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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51254617 No.51254617 [Reply] [Original]

>start my own business
>opening day was today
>not a single customer

>> No.51254625
File: 64 KB, 586x496, 1613926794599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to advertize the business.

>> No.51254628


What kinda of business is

>> No.51254638 [DELETED] 

small cafe/deli. Sell sandwiches and coffee, some snacks and knicknacks too.

>> No.51254655

Probably is in a big urban area and have u tried promoting it on tiktok bc some beaners try that to their parents business

>> No.51254656

This. Gotta learn how to market yourself and get people in the door. Promotions, events, etc.

>> No.51254660

lol its not vegan? not even with onions/bugs??

>> No.51254665

brother i can do your social media ads dm me

>> No.51254675

He has no money.

>> No.51254676
File: 39 KB, 640x628, 01F2751E-87E4-44A7-AFDF-78EDA4E31749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dm me

>> No.51254688

I have vegan options, but it's not all vegan

>> No.51254721

Is it in a good location with similar stores where new customers come by

>> No.51254727

Take my order...
Give me the today's specials fren

>> No.51254730

Where’s your deli at?

>> No.51254733
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It's like my teenage birthday party dreams but in adult life. Horrific.
Did you do any advertising? Maybe this can be a soft launch and you'll do a "grand opening" once people know you?

>> No.51254735

may allah let you franchise this business into a profitable venture

>> No.51254738

You should have hired a DJ to play your ribbon cutting event anon, I hear Tiesto draws big crowds

>> No.51254761

People buy stuff based on feelings, you have to make a TikTok like >>51254655 suggested. Hire a hot woman actor to do the TikTok for you pretending to be the business owner and being excited starting it only to be upset nobody showed. You’ll literally have thousands of customers the next day virtue signalling and simping. You have to play the game of the globohomo if you want to win.

>> No.51254768

>Gets caught faking it
>Business rep ruined forever
Don't take advice from zoomers.

>> No.51254771

Do online marketing + tie up with delivery partners like Uber eats / whatever is famous there and increase the customer base.

>> No.51254775

Hire sloots to give away free handies to the first 100 customers

>> No.51254780

Ok he could pretend to be a tranny then. Point is you have to target the feelings of the propagandized globohomo normie masses. They’ll all show up in support for their gay virtue signalling

>> No.51254784 [DELETED] 

Let some of your friends eat for free for the first couple weeks, normalfag niggercattle won't touch a store that doesn't already have people in it. Once you get customers it should get the ball rolling a bit

>> No.51254793

Normal people are as sick of trannies and globohomo as everyone else

>> No.51254795

Also, make about 20 fake reviews with 4/5 stars and more than one sentence, don't forget to change the prose a bit. Also put in a one star that's incomprehensible with a nigger as the avatar

>> No.51254798
File: 30 KB, 474x474, 10X It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first off. don't mention name and location in here /biz/fags don't tip

now what you gotta do, son is advertise the fuck out of your place with flyers offering coupons and post ads on facebook. go to junior colleges and walmart and put flyers on people's car windows. buy mailing lists and mail a fuckton of flyers to hundreds of addresses then your business should be kicking before you know it

>> No.51254803 [DELETED] 

>let some of your friend eat for free
terrible advice
dont listen to this

>> No.51254810 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter how nigger, the point is you need a couple customers so when Stacy walks by, looks in the window, she doesn't see anon by himself waiting for her to walk through the door or assume you're closed

>> No.51254813

This add globalhomo friendly signs
This might work, if these normies are convinced of your products quality they will come back again. Later on start branding your outlet. Have a unique style of lighting, packaging etc and that's should resonate with your branding ideology

>> No.51254838
File: 578 KB, 750x1334, 3D5F1428-B1A4-494D-BB15-714CCFBFB4FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort to hear that fren

I want to start a juice business utilizing these badbois - angel juicers. People often juice with the shittiest equipment like blenders which absolute devastate the nutrient profile of the drink. And commercial juicers are no different. These angel juicers are bad fucking ass this one alone is $2100 - they also offer commercial ones that can juice 300lbs of carrots in an hour. And they produce the driest waste/pulp on the market (which is good as it gives max extraction of nutrients).

>> No.51254845

The only platform I'm using now is Yopi Network. because:

>90 days lock for 66% APY
Play & Earn RPG Games
There are many tools to earn cash within the yopi.network
Few big partnerships coming up

>> No.51254852

thats fucking dumb as shit and definitely some boomer tier floverstate type of advice

>> No.51254859

you need to do hobovertising

>> No.51254901
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>Opening a business during a recession

>> No.51254922

not in the first half of a recession but in the latter stages? fuck yes

>> No.51254999


>> No.51255028

Mailers only work for nonprofits because they're subsidized.

>> No.51255177

Hire hot women.

