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512585 No.512585 [Reply] [Original]

What people need to figure out

>> No.512593 [DELETED] 

Lel, I would be happy to live on $7,5 USD a day, not an hour. If not obliged to work. You americans are so fat nowadays.

>> No.512600

While most free-market capitalists take things like the invisible hand and minimum wage as absolute truth, in reality it is just a concept. 2000 years ago in Rome, slavery was also taken as an absolute condition; of course it is not. However the part of "Only you can change your position in life" is absolutely true. It always cracks me up when people hope for the government or outside forces to make life better for them.

>> No.512611

To post 512600. You mixed to things. The invisible hand is true absolute because numbers are not all of what life is about. Not certain how you connected minimum wage to free market thinkers as most see need to abolish it.

>> No.512617


Yeah, there's lots of free-market thinkers like Milton Friedman that wanted to eliminate the minimum wage and welfare, but people then conveniently forget they also wanted to replace them with an unconditional cash transfer for poor people in the form of a negative income tax.

>> No.512618

Besides why the fuck do poorfags complain?

If you work 40 hours a week and make $10/hr(the bare minimum for fulltime if you never even wentto college) thats $1600 a month before taxes.

You can live on the bare necessities on $800 a month. Where is the rest of your money going you fucking apple loving hipsters

>> No.512619

Friend, $7.50/day won't cover my rent. It won't cover property tax in most of the country. Nevermind food. Just counting student loans, rent, car insurance, and credit card (at 0%), I'm around $1,000/month in spending. Fuck, tbh I pay about $900/month in taxes (yes, enough for some lazy bum to live entirely off welfare). Fuck this shit.

$15,000/year certainly is liveable in many parts of the US for a single person, maybe 2 Jewing it up. It is indeed a minimum wage and I'm confused as to why people expect a nice TV, new car, raising 3 kids, and so on on the bare minimum.

>> No.512620 [DELETED] 

That's more than $200 a month, almost average salary on Ukraine. If you haven't to work for that, it seems rather good.

>> No.512628

>You can live on the bare necessities on $800 a month.

>phone(good luck getting a job without one)
>heath insurance(thank Obama for requiring it, and thank the "job creators" for not proving it)
>transportation(the bus or a bike does not cut it for 95% of the population)
>retirement(SSI won't be around when we hit 65)

>> No.512634

$400 a month with room mates
Find apartment with those included, maybe increase rent to $500, at least here in Toronto(one of most expensive cities) you can find included utilities for $500 a month
>>phone(good luck getting a job without one)
$30 a month
>>heath insurance(thank Obama for requiring it, and thank the "job creators" for not proving it)
$200-300 a month
>>transportation(the bus or a bike does not cut it for 95% of the population)
$100 a month for bus pass, move to area where you don't need car(probably more jobs there anyway)
>>retirement(SSI won't be around when we hit 65)
Not sure.

Entertainment maybe $100 a month for internet and shit

Assuming you're making the very smallest $10/hr full time thats $1600 before taxes(you can easily find at least $15/hr fulltime job if you majored in something not fucking stupid). Get better job and this is easily all very affordable, just don't major in dumb shit

400 + 30 + 250 + 100 = $780

>> No.512639

Every time this debate occurs, suddenly someone assumes there are ONLY minimum wage jobs. People have to shop for better paying jobs if they want more in life. As for the poster struggling rent: instead of living in an apartment, perhaps you should consider renting a room, or get another room mate.

>> No.512642

Only because it's so cheap in Ukraine. Now remember, it's impossible to rent a place anywhere in the US for $200/month.

Living on white bread, ramen noodles, etc., the very cheapest someone could live on in the US is maybe $50/month for food (not healthy; $100-150 for healthier food), utilities another $50, apartment $300. Very lowest, short of stuffing a ton of people in a small apartment. Mexicans do that and in LA, 10 people in a 3-bedroom and you're still paying $100/person.

Yeah he's bullshitting, but without student loans, I could live comfortably on $1300 net per month. Eating out for lunch most days, buying new clothes, household supplies, etc. I've lived on as little as $600/month when my rent was $500. Not at all easy, usually was starving (not fun when you're a full-time student and working part-time), but living on less is doable.

