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51267255 No.51267255 [Reply] [Original]

>Like hundreds of thousands of other Australians, Madeline and Jacqueline Darkovska are prisoners to their mortgage.

>> No.51267276

>10 % down
>variable rate
what the fuck how is that allowed

>> No.51267299

That's standard for Oz, they only allow variable and traditionally for the last two decades the down payment has been between 15-25%, with new incentivized mortgages for first time buyers going to 10%. Shit's going to be ugly.

>> No.51267302

>Polish/Slavic/Some kind of shithole East Euro country descent, not original Anglo-Scotch-Irish stock
>One of them is a dyke so the whole family has recessive homo genes
>10% down
It's like a confluence of fail

>> No.51267321

I'm supposed to sympathize with them on a fucking $360000 loan?

There were people who legit paid 7 figures for middle class shitboxes that boomers paid low 6 figures for 10-15 years ago. Those are the people who are really screwed.

>> No.51267479

My mum and sister was just bitching to me the other day to be a "responsible adult" and take out a mortgage on a $2M house. Fucking hell.

>> No.51267549 [DELETED] 
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wtf this cant be real
tell story
this sounds funny as fuck

>> No.51267569

you should beat the hell out of them for trying to manipulate you

>> No.51267585

They don't even look human. What the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.51267599

Bro if they're twins one is a man

>> No.51267606

Women are retarded

>> No.51267617

>one of them is a dyke
No, that is a tranny trying to wife his sister. Open your eyes.

>> No.51267649


>> No.51267668

Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Normal siblings don't try to qualify for the couple's grants.

>> No.51267722
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>Be 30yo living with family, have my own job (WFH)
>Sister busts her ass at a retail job trying to work her way up the ranks, we earn the same income but huge disparity in effort
>Always pissed off at me for no reason
>Constantly berates me for "shirking responsibility"
>Mum one day finds a house when the entire market was booming
>"We must have this house!"
>It's $2M in an expensive area and a shitshack to boot sitting on a small piece of land
>She wants it simply because it is facing a different direction to the house we're in now, no other reason
>Sister sense opportunity to have me settle down and tries to hook me up with one of her landwhale friends
>She's 2/10 and a gacha addict to boot, keeps talking about her anime crushes
>Sister and mum both try to gaslight me into mortgage and dating
>Calls me an incel and a useless piece of shit when I reject the landwhale
>Later on a family friend's daughter comes to visit
>She's fit and energetic, 7/10
>They've given up on the house after it was sold to some other sucker
>Mum suggests for me to try to go out with her, wants to try getting me to settle down again
>Sister instantly shuts down the idea, says she's too good for me.
>Gives me the most disparaging look, saw absolute disdain in her eyes at the idea
>tfw I'm an incel 2/10 male in my sister's eyes.
>tfw she tried to throw me under the bus and ruin my life
I just don't know anymore

>> No.51267736


So is the housing market going to crash globally or not? fuck i hate this wait so much.

>> No.51267776
File: 150 KB, 512x512, 1652500267567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course the human female is a manipulative piece of shit. I recommend getting a doggo wife.
And call yourself a dog husband, that will make them super mad. I do this and females feel like they got replaced by my dog.
Also I'm pretty sure ur not ugly they just trying to beat you down and manipulate you into doing there bidding
It's how females operate.

>> No.51267777

Have you considered moving out? Sounds really fucking toxic.

>> No.51267781

>wearing $60 shirt
>can't afford mortgage
is it that hard?

>> No.51267787

Probably. Houses are so expensive right now that ANY small increase in mortgage rates will fuck over the average homeloaner.

It probably won’t be as bad as 2007, but it will still be fucking up early 2023

>> No.51267884

Cute dog!

>> No.51267911

goddamn it anon, DO SOMETHING

>> No.51267932
File: 1.10 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20220210_172128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just read that article.. they fucked up real bad.. like a lot of people who seem to have walked into huge mortgages on the premise that rates wouldn't go up because so and so told them so (despite so and so having zero control over the global economy).

Soooooo many people are absolutely fucked.. millions spent on absolute shit heaps with a crumbling economy and slow down.

Pic very very very very much related tells the tale of just how fucked sydney is.

>> No.51267937

>found put after that siblings don't qualify for £25k grant

Lmao, why did nobody tell them?

>> No.51267948

Move to a different city. Say its for studies or something

>> No.51267977
File: 903 KB, 1080x2044, Screenshot_20220905-165234_Domain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit.. Emphasis on greed and running for the door with rising rates.. started with a buyers guide of 1.4-1.5 mil.

Rate rises hit, everyone starts panicking - sells for $1.15 mil lol. Just a casual 400k discount hey.

This is literally the story of Sydney, Australia at the moment. Boomers with their investments are all running for the door because they missed the top this year and now we are probably getting another 50bps rate rise tomorrow hahahahah..

Because of the way our shitty loans here work we don't get full fixed loans.. it's usually a 2-3 year fixed then goes to variable.. So everyone who bought in late 2020 to early 2021 is going to get ground and pounded when the fixed term comes to an end and they go from historic low interest rates to jacked the fuck up rates (2023-2024).

>> No.51267990

>interest goes up
>prices come down
>walk into lender
>slap deed on table
>turn 360° and walk away
>buy a now cheap house.

>> No.51267997

>brother and sister buying a house together

yeah australia is like alabama

>> No.51267998

Speculators get the rope, house is not an investment

>> No.51268002

wow who could have foreseen such an event

>> No.51268012

(((who))) indeed

>> No.51268017

Your sister is a whore. Anon, why do you care what a whore thinks?

>> No.51268027

> Lmao, why did nobody tell them?
I was going to, but I didn’t have their number, didn’t know they existed or that they needed the information, so I forgot.