>> No.51255241
File: 70 KB, 960x640, Muh jet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was that? subsidize? i don't understand your language, son. does OP wanna 10X his business or not? well if he does, it takes money. and a lot of it to make even more money. scared money don't make money, brah

>> No.51255375

you can only go up from here

>> No.51255389
File: 21 KB, 473x648, 407092B0-7AC5-4F03-B2A3-BA6889754C4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start my own lemonade stand
>opening day was today
>not a single customer

>> No.51255428

strip club

>> No.51255467

Started my OnlyFans today. Only made $740...
t. Girl

>> No.51255849

Wow that's basically femcel tier

>> No.51257746

that pic....jesus christ just imagine being that "man" if you can call it that

>> No.51257756

>he fell for the fast food meme

>> No.51257818

What kind of business anon? Apparently the other post got scrubbed.

I manage tons of local businesses on google and can give you free advice.

>> No.51257899


>> No.51257917

Straight up.

>> No.51258632

Get yourself some good fake google reviews

>> No.51259326

Highlight what you offer. Do you do something which the market needs but no one is fulfilling?

>> No.51259352

They'll need to keep track of taxes, too. Does lingerie and adult toys count as deductibles? Breast modifications were counted as business expenses in one court case.

>> No.51259374

>which is good as it gives max extraction of nutrients
whats wrong with a blender? how many nutrients am I really losing from using a blender?

>> No.51259502

oy, you got a cottage food license for that lemonade stand mate?

>> No.51259529

You have to stand outside and greet everyone as they pass. Say "Hi! Grand opening today! Come on in and see what we've got :D" Do that 1000 times.

>> No.51259677

whats the link haha

>> No.51259771

ok no harm no foul. If nobody noticed this means you can do another opening again. Anybody coming in from tomorrow you tell them you are in stealth mode (vc techies love that shit) and your grand opening is next week xyz and give them a flyer to hand in for a surprise. There you go anon good luck

>> No.51261812

I hope someone burns it to the ground

>> No.51261852

Why are people replying to that boring larp?

>> No.51262271


>> No.51262295

hope it works out for you

>> No.51262569
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1648861871468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.51262766

Thats why I don't do it. Fuck it.
At least you tried it.

>> No.51262800

That's marketing for ya

>> No.51263451

Starting a small business is all about networking and forming connections. If you don't have social media, start with making a instagram and facebook page. Then post in local facebook groups advertising your work.

Also, go to places where people would purchase your work, ask who supplies them and offer a highly reduced rate to get your foot in the door there and undercut your competition or offer something better. Lots of clients just stick with businesses for decades and pay exorbitant rates because it's easier and no one is taking initiative to search out competition, it's just a "business expense".

Finally, think about something you can do for an official launch celebration, whether that be a get-together, contest, raise money for charity, etc to draw interest.

>> No.51263584


>> No.51265073
File: 146 KB, 689x473, 1658792699435770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link us to your business, fren. We will buy something to help you.

>> No.51265203

That sucks anon. If you keep up things might get better. I don't bother with such though when I can just earn passive income on crypto. LP mining on uniswap and delegated staking on sylo have come in handy in these hard times.

>> No.51265228

Poojeet in the loo get a fucking job already

>> No.51265300

10x of 0 is 0

>> No.51265384

I actually laughed out loud, fuck this thread was surprisingly funny

>> No.51265521
File: 162 KB, 976x850, A0827D13-6B7F-43E8-A507-5B690F961A91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never began

>> No.51265559
File: 186 KB, 2089x2097, 718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy liquor store in the ghetto
>$6k first night

>> No.51265564


>> No.51265572

>robbed on 2nd day
>junkie ODs in the store on the 3rd

>> No.51265585

Lmfao. Checked.

>> No.51265591

Those can be written off

>> No.51265627

Always got to be the pessimistic envyfags here

>> No.51265677

I'm the only one who avoids places that are advertised. yeah sure if there's a promotion and I look it up I'll go for the price but not because is trending or somehow appeared in my face.

>> No.51265878


>> No.51267426
File: 48 KB, 1024x962, sad apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry fren

>> No.51267447

Aww. I would’ve bought some, anon.

>> No.51267451

Typical antifa

>> No.51267473

your biggest problem right now is definitely marketing, but ill give you some advice too. most of your money is going to come from a very select group of products. Vegan ones are not it. If its some bullshit like beyond meat, drop it immediately no one is going to buy that. Good luck anon, the first sale is the hardest

>> No.51267800

The only thing I can thing of is if you blend and then strain it. If you leave it all in for a smoothie you would get more nutrition than his commercial juicer.

>> No.51267825

Should've put up some balloons. Nobody can resist the allure of balloons.

>> No.51268375

You need to get on google, doordash, uber eats, apple maps, etc.

Anon I want to invest. Drop an email and we can talk

>> No.51270157

Yeah he probably didn't even left his door open
>You need to get on google, doordash, uber eats, apple maps, etc.
and do this
It's all you need

>> No.51270760

you should close your business, get that money dump it in zil, ankr, ride, swash. That should be more profitable for you

>> No.51270768

Lol, get rekt

>> No.51270985


>> No.51271022

Sauce plox

>> No.51271026

bro it's me OP, I'm dm'ing (you) right here. What exactly would you be doing, and how do I measure if it's working and worth paying you?

>> No.51271058

>left over
probably super cheap? in my Country they'll try IVF 3 (or 5?) times max, and if it doesn't stick by then it's over for you. Maybe these people were on their xth try and figured well, let's try some Superior black bull seed