>> No.512646

>Find apartment with those included

LOL. In the US places that include heat in the rent heat the place to about 45 degrees. You are on the hook for electric heaters to get the other 25 degrees.

>$100 a month for bus pass, move to area where you don't need car(probably more jobs there anyway)

Many better paying jobs won't consider people who lack a car even though they are not supposed to ask about it. it is an employers' market. If they want someone with a car they can find someone with a car.

>Not sure.

Betting your whole retirement on a system that might not be there in 40 years is very shortsighted thinking.

>> No.512649 [DELETED] 

>Now remember, it's impossible to rent a place anywhere in the US for $200/month.
Thanks God I'm not in the US then.

>> No.512651

your car is a HUGE expense
are you sure you need that?
most people actually don't really need one

>> No.512652

I guess but this is assuming the bare minimum plus minimum wage here in Canada is $11/hr and more if you work overtime or get a small raise and you can find all those things that I listed, I could provide links if you require them.

Plus you take home like $800 left over so you can use some of that for your retirement or whatever. It's also pointless to have a car in toronto instead of bus because you'll be stuck in traffic for far longer.

>> No.512655

>People have to shop for better paying jobs if they want more in life.
Why don't you stop being poor guys?

>> No.512660

My personal car is a $3,000 beater that I bought with cash. $40 insurance. $80/month on gas. It's relatively trivial compared to taxi expense (no busses here), or wasting an hour a day to walk to/from work, nevermind another half hour to walk with groceries. Yeah, suppose I could bike (and be sweaty by the time I'm at work, fun!), but I'm not trying to die... winter hits and if you fall off your bike in a blizzard in a street, good luck having a redneck seeing you from their lifted truck, 8 feet above you.

I'm saving almost $1,000/month, I'm not poor anymore so I don't need to make these tough decisions.

>> No.512661

Not bullshitting at all. Maybe its different in Canada but even in whats considered an expensive city(Toronto) you can easily afford to live on full time minimum wage.

$11/hr * 160hrs a month which is $1760.

Monthly expenses you can very easily manage for under $1000, which is $600+ take home money and this is assuming you're getting paid the bare minimum and not doing anything else or even ever getting a small raise.

>> No.512666

Canada. Oops.

In the US, you're paying $250/month for basic ass healthcare. A lot of states opted out of expanding Medicare to poor people with Obamacare, so they're on the hook out of pocket.

Like for example, a poor American making $20,000/year will pay income taxes, social security tax, medicare tax, health insurance, pay for a car, rent, etc.

$1,000/month is a very meager existence in the US, especially if you have healthcare.

Also, minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hour, ends up being about $1,100/month take home, maybe a little less.

>> No.512667

>his employer doesn't provide housing

Try finding work that provides it nigga.

>> No.512669

I guess life is shittier in America then, surprisingly. You guys do beat us in food prices however, your prices for meat are 3x lower, McDonalds items are 30% lower, etc. Pretty sure taxes lower too

>> No.512673

Part of the problem with comparing countries or even regions is price parity and taxes. Cars are hit with taxes to different degrees. State income taxes vary as do fuel taxes. Also, no one thinks about how many people can't get a job because of minimum wage. Such people end up on welfare roles if there are no charities to help out.

>> No.512674

>fully 33% of my salary goes to the guvmint
>rent is bare minimum 800 for a room

ain't easy living in nyc. my monthly expenses are about 1500, thats almost half my takehome

>> No.512677

Taxes may be lower for married people with kids and all that bullshit. I'll end up paying around 20-25% of gross on taxes, along with $400/month in student loans and $200/month in health insurance. Who comes out ahead? Tough call. I'm 40% in the hole after taxes, insurance, student loans. On a ~$50,000/year salary. If I bought a house, property taxes are around 2.5% a year, of assessed value. $2,500/year on a $100k house (that'd up my taxes to 45%, nevermind sales tax). Granted it's a low cost-of-living area... but still. I'm not saying the US is shit but the whole idea that most Americans don't pay tax, or only the rich do, complete bullshit.

On the other hand if you have 2 kids, you're married, make $50k, you might only pay 5% a year in taxes after all the tax credits and shit.

