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5124601 No.5124601 [Reply] [Original]

How are those shitcoins doing

>> No.5124640

>Litecoin up 8000% this year
Pretty good

>> No.5124644
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>> No.5124688


Really good actually, you fucking faggot

Bitcoin Maximalists are as bad as Libertarian Physical-shillers

you know it's impractical, you know your little mythos behind it will implode eventually, and you just can't get over baby's first gains

this is why i will catch up to you BTC fags

>> No.5124691

aaaaaaaand BTC is tanking.

get fucked

>> No.5124723

Pretty sure everyone agrees that BTC is pretty much an outdated shitcoin. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.5124747

I mean, I've double my money in the past 5 days with only 1% in BTC and the rest in different shit coins. Safe to say I'm doing pretty well.

>> No.5124752
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Fuck nice. How many you got?

Bought $2k ltc at 310
Cant wait to see it moon when btc is done

>> No.5124778
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your alts soon to be history

>> No.5124779

Only 10. bought at $30

>> No.5124780

>PayPie is up over 100%
good but could be better i guess

>> No.5124783

>managing to lose money with crypto

KEK, I’ll buy LTC right now and make more money than you

>> No.5124791

Im up 100% this week meh baby gains are ok i suppose

>> No.5124808

KEK! but but but you can't time markets anon!!!

>> No.5124828

yeah dude, my ripple dropped like full two cents today. I'm getting destroyed here

>> No.5124848

i got berated last night for telling /biz that i'm exiting alts for a few weeks. they called me a pussy and brainlet and nigger and said i hate money. apologize please.

>> No.5124906

you realize bitcoin can be upgraded, right?

>> No.5124915

Holding Waves so more like history in the making.

See you at$100 waves

>> No.5124925


>> No.5124953

this post didnt age well (9 minutes)

>> No.5124959


I'm fully aware, however the community who's greed and unwillingness to adapt to change kind of prevents any meaningful upgrade, so we'll be stuck with an infinite number of forks.

>> No.5124981

>He measures in fiat

>> No.5124999
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Are bitcoiners the new robinhooders?
>ignore how LTC and ETH have 4x more gains in the year than BTC pls

>> No.5125015


It's so easy to spot the fags who only learned about crypto in 2017. So funny watching complete brainlet newfags shit on BTC

>> No.5125048

>So funny watching complete brainlet newfags shit on BTC

I mean BTC is hot garbage, doesn't mean I'm not gonna ride it for easy money

>> No.5125056

i'll take 5% a day over your up 20% and down 30% roller coaster ride and massive stress.

>> No.5125059



>> No.5125075

I love that fact that you maximalists are so retarded you won't even sell when your world comes crashing down. you're going to willingly hold your bags to the grave and I'm going to love every second of it.

>> No.5125112


>says the shitcoiner whose watched his worthless bags fall like 50% or more against BTC in the last 6 months

I mean i guess I'd hate BTC too if it raped my gains all year

>> No.5125122


How is BTC not total shit? Almost every alt currency in existence is functionally better than it

>> No.5125138

kek kys

>> No.5125139

>Massive stress
Ah yes, the massive stress of doubling your money way more often than BTC. I see how that can be stressful to most, its just too much to handle.

>> No.5125142

Newfags literally don't know about ltc/btc ping pong

>> No.5125162

no alts ever come close to having their network stressed like btc

>> No.5125203
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>> No.5125239

get a fucking clue dude. if you held alts over bitcoin over the past year, you are not up, you're down. quit the fucking con job.

>> No.5125240


Why do you think people give a shit about muh tech? Bitcoin is the original, everything else is just riding its coat tails. Standing on the shoulders of a giant and calling yourself tall does not make it so, faggot

>> No.5125278
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Jokes on you
I bought 2k at 250 and another 2k at 310

>> No.5125296

>Bitcoin is the original, everything else is just riding its coat tails.

