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51270000 No.51270000 [Reply] [Original]

How does the current bear market feel compared to the previous one?

>> No.51270014

Based digits,
Unfortunately your digits confirms we are going sub 10k btc

>> No.51270021

Boring. Bring btc down to sub 10k and maybe I will feel something again.

>> No.51270037
File: 336 KB, 929x1415, 16558893198480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. its worse than before. sentiment is we have 1n more leg down.

>> No.51270041
File: 2.14 MB, 1024x1024, D3257EE1-F45F-49E8-8962-C9CE57633F8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me put it this way. Btc can easily go down another 50%, but even if it didn't and bottomed out, this still would objectively be the most merciless bear market of all time.

>> No.51270045

This feels unironically like just before the dump to 3k.
People were calling this is the bottom while the price's crabbing

>> No.51270064

The duality of biz

>> No.51270073

There is nothing to look forward to anymore. It's all a dream

>> No.51270088

Came here to post this, I remember back somewhere in mid 2018 when everyone thought BTC was leveling out at 6k, it dumped violently to 3k, this feels like right before then

>> No.51270097

Faggot Bitcoin bear shills
I’m not selling my btc
I’m not selling my longs
I’m. Not. Selling.

>> No.51270098

2016 "veteran" here.
There are indicators[not on tradingview] that are pointing down to 15.3k But taking in consideration all the macro-economic issues the world is trapped in,i would say a wick to 11k is not out of the books yet. Depends how hard the stonks drop.

take care

>> No.51270110

It's not the same, but I still see a dump. That dump was from a huge ass descending triangle visible on the weekly time frame. Not only that, but we bottomed out at the 200w ma. It was also after a blowoff top. Currently, we are already under the 200w ma meaning we're actually worse off now than when btc crashed to 3k.

>> No.51270121

The duality of retards


>> No.51270124

where do you think we are going over the next 12 months?

>> No.51270186
File: 316 KB, 1242x1482, 4CC3D875-2170-4CAA-9593-DDD179990F5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say for 2022. I am not bullish rn, but I have no idea atm. I just know a crash to even 9.7kish to fill the CME gap would not surprise me. September tends to be digshit for btc too.
I'm bullish as shit for 2023 though. Recessions typically end after 11 months which means December of this year should be the end going by averages. That aside btc typically only has 1 red year and then green years afterwards.

>> No.51270217
File: 935 KB, 1000x1459, 1655454760119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys understand that another lower low would invalidate ALL btc price models? yet you easily throw 10k targets.

>> No.51270231

People would just justify it as "just another 85% like every other bear market". But yes, many models would be invalidated.

>> No.51270246

All those models are based on 2 data points.

>> No.51270282

15k is bottom, it'll come soon, be ready

>> No.51270316

We are still going down. I am not calling any bottom, but we sure go lower. If you are holding any token, you can stake and go to sleep.I already staked my ride and utk on Maiar dex

>> No.51270333

Not even the same. It's tied to Nasdaq and couldn't be decoupled even if they wanted it anymore. This is nightmare scenerio not because of the potential losses but because there's 0 fundamentality left and isn't defi anymore. It's just a fucking toy money now that's been crabbing following stocks the whole fucking year. If I wanted to fuck around with stocks I'd have done that. There's nothing left in this scene.

>> No.51270369

Logically, looking at historical data, you should be expecting btc to get to 14k

>> No.51270378
File: 530 KB, 750x1078, 1657167151671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

03 fag here
This is the bottom
Maybe 10% more but basically bottom

Buying mils

>> No.51270379

yep. Btc is trash. I'm focusing on alts only for the next run. Btc is just Nasdaq on steroids. Jews tamed it.

>> No.51270410

2021 oldfag here, the bear market didn even started

>> No.51270418
File: 473 KB, 1346x742, SELL EVERYTHING AAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're probably not at the bottom yet but we are also probably through the worst of it. Recovery still seems far away but for the time being we are mostly just going to crab with a few minor pumps/dumps in between.

I don't know what the anons saying people thought 6k was the bottom last cycle are on about. The drop to 3k was a surprise but I remember the bears back then were calling for sub-1k BTC again. That never happened, just like sub-10k BTC is likely not going to happen now. As much as people get caught up in mumu euphoria, people can also get caught up in bobo dysphoria

>> No.51270427
File: 45 KB, 450x510, 1655746655862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, sure, but if models won't hold we'll probably never see ath again.
yepp, that's what I'm afraid of

>> No.51270446

Thing is this bear market happened in the same time a recession happened. Stocks go crazy when recessions end and btc follows stocks so basically we'll still have an intense bullrun. It's just not easy to see while being in the shitty bear market

>> No.51270501
File: 35 KB, 191x200, 16478722067200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent rally to 24k showed that btc does not recover as good as stock with limited liquidity. so unless FED introduces 0 or negative rate bitcorn may stay "just a fucking toy money" a libertarian pipe dream

>> No.51270525

Feels like we're entering the slow crab to 10k phase

>> No.51270570


Alt coins you fucking moron.

Anyone still fucking with btc expecting mad short term gains let alone long term gains is retarded..