>> No.512687

>sleeping with a bunch of dudes in a man camp

Nah bro.

In the US between federal, state, and local taxes someone making $10/hr pays 25% in taxes. Post refund it comes out to a 16-18%, but you need to wait until refund time to get it back. So that $1600/month is actually $1200/month assuming you get full 40 hour weeks.

>> No.512695

Don't do the tax refund scam. Your just loaning your money to the government for free. Talk to your payroll dept to reduce your payroll tax. Better to pay some dollars in March than to expect a refund in January.

>> No.512696

>Better to pay some dollars in March than to expect a refund in January.

If you don't have the money in March you are getting the BBC of the IRS in your ass.

>> No.512697


more like 1 roomate, none if you've been there for a while.

Enjoy your 1000$ rent.

>> No.512698


I work in two states. The tax shit is far too fucking complicated for me to be messing around with my withholding, sadly.

Federal's easy though

>> No.512699

I hearya. That is why you talk to your payroll dept to determine how best to reduce the take out. Seriously, paying $30 in March or April is easy

>> No.512701
File: 26 KB, 600x187, dt140830.gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only you can change your position in life.

There are two ways to interpret this the first way is like pic related. and become a try-hard. or

the workers can organize themselves and just kill the rich.

>> No.512704

have you done this? i though with holding was calculated by how many dependents you have?

>> No.512705


You can claim as many allowances as you want to, for Federal.

State may be different; in NY, you aren't allowed to get any allowances for withholding purposes that you won't actually be claiming when you file.

>> No.512728

Also guys, just use this IRS withholding calculator:


Whatever it says is probably close enough. Eyeballing and bullshitting some high number so too little is withheld can also hurt. If you're off by I believe more than 10%, you'll end up paying a penalty. No jail shit and such, but it's still a bitch. So just err on being a bit over, or a very small amount under.

>> No.512740

You realize the phrase "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" was a tongue in cheek satirical remark right?

Like im sure its a nice black and white world from your pov having been fed and clothed and properly educated in middle class suburbia...let me guess...got a car on mom and pops dime when you turned 16?

But in the reality i live in. The reality of objective facts. You not only cant live on minimum wage but your at the mercy of lady fate anytime you stick your neck out and try to improve yourself (say by working 2 jobs while attending school, something your pamperd ass doesnt have to do)

Get bent you materialistic silver spoon whore

>> No.512743

When did minimum wage become 10 dollars an hour in this thread?

>> No.512747

>using currencies
you faggots don't know what you are doing with your lives

>> No.512751

Minimum wage in Canada is $11/hr. So thats what I based all my prices on, Canadian costs of living and minimum wage.

Here you can very easily live off minimum wage and still have quite a bit take home money.

>> No.512760

But also if you're making under $10 an hour in the US you must be fucking retarded.

Minimum wage is for highschool kids and illiterate blacks as well as illegal immigrants. If you're attending college or finished college you should not be getting paid minimum wage ever

>> No.512778

>But also if you're making under $10 an hour in the US you must be fucking retarded.

It depends on where you live. I live near some nicer areas and some less nice areas. Fast food places in the nicer areas will start people a dollar above minimum, retail is a few dollars above minimum, and warehouse jobs pay $10-12/hr. In the less nice areas fast food and retail pay minimum and the warehouses pay $8.50/hr tops.

>> No.512785

Yes but those are jobs any old retard can perform.

A sweaty illegal Mexican immigrant who can't even speak a word of English can perform those jobs if instructed beforehand how to do them.

How pathetic do you have to be to not have any skillset or ability beyond someone who doesn't even speak English or obtained any education...

>> No.512789

>Here you can very easily live off minimum wage and still have quite a bit take home money.

When you live in your parents basement and your only expenses are snacks and a WoW subscription yes $11/hr does provide that.

>> No.512792

It makes me sad to say I make $12.7 as a baseline Sales Associate at Wal-Mart

>> No.512793

Are you retarded? Look at my post here >>512634

You can easily afford a satisfactory quality of life. Obviously you can't afford the finest luxuries and a Porsche for minimum wage, how would that work? Minimum wage jobs aren't intended to be a permanent career.

