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51237680 No.51237680 [Reply] [Original]

Is 70% ETH and 20% BTC a good ratio to hold bros? Other 10% in alts

>> No.51237723

ETH is literally one of the worst L1 chains.
It's only #2 because basically no one has a clue about any technical aspects.

>> No.51237731

Fuck off with the fucking green frogs.

>> No.51237749
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lmao at the concerted effort to kill frogposting
>muh extremist symbol, we must make it uncool to post frogs

>> No.51237768

reddit-tier question
you're ngmi with such shitty high cap portfolio

>> No.51237784

>10x isn't enough to make it, you have to gamble on 100x shitcoins like me!!!
get a real job, pajeet

>> No.51237790

>holding crypto


>> No.51237803
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>Fuck off with the fucking green frogs.

>> No.51237838


>> No.51238289


>> No.51238490

why not hold both ETH and MATIC? since they're both contributing to the growth of each other, with polygon providing scaling solutions to make the ethereum network affordable and accessible to users and developers

>> No.51238547
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>> No.51238819

>>>r*ddit dot com

>> No.51238852
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anons that glownigger just told you he hates frogposting arent you worried he'll report us

>> No.51238897

At best, ETH will track with BTC.
However, it has the potential to dump if people lose confidence in it. You're better of going 90% BTC and 10% shitcoins if you're saving longterm.

If you're trying to get rich soon, I'd say 50% BTC and 50% shitcoins. But diversify in a ton of them. Don't put more than 5% in a single shitcoin.

>> No.51238906

>I'm too dumb and lazy to research the next 100x
>I prefer to keep deluding myself that large caps will 10x

>> No.51238941
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>> No.51238942

Neck yourself

>> No.51239078

80% Link 25% ETH 100% fuck you

>> No.51239105

40% ETH, 50% BTC, 10% alts.
I would pay close attention to the general sentiment towards ETH 2.0 as well, and adjust your stake in it vs your stake in BTC accordingly.

>> No.51240363

Bless you for this pic.

>> No.51240736


>> No.51240758

from here the 10% is probably your best bet to make money
maybe MAYBE bitcoin
definitely not eth

>> No.51240844

i have 50% eth 20% btc %20 nkn rest shitcoins like link, rlc mana, enj etc

>> No.51240857

Eth is dogshit and could dump another 80% if we continue into recession. BTC is the only coin that matters.

>> No.51241457

Its value depends on the dominance coin, BTC, which determines the faith of the market, maxi. I will DCA if it keeps dumping along with a few other alts; bnx, xpress, matic and others. long-term bet.

>> No.51241731
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>> No.51242112

A 40% ETH, 20% BTC and 30% Alts will do the job for me anon dunno about you but alts has given me good funds and DeFi participation with ETH be it lending, borrowing on Aave or Compound and subsequently liquidity mining on Uniswap which I stake in Sylo pool for over 60% APY has been worthwhile, including BlockFi Eth staking as well. More on the lookout for cosmosnation, NGM and CRO as well. WAGFMI fags ain't no two ways about that just keep calm,, DYOR and hodl for fuck sake.

>> No.51242122

These are the new normal in this space.

>> No.51242144

A selfie of frogs family kek.

>> No.51242569
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its sept 2 summerfag

>> No.51242776

>only 20% BTC
what people don't realize is that this is not a get rich quick scheme
we entered now the hunger games, who survive wins

>> No.51242781

Did this water get poisoned already?

>> No.51244509
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ETH will continue to melt faces as lots of projects are built on it. I like losing money and that's why I'm heavy on ETH and a whole bunch of altcoins like FTX, EOS, and startups like GSTAR which it's public sale will be available soon.

>> No.51244655

ETH is great. I have mine staked on Allianceblock DeFi terminal alongside ALBT yielding liquidity mining and staking.

>> No.51244669

ETH is too high against BTC, I wouldn't hold it at all until it goes down to 0.03

>> No.51245656


this is mine, 30/30 BTC/ETH, 15% Sylo, 15% Dot, 5% Shib and 5% DIA, coz i love putting my idle crypto to work.

>it's obvious you're Ethereum maximalist

>> No.51246195

total trash

>> No.51246209


>> No.51246227

whats the APY?

>> No.51246244

the irony of this is so funny to me its hilarious
need that bell curve iq meme you midwitted fuck

>> No.51247035

>Its value depends on the dominance coin, BTC
Expect reversal of coin hegemony after the merge

>> No.51248607

This is a bear market. Why are you holding anything?

>> No.51248653


frog posters are worthless retards