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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51255112 No.51255112 [Reply] [Original]

I swear most of you /biz fags are all eggs in one basket. You got /smg fuckers all in on stocks. /pmg all in on gold and silver.. fuggin gold bugs. Then about 85% of threads are about some crypto mooning. You should honestly own crypto, precious metals, AND stock. All of the above. At least some of your shit is going to turn out to be a really fucktarded investment. And as for crypto you should never treat that as investment, anymore than you would treat any “currency”as an investment. Bitcoin moon(or should I say blast off to mars) will never fucking happen again.
My advice would be.. get mostly stocks. Stocks will always outperform PM’s and crypto.

>> No.51255191
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Not reading all that

>> No.51255198

i hate diversity

>> No.51255221

I scratch my butthole and sniff my fingers.
Can't fucking help myself with the sniffing.

>> No.51255266

Anon the global economy is in the early stages of complete meltdown and you're over here repeating boomer investment advice, probably aren't even a licenses financial advisor which means you could be liable for felony charges

If you rely on a boomer tier investment you'll never make it, that was true for the last decade and a half of gains how much more so now that the good times are over

>> No.51255300

this reddit thread literally made me have to post and close this god forsaken website
you're fucking retarded OP
what are you 18 and made your first 1000 bucks?

>> No.51255351


>> No.51255380

Get a load of this midwit lmao

>> No.51255414

My mistake last bullrun was too much diversification

>> No.51255440

>probably aren't even a licensed financial advisor which means you could be liable for felony charges
t. boomer

IAA does not apply unless the recipient pays for the advice. That said, OP is a fool, as are you

>> No.51255484

Haha, you're losing yar cash on the shit and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Yopi Network

> New digital evolution of online earning money
> 33%-49%-66% APY / 30-60-90 days lock
> Pay contactless globally with a single app

>> No.51255499

There is no reason to buy precious metals unless you’re rich. Aside from them being a terrible store of value the past 100 years, you don’t have enough wealth to even be worth storing during an apocalypse (assuming anyone will give a fuck about your shiny rocks).

>> No.51255508

"Diversified portfolios" are for rich-fags with at least $1mm networth. I'm all in on crypto atm (I've put in low 6 figs total) until I make it. I'll diversify afterwards. If I diversify now I'd likely just stay as goyim cattle my whole life.

>> No.51255687

Diversification = "I could be wrong"
I can't be wrong or I'll die, so don't worry.

>> No.51255705
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I diversify.

I invest in three shitcoins and pray instead of one.

>> No.51256155

> boomer investment advice, probably aren't even a licenses financial advisor which means you could be liable for felony charges


>> No.51256158

What basket do you put every last egg in nigga?

>> No.51256176

Ah another post apocalypse skizo whose played too much fallout. We’ve had economic meltdowns and world wars and didn’t go full apocalypse. Nations rise and fall. Money changes hands. And life always goes on.

>> No.51256205

I've always been a proponent of diversification. In my bag is Ever rise, Ride and Qanx. That has always been my strategy.

>> No.51256438

Fucking retard lmao

>> No.51257006

All cryptocurrency eh? That ain’t diverse enough to me. Need some affirmative action in your portfolio if ya wanna make it.

>> No.51257051

I'm getting really fed up with fucking amateur posting on this board

>> No.51257113
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I agree that diversification in assets can be good if you have a lot of wealth but diversification in crypto (which most people here do) is the most retarded thing ever. When i see someone with a 'portfolio' I instantly know they are retarded. all crypto is the same chart, it all pumps and dumps at the same time unless they have a decoupled scam coin which moons and goes to zero. I laugh my ass of when i see someone with ten grand invested in 20 scam cryptos whihc will never pump again (link) thinking hes diversified.

>> No.51258408
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Yeah. Metaverse and layer 1s are diverse enough. And adding quantum resistance to the picture, the the best bag

>> No.51258445

Precious metals are for literal schizos. Equities will always outperform in the long term.

>> No.51258517

I have a 401k and a Roth for stocks. Most of the rest of my post tax investment money goes to crypto.

>> No.51258883

Diversifying bit me in the ass. Any time a position doubled in value, I would sell half and diversify into another coin. Taxes were brutal and most of my bags lost 98% of value.

>> No.51259004

I post on smg and pmg, retard

>> No.51259337

This is absolutely not the way for most people here, let me paraphrase Warren Buffet for that: Before your networth reaches comfortable six figures, you should be investing aggresively for profit. Somewhat diversified of course, but rather like an index but not across the board.(e.g. 25% google, 25% faceberg, 25% amazon, 25% microsoft). Only when you have actual fuck-you money, is the time to broadly diversify for low, but stable yields.