>> No.512796

$7.25 an hour * 40 hours a week = 290 a week * 4 weeks a month = $1160 a month before taxes

However, if you're working a minimum wage job and expect to live off it, you don't deserve two days off a week plus evenings. Pick one of those for yourself and work the other at a second minimum wage job.

$7.25 an hour * 60 hours a week = $435 a week * 4 weeks a month = $1740 a month before taxes.

Let's assume you didn't totally fail, and managed to afford a sub $2000 car before you turned 18.

I know multiple people who live in apartments sub $400 including utilities with at least one roommate.

At least one of your minimum wage jobs is bound to be fast food, which means you then can easily get at least lunch the days you work for free.

Gas + Car Insurance = $150 a month
Housing + Utilities = $200 a month
Food - Free Fast food = $100 a month
Health Insurance = $250 a month
Phone = $40 a month

All added up we get $740 a month. With 60 hours a week, that leaves $1000 before taxes to spend, let's be liberal and say $500 taxed. That's $500 extra a month to save.

Seriously, what's the problem with minimum wage? It's not meant to live off of, but it is still easily able to live off of.

>> No.512800

obtained any education...

There are plenty of college grads doing low skilled work because they need to pay the bills. Technology has deskilled many professions down to minimum wage work.

>> No.512802

Where? I'm under $10/hr and I'm AP.

>> No.512805

Then research the job market before you pick your major?

It always makes me laugh when stupid kids just look at interesting names of majors and pick something based on what they like to do or think they have talent in instead of picking what will get you a job.

No shit if you pick psychology and art you won't find a job. If you pick a STEM major and do internships/co-op when possible you are guaranteed to be making at least $15/hr out of college which is more than sufficient to live on your own and live an OK quality of life.

Why kids don't just google [their major] jobs and search it on job sites is beyond me. Sorry buddy you're not going to be a famous artist or poet most likely! Your African Religions degree won't do much good either.

>> No.512809

b-b-b-but then I can't afford my new iPhone and my new rims!

People are so fucking entitled nowadays, no shit you're not going to be able to afford an amazing quality of life if you're doing the bare possible minimum job which deserves of course the bare minimum pay. How else do you imagine it to be? Working at McDonalds handing burgers to people and wishing them a nice day with $40k a year starting? A robot can do that job why would they were pay someone more than the minimum the government allows them to pay you?

Its not ones fault if you got to 20+ years of age and developed no skillset that deserves higher pay.

>> No.512812


I always see posts like these and they forget that shit happens in life. Poor people dont get fucked when everything goes to play they get fucked when unexpected things happen.

Your lists do not include:

>beater car breaks and not worth fixing, gotta buy another one = couple grand
>saving for retirement
>need an MRI and my obamacare deductible is crazy high (or any medical treatment really) - $1200 out of pocket
>need a root canal
>lose job
>most low tier jobs do not provide 40 hours a week and do not allow you to juggle multiple jobs to add hours up to at least 40

>> No.512817

$500 a month is more than enough to cover those expenses when shit happens

>Most crappy jobs don't allow you to juggle multiple jobs.
Bullshit. I know tons of people that do it, and I've done it myself.

But above all this, this argument is totally irrelevant because minimum wage is not supposed to be a livable wage.

>> No.512831

Absolutely but you can easily save your $500+ a month in case of a rainy day. Keep in mind that this is with the bare minimum legally allowed minimum wage, if you're not a dumb fuck or lazy you'll be paid at least slightly more so you'll make even more money.

The point is that even though your quality of life isn't the best, you're still making enough & quite capable of living on your own with minimum wage. I'll repeat again, minimum wage jobs ARE NOT intended to be life-long careers you work into your mid forties. They're for highschool/college kids and immigrants.

>> No.512832

>Housing + Utilities = $200 a month
where do you live?

saving 500 dollars a month is pathetic. it will take you a year to save 6000 dollars. in ten years that is a shitty 60,000. OVER TEN YEARS. also 6,000 can't cover a semester at most colleges.

this. plus when is that minimum wage guy going to buy clothes, where is he going to wash his clothes.

>> No.512842

>wasting an hour a day to walk to/from work

Do you know how fat you sound right now?

