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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 522x204, omisego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5124830 No.5124830 [Reply] [Original]

This will go up 3000% in 2018 but you decided you love being poor.

>> No.5124948

Unironically this. But let /biz/ shill literal shitcoins and decide to stay poor.

>> No.5124976

probably, $300? eoy

really think it will pull an eth?

>> No.5124983

Thanks for the sell signal

>> No.5125013

Omisego is a white mans coin. Pajeets get the fuck out, stop shilling

>> No.5125041

they don't even have anything.

when a product is released it might actually go down.

req will eat omg. Sell now if you want some profit.

>> No.5125045

This will gain 3000% in partnerships but Jun still has to write his first line of code

>> No.5125078



jesus christ you deserve to be poor

>> No.5125085

What does this shit do besides skateboard memes?

They dont even have a product

>> No.5125115


Why would he write code? he's not a programmer

>> No.5125129

they just bought mcdonalds in thailand

>> No.5125131

he doesnt know.

dude has a skate, a logo and some pics with a 23 virgin.

>> No.5125136


95% of crypto doesn't have a product you cuck

>> No.5125160

i also opened a mcdonalds a few years ago.

to sell burgers.

this fucker will deliver burgers on a skate eating uber-eats market.

>> No.5125163

Im sorry but REQ will actually demolish OMG.

>> No.5125184

you're gonna carry those bags

>> No.5125194


>> No.5125280

>*places a microsoft sticker on his skateboard*
>*does a front flip*
>*tweets a login screen*
>*performs an ollie in a skateboard park in singapore*
>*takes a selfie at facebook hq*

>> No.5125466

Thinking of going all in on wabi, omg, and tron. Is this a good move?

>> No.5125687

Sold these shitty bags today finally.
Not going to ever return to this skateboard hyped vaporware.
Fuck them.

>> No.5125738
File: 4 KB, 227x250, brainbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not vaporware
pick one

>> No.5125771

omg baggies are the even more smug than linkies. they don't even shill, they just say, 'hurr durr this is going' like it's some sort of known fact. the only fact is, they've lost 500% over the past 2 months.

>> No.5125775
File: 7 KB, 643x283, 55c23381e81e855c189e5c4595159b0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at $5...Still feel like im losing on this coin.

>> No.5125871

Yea same

>> No.5125877

>Dev team actually getting shit done, meeting roadmap goals, not tweeting nonsense and only what they're working on and what they've accomplished.
>first version of product on the testnet releasing next week

go shit somewhere else rakesh

>> No.5125909

im in the black on omg

>> No.5125920

You're up almost 200% and you feel like you're losing.

>> No.5126064

btc is up 500% since then, hell yes i'm loosing

>> No.5126182
File: 146 KB, 671x519, 1503671687065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bought in at 8 cents
>made a 187 X Gain
>already ordered my custom lambo
>bought a condo downtown seattle
>I can actually afford my parents presents

>hurr stil fweel leik im lewsing guise

>> No.5126211


So you're upset you didn't bet on one coin.

Why don't you feel bad you didn't invest in other coins that went up as well? Like REQ or LTC?

You're making a gamble on any crypto to you invest in. Have solace in knowing that OmiseGo will be huge in 2018.

>> No.5126241


Being in the black means you're up, senpai.

>> No.5126394

50/50 REQ OMG

A wise anons portfolio

>> No.5126520

When OMG gets listed on coinbase we will spike to $25 easily.