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51271072 No.51271072 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51271214
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>> No.51271223

KEK imagine trusting the us

>> No.51271230

Kekerino I can’t believe there are actual biz chuds here worried about them, they’ll be fine

>> No.51271426

The Euro’s didn’t learn shit from Greece, and they all inflated their currency because they listened to unelected fuckheads at the WEF.

>> No.51271454

feels good to be an europoor with $$$

>> No.51271583

more like pooro

>> No.51271621

>russia invades ukraine
>let's voluntarily make it destroy all of Europe
LEL Europeans

>> No.51271639

Anyone here buying the dip?

>> No.51271674


>> No.51271790

Europe is about to get destroyed without glassing it, kek

>> No.51271864

Joke's on you, all my money is in investments

>> No.51271906

Yeah imagine following Sleepy Pedo Joe, the guy with the creak head son that had corrupt business with Burisma. The owner of Burisma Kolomoisky funded Zelenksyy. It’s right in our face. People are sheep.

>> No.51272196

Why are there so many seething Russhits in this thread

Also, should I short the eurodump to try and generate more dry powder or just buy the eurodip after it's all settled a bit? I've been wanting to buy stock from reputable companies around the Mediterranean and this seems like the best opportunity in a decade.

>> No.51272215
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You chose ...poorly

>> No.51272227

>everyone who thinks the EU is mismanaged is a Russian troll

>> No.51272273

>T. Russian national
That's a bit of a stretch of interpretation given the words I said, isn't it?

>1000+ years of history
>never had actual freedom and democracy

Answer my investing question, Kremlin trolls. Short or wait?

>> No.51272307
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>putting my money into crabbing alt coins finally pays off

>> No.51272313

This isn't funny, America.
Soon, you won't have any friends left.

>> No.51272367
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ITT we laugh at the EU

>> No.51272378

>>never had actual freedom and democracy
>he thinks there is such a thing as "freedom" and "democracy"
lol, lmao even

>> No.51272404

They never had any friends only "allies" they can use

>> No.51272407


>> No.51272433
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well fuck, i guess its time to build our own energy independence instead of buying American LNG, right?

>> No.51272463

time to visit europe bros
do they let you in if you aren't vaxxed

>> No.51272826

>freedom and democracy do not exist

This is your brain on Putin propaganda. Does the west have its problems? OF COURSE! But lets just compare who supports/is supported by Russia and who supports/is supported by The United States? You can learn a lot if you know who someones friends are.

>> No.51272865
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you forgot to add “dead Russians” to the right side, worth every penny

>> No.51272889
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If you're wondering why there's so much garbage on every board right now, it's because Russia is slowly but inexorably losing their gay little war with their own former fiefdom.

>> No.51272890
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The Ghost of Kyiv is about to destroy the Russian Army. It's over for Putler

>> No.51272908
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>> No.51272925



Swing and a miss. These are currystinks paid to spam all boards and drown out news about Russians dying en masse in Kharkiv.

>> No.51272932


>we-we’ll be in Tallinn in t-two more weeks! Daddy Putler said so!


>> No.51272955

Mommy pays for my electricity anyway, literally not affecting me in any way
Now imagine being a Russian lmao
Go pretend you love your country more you Moskal third world country trash

>> No.51272977

no, why the fuck would you build out energy generation
the whole point of the exercise is to get some degrowth going
return germany to nature
as the greens intended

>> No.51272991
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I unironically hope they invade the baltic states next, bunch of American-globohomo cocksuckers along with polacks

>> No.51273002

and how would you know that besides literally guessing?

My guess is it's probably both. People hired to drown out Russhits AND actual Russhits.

Nobody has answered my question about shorting or waiting yet.

>> No.51273017
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>> No.51273032
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Now they're officially Burger puppet.

>laughs in burgerland

>> No.51273033

yuropoors btfo'd

>> No.51273061


there is nothing more cucked than dying for Putin’s gay little Russian empire LARP

>> No.51273076
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I hate them so much. I spent months looking at a red Euro ETF until I sold it at break even during the last pump. I should have shorted the subhumans animals, especially the eternal anglo.