Why? Well, stupid, what kind of capital gains are you going to have from making 5% annually off of $10.000? Damn nothing, therefore you have to aggresively invest and actively look for opportunities. Especially if you're only trading $100-$1000, you might as well put some of that money into some retaded shitcoin (assuming it is in season), because in the end, nobody cares about making some low ass revenue off of breadcrumbs, so you might as well be more risky. Losing 80% on a $1000 investment is a lesson for life, but nothing tragic, losing the same on a million, however is.

TL:DR, go risky when you can afford it, go safe, when it's actually worth it.

>> No.51259743
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>>51259337 What do you think of this volatility hedge?
>65% volatility futures, 25% index shorts, 10% devalued diversified long portfolio, (1 share of all the equities and index funds I wish to acquire more of and never sell.

My strategy is to own a lot of equity shares, I could care less about their value.

>> No.51259821
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>> No.51260628

Kek, seems you were just after quick gains. I diversify into assets I would hold for the long term like Dot, Matic, Sylo, Fil, and Hnt.

>> No.51260782

fuck off loser

>> No.51260814

>stocks will always outperform crypto
take your meds boomer

>> No.51260844


Lmao retard faggot. Haven't you realized everything goes up and down together now? Everything is leveraged.

>> No.51261337

don’t care. saged this blogpost

>> No.51261451


>> No.51261657

>oy vey goyim, diversify your wealth into an economy propped up by debt and brokered by gigantic multinationals that won't let you withdraw your federal reserve notes if it's (((bad for the economy)))
Thanks for the advice, anon, but I do diversify. I hold physical precious metals, crypto in a wallet that only I have custody of, a wide variety of tools and the skills to use them, a community of like-minded people I can rely on, firearms and ammunition, medical supplies, and a couple months worth of shelf-stable foods. I'm working on further diversifying into a house with property and eventually my own business.
I'm not going to participate in your finance capitalist funny money jewish charade though.

>> No.51261692

Crypto has made a lot of chads a fortune and there are so many ways to earn in the space. I just staked my ride on the maiar dex for based rewards and I'm LP mining on uniswap as well.

>> No.51261990


I did stocks like 6 months before crypto and didn't make fucking shit. I get lucky and make thousands occasionally with crypto now. Once I finally make it with crypto I'll invest in stocks with dividends. Until then fuck stocks.

>> No.51264064
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>Treasury bonds
Guess which countries?
Guess which ones?
Guess which ones?
Guess which ones?
Guess what kind?
>tangible physical survival items
Guess which ones?

>> No.51264083
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>My advice would be.. get mostly stocks.

>> No.51264524

Looks good. What is your yield for lp mining?, I get about 46% on Sylo chad. I'm also exploring other opportunities in crypto.

>> No.51264645

Too much or too little is bad, diversification works with balance. Currently investing in 1 or 2 privacy projects will be considered a solid move because privacy is a form of security needed in the cryptospace.

>> No.51264674

You can have a diversified crypto portfolio,I currently hodl

>> No.51264684

Prolly BTC, I am sure

>> No.51264718

No stocks, no ETH,no BTC and not even a privacy token amidst this current insecurity rampaging the wallets and cefi platform.

>> No.51264741

Anon is definitely new and learning.

>> No.51264756

You got it all wrong, retard.

>> No.51264791
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>> No.51265153

No lies,hiding transaction details is a solid way of achieving wallet security and protecting ones asset from hackers.

>> No.51265208

Railgun is one based privacy project offering zk tech to smart contract on Ethereum, my main attraction is the non-token gated feature and availability on several chains.

>> No.51265494

looking at my PF and seeing Eth, Matic, Sand, Vra, and Sylo shows I'm a diversified anarchist, goy.

>> No.51265936

everyone does that, or at least i do

>> No.51265945

He's right.

>> No.51266224

You mean I'm not diversified if I have BTC and 10 alt coins that more or less follow its price with 2x leverage? What sorcery is this?

>> No.51266374

You ruling all the relevant niches out i wonder what you would end up buying eventually.

>> No.51266455

Doing mine on the Alliance BLock DEX with ALBT and USDC since it offers zero IL.

>> No.51266500

licensed financial advisors repeat the worst boomer advice. Eg investing in bonds as a hedge against stocks.

The real play here is mostly do dividend stocks and long vol strats (eg VIXM). Use leverage (especially when selling naked puts) to maximize returns

>> No.51266555

This is similar to the Dragon Portfolio. Although he recommends 20% into long vol.