>> No.512845

I live in Ohio.

Yes, saving $500 a month is pathetic, but so is working at fast food in your 30s. It is, however, more than enough to cover most rainy day scenarios. Of course you can think of tragedies it won't cover, but I could do that with any job at any pay level.

If you don't think minimum wage can be livable, walk into a fast food joint midday when the kids are at school. See the employees? Are they living?

>> No.512846
File: 48 KB, 338x450, George_W._Bush_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Housing + Utilities = $200 a month
>Food = $100 a month





>> No.512862

Just to re-cap some things. I wonder when some people actually started to work. If you started working in your life, you should be above minimum wage by now. At the same time, how closely are you paying attention doing overtime hours or hours with differentials? What are you eating? Potatoes, and pasta are cheap. You can store up money eating such things. I have to wonder when someone posts they spend $100 of food a month when I can easily get it under $50. So I wonder.

>> No.512866

He could pay $200 a month for a shitty car and live in that. Then with $100 a month for food he could eat ramen noodles every day, maybe splurge once a month for some white bread and peanut butter.

>> No.512881

Again, $400 a month for an apartment roomy enough for two people isn't uncommon.

As for food, that's about $3 a day. Like I said, working fast food lands you a free meal ever day you work (granted not all places, but it's easy enough to find a job that will let you eat the chicken they are throwing out anyway after an hour of sitting). 3 dollars is more than enough for dinner for one, and possibly breakfast.

>> No.512886

In many places, it would be better to rent a room and ditch the car. Lots of savings in doing that.

>> No.512890

I'd have to wake up half an hour earlier, to start. Yes I'm fat, but mostly someone who likes to sleep in (as it is, work starts at 8, sometimes goes till 6). So it's also a free time thing. But it also gets -10 degrees F around here in the winter, up to 95 F (I'd imagine only 75-80 in the morning) in the summer. And then I'd have to bring walking shoes (not retarded, not going to walk 3 miles a day in dress shoes).

Seriously, it's not worth the effort for me. And seeing how there's not a single car rental company in my town, nevermind a bus or train that goes between cities, I'd literally be stuck here unless I can mooch a ride off someone.

>> No.513057

Remember, you still have to pay taxes on that.

>> No.513059

Welcome to Romania :)

>> No.513066

>$400 a month in student loans
You fucked up.

>> No.513141

dude are you fucking retard or something

>cost of car
>fucking gas every week or less
>lets not forget if we're a poor fag its a piece of fucking shit to begin with and possibly breaks down a lot
>$8 car washes once a month so poorfags can have the dignity of not being complete fucking slobs

>> No.513171

Heh. AP at my store gets around $15.5/$16hr. Don't get too excited though, cost of living is higher where I am compared to you.

>> No.513181

oh and to expand on this

poorfags apparently dont need these either

>possibly glasses
>fucking goddamned toilet paper
>paper towels to not a fucking slob
>hygiene products (or do rich fags conveniently forget you need to be presentable to work and being presentable cost money as well)
>cable tv (oops that cant be on here! you dont deserve any form of entertainment whatsofuckingever unless youve learned some skills and contributed to society so you can just sit in one fucking corner and stare at the other all day!)
>monthly haircut

>> No.513183

>theres an unlimited supply of STEM jobs and theres no such thing as market saturation

>> No.513185


My NJ studio apartment costs $990 a month. If i made minimum wage, i would be living in my car. It's impossible to get by on that amount.

>> No.513187

He also forgot taxes. Mcdonalds actually publishes "how to" guides explaining public assistance to employees because they know nobody can live on min wage

>> No.513204

Negative tax is a minority ideal not seriously being debated. Elimination of the min wage with the market setting the wage for labor is more of a, 'free market' ideal.

What do you mean by 'absolute condition'? People could become slaves, free, or citizens under Roman law. Hardly absolute conditions.

food $50 a week.
phone $12 a month (call in only)
health ins. never, sick you die, that just being poor.
trans. walk
rent $350 per month
utl. $200 per month
retirement. never, work or die again you're poor.
I grew up on $42 per week for 2 people.

