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51258421 No.51258421 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up feeling exhausted with a sore throat

Why can’t I ever get a solid night of sleep? No matter how much sleep I get I still feel exhausted, often with a headache or sore throat

>> No.51258495

>sleep on the side
>wake up drooling
How the fuck do I stop drooling????

>> No.51258533

yeah shits annoying because you sleep for 1/3rd of a day and still tired. Wtf bros?

>> No.51258555

Take some money from the 7 fig profit of cashing out late last year on go see a sleep doctor. They give you some simple equipment to put on while sleeping and later get a detailed view of what is happening with your heart rate, breathing and how much you micro-wakeup during sleep. Then they talk to you, look at the data and figure out if you have an underlying problem to fix.

>> No.51258599

Either silent reflux or sleep apnea.

>> No.51258614

Have you tried drinking water and doing drugs?

>> No.51258641

Acid reflux from post nasal drip is likely what's getting your throat.
If you snore loudly, it's also likely sleep apnoea.

The former is resolved by improving your diet and not eating close to sleep.
The latter, I had diagnosed via an at home sleep study kit from a clinic that identifies I was having 23+ apnoea events per hour and not enough oxygen when I slept, resolved via use of a CPAP machine. There's also mouth guards that alter how your jaw sits while you sleep, that went poorly for me but some little swear by it.

These guys get it.

>> No.51258700

You eat like shit GUARANTEED.
Every single health problem in the world is from poor diet.

>> No.51258715

kys and no one go to sleep doctor.
Turn of the lights, screens, and eat right. End.

>> No.51258726

What is this a standard medical industry shill thread?
CPAP are horrible for you and you are a fatass.
Losing weight is CURATIVE of sleep apnea.
As in...stop being a fatass and it goes away.

>> No.51258739

OP, definitely get it checked. Sleep apnea can kill and it doesn't just effect fat people with poor diets. Friend of mine from high school was an athlete and ate clean. He was always known as the dude who snored like a chain saw from a young age. People would home around about how he'd wake up people's parents at night during sleep overs. Well, he passed away in his sleep in his 20's and they found his heart was insanely enlarged from years of essentially being suffocated in his sleep.

>> No.51258746

Thousands of men are dying in Ukraine right now because Putin has brain fog from eating shit. Without brain fog he would have given his army any kind of strategy, instead of just sending them in like sheep, and this all would have been over already.
Shitty food kills.

>> No.51258752
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>What is this a standard medical industry shill thread? CPAP are horrible for you and you are a fatass.Losing weight is CURATIVE of sleep apnea.As in...stop being a fatass and it goes away.

>> No.51258759


>> No.51258831

you probably have a deviated septum

>> No.51258897

I'm literally married to 10/10 neurologist who rages about weight loss being curative about weekly because the sleep "doctor" at her clinic just spends all day giving obese people CPAP machines, literally 40-50 a day with 15 minutes appts, and never once informing them that losing weight will literally cure them.
I notice you didn't even bother argue about the fat part.
You just attempted to deflect with what is apparently intended to be a meme.

>> No.51258916

Sleep apnea, you are breathing through your mouth as you sleep. I know because I have it via a deviated septum

>> No.51258919


>> No.51258933
File: 43 KB, 480x367, 1652812519349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally married to 10/10 neurologist who rages about weight loss being curative about weekly because the sleep "doctor" at her clinic just spends all day giving obese people CPAP machines, literally 40-50 a day with 15 minutes appts, and never once informing them that losing weight will literally cure them.
I notice you didn't even bother argue about the fat part.
You just attempted to deflect with what is apparently intended to be a meme

>> No.51258945

I’m 6 foot, 170lbs, 14% body fat, I’m not obese

>> No.51258970
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I started taking ZMA before sleep Zinc, magnesium and some other shit and my average sleep time went from 8.5 to 6.5-7 , I feel much more well rested and literally jump out of bed when I wake up
But go to Dr first and get your shit sorted

>> No.51259009


ok your point is valid - people should stop being fatasses - but saying CPAP mentions are bad from you is pretty hilarious. people should be using CPAP machines so they're rested to go work out and lose weight

>> No.51259017

Zma is amazing, but don't take it all the time. Look it up but the general recommendation is to take a break from it every now and then.

>> No.51259030

Then you are a rare case.
You are a new poster.
These other guys are fat. They have not denied it.
They haven't denied having a shit diet.
It's like 9/10+ cases of sleep apnea that the person is obese.