>> No.51273095

if you count Ukrainians as Russian, sure

>> No.51273125
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if g*rman returns to monke murricans cant sell shit to it, many bucks wasted on ukraine, whos gonna pay!?

>> No.51273137

>it's great that the West's productive capacity is going toward killing people either patriotically fighting for their national survival (Ukraine) or protecting and uniting with Russia their own people (Russia)
>also the flow of goods and services back and forth from West to East is now closed, so the economy just got less efficient
>and all this is going to be paid by printing money, which is effectively a regressive tax that most affects the fiscally responsible
How about no.
I prefer cheaper things and easier travel to war.

>> No.51273150

as yuropoor i've been all in crypto since 2017 precisely because i saw the writing on the wall
this is just the beginning mate. trying to eke out 5% scalping a potential reversal is not worth the risk of holding euros as long as brussels is in charge

>> No.51273168

It's Europeans' fault for being russophiles. Relying on and simping for Russia has always been a major mistake. Foolish Europeans are desperate to "go back to normal" while forgetting that when Europe cooperated with Russia, Europe was also importing foreigners and celebrating homosexuality. This is what reliance on Russian energy leads to.

>> No.51273196

bad mismanagement, especially in germany but also zoom out

>> No.51273208
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I already bought the dip and it kept dipping and I redeemed during the pump.
European stocks aren't going anywhere. An entire continent of envious peasants too dumb to become kulaks.
Pic related.

>> No.51273214

I also prefer cheaper things and less travel to war, Ivan. That is precisely why we're trying to scrape the steaming refuse that is the Russian military and its army of drug-addled separatist butt buddies clear off of Ukrainian soil.

>it's great that the West's productive capacity is going toward killing people either patriotically fighting for their national survival (Ukraine) or protecting and uniting with Russia their own people (Russia)
This doesn't even make sense and I'll just assume it was a poor translation.

>> No.51273217

>He fell for the heroes vs. villians meme

You should educate yourself on geopolitics ma boy.

>> No.51273223

feels comfy to be a europoor and slide slowly into the medieval times, when we were better

>> No.51273307

>nihilistic worldview

Of course there is no right/wrong, no good/evil, it's all subjective.
OBJECTIVELY, however, the west has significantly more backup, significantly better technology (as well as a far greater capacity to produce it), a significantly better standard of living, a significantly stronger economy (even with all of our idiot politicians doing their damndest to wreck it), far more business connections and a FAR more robust propaganda apparatus.

Now lets run the numbers and see who will win this war of attrition...

>> No.51273363

That was the whole point of the war for the US. Not to defeat Russia.

>> No.51273388

Kek, euros, imagine being a currency bagholder

>> No.51273389

>>>>He fell for the heroes vs. villians meme
>>nihilistic worldview
Not ascribing the heroes vs villains story to geopolitics doesn't necessarily imply nihilism. It's possible that all governments are avatars of entropy.

>> No.51273430

There's an awful lot of russians, american russians and russian bots in here.
Sorry ziggers but you're going to lose the war.
>euros gonna get le hecking cold showerino they're all gonna die
Kek fucking amerifats

>> No.51273465

This is such cope lmao

>> No.51273471

For the US it's perfect, get to kill russias, make lots of bombs and weapons so Billy Bob has a job in the middle of nowhere, get to sell LNG to europoors, and no dead zogbots either. Champagne bottles were probably popping off in the pentagon when the news hit, same as when Germany declared war on the US after Pearl Harbour.

>> No.51273488

its over for the europoors (and that's a good thing)

>> No.51273503

It is, fuck euros, if they were worth anything they would have immigrated to the US already. All the good ones are already here.

>> No.51273519

So long Europe. You won't be missed.

>> No.51273520

So when does Europe go into full war with Russia? This won't go on for decades like Syria will it?

>> No.51273545
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back to your containment board yuropoor

>> No.51273549

HAHAHAHAHA fucking euro soi trash
getting fucked in the ass by america, fucked in face by Russia at the same time, China filming it
better start practicing your Slavic squat, faggots, you're gonna need to sell your furniture to pay for enough energy to heat your shoebox apartments
haha UK and German KEKS!!
Invaded by north africa in 2015 and now by Russia and USA
eurosoi's going to have to start doing the needful to afford more blankets :) I heard its going to be a cold winter!