But if you are going the long vol route, only do long dated futures and options. Contango will be extremely expensive and will eat up all capital before you see a spike in volatility.

UVXY is down 99.9% in the past 5 years. VIXM is up in the same time frame.

UUP is also another ETF that currently correlates with the VIX. And you don't have to worry about contango on that front.

But yes, going long vol is necessary if you are using any sort of leverage

>> No.51266561

You must be experiencing massive drawdown now, wonder how long you intend to hodl since the global market looks shitty smarter to sit in stablecoins for now.

>> No.51266752

this is what i call a perfect mix PF Anon. I started taking Sylo serious after i saw what it web 3 protocol was all about. they've got lots of good stuffs going on.

>> No.51266768


Laughs in UST

>> No.51266795

Shut up dumbass. If you don't have a lot of money then diversification is a meme. That's yet another sage wisdom point from Wallstreet that is only applicable to whales.. 5 figs or lower? You're better off having a small number of well researched projects that have a lot of room to grow.

>> No.51266831

That's because 95% of people here have a net worth under $1 million (all assets such as real estate, crypto, stocks, precious metals, etc.). Don't really need to diversify until you have multiple millions that you're trying to protect and accept getting average to slightly above average percentage gains on.

>> No.51266839

I scratch my butthole, my balls, my armpits and sniff my fingers. My bodily scents are mildly intoxicating to me.

>> No.51266853

Void Cash achieves this

>> No.51266921
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Your advice only works if you have millions of dollar to invest. 99% of zoomers here are poor and only have 3 or 4 figures. If they were to put all their money in stocks they wont even hit 5 figures in 10 years. Crypto is literally the only way to make it for most people here.

>> No.51266978

Wake up retard, USDC,USDT and DAI are all trusted stablecoins, the beauty of it is Spool makes it easy to build your portfolio with them

>> No.51267001

Why are all the jeets so obsessed with privacy tokens

>> No.51267030

This + all the other similar comments are wrong. You can diversify and keep your risk levels high, it's the re-balancing and extra swing potential it gives you that matters.
For Example, I have
$10k total in 10 different cryptocurrencies
$5k in Gold/Silver
$60k in Single Stocks. Only $10k of them in "Tech" that would likely bull run same time as crypto. Have a $1000 in a few 10x potential, don't sleep on stocks especially right now.

$30k in ETFs, heavily favoring international funds because the USD is strong right now.

When crypto ran last time I shuffled that money into DXY, then I shuffled that money into a bunch of VT and CQQQ. If we ever see a huge drawback, i'll likely sell out of those 2 stocks, which will get hit less on a % basis and buy single stocks that are undervalued.

Macro Game

>> No.51268107

I think buying a ton of a very low risk stock with high dividend yields is probably best way to make it. Oil companies mainly.

>> No.51268255
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>I swear most of you /biz/ fags are all eggs in one basket.
>My advice would be.. get mostly stocks. Stocks will always outperform PM’s and crypto.
Yeah, speak for yourself, faggot

>> No.51269125

We know many fags that are eggs of one basket but i can't be one. I have coins in defi, layer1 and 2, p2e. I'm still waiting for GSTAR to be launched in the p2e sector since they already got partnership with Mighty Kingdom.

>> No.51269145

What 10 cryptos will you put all that into?
Some very good ones yet to launch are GSTAR, APTOS, SUI.

>> No.51269354

stocks? sure I hold stocks. I used to hold ETFs only but on covid crash I sold it all and bought some diversified stocks and sp500.
>5k in crypto and 10k in stocks
>crypto did a 500x while stocks did 4x
>crypto crash, leaving me a 100x while stocks did 5x

My portfolio is now 90% crypto and 10% stocks, from 33%:66%

>> No.51269880
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Alright benchod. Why diversify into shitcoins when you can just earn passive income by delegated staking on sylo or yield farming on beefy.

>> No.51269978

stop diversifying into shit. Get some solid projects, stake them and retire to a peaceful life

>> No.51270010
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I didn't read all the shit you wrote, the things is Alexa, can I call you Alexa? Anyway Alexa, "diversified" is for people that either have a lot of money and really NEED to diversify or gamblers that want to feel good about themselves, I don't have the kind of money that one would have to have to "diversify" and I, like God, do not play with dice.

>> No.51270040

wake up retard, global finance is on the decline. Get some low cap and stake then retire to a peaceful life. I am staking some low cap like vra, ride, and kcs

>> No.51270219


>> No.51270254

> My advice would be.. get mostly stocks. Stocks will always outperform PM’s and crypto.
Crypto literally outperformed stocks even with the trillion dollar COVID cash infusions. BACK TO PLEBBIT r/stocks.