Guess we should all keep using Netscape and Myspace then

>> No.5125311

>core doing their job

>> No.5125323
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>tfw you have never transferred bitcoin away from coinbase

>> No.5125363


Good thing nothing even close to better has come out to challenge BTC then. Despite more than 1200 shitcoins clogging up the aggregate market cap BTC is still by far the most dominant. But of course the market is wrong and you're right, eh?

>> No.5125380

Every normie in the US got payed yesterday plus some already got they're yearly Bonus check. They're dumping all of it on BTC

>> No.5125443


>tfw I've been using bitcoin since 2013 and you just heard about crypto this year

>> No.5125461

>Buy btc
>Buy alts
>Sell alts for btc
>Sell btc for fiat

Wow faggots
In the end we all cash out from btc/eth

Kys. Were in a position where technology doesnt matter because no one cares. You are not the one whos driving the market but its the masses trying to be the first to dump bags on someone else.
Thats why bitcoin went so far up. With reason. Because it was shilled everywhere and it was shilled because you can make fiat with it, not for any fucking use.
And thats why btc/eth and ltc will go up unless they are literally delisted/replaced from coinbase or banned for whatever reason.

>> No.5125473

Literally me today

>> No.5125520

I bought 90000 xvg at 152 sats last night, and just sold at 450 sats. I turned 2k usd into 6k overnight.

But how were those 5% bitcoin gains this week?

>> No.5125568

tell me all the other times you lost

>> No.5125580

Can't wait for alts to hit the floor when daddy BTC comes in and reminds them who the boss is at 20k. Sold all my alts in preparation and am anxiously waiting for all the pink wojaks to hit the board.
Bonus points for those who claim their alt portfolio is holding up... in USD.

>> No.5125602

so, what to do tomorrow?

>> No.5125622

What price do you think whales are going to dump this on? Last time it got this high it went down a few thousand instantly.

>> No.5125639

mfw when the altcoin market literally relies up moons just to survive when they would be comfy with a steady 30% gain every month from bitcoin.

>> No.5125657
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You tell me OP :)

>> No.5125662
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>i will catch up to you BTC fags
lol, give it your best, you salty cunt.

>> No.5125691

Not sure but soon after the new year it will crash hard when everyone and their grandmother has put they're Christmas money into it

>> No.5125814


>> No.5125824

Honestly man, I've been in this for 3-4 months, and the only time I've lost was with TNT. Bought at 13 cents back when, and sold at 7 a few weeks ago. I was still playing with kiddie money at the start, so I lost a grand total of 60 dollars.

>> No.5125876


>4 month old crypto virgin
>thinks his opinion on the market is worth even 1 satoshi

Fucking kek dude, these are the people shit talking BTC. It's pretty sad

>> No.5126002

SALT is doing pretty damn good:

>> No.5126126

yet he's doing better than you. :^)

>> No.5126282


BTC only makes sense if you already have a lot of money. Some shitcoin can moon from 0.1 to 10 USD and make you millionaire overnight, while bitcoin is the new stock for boomers.

>> No.5126315

>Some shitcoin can moon from 0.1 to 10 USD and make you millionaire overnight,
lol, no it can't. there's this thing called volume and liquidity. look it up, newbie.

>> No.5126318

Some shitcoin can moon from 0.1 to 10 USD and make you millionaire overnight

>Penny stock brainlet logic

>> No.5126352
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>Penny stock

>> No.5126694


>measuring shitcoins in usd

Never gonna make it

>> No.5126706


>tfw BTC is my worst performing coin

>> No.5126751

Up $5000 in a week.

Pretty good anon.

>> No.5126800

Yaaaay fellow waves holder.

>> No.5126859
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Litecoin hasn't been a shitcoin for a long time. The big marketcap coins aren't shitcoins, excepting Ripple of course.

>> No.5126925

a lot of alts seem to be at least maintaining their sats value...why is that? not that long ago, whenever BTC farted, alts would instantly drop like 30%.

>> No.5126969