>> No.513208

Then you live in high rent area. $180 per month here. US location. You have to move out of the high demand areas to a remote rural area and the price drops.
First job I had only paid $600 per month. $4.75 per hour.

>> No.513221

$250? I had a half-sister who was dying of cancer and she only paying $300 per month for the top plan from Blue Cross and Shield.

1000 per month is 12k per year.
standard deduction 6200 + exemption 3950.

and why do you have health insurance anyway? I'm poor so none for me.

>> No.513269

Then you live in high rent area. $180 per month here. US location
where? is that for studio apartment?
>First job I had only paid $600 per month. $4.75 per hour.
which year?

>> No.513273

>You have to move out of the high demand areas to a remote rural area and the price drops.

Sorry this isn't possible for most people, no jobs unless you commute for many hours unless of course you work from home

>> No.513280

In some large metro areas, it may be difficult but not impossible. However, renting a room is a great way to save money. You can find them on Craiglist.

>> No.513294

Most people in poverty (in the states) earn well above the minimum wage. The issue is that they don't receive enough hours, and others in their household aren't able to find work

>> No.513792
File: 29 KB, 552x360, mindblown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because minimum wage is not supposed to be a livable wage.
what fucking fox news fantasy world convinced you that this made sense ina civilized society?

sure is silver spoon in here

>> No.513793
File: 210 KB, 736x444, mcdonalds-budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

run those numbers again and see if you can still make that claim with a straight face.

heres the budget sheet mcdonalds gives to employees, notice anything...odd....or...unrealistic?

>> No.513795


good luck with the horrible health effects of living off daily fast food

and yes, it is fucking uncommon numbnuts, its about 800 bucks on average, here let me help

"http://bit DOT ly/1vW74Np"

>> No.513798
File: 438 KB, 381x212, reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying free will exists

>> No.513802

Minimum wage is easily a livable wage for high schoolers and housewives. Why do we have to play to the lowest common denominator? How does a high schooler with 100% disposable income need as much money as a single mom living in California with three kids?

>> No.513805

Fuck you. I'd say most Americans eat fast food daily for lunch. Some are obese, a lot aren't. It's not necessarily healthy, but it will get you by.

>> No.513831
File: 490 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_n7fkuylKd31sivlxb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny the gif you posted is Dean and hes a part of Team free will kek

>> No.514504

>Your pic
How much do you believe that, I'm wondering?

I would like to think that hard work and wise decision can bring success, among other things. Though as much I try to better myself, the shit i see sometimes does give me the impression of an invisible ceiling.

>> No.514552

because american children are told from the very beginning that they are special.

what do you want to be timmy when you grow up? an astronaut

truth is that without a proper education system like europe's' trade schools and academies timmy will continue to believe this into his later teen years hurting his potential earnings working as a plumber.

>> No.514587
File: 205 KB, 399x300, shut yo bitch ass up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Fallacies fest

>> No.514717

Unless you live in australia. 13.00 starting min wage, 20/hr after two

>> No.514746

Goddamn this thread depresses me

I don't wanna keep living like this guys

>> No.514754

1b 1b in CA is 1100/mo
30$ a month phone - I have seen 40$ not 30$
idk shit about health insurance
I work 15 miles from my job and it requires a suit. Im not biking in my suit or relying on unpredictable public transport.
retirement - thats the big one.

Im sure someone is going to find something to knit pick at, and this does not really apply to me because I make well over 10/hr... but 10/hr would not be wage I could grow on

>> No.514788


Living in a car isn't housing though, cause it's a car

>> No.515861

the real problem is that people over the age of 18 accept minimum wage jobs, when they should just laugh at low salaries, if people didn't get so desperate than employers would have to pay people fairly, but instead people spend every cent they have so they literally cannot afford not to work for 1 day.
I had substantial savings last year when I lost my job, I looked for 3 months until I found something decent, I went to interviews for undesirable jobs as practice, I got 4 offers that I told no thank you and they were shocked, I jerked them around because they were attempting to jerk me around with shitty benefits and pay.

>> No.515908

>implying $120k in 20 years, is bad
>implying x2 that if invested, is bad

>> No.515913


>don't need a car
>Good luck getting an interview ever or to a job on time. No one worth working at is ever going to be 'near the bus station'.