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51249635 No.51249635 [Reply] [Original]

I've got $1,000 USD and a Computer Science degree. What is everything I need to know to get into crypto outside of just buying things on the Coinbase app?

>> No.51249693

bump (please help /biz/ is the only place I can trust)

>> No.51249713

learn cryptography and blockchain

>> No.51249849

Sorry, but my suggestion involves coinbase, but if you want to utilize another exchange, please do.
Create an account on cb. Load the $1000 dollars onto your account. Dca $100 each into Bitcoin and ethereum for the next 5 weeks.

Remove the btc/eth off of the exchange into a wallet that has keys. Perform this action weekly or monthly. Examples of wallets: paper, exodus, ledger, etc.

Repeat this action (as much as you can) until you reach a personal goal (could be 50000 of eth & btc). What you do after this is up to you.

>> No.51249878
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How do I get involved in buying coins like this?

>> No.51249918

find the exchanges it's listed on and go there and sign up and buy it. or connect your metamask to a site like uniswap and buy/sell without a signup site. there' alot of options to the point its almost annoying to pick thru but give yourself time and dont rush to profits and you'll do aight.

a bunch of people will be along shortly to shill their shitcoins to you and claim its the best cuz *insert shit reason here*.

>> No.51249941

One easy path is to utilize coingecko. Google: ergo + coingecko

If the coin is listed on cg, you can scroll to the bottom of the page, to see what exchanges it is on. Then go to that exchange.

>> No.51249998

Can someone explain to me metamask and exchanges and that sort of thing?
As in how do I go from USD -> Exchange -> Metamask Wallet?

>> No.51250115

hey op

just ignore everyone here, if you actually want to make it, buy LUNC.

>> No.51250259

Here you go:

You buy cryptos on exchanges. In my example you bought $100 of eth on coinbase. Now you need/want to get the eth the fuck off the exchange to a wallet that you control (MetaMask). You do this by creating a MetaMask wallet.

To move this eth to your MetaMask wallet involves you knowing (essentially copying & pasting) the eth address from your MetaMask wallet and copying it into Coinbase. After you move it and paying appx $3 in eth gas fees, the eth shows up in your MetaMask wallet.

Now If you wanted to stake or trade that eth for something else on another website (uniswap, bancor, etc.) you would need to “connect” the MetaMask wallet to that website. Then you could stake or trade that eth.


>> No.51250280

>Now you need/want to get the eth the fuck off the exchange to a wallet that you control (MetaMask).
What makes MetaMask preferable to Coinbase? In addition, when I would be in the position to use something like Coinbase Pro.

>> No.51250316

Because if Coinbase goes bankrupt or gets hacked, you probably lose your crypto. It's just taking responsibility of your money instead of letting a exchange(bank) hold your money.

>> No.51250328

This makes me want to invest in a cold wallet.

>> No.51250368

You should.
$1,000 isn't much money though. You should still have one if you're gonna keep buying

>> No.51250370

Also, any Crypto software suggestions outside of MetaMask?

>> No.51250381


>> No.51250390

just get a fucking job you faggot you have the current S tier degree
worry about investing when you have any amount of money whatsoever

>> No.51250393

Do you know about dapps / defi?

>> No.51250395

do you really have a C:S degree? you ask questions plebs ask

>> No.51250402

I like MetaMask and Exodus (Nebraska company).

>> No.51250419

>you have the current S tier degree

Boomer-tier thinking these days

>> No.51250442
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I currently make >100k USD in a consulting gig. This is just my "play money". My actual income is automatically transferred to 401k/Roth IRA/HSA/Brokerage 70/30 index bond split so I don't have think about it or spend it on stupid frivolous shit.

>Do you know about dapps / defi?
I'm not familiar.

>do you really have a C:S degree? you ask questions plebs ask
>>you have the current S tier degree
>Boomer-tier thinking these days
see above

I appreciate everyone's help!

>> No.51250452

it's one of the only degrees still worth doing
if you only have $1000 get a fucking job idiot

>> No.51250462

>>>you have the current S tier degree
>>Boomer-tier thinking these days
>see above
obviously so because evidently you have 0 financial sense or ability to google

>> No.51250479

Google searches return articles written by bots, salesman, or worse. Getting advice from a purely anonymous image board is risky but still the most undiluted way to retrieve information.

>> No.51250497

Based actual advice giver

>> No.51250500

My final question relates to what does /biz/ recommend I use to track crypto on both my desktop and phone.
The idea here is how I get into "day trading" crypto because it seems kind of fun. Financially I'm fine (for the moment at least the LORD could have other plans).

>> No.51250560

I learned a lot from /biz/ regarding investing and crypto. It actually paid for a kitchen remodel a year ago.

However, you need to be very careful while in here..especially involving your $. Know this. Many on here are shilling their shit with the hopes of unloading their shit onto you. Others don’t even have a dime in the game, and their true joy is spreading disinformation and confusion and making you fuck up. Weird, weird individuals.

>> No.51250592

One easy way is to find the token you want to track on your coinbase app. Then click on the star in upper rh corner. Now that coin is added to your home page.

>> No.51250614

I enjoy mining. It's fun for me. Maybe you want to try that as well.

>> No.51250625

I've got a Gaming PC with an RX 6800 XT. Can I mine with that?

>> No.51250631

Delta investment tracker app

>> No.51250633

most of the posts here these days are just gpt generated text

>> No.51250660

You need to learn what problems blockchains solved and what problems a blockchain has.
Also which cryptos are working to solve those problems

>> No.51250668

I don’t know shit about mining, but came across this:

Garbage or worth my money?

>> No.51250749


No need for using those. It's better to run your own node.

You can try to mine XMR using it's official app vía p2pool so you get to earn consistently.