>> No.51268046

You must rape your sister to establish dominance.
I you want less radical solution: only listen to men's advice/opinion and never to women's.

>> No.51268075

you're not going to like the new 2% scheme albo has cooked up then

>> No.51268087 [DELETED] 

LOL. I can't believe the TOP system in this WORLD! So-called Yopi Network.

>Play AND Earn RPG Games
>High staking profit, up to 66%
>Clear and transparent roadmap
>The takeover of yopi.network is eminent in the new age technology

>> No.51268092

everytime the offer you advice you should workout, then meditate then make up your own mind. Although you sound like you've been doing ok by yourself. Don't get discouraged, Just get strong.

>> No.51268127

Maybe you oughta tell her to mind her own fucking business and stop trying to force her shit ideas on you.

>> No.51268172

My family is the same way. I went full bridge burn mode, moved rural as fuck 16 hour away, bought my house outright and told them to take their 500k shit boxes and shove it. I'm not going to be a mortgage slave for a god damn house I don't even want in an area I find disgusting.

>> No.51268200
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Get ready to buy cheapies, the only barrier will be the high interest and low borrowing capibility, get a good deposit ready for 24months time.

Its important to remember this """News""" is posted to try and make people feel outraged that poor people are trapped after buying a house (however tone deaf it is). In reality most of the houses sold during this dip will be
>investment properties that no longer are going up in equity and rents aren't covering enough of the repayments
>foreign (read: chinese) investments sold as the chinese need liquidity when their own economy is in the bin

Real people feeling mortgage stress and 'forclosing' (mortgagee in possesion in AUS) won't be a factor in markets for another 4 years or so, and even then they won't have nearly as big an affect as the sale of investment properties.

>> No.51268261

don't fall for the media bullshit. Yes some normal people who just wanted a home got fucked by this, but the majority of the losers in this deal were greedy investors who overleveraged. The spin that the "common aussie" is doing it hard is to pressure the RBA to ease up on rate hikes and give in to inflation. In reality its greasy low iq realestate speculators wanting to cover their arse. Don't believe it.

>> No.51268312

Cope, aussies are the first to eat ze bugs

>> No.51268959

I paid upwards on 800K on a home 80k down these dyking ass hoes ain’t got skin in the game.

>> No.51269790

They may have bought at the top, but they can make for it by selling at the bottom.

>> No.51269969
File: 168 KB, 1080x1350, 1596012330703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how women, literal subhumans, think they know anything when they literally just believe what they are told and then won't shut the fuck up. Never ever listen to a fucking woman.

>> No.51269993

So glad I waited. Buying a house anytime before the market crash was a big mistake.

>> No.51270018

move out dude

>> No.51270105

Don't listen to women, don't take advice from them, they just think with their emotions, all of them have ulterior motives and usually like seeing people suffer, the only way they respect you is by ignoring them and succeeding. Also, how the fuck are you making the same income as your sister who is in retail who you imply isn't even far up the ranks? Jesus Christ dude, even truck drivers make more than you. Snap out of it, take control of your life.

>> No.51270137
File: 1.40 MB, 1755x1091, australian real estate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing ALWAYS goes up you dingbats

>> No.51270138

i'm helping my gf unfuck her life because she is living with her mom, lost her job, etc. and she still feels qualified to bitch at me for not buying a house back in 2019. i told her (to her face) what makes her feel qualified to comment on these matters, given what a fucking disaster her life is. next time she brings it up i'm going to verbally destroy her until she's crying, or i'm going to cheat on her and throw it in her face at the worst possible time.

>> No.51270182

Based, remain calm

>> No.51270184 [DELETED] 

>>Polish/Slavic/Some kind of shithole East Euro country descent, not original Anglo-Scotch-Irish stock

Yeah, those criminals were top-tier genetics


>> No.51270283

Multi family houses are going to be more and more common just like the good old days were people were too poor to just build a bigger house

>> No.51270440

this but unironically anon.
60iq and 140 iq chads rise up. midwits get priced out and and cope post on r*ddit about it.

>> No.51270478

it says they didn't have a 10% deposit.

>> No.51271340

It says they didn't put 10% down so they 'had to' go with an ARM. How the fuck do people not have 10% down between 2 people?

>> No.51271391

Yes sweatie
Some UK anon needs to fuck this guy's sister so she chills the fuck out.

>> No.51271495


>their only option

Victimized by their own choices lmao

>> No.51271518

>high variable interest
wtf is that real? WTF Australia. Those loans shouldn't even exist but also no sympathy for anybody dumb enough to get one.

>> No.51271535

Didn't you heard a lot of normies telling you about their first real estate buy during the last two years?

Me I heard that a lot...


>> No.51271615

variable rate.... Smart......

>> No.51271656

They're right. House prices always go up

>> No.51271667

Women lmfao

>> No.51271668

>what the fuck how is that allowed
the price you pay for not being american

>> No.51271701


>> No.51271723

M8 cunts ain't got a dollar for a beer let along a mil for a lot and these cunts debt be packed to the bloody rafters and one dodgy movement will blow the whole fucking shebang. We have fibro shacks going for millions and every normie cobba and his shiela is desperate to hand over their hard earned dosh to those hook noses.

>> No.51271752

natural selection

>> No.51271787

>that will make them super mad. I do this and females feel like they got replaced by my dog.


>> No.51271896

how do I sell my house where the mortgage is now under water and nobody wants to pay me the amount I bought it for so now I owe money to the bank even after I sell the house?

>> No.51273115

That's pretty antisemitic anon

>> No.51275297

>24 years old
What the fuck they don't look either of those things. Bitch on the left looks at least 50 and the guy on the right looks early 30s.

>> No.51276292

That's the banks problem now