest

>> No.51275793


>> No.51276098

>Large enough capital will always create a state to enforce rules favourable to them and a centralised enough state will always create a capital owning class to empower it. One can't exist without the other for long. That's why both communists and ancaps are brain-dead retarts
That's my stance too. Both always say "but if it doesn't work, it's because nobody has done real capitalism/communism" before. Well no shit, it's probably because it's not doable. You always end up with a power grab by the most powerful entities, but that process is much faster with communism, since the state holds everything. Once megacorporations manage to seize power, capitalism looks almost exactly like communism, and the people gets enslaved by the elite.

>> No.51276117 [DELETED] 

small businesses has always been a meme

>> No.51276149

Nothing went wrong. What went wrong when we replaced horses for cars? Nothing. It's called progress. Small businesses are a thing of the past.

Big corporations are able to give better salaries, better products, better services and better prices.

>> No.51276577
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Government shutting down society so all small businesses get rekt is capitalism btw

>> No.51276611

>liberals beg nanny state to shut down mom & pop stores because memerona but allow massive conglomerates to be open
Retards, always

>> No.51276630

Small businesses treat their employees like absolute dogshit and wagies would rather work for mcdonalds where they can just do the bare minimum and then go home than have some power-tripping small buisness owner constantly standing over their shoulder complaining how they're losing him money and they need to do better also you need to come in on friday even though it was your only day off btw, you wouldn't want me to lose money would you :)

>> No.51276637

= euphemism for Jews

>> No.51276718

Maybe government lockdowns. That was capitalism too, right?

>> No.51276753

Number one: In 1945 corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: In 1900 90 percent of Americans were self-employed; now it's about two percent. It's called consolidation. Strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time.

>> No.51276764

Why are you locked in the bathroom?

>> No.51276781


>oh no why arent there 50 million shitty 2 star mom and pop stores everywhere instead of 5 giant 5 star corporations

>> No.51276836

This desu. Libtards are commies with extra steps. They derail society then say we need communism to fix everything.

>> No.51276890

You are both retards
You are an even bigger one. What if when the State starts to go for a power grab, you don't cuck out and tell them to fuck off? This is YEARS of not telling the state to fuck off. And since big corps only exist because of the state, turns out not having a state is a good way to prevent that from happening. Muh "I think you are both wrong therefore I am right" retard stance. It's because of people like you along with the "good intentions" crowd that we are in this mess.

>> No.51277367

#1: That's terror.
#2: That's terror.

>> No.51277384

#break them up

>> No.51277896

>there are no non-Jew capitalists

>> No.51277966

boogeyman term invented by carl marx

>> No.51277975

We had Dutch-Anglo-Danish marketism before Jewish capitalism, also German (real) socialism before Jewish Bolshevism.

>> No.51277985

Kill yourself commie

>> No.51278659
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Small businesses are cancer
I hope Bob Page dabs on all of them

small businesses getting destroyed is one of the benefits of capitalism. Everyone should cherish every time a boomer petty tyrant destroys itself.

Everything bad about big businesses, small business have it even worse.

>> No.51278707
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Real estate probably. You fix cost of living and not make real estate into a speculative asset and it makes survival easier hence easier to keep shit afloat i.e. more customers because they'd have more disposable income. Real estate being speculative hurts the masses. Not just people wanting shelter, but small businesses as well.

It's by design.

Also this government knew what they are doing. Politicians like to act more retarded than they actually are. Government hates anything that doesn't support the oligarchs. Always remember this government is against the masses and sucks the cocks of the rich. The point of this mafia government is to make sure everyone but the rich stay as cattle. Lockdowns, speculative real estate, retarded levels of taxation that only the rich with their legal teams can avoid, etc. is all a part of the plan for the new world order.

>> No.51278721

Government forced everyone who isn't Amazon, and Walmart to shut down because of muh coof

>> No.51278804

Term invented by Marx. A jew. It's used to bastardize commerce and trade.