Checked and coped. She was slathering my balls last night too.

>> No.51259051

too much zinc can cause copper deficiency which leads to iron deficiency and etc, etc
Zinc plays a role in your immune system if you feel like your getting sick lay off the zinc otherwise just eats some nuts to replenish copper

>> No.51259062

I weigh 81kg. My issue is a large tongue, genetic which I get from my mother and grand father, both were healthy weights. If you're overweight, losing weight will help with sleep apnoea. If you're a retard like this faggot, you can also just be loud and wrong and see if that solves your problems.

>> No.51259065

>Sleep apnea is cured by not being fat
>Ok fine you're not fat but 99% of the people with sleep apnea are fat, my super mod wife said so
>sleep apnea is a real condition

>> No.51259079

Again, my wife is a neurologist. Losing weight is curative. IN THE LITERATURE CURATIVE for obese people with sleep apnea.
As I said earlier...if you bother reading the thread, you can have it for other pretty rare reasons, which you apparently do.
But again, you are not OP and the people I responded to.
They are fatasses. I can read it in their posts. they haven't denied it.

>> No.51259140

OP is fat and has not denied it.
You can use reddit tier sarcasm all you want.
I live it through my wife. She watches 40 fat people a day come through and get their cpaps adjusted with no other advice given by the typical pathetic boomer doctor.
There are exceptions to every rule which I stated twice before you even posted this post.

>> No.51259174

You literally responded to me saying I was fat and a shill, you complete babbling retard. You've demolished any credibility you ever could have had in the thread. You have half a thought and repeat it as nauseum. It's pathetic.

>> No.51259184

Yeah, you said that. You're forgetting the part where it can happen with people who aren't fat. Anyway, enjoy your imaginary wife.

>> No.51259185

>things that never happened
This is definitely some sort of weird off topic shill thread.

>> No.51259264

>I can't get a woman and any claiming to have one is lying

>> No.51259321

>Shit, I got called out, what's next
>Uh you're an INCEL and uh SHILL

>> No.51259400

drink more water and you likely snore like a boat worker.

>> No.51259404

Called out on what?
You basically said that some people that aren't fat can get sleep apnea.
And some nogs are smart.

>> No.51259425

Ur mouthbreathing. Might have sleep/hypapneu. Get a sleep exam done and fix ur problems retard.

>> No.51259464
File: 620 KB, 976x1014, 1613406988214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sleep 10 hours
>wake up 11 am
>eat breakfast
be honest with me guys am I gonna die?

>> No.51259472

>another go to the doctor post
>on 4ch
>as if this is normal 4ch poster opinion
>also a story about a young guy dying from enlarged heart from sleep apnea DEFINITELY not the vaxx he got that does this very thing
Spoopy thread.
I'm off to the golf course now though.
Good luck shills.
And people with real sleep problems...if you are fat, lose weight.
If not, dyor because a sleep doctor will do NOTHING but put you on a cpap.
He will find no cure.
He will offer no help OTHER than a cpap.

>> No.51259539

this is literally true, lmao at all of you stupid goyim paying doctors for shit like CPAP and SSRIs etc. etc. instead of just fixing your fucking diet. and now you retards act all incredulous and smug when somebody tells you "hey retard its because you've been eating garbage for so long you're now literally made of garbage"
I'd be in awe of your idiocy, but it's more common than not these days

>> No.51259546

6-7 hours is enough, +8 hours is a meme

>> No.51259628

A few simple and cheap things you can try as I had the same issues. If your in a dry climate get a Sonic humidifier and use filtered water only. Get a new pillow, a kinked neck or even a kinked spine can cause headaches. Don’t eat two hours before bed. Close your windows and recirculate the inside air, you may be allergic to something outside causing the sore throat.

>> No.51259656

He died like 10 years ago you pol fag.
>2 more weeks
Lmao you morons blame everything on the vaxx. Lemme guess, 9/11 WAS TEH VAX!

>> No.51259676

>Broke a leg? Don't go to an orthopedic doctor, all he'll do is treat your condition!

>> No.51260816

get tested for sleep apnea. it can kill you.

>> No.51260835

sounds like someone has been using your throat while you sleep

>> No.51260849

Non-CPAPers can practice a wind instrument, it strengthens the airway muscles that collapse and causes the apnea.