Right now I'm exclusively mining DERO running my own node and with several PC s and old cellphones. Somehow I feel like is more profitable.

>> No.51250754
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Coinbase has been around since 2012 and survived several crypto winters. Wouldn't worry about them ever going bankrupt lol. Everyone in /biz/ seems to prefer binance but they've only been around since 2017 and they constantly FUD coinbase because it's run by jews but with these jews you can't lose. Plus binance has horrible customer service and can freeze your funds for months with zero explanation

>> No.51250796

if you need to ask you are ngmi
all the information you need is a few searches away, ignore everything eldse

>> No.51250799

How in the hell do mine dero with a cell phone????

>> No.51250835

Never mind. Found it:

Wish it was available on apple.

>> No.51250837

There's an app called termux that functions as Linux. You wget the files from GitHub and one of those is the miner. You have to create a wallet first and run a node (you can do that in another PC) then using the commands on the miner you specify your wallet address and node ip and you are all set.

You can check the official page and join their discord, the devs are very friendly and helpful

>> No.51250864

In theory you can. You just have to manage to install a Linux app like termux. I heard it's possible with non app store apps. But I haven't tried.

>> No.51250867

you are going to make it

>> No.51250877


Spend all 1k on LUNC and get about 3 million tokens. When we hit $1 eoy you're rich af.

>> No.51250907

We need more like you anon. Thanks for helping the newfrens out

>> No.51250923

Awesome. Thank you.

>> No.51250949

I'm back. I'm discovering there are coins not on Coinbase? What other exchange should I go to that is reputable? I'm thinking that a lot of the coins that are purchasable through Coinbase have to be there since they already exploded.
Also, how do I deal with gas fees if I want to stake a few coins?

>> No.51250954

Just giving back what I got here over the years…more wealth and some of the most entertaining/funny things I have ever read.

>> No.51250994

Uniswap, Bittrex, XUMM, exodus (you can trade on that shit), coinbase wallet (you can trade on that shit, too), Mexc, KuCoin.

>> No.51250997

Install Metamask, get some testnet Eth, deploy some existing smart contracts using Remix, put together basic website to interface with them. Next do enough research that you can customize those contracts.

Make some shit you can use as portfolio pieces to get gigs, or hook up with promoters, graphic designers and influencers to launch your own shitcoins (1k should be enough for one basic product launch). If you have the skills the world's your oyster anon.

>> No.51251017

Launching my own coin? This sounds fascinating, is there more literature on this?
I use to hook up with a graphic designer back in college, maybe she wants to do the art for my coin if I give her a stake in it.

>> No.51251034

Gas fees: they are fucking nothing what they were 6 months to a year ago (100-200 per transaction !!!). Gas fees suck, but are necessary for system to function/thrive.

>> No.51251078

>has computer science degree
>can’t figure out simple operations with simple UIs using Google.

If you can’t figure this out on your own, you’re useless and lower 50% IQ. What type of brown nigger are you and what university gave you your affirmative action certificate?

>> No.51251089

I'm from Agrabah. I went to the University of American Samoa on scholarship.

>> No.51251092

I recommend the official Solidity documentation: https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.16/

>> No.51251112

You know until you know, Anon. Even doctors won’t know shit until they start dealing with their patients’ ailments/disorders.

>> No.51251120

*can’t• know

>> No.51251121

For what purpose are people consulting you? And why are they paying you $100k if you’re unable to figure out the simplest of things on your own? Don’t you worry about how incapable you are?

>> No.51251141
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You misunderstand friend. Time is money. Why figure these things out for myself when I have /biz/ do it for me while I use my time elsewhere? I can respond quickly with a glance at my smartphone. Mental energy is a finite resource!

>> No.51251166

Yea and a doctor is going to figure it out based on his ability to learn independently. Not ask to be spoonfed the most basic of information due to research illiteracy.

If OP can’t figure out how to buy crypto on his own, he has no business participating in the market.

>> No.51251188

Ok, good luck nigger

>> No.51251198

Holy fuck OP confirmed biggest retard on /biz/. You're supposed to lurk for 2 years you literal nigger.

>> No.51251253

proof that compscicels are retards

>> No.51251359
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If you have a computer science degree and are not a dropout, you should know how to code in at least NodeJS, which I do.
Since Qanplatform uses QVM, developers can code smart contracts in any programming language.
Demonstrate your abilities.

>> No.51251448
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>Learn the need for privacy, and its implication on security.
Understand that every single transaction you make when you interact with smart contracts are recorded on the blockchain ledger

>> No.51251470

dude don't be an idiot just grind out 10 applications to shitty web dev jobs and you'll be making 50k/yr

>> No.51251535

I'd rather invest in a private/anonymous wallet such as Railway Wallet. IMO, keeping a private balance reduces the chances of being scammed and hacked.

>> No.51251655

Becoming a dev seems to be the best option recently, maybe the QVM mention will drive more adoption and Innovation to the crypto space since EVM is based on Solidity only and is hard as fuck to comprehend

>> No.51252072

Check out ORE ID system. One of the first things you probably need to do is assume full control over your assets, rights and identities across on-chain applications.

>> No.51252089
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Fuck an Asian bitch

>> No.51252112
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For example, Open Right Exchange solving the problem of the complexity peculiar to multiple cross chain identities, giving users the option to manage their assets through a single and secure account.

>> No.51252146

Then you're fucked.

>> No.51252200
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What does "day trading" look like in the crypto world. I'm just trying to have some fun and distract myself from the existential weight of it all.

>> No.51252232

Quite important. Saves you a lot of trouble and indirectly secures your assets to an appreciable extent

>> No.51252695
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Look into quantum-resistant layer 1 blockchains, those are the opportunity the future holds

>> No.51253057

Spend more and buy 1 ETH during the next dip