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51237920 No.51237920 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I move to network and make friends/gf? I'm in software.

>> No.51237942

>I'm in software.
Then you're not going to make friends or get a girlfriend.

>> No.51237963

anon im originally from SF bay area and moved to dallas
im moving back to SF
dont take the texas/no state taxes pill lol the savings aren't worth the lack of connections/intel/entertainment/etc.

sf or ny are the best places to be in for software, leaning towards sf for early career. ny when you have more money/make it.

>> No.51237968

what about austin

>> No.51237987

Leave the US you’re in software you can work remotely.

>> No.51237993

It's better than SF, SF is a dying place, Florida is great too.

>> No.51237996

not a libfag but figures libfags would be dumb enough to fall for the muh texas meme lol what a shithole

>> No.51238015

austin is cool, but it's too hip. very similar to portland.
sf is better, it is not dying lol. rent has gone down a bit, but it's still the place to be for tech. the most desirable places to live are the most expensive lol. don't get it twisted

>> No.51238027

i moved here for work
every big city is liberal, idiot
doesn't make you a libfag if you live in one lmao

>> No.51238063
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Anyone live in like Tennesse, WV, Kentucy, etc?

I am just about to graduate with a machine learning degree, and can really go anywhere. I'm getting tired of living in California. I just want someplace green with less people (and paler demographics). I get along great with rednecks, and im not really looking for friends/gf like anon. I just want to buy a few dozen acres, with a ponds and/or stream, where I can be left alone and be weird by myself

I love michigan, but couldnt handle the snow. Real south would be nice, like Lousiana, Georgia, etc, but the demographics can be rather skewed

>> No.51238071

bump. i can't leave the US due to compliance reasons but make six figs. what's a good city to move to just to meet people.

>> No.51238127

Avoid eastern ky and wv. Not sure about Tennessee. It’s not rednecks. It’s white trash. They’re literally white niggers. You think they’re better because of their skin, but they are the exact thing you’re trying to avoid.

>> No.51238138

austin is based. no vax mandates (never were), economy is booming, cheap compared to the liberal shithole cities like seattle, LA, etc. everyone is friendly too and there is actually a diversity in thinking here, in that there are progressive people and conservative people, and nobody gives a shit

>t. lived in seattle for 8 years and moved to austin last july.

>> No.51238169

Hey anons, recently got a great job offer in the Melbourne FL area. Is it a complete sausage fest there? I'm from Tampa originally, so I doubt it's as good for dating, but I'd like to get into a serious relationship and settle down in the next few years. My main concerns stem from it being heavily reliant on engineering for its industry, which obviously skews male, but it's also close to Orlando, Daytona, and has beaches, so I'm not too sure what to think. If any east coast Florida chads can help a gulf coast bro out I'd appreciate it. The job offer is six figures and would give me about $60k total at signing with only requiring a one year commitment.

>> No.51238171 [DELETED] 

>I am just about to graduate with a machine learning degree, and can really go anywhere. I'm getting tired of living in California. I just want someplace green with less people (and paler demographics). I get along great with rednecks, and im not really looking for friends/gf like anon. I just want to buy a few dozen acres, with a ponds and/or stream, where I can be left alone and be weird by myself
Unironically move to the Netherlands

>> No.51238179
File: 1.77 MB, 1052x740, 185147B8-09D0-47AC-B918-AC7751777489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Francisco

>> No.51238210

This. /thread

>> No.51238237

Nashville is probably your best bet, especially if you can work remotely
Atlanta is probably too black for you
the rest of the cities that aren’t obvious are mid quality of life at best and high crime, but you’ll be able to afford a house at least

>> No.51238259

I keep hearing about white trash, which I thought I get along with. I always thought I grew up white trash, ie going to the swap meet and yard sales on weekends. But I have a feeling my idea of white trash (the ones I encounter in california) is quite different than the white trash in the east (though I did frequenly visit family back in the hollers of kentucy, and loved it).

It's probably the same/inverse of the basketball amerians around here in cities versus the black folk in the south

>> No.51238281

I could work remotely, but I would prefer not to, I kind of like going into an office

>> No.51238303

New Mexico get yourself a Hispanic GF

>> No.51240903

>and moved to dallas
you're supposed to move to austin retard. Dallas is nothing but mexicans, old money, and boring asians

>> No.51241033
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i used to live in melbourne for several years. it's full of autistic engineers, yes, but that should work in your favor if you aren't completely socially awkward. there are plenty of women in the area and i never had a problem finding a gf.

judging by the signing bonus, i'm assuming this offer is from raytheon or one of the other defense contractors that have been bleeding employees. there's a reason the signing bonus is so high. i would GTFO once you get the signing bonus, you can make way more with way better conditions at any other private sector company.

>> No.51241307

>my entire state isn't on the map
feels so good

>> No.51241338
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>go to SF, get a juicy SV salary
>live like a hobo for 5 years and save everything
>get the fuck out of the US and find somewhere nice

>> No.51241392

That trash city will be a ghost town for businesses in the next 10 years. No one wants to have their HQ next to where junkies shoot up and shit on the street

>> No.51241418

Colorado reporting.
Don't come here.
We're full.

>> No.51241662

The only person trying to not sell me on an area…

I’ll meet you in Colorado fren…

>> No.51241863

Leaving the US when you work in software would be an absolutely idiotic decision. American tech salaries are 2x-3x anywhere else in the world.

>> No.51241894

College town. Florida tech.

>> No.51241907

Nah anon working poor =/= white trash. White trash are usually meth smoking gangbangers who live off gov gibs and generally just be a blight on their neighborhoods

>> No.51242965

Thanks anon. You have recommendations for where I should stay? Was going to rent for a year or two, kind of wanting a fuckpad. Is the Viera area nice? Or should I go for someplace else?
That's not a party school though is it? I saw it was like 80% male or something like that

>> No.51243238
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Just use http://www.justicemap.org/ and move somewhere that’s all White and has an average per capita income of at least 75k. When you go on vacation and need to rent a room or want to find some entertainment options, use the map with the same 2 criteria for the best times

>> No.51243868

No you won't. Stay out. Trust me. You don't want to live here. Try Wyoming. They have plenty of open land.