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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 599x429, eviction-notice-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51234907 No.51234907 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being a renter.
>The median rent in the US eclipsed $2,000 per month in June
>8.5 million people are behind on their rent
>Of those, 3.8 million renters are somewhat or very likely to be evicted within the next two months.
>Nearly half of all renters experienced rent hikes in the past 12 months
>To make ends meet, 57% of renters are turning to credit cards and loans, raiding savings, selling assets, and dipping into retirement funds

>> No.51234952
File: 186 KB, 1024x762, workers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe they start looking for real jobs and become active members of society instead of leeching gibs while doing shitty to no work and have the audacity to complain about the rent
>t. landlord

>> No.51234986

whny did someone wrongly put landlords in with jobs? is it a troll?

>> No.51235123

Its not easy being a landlord. Putting up with tenants excuses and bullshit, fixing all the damage done as tenants move out, collecting rent and evicting bad tenants is more work than you know. Its a lot easier to flip burgers for a living than it is to be a landlord.

>> No.51235734

As a civil engineer dont put me with you parasitic landlords, I've worked harder then you in 2 days then you have in 2 years I EARNED my paycheck maybe if you had you know REAL RESPECT.

>> No.51236017
File: 264 KB, 614x922, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see how important your "job" really is when the next ai wave come out

>> No.51236667

>be civil engineer
>get paid to sit on their ass, drink coffee and play around CAD program
Baristas work harder than you.

>> No.51236692

Do you think roman roads never needed repairs?

>> No.51236743

>show up shitfaced and hungover every monday
>unpaid bills, unfinished work
>never answer phone, have to pay a secretary just to run interference
>three month backlog of "on site" "work"
>pointlessly draw pictures for the day when a team of mexican subcontractors that don't speak english show up and do everything wrong anyway

>> No.51236745
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romans didnt have to worry about cars or ice

>> No.51236799

Good thing they had slave labor to keep the costs down.

>> No.51236839

you will never do a real days work in your life

>> No.51236907

Soon anon, soon.

>> No.51236969

For every good landlord there are 1000 bad ones.

>> No.51237138
File: 537 KB, 1732x1732, 265336847_1277884479396718_8030973807778362218_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51237344

I want to be a bad one. Attractive women get the blow job discount. Men get the boot. And if any man damages my property, I'll have some thugs track him down and beat the living shit out of him. That's how we keep everyone in their place. In a capitalist society, the name of the game is accumulating capital, idiot. It's right there in the name.

>> No.51237826

>have some thugs track him down and beat the living shit out of him
95% of the world problems can be solved this way.
>someone breaks into a car.
>The next day an angry man with a bat break their ribs
>doesn't touch another can in their life after 6 months of pain

>> No.51237874

Unironically we are headed to times of landowner kings and serfs.
Rightfully so.

>> No.51237903

wow it's so hard to hire a property manager

kys yourself.

>> No.51238019

ask me how do I know you are NOT a landlord and currently are FAR from making it

>> No.51238415

It won't happen, there would be a mass insurrection. Look at how they caved over student debt. Renters will be supported and white supremacist divisive pro-Trump homeowning bigots will pick up the tab.

>> No.51240687

>one of these is not like the others

>> No.51240849

>rent apt when every normie buying houses above sticker at ATH
>wait for them to get evicted
>sell portfolio before market crashes
>rent house when no home buyers so people are forced to rent cheap
>buy assets low after the real crash

now im rich. no 30 years of interest required

>> No.51240863


>> No.51240912

>this fantasy I have
It'll never happen that way. There will be no housing crash. You are priced out if you haven't bought yet. Demand and inflation will keep prices high indefinitely.

>> No.51240990

They didn't cave over student loans. They gave back just enough to buy some votes, keep everyone hooked, keep the program running, AND bring in more suckers thinking that their loans will be forgiven too. Pretty clever, really.

>> No.51241017

You've never fixed anything in your life

>> No.51241114

I thought he was speaking jaba the hut and I laughed my ass off until i realized it's a real language

>> No.51241166

Being a landlord is extremely hard work, and the margins are very small. Most people end up losing money. There is a very high suicide rate. It's definatly a Thankless job. What I'm trying to say is that landlords are saints, and you should really treat them better.

>> No.51241194

Good point. Most people don't understand how true this is.

>> No.51241221


im 40 i already did it. now i collect the rent. which i will be doing more of because none of my houses are selling even after price cuts. people who bought summer 21 are already down 30-40%. they are fucked if they lose their jobs. no refinancing at 7% mortgage rates

>> No.51241288
File: 71 KB, 851x1292, 1662165011584304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all Trump's fault and his followers for questioning election results!