>> No.51273553

a lot of cuckservatives seem sympathetic to russia, i guess because of his christian virtue signalling. i wonder if they're gonna start crying over having to fight russians

>> No.51273567
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they can’t even capture territory beyond what Donbabwe spent 8 years holding

Vatnigs truly are leftists, being unable to meme

>captcha: K0X04

>> No.51273579

>getting fucked in the ass by america, fucked in face by Russia at the same time, China filming it
Audible kek. Good way to describe the current situation.

>> No.51273640

It's only because it happened during bidens term, if the same shit happened during Trump they'd be pro ukraine. Americans still haven't figured out that who president doesn't matter when it comes to over all US global strategy, which is planned over decades.

>> No.51273651

The exchange rate has literally nothing to do with Russia losing the war in the Ukraine. It is caused by the feds interest rate policy compared to the ECB. But don’t worry Ivan you don’t need to know that when you get blown to bits on the frontlines.

>> No.51273661

you're surrounded by niggers and shitskins, and there will be more of them soon, it's over.

>> No.51273726

>be America
>bomb Muslims causing chimpout attacks all across Europe
>bomb Libya unleasing the african hoards
>bait Russia into a war turning off euro gas
>America punches someone, they retaliate by punching europe

>> No.51273745

>posting kym garbage
>seething at europeans because he made a retarded investment
>seething at anglos because he's most likely brown and they conquered and raped his ancestors
Fucking kek, funny watching low IQ shitskins eternally seethe at the white man.

>> No.51274284


Kike nato cuck spotted

>> No.51274310

Shoo shoo Achmed.

>> No.51274332

>he hasn't been borrowing against his USDC in Euro on Aave for the past year

>> No.51274338

t. subhuman potato bugs

>> No.51274435

You know most of the people making fun of you are American right? Believe me, I wish we could take the west over while Russia takes the east. Put an end to European degeneracy, Ghostpolitics was right, you’re all lazy pieces of shit who are being replaced because you refuse to work.

>> No.51274783

>US sells weapons to Europe
>US sells oil and gas to Europe
And the dollar keeps growing, right? hahahahaha

>> No.51275176

Kek you're one delusional redditor faggot, let me explain to you why you're retarded

>however, the west has significantly more backup
Most countries on earth are either neutral or support Russia

>however, the west has significantly more backup
Almost all electronics are produced in Asia, especially american technology

>a significantly stronger economy
There is no European economy fuck face, there's 2 countries (France+Germany) carrying the shitty rest which leeches from them endlessly. Besides that, European powers hate each other and would snitch each other as soon as it's beneficial to them (see Poland/Germany). The US stands on it's own and will leave Europe to die because they have to face China more than any other nation.

>far more business connections
What the fuck do you even mean

>FAR more robust propaganda apparatus.

>Now lets run the numbers and see who will win this war of attrition...
The people who can endure poverty, cold, hunger, violence and hardship
and trust me faggot, Europeans are far away from being able to do that

>> No.51275198

How do we profit off of this burger bros?

>> No.51275237
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it’s like watching what happened with UST in slow motion. I’d laugh if this wasn’t lining up perfectly with Seiner Van Rensburgs prophecies. We are all in for a rough future.

>> No.51275312

It's not funny that the jews are crashing the EU economy for the sake of jewkraine. It's actually ridiculous clown world sad

>> No.51275382

feels good to get my wage in dorrahs while living in europe lol

>> No.51275509
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>> No.51275817

Russia fun fact: the Russians are not even a real nation. They were invented by the Judeo-Bolsheviks and identify with Bolshevik symbols; they celebrate the same Talmudic holiday that Israel does.

>> No.51276293


>> No.51276365

EU is an american vassal...I mean, ally. Maybe european peasants will manage to get that now, altho I doubt it. EU normies are even more stupid and brainwashed than US normies.

>> No.51276367

Russia fun fact: Russians consider themselves superior to Balts. Yet the Russian minority accounts for the majority of crime and HIV cases in the Baltics.

>> No.51276419

Euro is rugging hard lmfao

>> No.51276436

You need to go back niggrr

>> No.51276469

EU people can't be helped. First the refugees and terrorist bombings, now this.