>> No.51278859
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>On /biz/
>Business and finance
>Doesn't understand how wealth is distributed in a large scale society
>Doesn't know how a Pareto Distribution works
>Blames capitalism because that's what the news told him to think
Retards, retards everywhere.

>> No.51278908

this. lolbertarianism is feminism for men.

>> No.51278926

>t. jacobin mag reading sucdem

>> No.51278955

Completely false. The Rothschilds have waged economic wars for centuries without needing to create a central state. The Gilded Age had plenty of large capital without a need for government assistance, yet did not need to squash the rapidly growing middle class of the era either.

>> No.51278984
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i can tell you what went wrong in a single picture

>> No.51279012

why wouldn't that be the inevitable outcome of capitalism?

>> No.51279049
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Capitalism IS globohomo you retarded faggot.

>> No.51279054

>commie zoomer thread

>> No.51279121
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>leftists shut down the economy
no. Why do you think big corporations were all pro-lockdown to the point of censoring people who criticized lockdowns? This is the future that woke leftists wanted.

>> No.51279165

anarcho communist
but more I work more I start to hate the small timers
I thought big corporations were the devil but no, small time imps are far worse. Mr Goldmansachs is thousand times less cruel than boomer with a brick&mortar

>> No.51279423
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It's still capitalism
You can't just go


If they use the system put in place, than obviously it's the fault of the current system in place

>> No.51279479

Fucking retards think individuals will ever topple an organized structure of humans. Capitalism is the end game because of it's combined structure of personal freedom and structural dominance over the world stage. Everyone abides by capitalistic behavior without even realizing it. It is a system which transcends control and planning and instead is the fate of humanity as we continually create larger and more efficient economies and supply chains.

>> No.51279517

kill yourself

>> No.51279611

after you
I like some aspects of capitalism, seeing boomer businesses die out fills me with joy

>> No.51279629

>playing capatalism when the pandemic was state enforced shutdowns
Absolutely retarded

>> No.51279641

Workers will generally be more efficient when working for a large corporation, the systems and materials that improve productivity will be better than in a small company.
Mega corporations is the future.

>> No.51279860
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>Efficient economies
Enslaving a bunch of 3rd worlders for goy goods while typing shit into a keyboard isn't efficient in any way

>> No.51279878

>than obviously it's the fault of the current system in place
and that system is not capitalism which is why people on the far left were the ones most likely to support the lockdowns. The State shutting businesses down is the opposite of capitalism.

>> No.51279971
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>The State shutting businesses down is the opposite of capitalism.
You mean like the Sherman Anti-trust Act
Or how about The Clayton Act?
Oh and who could forget the The Federal Trade Commission Act?

Not knowing any history and having the attention span of a goldfish isn't something to be proud of

But Please, go on, teach me more about those DANG DIRTY COOMUNISTS and how REAL American (((Capitalism))) is so dang great.

>> No.51280008

>modest regulation is the same as the government literally making it illegal to operate millions of businesses simply because leftists want to help big corporations

>> No.51280033

How is it any different?
The first is the precedent, the second is the obvious slippery slope continuation

>> No.51280193

Free market Capitalist societies like Singapore are the most advanced and prosperous societies to ever exist.

>> No.51280229

Russian bot post.

>> No.51280258

Exactly this. And now they are trying to make me forget. I won’t. I know what you’ve done to me.

>> No.51280262

you obviously don't know anybody on the far left lmao you must think rachel maddow is far left

>> No.51280449

what about buisnesses with 20 - 499 employees

>> No.51280527


>> No.51280589

Sherman Anti-Trust Act didn't even shut down business, it just restructured their legal form.

>> No.51280604

corporate lobbying

>> No.51280626

Best post ITT

>> No.51280772
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>> No.51281571

Most small businesses only make sense when it's a family owned operation with a skill that's passed from father to son.

So many now are just rich boomers passing on ownership to their kids who think they can get min wage wagecucks to run the thing for them.

>> No.51281617

Wait until you see the mid businesses. Dying off like a rare breed of tigers.