>> No.51241289

Never seen a more accurate starter pack. It doesn’t surprise me so many of the retards here aspire to be a landlord owning a bunch of shitty duplexes lmao. Literally the dream of complete betas. Imagine your best career plan is buying shitty properties

>> No.51241312

>working in a restaurant isn't a job
This is clearly bait, but even then we both know that you don't know how to cook gringo.

>> No.51241331

I fucking love reading delusional house owners spewing line always goes up bullshit as if the housing market hasn’t completely evaporated multiple times in the last 50 years. Always morons that bought at ATH prices and are trying to cope with the impending boomer die off/population shrinkage we will see over the next decade. What are you overleveraged landlord retards going to do in 5 years when there’s more houses dropped onto the market every year as more and more boomers die off? What are you retards going to do when supply chains begin to come back to life fully and building materials aren’t expensive anymore? We’re not priced out, you’re priced out of ever doing anything else but owning that house. If you sell, houses prices will either be down and you take a loss or they stay high so your gains are effectively useless because they afford you no extra buying power. You chained yourself to a piece of property you don’t even actually own. You just rent from the bank.

>> No.51241346

> I will time every single market up and down perfectly

I remember when I bought my house 6 years ago people where talking about bubble. Now my house more than doubled and it’s not coming down to where it was before aside from apocalypse

>> No.51241354
File: 10 KB, 236x230, 1653321486575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, and I thought me paying €1,300 for a 65sqm apartment with nice view was alot

>> No.51241376

I was about to call you a retard and then I remember what happened to the euro, rip

>> No.51241382

Extreme cope. Prices are already correcting 10%-20%. Will increase as fed continues to hike.

>> No.51241491

>Kick Americans out
>so gov can give landlords gibs
>house mexicans
>Houses get ruined by Mexicans
>everyone loses

>> No.51241546

>appeal to age
>housing prices going down will never recover
>everyone is fucked but me
The absolute state of seething cope. Your angsty vindictive future fantasy is retarted. If you were half as old as you claim you are you wouldn't post such stupid shit.

>> No.51241559

yes. it is a troll.

>> No.51241563

its still retarded

>> No.51241575

you are underwater or soon to be

>> No.51241580

Lol. Your tears of delusion are impressive. You have a crystal informing you on the future? You're just another angry priced out loser that missed the boat. All those boomer houses will get bought up by others more ahead of the game. Enjoy renting boomer shacks. You'll never be able to afford one.

>> No.51241581


>> No.51241590

>price down 10-20% after rising 200%
You will own nothing and you will stay mad.

>> No.51241610
File: 141 KB, 828x1030, signal-2022-08-30-221425_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tick tock rentoids, rent is due and landchad needs a new boat :)

>> No.51241616

False. Your seething rage changes nothing. I'm sitting comfy on my real estate investments and doing just fine.
>Verification not required.

>> No.51241621

This meme needs military employees on the right hand side

>> No.51241627

keep posting stupid shit and coping
i will buy a house/condo next year when it's down 50% from here

>> No.51241628


man these 2% loans are awesome

>> No.51241639
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 1660862504976699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing rent piggie

>> No.51241647

the cope is real
im not even mad. just feel bad for you guys lol

>> No.51241685

Yep, the debt bubble is going to be ginormous

>> No.51241728

All indicators show that we are indeed bound for apocalypse, sooner rather than later

>> No.51241737

sell as soon as big REITs / landholding companies start selling. they wont be buying and holding like retards, just make sure to move quickly

>> No.51241741

it's adorable he thinks he'll never be underwater because he bought a mere 6 years ago, loool

>> No.51241821

You're seething so hard over being priced. You cope by shitposting impotent rage. Have you ever considered not being poor? Too late now I guess.

>> No.51241842

>All indicators show that we are indeed bound for apocalypse,
Name six at least six of the indicators you base your angsty fantasy on kiddo.

>> No.51241857

Nah. I'm good. Too bad you are stuck renting for life.

>> No.51241905

Oh no you have to deal with uncomfortable social situations. Crocodile tears you faggots.

>> No.51242242

the heaviest thing roman roads had to carry was a fucking horse.
try driving a semi on that 24/7 and see how long it lasts

>> No.51242927

Nigga, I only owe 300k and my house that is valued 1.6M. I make more than 300k a year so not a big deal bromo

>> No.51242984
File: 15 KB, 247x204, 64BE66DC-9330-4ABB-9515-39C072C4EE54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Landlords with actual workers.
>Services with “not real jobs”

I’m a ship worker. Landlords do nothing. Shipley’s gives me my breakfast when I have an hour for breakfast break. They’re part of the web.

“Get a real job”. You first

>> No.51243081

I'm not your assistant. DYOR faggot

>> No.51243142

I've rented all my life and likely will until I die, because of the insane inflation of the housing market in my country. As someone that's been renting for decades and has rotated through at least two dozen households, 99% of landlords do absolutely nothing. They don't even do the bare minimum; they'll run shit like a slumlord, cut costs, refuse to do basic maintenance and do shady shit like swapping out fucked fuses for something that'll never trip and instead just kill everyone in the house so they can claim insurance.