>> No.51271216
File: 1.95 MB, 1080x1080, pixel-jeff-waiting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if models won't hold we'll probably never see ath again
yeah I'm also afraid of that. It could be that ATH is never seen again, a bit like the line over an airplane's wing, long term moving average is below ATH and slowly reducing to something like 50-70% of ATH. Difficult to quantify just how much hype was priced into the last bull-run.
I'm convinced we're going up from here, just a question of how much. I pray it's not only a 2x or that means I lost money overall with crypto!

>> No.51271331

yes itwill fuck around and crab for the next year or two until the $10k submersion fits the model

>> No.51271346

seems worse as its coupled with a global marlet shitting the bed

>> No.51272724


>> No.51275109
File: 26 KB, 604x310, 1611550255989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite literally another bear market nothing special about this one. Usual FUD around everything, projects dying and new ones taking their place.

Biggest news so far is the birth of Vinu and how much they are fucking Shib in the asshole (who continues to fall off) and LUNC doing its thing while Terra 2.0 remains mostly irrelevant.

>> No.51275113

20k accepted

>> No.51275115

You forgot LINK shitting the bed more than usual

>> No.51275122

Flip when......

That's been its purpose since its inception nigga

>> No.51275126

>flip when
Who knows. Shibfags are unhappy though that's a given lol

>> No.51275164



Doesn’t feel as bad. Worrying really. Also if it’s truly a bear then we have at least another year of this, maybe two

>> No.51275178

been here since 2017, I can tell you right now that the party is over for this bull run and wouldn't be suprised if BTC goes under 10k temporarily.

>> No.51275184

we're still at ~11k in 2018 terms

>> No.51275191

It looks like it's over for real this time, honestly

>> No.51275429

Thia ia the worst bear market i have ever seen BTC going down even more

>> No.51275482

I still have faith in BTC and i am not selling regardless and yes Alts will do well in the next bull run no doubt but for now i just DCA on ORE

>> No.51275544

it's ok, retards would come up with new retrofitted models just like every other time that's happened

>> No.51275584

>we're actually worse off now than when btc crashed to 3k.
are you insane!!?? we are nowhere near 3k you dumb nigger. check your eyeglasses or seethe for eternity nocion larper. black african.

>> No.51275607


Compared to the previous one? The first one I remember, bitcoin had toppled from $35 to about $1. There were no altcoins. Most people figured it would rally again at some point. Then it shot way up.

Now let's see. The scam copy ideas that are just "what if bitcoin but extra bells and whistles" have mostly a failed. A few of the privacy coins or coins that do obscure technical things are doing okay. Bitcoin is around $20,000, and people are complaining that it dropped from above $60,000 like a drop of 2/3 of the price is doomsday shit when it's dropped to less than 1/35 of the price before shooting up to more than 60,000x that price over the course of a few years.

So everything is more or less as expected. People are kneejerking. LARPing. Freaking out. Trying to speak a crash or a bullrun into existence. Memeing. Crying because they tried to play the market with money that they couldn't afford to lose. Sitting around and fantasizing that the 5k that they put into bitcoin will make them billionaires, even when it could 100x and still leave them only just able to afford a middle class house in the suburbs after they've paid their taxes. It's the usual clown show performing.

>> No.51275625

listen just think about what you are saying and stop being so BEARISH. there is no way we gop below 17k open youre EYES.. seethe nociner priced out forevertrying to time the markets boohoo

>> No.51275660

yeah but it's easy to drop from $35 to $1 then shoot up to $$$$$, there wasn't much liquidity back then and small amounts of $ could move the market. Not comparable to now.

>> No.51275681

prik. doumb ass. smoke your own pube while you are at it

>> No.51275725

you need to just shut up or i will be pulling my hairs out with you morons. crypto is the future!

>> No.51275818

just gun down this poor lad already

>> No.51275920

hey fool can't you see we are going down everyday i just hope this does not affect some of my low cap gems too much especially RAIL,JUNO

>> No.51276157

It's a ratio thing imo. The pool of money is larger, true, but so is the pool of investors and potential investors.

>> No.51276182

pretty similar actually

normies are still absolutely clueless about the concept of money and they will always be

>> No.51276200

this could be very true, however there was no blow off top either this cycle

>> No.51278359

The previous bull run was fake and gay and it's just correcting itself from that. The real bull run will start soon but it won't involve btc or doge

>> No.51278454

Clueless newfags larping as oldfags

Pajeets shilling worthless shitcoins.

>> No.51280204

Hang yourself mongoloid

>> No.51280238

I guess you're a big hodler of omnom then

>> No.51280317

Could it be the start of a favorable change? Whichever way I'm just DCAing on assets with potential like Sol, Ride, Fil, and Juno for the long term.

>> No.51280333

Sentiment is incredibly low, id personally believe this is the bottom. Im all in

>> No.51280341


>> No.51280346

not nearly enough desperation and hopelessness yet

>> No.51280542

This, we’re unironically at the bottom. The saylor fud is nothing. Mt gox fud is nothing. Fed hiking means nothing. Stocks tanking means nothing. There will be a mega pump as soon as the merge happens on sep 15th. POS goes live on that date and it’s the best thing that ever happened to crypto. No more wasting energy on mining. Bitcoin will also pump due to this but not as much as ETH

>> No.51280585

feels like the equivalent of previous bullmarket
no capitulation
still jpegs
still apecoin
still ETH killers

>> No.51280886

There is no way he is still among the living.

>> No.51280923

>100k ETH daily volume on NFTs
>bad sentiment

>scheduled event will pump the price

found two newfags larping as oldfags