>> No.51270272

Cunt gold is going strong for about 4K years. Last 20 years a 400% return which is boomer but still great.
Silver is obviously a fake price since weed is more expensive per Troy ounce. NIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGERNIGGER

>> No.51270286

I’m buying necessities stocks only that are food and energy related. Is that smart or should I stay liquid and wait for a lower dip?

>> No.51270343

Gold never gave anyone a 400% return. It simple hedged against inflation. So instead of watching whatever extra USD you stashed in a savings account get watered down by inflation you kept that value stored in gold. It might look like profit on the books and all. But what does it matter if you buy an ounce of gold at 1700 USD today then sell it at 50000 in 2045 when the world is post apocalyptic and it costs 100 USD for a gallon of milk?
Silver on the other hand is undervalued. It’s set to become quite scarce with all the new tech it’s going to be consumed for. This will likely be profitable for a silver holder.

>> No.51270385
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Nigger tier sub 60 IQ take.

>> No.51270444

Diversification is the biggest meme in finance (depending on what your goals are)

>> No.51270456

I'd tend to agree with you except I'm completely sold on Link and am all in apart from some bitcoin. If it fails I'll go down with the ship. I'm confident it is happening and don't wish to fuck around with anything else with rubbish returns. Link is the one.

>> No.51270698

Diversification is a very good one no doubt but investing into shitcoins is what i dont find interesting at all when we have got so many solid tokens that are building in this dip and can assure you of 20-50x when thre bull arrives and tokens like RAIL, SCRT or SPOOL are just too perfect

>> No.51270757

It is always very good to be very confident in your holdings, i was also holding LINK from the beginning of Q1 and even got some of their airdrops but i had to sell when the space was getting too toxic and exploiting people so i had to ape into Railgun. they have been building privacy solutions in the space and its really makes sense desu

>> No.51270944

I have 100 ounces in silver
I bought a house so my stocks are lacking in diversity but right now I have an even split between REIT and Energy. Next on my list is defense companies

>> No.51271506

>own crypto
Smart man, investing in a speculative asset could never go wrong
>own PMs
Yeah cause taxes sure do love PMs, also there's better inflation hedges
>own stocks
Only smart thing you said and even then you couldn't Shill us some good stocks

>> No.51271689

Diversification is what the financial elite wants you to do. Instead of going all in on a single stock and having many other retards doing the same thing, you spread your money until it becomes nothing but white noise and can be easily front-run and counter-bet by anyone with enough capital.
Diversification only works if you have enough money to make the indexes move.

>> No.51271810


>You should honestly own crypto, precious metals, AND stock

Retarded advice.

>you should own gold broooo, it's gone up 0% since 10 years ago and doesn't catch up with inflation!!!
>you should buy stocks brooo, even though BTC and most other cryptos tend to go up and down with the S&P500!!!

You are just repeating a dumbass opinion without taking two seconds to question it. Diversification sucks balls if done the way you suggest. Might as well hold several cryptos, allocating % amounts inversely proportional to how risky each one is.

>> No.51273561

I'll do you one better
I invest in three shitcoins and pray to three different gods instead of one.

>> No.51274730
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Guns, gold, and ground. Everything else is just speculation and gambling until you get those three things.

>> No.51275291
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rate my watchlist

>> No.51275295

Based AND redpilled.

>> No.51275299


What's with the sudden $RAIL shilling though

>> No.51275306
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It's shit.

>> No.51275308

>defense companies
how do you know which ones to invest into there are too many

>> No.51275310

It's good!!!

>> No.51275522

Stopped at diversity. KYS
We r monke

>> No.51275728

>I feel like 99% of you don’t believe in a “diversified portfolio”
Cus its retarded.


You make an idea. You get in on the idea. And you ride the idea. If its bad, you get out of the trade.

Diversification is for FUCKING INBRED RETARDS.... Especially, if you are stupid enough to diversify in dogshit (crypto).

You pick the winner. It is that simple. Fucking retards.

>> No.51276976

checked and based. also look into projects building decentralized comms protocols.

>> No.51278878

ap el sucker berg

>> No.51278950

The person apple has crowned zuckerberg as her ceo!

>> No.51279060

Is this even legal interference?

>> No.51279118

>bobos grave-dancing
>twitter is shitting and pissing itself over nordstream
>everything thinks we're going lower
Yeah, might be time for some short covering before we head lower.

>> No.51279194



>> No.51280697

Diversifying is based bizfag. I do mine on Fil, Hnt, Sylo, Axie, Dot and Matic.

>> No.51280711

Total bs