In all those houses, the only landlord worth a damn is the one owning the house I'm in currently; a 93 year old italian man that's shrivelled to four foot and he insists on coming over to patch up the house on a weekly basis even though his body is literally falling apart. He even pays me to help him do maintenance around the house. The average landlord is a greedy cunt who coasts by on an initial investment, allows the house to decay into completely unmarketable bullshit and then tries to fuck over the last tenant.

It's only going to get worse and worse over the next 2-3 decades, because all the houses put up since the early 90s have been made with theoretically better standards, but with objectively garbage materials that have a lifespan of a dog.

Landlords don't even fucking do repairs or field tenant concerns anymore; they outsource to rental agencies who operate like a mafia protection racket where they blackball tenants that don't suck cock for a living. It's been a refreshing experience telling the real estate to go fuck themselves because me and the actual owner spent a day sanding and repainting the exterior stairs, rather than paying some cunts 3 grand to do it.

Fuck landlords, fuck rental agencies, fuck the culture of not being able to treat a rental property as a proper home you can feel invested in.

>> No.51243153

Also forgot to mention that 70% of landlords in my country are fucking Chinese expats/foreign investors, which goes a long way to explain why landlords on average are such unlikeable cunts that they would rather see a family of five die in their sleep than install up to code fire alarms.

>> No.51243200

Rough? Canada?

>> No.51243214

Cooks are, servers aren’t.

>> No.51243230

Worse. Australia. Fuck this place. Don't come here. The property bubble is perpetually in a state of quantum wave form collapse and when it goes it's probably going to take the whole nation with it, followed by the Chinese buying us out. Or multinational mining companies.

>> No.51243510

Shouldn't have given up your guns.

>> No.51243550

wow this image spoke to my soul

>> No.51243664

Fun fact; Australia post-WWII was a nation of a more heavily armed and organised militia than the United States. We were mass disarmed after our populace mobilised against a supposed communist uprising and it scared the absolute fuck out of our politicians of the day; 6,000 men rocked up and formed a perimeter around a town that was featuring a 'communism information day', of which they got like, three people attending to figure out what communism even means.

Not only that, but owing to the shared bonds of serving in the war, our male populace was tightly knit together such that every man knew every other man in a massive radius around them and they all readily jumped to help each other out any time shit was fucked, or at the opportunity to go fuck off inna bush to hunt kangaroos and boars and get drunk while doing so.

John Howard just finished off the bloody work of neutering our nation under the auspices of 'muh port arthur also pay no attention to a mentally ill fuckwit with a single rifle killing shitloads of people and having military-tier training'. Disarmament had been brewing since the mid-late 40s, well before my time. Our forefathers gave up their firearms and then watched as their social fabric got torn to shreds and replaced with rampant immigration and atomisation of communities. Now nobody gives a fuck about anyone, not even their neighbour. 9/10 houses I've lived in, in the past, I never even spoke to any of my neighbours let alone knew them well and that's the standard for literally everyone now.

Divide and conquer the populace, keep them stupid and afraid of non-issues so you can fuck them over. Standard. It's happening in the States, just under a different front.

Also, the States instigated a coup to keep our Labor party out of power in 1975; funny that the nation that loves personal freedoms and the right to bear arms went out of their way to fuck over our developing nation and stop us copying their model.

>> No.51243685

Shouldn't have given up your guns.

>> No.51243708

What difference would it make? We'd still be a nation divided with rampant immigration with zero cultural attachment values. We'd be just as fucked as the States are currently with the constant simmering racial tensions enabled by Jerome and Jamal being able to get a HiPoint for an 8ball. My nation is populated by fucking idiots that can't be trusted with glass cups for drinking beer, or to throw a punch without killing a 16 year old. Yeah, I'd get to go plinking and hunting inna scrub, but I'd also get shot by some cunt for taking a turn too slow in traffic. I wouldn't trust the average Australian with a slingshot, let alone an actual fucking firearm.

>> No.51243785

>makes claim and gets called out
>"Y-You prove I'm right."
The burden of proof is on you for making the claim. Back it up with facts or stfu.

>> No.51245702

lmao everyone fell for the landlord bait

>> No.51245927

+1 proper rant. Have a good day anon, hope you will someday still achieve your own home and a happy life.

>> No.51246766

That would imply I give a shit what you believe, I don't. Use the information or not, I don't care.

>> No.51246819

If they all get evicted, who's going to rent the apartment then?

>> No.51246838

At first I was wondering why the hand is black, especially after I tried to read the text with a texan accent, but nothing made sense. Only when I scrolled further down and saw "INDIA" I realized this whole text is hindi