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5126578 No.5126578 [Reply] [Original]

Richfags above 100K: How long did it take you to get there from 50K? Will it accelerate faster and faster?

I was at 50K on Tuesday and now it's 60K.

>> No.5126815

Go all in on ethereum, you will be there before the summer so you can go on a nice vacation.

>> No.5126884
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this desu. once you reach 100K you basically made it. It will accelerate but your hearth will start racing too.

>> No.5126998

You almost made it, now you can go all in on LINK for massive gains.

>> No.5127047
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Start to finish exactly 3 years. And I am a cook in a pizza restaurant. Started buying 50 bucks worth of Bitcoin on Coinbase at a time, and then diversified into 30 of BTC and 15 each of Litecoin and Ethereum. I am just at $72 thousand now (US). Just gonna leave it for retirement in 20 years.

>> No.5127101
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I made $2,500 on Ethereum last month.

>> No.5127781

>can't get to 100k

pathetic OP. I've x5 in the last month alone. You will NEVER make it.

>> No.5127845

Only 15k here
You're lucky, you only need an x2 to get to 100k

>> No.5127968


nigga thats not even enough to buy an apartment around here

>> No.5127970

This nigger is right. Once normalfags understand what staking means (infinite money trees) Ethereum will rocket towards several thousand / ETH.

>> No.5127983

exactky, he's a fucking MORON if he's unable to do this.

If I had that kind of starting capital I'd be retired already.

>> No.5127993

Went from 30k to 100k ish over the summer

Would be 300k if i just fucking bought and held btc

>> No.5128030

i started with 32k around early sept and made with with having BTC/ETH/LTC.

The guy saying all in on ETH could be the answer as that will be around 5k next year.

Im trying to figure out what to do to go to 500k/1mil probably holding will get me there or changing my portfolio % spread on BTC/ETH/LTC


>> No.5128035

>>>5126578 (OP) (You)
>>can't get to 100k
>pathetic OP. I've x5 in the last month alone. You will NEVER make it.
I started less than a month ago and I'm x3, so not sure what your are getting at.

>> No.5128076

This is a disgusting attitude and suggest you blow your brains out asap pajeet

>> No.5128079

this pretty much happened to me too

>> No.5128087

Luckily people still trade like mad Men despite bitcoin being $20k. You'd think they'd reduce their positions, but nope. This means you can go all into a project with 3.5btc and cashout the same day Pretty easily.

>> No.5128113

Same, i'm slowly building to 100k right now.
Picking the right coins and waiting on btc to consolidate for them to moon.

>> No.5128204
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I'm almost at $100k, started with like $25k somewhere in july. Even though I quadrupled my investment, I still feel like shit, because if I sold my alts for BTC before the run I'd have around $300k right now.

>> No.5128229
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OP here: here you go, roast me

>> No.5128251

I went from 10K to 150K+ in a year, working for the family business & putting my money into mining equipment and flipping items on eBay.

>> No.5128260

Lost 7 btc but I finally am now in 6 figures. Feels so damn good.

>> No.5128286

Literally took 2 weeks to go from 40k to 120k, shit's insane. I wonder where I'll be at year's end.

>> No.5128297

no it's not you no gains faggot, it's raining gold and I brought the goddam buckets

>> No.5128322

>i got lucky and you're retard if you won't get lucky as well

>> No.5128323

if you can't double your money in 2 months something is wrong

>> No.5128352

It took about a month retard.

>> No.5128373

when is stacking coming ?

>> No.5128401

Seriously I'm having 10K but it's kinda nerve wrecking for me to pick a coin. Every coin that's gets shilled is already pumped as hell , as soon I jump on it it tanks.

Can someone give me solid advice ? Diversifying portfolio ? Somewhat all in to maximize gains ?

>> No.5128436

how u did nigga. tell me the tips. I am all along ping wojjoks lost 25 btc to all i have is 5 btc worth of shitcoins now

>> No.5128446

You havent killed yourself yet pajeet

>> No.5128457

Poorfag pajeets spotted

>> No.5128465

How long you willing to wait? If you're in no rush, I'd unironically recommend DOGE

>> No.5128476

Don't buy shitcoins, only solid coins like Ethereum, Monero and IOTA. IOTA was the main reason for my gains, Request Network was second.

>> No.5128489

Your best bet is to buy dips of the big 3 coins on cuckbase and just hold. Shit I bought BTC at 19.1k and was tempted to sell multiple times, now I'm on top again. BTC is going to $1 million.

>> No.5128500

Less than a month. I broke six figures last night... and by some miracle I'm already at $140,000.00

>> No.5128504

Never go all in on one shitcoin and just pick some coins that are under the radar with promising future.

>> No.5128507

buy low, also like the other anon said, doge

>> No.5128527

I can wait but I'm thinking to trade now and ride the pumps till I get a good amount of crypto then hodl. But I can't seem finda good coin. Every godamn coin moons and I'm always late to it, how do people even know when they gonna get pumped.

Also worst luck, jumped on TRON when it was 0.10 rode the wave till 0.16 then it started dipping hard and now it fucking doubled.. sigh

>> No.5128535

>How long did it take you to get from 50k to 100k
A month and a half, now I'm on 190k after another 3 weeks. This feels unreal. I can't believe I might actually make it. One year ago I was a poorfag with less than $2000 net worth. Also already cashed out $15k so even if it goes to zero I'll have made money.

>> No.5128580

Ethereum and LTC aren't moving at all while bitcoin goes up but not that much relative to 10k

>> No.5128586
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desu this looks alright kid

heh, you might just make it yet

>> No.5128633
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I was at 50k on Nov 30th, now I'm at 115k

Props to whoever guesses what coin made me double my money

>> No.5128643
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May Zyzz bless you too

>> No.5128676


>> No.5128749

just tell us

>> No.5128817
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idk pretty quick with almost all my money in only BTC and LTC,

10k to 50k took most of the year, then BTC mooned, 100k+......

>> No.5128871

I started with $500 in May. I have $756k now.

>> No.5128932

Surely luck is a factor, but you can balance the luck substantially with research and due diligence in staying on top of development, news, etc..

Won't be one much longer though.

Because I'm making too much money.

>> No.5128974

mostly litecoin I went down big when I bought in last June

>> No.5128992


>> No.5129001 [DELETED] 

So all in on ETH? what aobut LTC? I have a feeling BTC will crash in the future, but IDK.

>> No.5129062

Good LARP.

>> No.5129114

BCH is a safer buy instead of BTC. ETH is solid, but could be a little overbought short term. Same goes for LTC. XMR is definitely a buy though. You should look into coins outside of the top 10 imo, depending on your risk tolerance levels.

>> No.5129151

Haha I made over 10k EUR with this BTC pump alone

>> No.5129582

fucking how?

>> No.5129647
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>> No.5129772

buy 2-3 alts, literally just look at what low cap coins people are buying over on twitter

also buy coins after announcements and wait for news

>t. 3x initial investment in 1 month

>> No.5129778

Apparently stacking is already out; https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Proof-of-Stake-FAQ

>> No.5129966

A year from 0.

>> No.5130317

What's the journey like from 10k to 100k?