>> No.51282206

>People are warned that COVID shutdowns and associated inflation would murder small businesses and be a massive upwards transfer of wealth to megacorps
>They do it anyway
>The thing they were warned would happen happens
This is literally one of those dumb shocked Pikachu face memes

>> No.51282389

>sorry we're gonna have to close your restaurant because of the pandemic, it's not safe!
>big companies like Amazon have massive cafeterias, you're going to close those too right?
>of course not, and by the way, when you open back up we're going to jack up your fuel and energy bills
Capitalism has failed goyim, you need more (((controls))) on your economy.

>> No.51282402

Unironically, Marx predicted this.

>> No.51282436

The government
next question

>> No.51282508

I don't doubt a lot of businesses would grow too large in a fully free market, but without state sponsorship at least they'd actually fail on occasion. It'd also be nice for smaller businesses to have less of a legal hellscape to navigate when they run their business. Megacorps benefit from a bloated state because they're the only ones with a team of lawyers able to navigate it.

>> No.51282515

so everything goes like expected :^)))

>> No.51282817

Yep very frustrating that almost no one realises this. They really are mindless cattle when they sign up for loans that will use up half their wage for the rest of their life. Somehow they think that's just how it is. They have no idea that the money that drives house prices up is created by the loans they take out. It also never occurs to them that since birthrates have been below replacement levels for decades, housing should be a buyer's market. They think "some of these imported pajeets are retarded and annoying but they're all people that deserve a go" but they obviously don't realise that their presence is part of population growth that makes a basic house an extra million dollars more expensive.

Infinite money can be loaned. Infinite Indians can be imported. Those are the two things that need to be limited and life would be so much easier but try explaining it to a normie. They don't really get it and when they think of it later the gist as they remember is that you're racist and maybe crazy.

>> No.51282886

I’ll take retard who has never read a book for $500

>> No.51282986

Small businesses suck to work for if you are not family or if the business owner has family
Fuck small businesses

>> No.51283133
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Big governments and central banking

>> No.51283460

Corporate personhood plays a significant role too

>> No.51283557

couldn't survive the lockdowns

>> No.51283858

just dont chew gum or take drugs, own land or drive a car

>> No.51284380

everybody always says its late stage capitalism when things are looking worse but all that keeps happening is that capitalism keeps changing and morphing with the times. i feel like this line of thinking is cope
exactly, according to the capitalists of the early 19th century the only countries that could be considered 'wealthy' were countries that had huge colonies and resources with people to exploit. they would never have thought countries like singapore or hong kong could become wealthy being so small with no natural resources. all capitalism keeps doing is defying the odds at figuring out ways to create value and wealth out of seemingly nothing.

>> No.51284562


Imagine all that smell of pussy

verification was not required

>> No.51285312

t. trust fund zoomer (possibly jewmer)
neither classic anarchists or communists would hesitate to gulag you. you have what some refer to as "luxury beliefs" and you are cancer.

>> No.51285472

It's corrupt, government centric croney capitalism that allows large, wealthy powers to guide legislation that oppresses smaller competitors significantly

Laissez-faire capitalism wouldn't have this issue

>> No.51285514

>exactly, according to the capitalists of the early 19th century the only countries that could be considered 'wealthy' were countries that had huge colonies and resources with people to exploit. they would never have thought countries like singapore or hong kong could become wealthy being so small with no natural resources. all capitalism keeps doing is defying the odds at figuring out ways to create value and wealth out of seemingly nothing.
There isn't a single type of 'capitalism' and capitalism isn't even really in and of itself an objective term. Times change, the global economy changes with it. Most internet communists consider anything but full on end-game Marxist Communism to be capitalism.

If you take a step back and weigh up the sides, quite a lot of countries would be closer to marxist socialism than anarcho capitalism

>> No.51286382
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>the state closes small biz for rona
>writes blank checks to big biz and banks
>Capitalism has failed
Do not breed

>> No.51287531
File: 90 KB, 900x1086, commie_capitalism_has_failed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is either a wumao shill or just some confused tween swaggot mixing distorted definitions of 'capitalism', 'free market' and his own complexes into a cum cocktail of self loathing
sagethread of jews